recess meeting august 1, 2006

AUGUST 1, 2006
BE IT REMEMBERED that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Pass
Christian, Mississippi, met on the above date at 948 East Second Street, Pass Christian,
Mississippi, at 6:00 P.M.
Present: Mayor Pro Tem Leo “Chipper” McDermott, Aldermen: Louis
Rizzardi, Joseph Piernas, Anthony Hall and Huey Bang, City Attorney/Chief
Administrative Assistant Malcolm Jones, Police Chief John Dubuisson, Comptroller
Cynthia Burkett and Deputy City Clerk Donna Burgess.
Absent: Vikki Goff, City Clerk.
There being a quorum present to transact business of the City of Pass Christian; the
following proceedings were had and done:
On motion of Alderman Bang, seconded by Alderman Rizzardi, carried unanimously,
emergency was redeclared.
At this point in the meeting Scott Nogle gave an update on the Pass Christian
Recovery One Year Later Celebration to be held in the park August 2, 2006
At this point in the meeting an update was given by the Army Corps of Engineers
on debris removal.
At this point in the meeting the Army Corps of Engineers gave a damage
assessment report.
Bruce Anthony, WPSCO, spoke about sewer service, water service, water and
sewer taps, billing and collections – meter reading
On motion of Alderman Piernas, seconded by Alderman Bang, carried
unanimously, request to purchase table and chairs at Sam’s Club for use in the billing
office, total cost $383.64 was approved. – Exhibit W-2.
On motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Piernas, carried
unanimously, the recommendation from John Campton, City Engineer, to pay final
settlement with Gulf Coast HydroVac, in the amount of $9,381.05, for televise sanitary
sewer segments was approved. Exhibit CE-1.
AUGUST 1, 2006
On motion of Alderman Bang, seconded by Alderman Rizzardi, carried
unanimously, recommendation from John Campton, City Engineer, to pay Gulf Coast
HydroVac, regarding cleaning sewers along Highway 90, pay Application Number 1, in
the amount of $39,174.00, Pay Application Number 2, in the amount of $6,390.00 was
approved. Exhibit CE-2
On motion of Alderman Piernas, seconded by Alderman Hall, carried
unanimously, recommendation from Chief Dubuisson to hire Wanda Martin, at a salary
of $13.00 per hour, to fill one of the three vacancies that currently exist in dispatch.
Exhibit PD1, was approved.
On motion of Alderman Piernas, seconded by Alderman Bang, carried
unanimously, transfer of one 2003 Chevy truck (donated to city) to the Harbor
Department was approved.
On motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Rizzardi, carried
unanimously, washers and dryers, previously used in the “Village” are to be given to the
“Gray Hut” for Distribution to Pass Christian citizens
On motion of Alderman Piernas, seconded by Alderman Bang, carried
unanimously, request from Gulf Regional Planning Commission for 2007 funding, in the
amount of $3,000.00, to perform the transportation planning tasks required by the Federal
Highway Administration was discussed. Exhibit A2.
On motion of Alderman Piernas, seconded by Alderman Bang, carried
unanimously, request from Gulf Regional Planning Commission for 2007 funding, in the
amount of $3,000.00, to perform the transportation planning tasks required by the Federal
Highway Administration was tabled. Exhibit A2.
On motion of Alderman Piernas, seconded by Alderman Rizzardi, carried
unanimously, payment to Hancock Bank, in the amount of $2,828.09, net amount due to
payoff sewer cleaning machine, was approved. Exhibit A3
On motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Rizzardi, carried
unanimously, request from Johnny Weston to open Pelican Avenue, formerly Jones
Road, at his own expense, to allow construction of his home at 560 Pelican Avenue was
approved. Exhibit A4.
AUGUST 1, 2006
On motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Rizzardi, carried
unanimously, Mayor Pro Tem Leo “Chipper” McDermott was authorized to execute
Community Disaster Loan application for FY 06/07 and to accept loan proceeds for
same. Exhibit A5.
On motion of Alderman Rizzardi, seconded by Alderman Bang, carried
unanimously, City’s portion of Harrison County Library FY 06/07 Funding was
discussed. Exhibit A6.
On motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Piernas, carried
unanimously, the agenda was amended to include Consider payment of $2000 per month
to the Harrison County Library for the city’s portion of the FY 06/07 budget.
On motion of Alderman Rizzardi, seconded by Alderman Piernas, carried
unanimously, Minutes of the Board of Alderman of June 20, 2006 were approved.
On motion of Alderman Rizzardi, seconded by Alderman Piernas, carried
unanimously, Minutes of the Board of Alderman of June 27, 2006 were approved.
On motion of Alderman Rizzardi, seconded by Alderman Piernas, Minutes of the
Board of Alderman of July 3, 2006, were approved.
Voting Yea:
Aldermen: Rizzardi, Piernas and Bang
Voting Nay:
Aldermen: Hall
Motion carried.
On motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Rizzardi, listing of vehicle
inventory by department and vehicles that need decals per State Auditor’s compliance
was discussed.
On motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Bang, discussion was held
regarding budget workshop for fiscal year 2006-2007.
AUGUST 1, 2006
On motion of Alderman Rizzardi, seconded by Alderman Piernas, carried
unanimously, an update was given, by Malcolm Jones, regarding election.
On motion of Alderman Piernas, seconded by Alderman Bang, carried
unanimously, obtaining air conditioning or large fans to cool the voting precinct in
the school building located on Pirate Alley, was added to the agenda.
On motion of Alderman Rizzardi, second by Alderman Piernas, carried
unanimously, rental of equipment necessary to cool the voting precinct in the school
building located on Pirate Alley, was approved, cost not to exceed $1,000.00.
On motion of Alderman Piernas, seconded by Alderman Rizzardi, carried
unanimously, Item under Administration, House Bill Updates was moved to the end
of the agenda.
On motion of Alderman Bang, seconded by Alderman Rizzardi, carried
unanimously, cell phone for Mariah Furze for conducting City business was
On motion of Alderman Piernas, seconded by Alderman Hall, carried
unanimously, cell phone for Mariah Furze for conducting City business was tabled
and Malcolm Jones, Chief Administrative Assistant, to obtain an opinion from the
Attorney General’s Office regarding said phone.
On motion of Alderman Piernas, seconded by Alderman Rizzardi, carried
unanimously, discussion was held regarding workshop meeting with Planning
Commission to discuss Smart Code.
On motion of Alderman Piernas, seconded by Alderman Rizzardi, carried
unanimously, a four-month lease with Kenny Jenkins for a tractor with a side arm
cutter for $2870 per month was approved.
On motion of Alderman Rizzardi, seconded by Alderman Bang, carried
unanimously, City of Pass Christian was designated an official sponsor of Volunteers
of America Modular Systems Building Association with regarding to 20 homes being
build in Pass Christian at no cost or obligation to the City.
AUGUST 1, 2006
At this point in the meeting Marian Furze, Volunteer Coordinator, gave an update
regarding Volunteer services and progress.
On motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Bang, carried unanimously,
Alderman Piernas discussed House Bill 561 water testing fee increase, House Bill
1274 purchase BID procedures, House Bill 1323 lot size ordinance waiver, House
Bill 2021 volunteer firefighters (legal contract), House Bill 2236 police officer use of
uniform and weapon, House Bill 2917 holiday pay public safety, Senate Bill 2832
Executive vs. Legislative authority Mayor and Board
On motion of Alderman Piernas, seconded by Alderman Rizzardi, item 12 under
Administration, Consider Executive Session regarding possible litigation was moved to
the end of the agenda after Public Comment.
At this point in the meeting public comment was made regarding various topics,
including a car show to be held in September, demolition of city buildings, and recovery
from Hurricane Katrina.
On motion of Alderman Piernas, seconded by Alderman Bang, the Board went
into Executive Session regarding possible litigation.
On motion of Alderman Rizzardi, seconded by Alderman Piernas, the Board came
out of Executive Session. No action was taken.
On motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Piernas, the Meeting was
recessed until August 9, 2006.