Approved June 2002
ARTICLE I – NAME.......................................................................................................... 3
ARTICLE II - GENERAL PRINCIPLES........................................................................... 3
ARTILCE III – SCHOOL MEMBERSHIP ........................................................................ 3
ARTICLE IV – INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP ................................................................ 4
ARTICLE V – OFFICERS AND DUTIES ........................................................................ 4
ARTICLE VI - COACHES ................................................................................................ 5
ARTICLE VII – CONVENORS ......................................................................................... 5
ARTICLE VIII – ELIGIBILITY OF PLAYERS ............................................................... 6
ARTICLE IX – MEETINGS .............................................................................................. 7
ARTICLE XI – DISPUTES OR PROTESTS..................................................................... 8
ARTICLE XII – UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT ...................................................... 9
ARTICLE XIII – FINANCES .......................................................................................... 10
ARTICLE XIV – AWARDS ............................................................................................ 10
ARTICLE XV – SPONSORED ACTIVITIES................................................................. 10
ARTICLE XVI – ADMISSION OF NEW SPORTS ....................................................... 11
District 10 is a local division of secondary schools designated by CWOSSA for the
purpose of advancing to CWOSSA and OFSAA Championships.
Section 1.
District 10 offers organized school sport as a medium by which we, as
educators aim to develop students’ physical, social and emotional wellbeing.
Section 2.
District 10 believes that enrichment opportunities, character development,
school spirit, a positive school environment and enhanced teacher-student
relationships are all desirable outcomes of school sport.
Section 3.
District 10 regards interschool sport as an extension of the curricular
program of each school. As such, it must have a component of teaching,
not just participation and is best offered by a knowledgeable teacher from
that school.
Section 4.
District 10 will attempt to provide a comprehensive balanced program of
interschool sports activity with no undue emphasis on any one activity,
sex, group or school
Section 5.
District 10 encourages co-operation among its member schools to ensure
fair access to equitable competition therefore promoting viable leagues
and championships and guaranteeing access to CWOSSA and OFSAA
Section 6.
District 10 regards participation in interschool sport, by an individual or a
school, as a privilege, not a right, granted only with compliance to all By
Laws and Regulations governing its organization.
Section 7.
District 10 regards fairness of competition as a primary mandate and will
always attempt to resolve conflict upon the principle of the most good for
the most schools.
Section 8.
District 10 is committed to the principles of equity and will attempt to
develop strategies for long term commitment to equal opportunity in our
sports programs and not just short-term actions.
Section 1.
Membership is determined by the CWOSSA Board of Directors.
Section 2.
Member schools are classified for participation (A, AA, AAA, AAAA) by
the CWOSSA Board of Directors with consideration for OFSAA
regulations and local factors.
Section 3.
Schools wishing membership must declare their intent to the President of
District 10 and apply in writing to the Executive Director of CWOSSA.
Section 4.
Non-member schools may be considered for participation in specific
District 10 championships. Written application must be made to the
President of District 10. Acceptance requires approval of the District 10
Board of Directors and is contingent upon CWOSSA approval.
Section 5.
Each member school must participate to its fullest potential in all athletic
programs endorsed by District 10. Withdrawal from leagues or
competitions may result in loss of viability (less than 4 participating
schools (Sept. 99) and direct access to CWOSSA championships.
Section 6.
Each member school must comply with all the By-laws and Regulations of
the Constitution and with all pertinent decisions of the Board of Directors
of District 10.
Section 7.
Each member school must submit payment of pertinent fees at the
beginning of the school year, date to be determined by the current
Section 8.
Liability for non-compliance. Neglect or refusal by the Principal or the
designated authority of a member school to so comply constitutes a breach
of the membership agreement. This renders the school liable to
cancellation of its membership.
Section 1.
General voting membership is restricted to Physical Education staff and
coaches of schools participating in the District.
The Board of Directors shall consist of:
1. The Head of Physical Education and/or their designate for each member
2. A President selected for a two-year term based on a school-by-school
rotation. (June 95)
3. A Principals Representative selected for a two year term at the discretion
of the Principals of the District (renewable)
4. A Treasurer selected from the general membership for a two-year term.
5. A male and female CWOSSA Director elected by the general membership
for a five-year term. (Renewable)
The Board of Directors is responsible to the general membership. They
shall have final decisions over finances, policies and all other matters
pertaining to the management of the District. They will carefully consider
all recommendations and resolutions approved at the general meetings or
submitted by the Athletic Programmer or the Principal’s Representative.
The President and the Athletic Programmer shall be authorized to act on behalf of the
Board of Directors and are responsible to the Board for their decisions.
The coach should preferably be a member of the teaching staff of the school concerned.
The Principal may designate a non-teacher person to coach without direct supervision
provided they have been approved by Board of Education policy as a adult volunteer
(October 87).
When using community volunteers as coaches, the Physical Education
Department Head and the Principal should familiarize them with school
policies and philosophies regarding participation and school sport and
must consider the OFSAA Criteria for Non-teacher Coaches and a police
background check.
A non-teacher coach must be accompanied and directly monitored by a current member
of the Ontario College of Teachers at all District 10, CWOSSA and OFSAA events.
(April 98) Individuals and teams not accompanied by such a registered teacher are
considered to have defaulted the competition and must no be allowed to participate in any
High School events. (April 98)
Athletes must be accompanied by a coach or designated adult of the same sex if
overnight accommodation is required.
Section 1.
Financial remuneration is not appropriate for coaches in District 10
(October 87)
The convenorship of a District 10 sport may only be held by registered teachers signally
o in committee, or by the Athletic Programmer hired by the local Boards of Education
and responsible to the District 10 Board of Directors.
Section 1.
Convenors are responsible to the participating schools and to the Board of
Directors for scheduling, referees, media coverage, finances, resolving
disputes and protests, declaring champions and all-stars and presenting
championship plaques and certificates. They are also responsible for pre
and post season meetings in their sport and presenting motions to the
general meeting regarding changes to their sport.
Section 2.
Convenors must submit all schedules and tournament dates to the District
10 President for the approval of the Board of Directors prior to play. Any
changes to an approved sport schedule must be sanction by the President
of District 10.
Section 3.
Convenors may not set a new league, admit a new team, add a new
division within a league or change the structure of a tournament or league
without approval by the Board of Directors.
Section 4.
Convenors should have rules, regulations and operating information for
their sport clearly outlined. Current rules and regulations, including a
sports specific application of the A.D.S., should be sent to the President of
District 10 and the Athletic Programmer for common reference (June 94).
Section 5.
Convenors charging entry fees for District 10 championships must provide
a written financial statement to the President. (March 93) See CWOSSA
Directory for sample form.
Section 6.
Convenors will ensure that there is a safe environment and that the
OFSAA Spectator Code of Conduct is enforced for all District 10 league
and championship events.
Monitoring spectator behaviour for league games is the responsibility of
the home school (November 95). Such supervision must extend before,
during and after the contest and in some cases cannot adequately be done
by the coaches involved. Additional supervisors may be required.
Any incident of inappropriate spectator behaviour must be reported
immediately to the Convenor who will then inform the District 10
President and the Principal and Physical Education Department Head of
the offending school.
To be eligible for competition at the District level, a student must meet all regulations
established by CWOSSA and OFSAA.
Section 1.
To be eligible for competition at the District level a student must also be
participating and contributing in a positive manner in all their required
courses. They must meet all in-school regulations regarding academic
standing, attendance and behaviour and be declared eligible by their
Principal. (November 92)
Section 2.
An official District 10 eligibility list must be sent to the District 10
President for ratification prior to completion for all District 10 sports. It
will include names, birth dates and date of entry into Grade 9 for all
players as well as acknowledgement of any transfer students and be signed
by coaches and a principal or Vice Principal.
Section 3.
Deadlines dates for receiving eligibility lists
1. Team Sports – prior to the first league game
2. Single day events – according to the Convenors’ recommendation.
No student will be allowed to compete on a team for which he has not been declared
eligible by league deadlines unless she/he qualified according to the OWSSA
constitution. (Re late entry to school or withdrawn student)
Section 4.
Athletes declared ineligible as a result of the Transfer Rule may begin
their appeal procedure by requesting a hearing of the Transfer Appeal
Committee. This may be done by applying in writing to the District 10
President. Dates for CWOSSA and OFSAA appeals are established
annually for each season. If an appeal is to advance through this route the
stated deadlines must be met.
General meetings should be called twice annually, between the fall and winter sport
seasons (November) and between the winter and spring sport seasons (April).
Section 1.
A Board of Directors meeting should follow each general meeting. A
Board of Directors meeting should be held after the CWOSSA Annual
meeting in late June or early September, specifically for the purpose of
finalizing schedules.
Section 2.
Other meetings may be called at the discretion of the District 10 President,
for specific activities by a sports convenor.
Section 3.
A quorum at the Board of Directors meeting shall consist of a majority
Section 1.
All motions to be discussed and voted upon at a general meeting must be
in to the President of District 10 at least two weeks prior to the meeting.
All motions and meeting agenda must be out to the member schools at least one week
prior to the meeting.
Only under exceptional circumstances may further motions be added to the agenda at the
discretion of the President of District 10.
Section 2.
All ratified motions must be presented for approval by the Board of
Directors at the conclusion of each general meeting.
Section 3.
There must be a two-thirds majority at a general membership meeting to
present changes or amendments to the constitution.
Violations of eligibility or official rules and regulations for District 10 play may be
Section 1.
Protests should be made to the convenor of the sport involved within 24
hours who will then attempt a resolution within that sports body. (April
Section 2.
If satisfactory settlement is not possible, a written protest must be made to
the President of District 10.
Section 3.
Copies of such protest must be forwarded to the other school involved in
the dispute and to the referee or other officials in charge of the contest
under protest.
Section 4.
Games played under unusual circumstances may be protested if the
attention of officials is drawn to the condition prior to the game and a
statement of unusual circumstances is signed by the officials on the
activity report form.
Section 5.
Concerns over individual referees decisions or conduct should be
forwarded to the convenor of officials for that sport and the District 10
President. Game outcomes will not be revised in these cases.
Section 6.
Where small irregularities occur, especially with new coaching staff, the
protesting member should consider the coach’s position and attempt to
resolve the issue personally prior to protesting.
District 10 strongly supports in letter and spirit the OFSAA Code of Conduct for players,
coaches and spectators.
Section 1.
1. Objectionable conduct by a player must be dealt with according to the
Athletic Disciplinary System (June 90)
2. Specific rules and policies relating to penalties are in place for each sport.
3. An ADC hearing must be held in each case with results forwarded to the
appropriate convenor and the President of District 10.
4. A sport convenor may request the District 10 President and the Ethics
Committee to review the penalty administered by a school.
5. Additional penalties may be imposed by the president of District 10 and
the ethics Committee.
Coaches, Convenors and School Officials
1. Objectionable conduct by a coach, convenor or school official may be
refereed to the Ethics committee. (February 92)
2. The convenor of the sport involve must make every attempt to resolve
disputes prior to convening the committee.
3. A request to convene the Ethics Committee must be made in writing to the
President of District 10 with copies to all concerned parties. (February 92)
4. The President of District 10 will call a meeting of the Ethics Committee,
composed of 1 Head of Athletics from each member school and 1
representative from the Principal Association, to resolve the problem.
5. Inappropriate spectator behaviour at a league game must be reported
immediately to the convenor by the home school.
6. The Convenor will inform the District 10 President and the Principal and
Physical Education Department Head of the offending school.
7. Students identified as spectators involved in inappropriate behaviour will
be dealt with by their Principal according to school policies.
8. Offending spectators who are not students may be referred to public
9. Teams and schools connected with inappropriate spectator behaviour may
be sanctioned by the District 10 Board of Directors under Article III
Section 8 – Liability for non-compliance.
Finances are the responsibility of the District 10 Treasurer who is directly accountable to
the membership.
Section 1.
The Treasurer will prepare a written report annually to be presented at the
Fall General meeting.
Section 2.
Specific outlays of funds will be granted only at the wish of the
membership. In general expenditures should enhance the image and
quality of competition within the District.
Section 3.
District fees for the following school year will be established by the Board
of Directors at each June meeting. (Presently 5 cents per student as of
September enrolment for member schools or $5.00 per sport participated
in for non-member schools).
Plaques will be presented for4 each District 10 Team Championship.
Section 1.
Bars for the plaques are the responsibility of the winning schools
(Champion’s Choice 824-8331).
Section 2.
All athletes winning District 10 Championships team or individual may be
presented certificates or other small acknowledgments.
Section 3.
All star acknowledgements and league MVP awards may be presented.
Section 4.
Ribbons may also be presented for placing in District Championship meets
such as Track and Field, Swimming, Cross Country, Wrestling etc.
Sponsored activities are those activities designated as “sanctioned” District 10 leagues or
championships or “probationary” activities.
Section 1.
Sponsored activities must be included in the annual schedule with specific
play dates and a convenor.
Section 2.
Sanctioned District 10 leagues or championships have a minimum of 4
schools participating, follow all District 10 eligibility rules and playing
regulations, may award a District 10 plaque and are used to determine
District 10 representation to a higher level of competition.
Failure to maintain a 4-school entry will return an event to “probationary”
status for 2 years (Sept 99) (Disruption due to political climate may be
considered an exception.)
Probationary District 10 leagues or championships follow all District 10 eligibility rules,
declare reasonable and equitable playing regulations, may not award a District 10 plaque
but may be used to determine District 10 representation to a higher level of competition.
Activities which are not sponsored must apply to District 10 for approval (April 92)
Section 1.
Applications for approval must consider rationale, availability of facilities,
potential expenses, playing rules and regulations and availability of
Section 2.
A proposal must be made at the Spring General Meeting for consideration
of the following year.
Section 3.
If approval is received the activity will operate as a “probationary sport”
for a maximum of two consecutive years.
Section 4.
Each year of the probationary period a convenor’s report must be
presented at a general meeting to assess the viability of continuing.
Section 5.
After the probationary period the sport may be sanctioned.