character sketches: static and dynamic characters - English 6-8

NAME ________________________________________
In this project, you will write a four paragraph essay about two characters from “Flowers for
Algernon,” one dynamic and one static. Each paragraph will have the following specific
Paragraph One: Write a short introduction to the piece by defining dynamic and
static characters in literature.
Paragraph Two: Discuss your dynamic character.
o Identify him or her as dynamic and describe the change.
o Briefly tell his or her role in the story (one or two sentences).
o Provide some framework for the quoted text reference early in the story to
prove the first character trait. Insert the quote, copied exactly from the text.
Explain how the quote proves the trait you’ve referenced.
o Provide some framework for the quoted text reference later in the story to
prove the opposing character trait. Insert the quote, copied exactly from the
text. Explain how the quote proves the trait you’ve referenced.
o Conclude your discussion of a dynamic character.
Paragraph Three: Discuss your static character.
o Identify him or her as static and provide a trait that stays the same throughout
the story.
o Briefly tell his or her role in the story (one or two sentences).
o Provide some framework for the quoted text reference early in the story to
prove that the chosen character trait applies. Insert the quote, copied exactly
from the text. Explain how the quote proves the trait you’ve referenced.
o Provide some framework for the quoted text reference later in the story to
prove that the same trait applies. Insert the quote, copied exactly from the
text. Explain how the quote proves the trait you’ve referenced.
o Conclude your discussion of a static character.
Paragraph Four: Conclude the entire discussion in an interesting way.
All of your four text references in this essay must be direct quotes—no paraphrases.
Other stylistic points:
 Write in third person (no “I” or “my”).
 Write in the present tense (“Charlie says,” not “Charlie said.”)
Give your essay an appropriate title. One possibility would be “Character Analysis of _____
and ______.” You could also write your own original title.
Format: Typed, double-spaced, 12 point font. Assembly order: final copy with no name,
project sheet, scoring side up, then other support documents. Be sure to keep yourself
anonymous until after the project sheet.
Organizer due
Rough draft due:
Final copy due:
Opening Paragraph (Definition of dynamic and static)
Dynamic Paragraph
Introduce dynamic character, telling who he/she is
Opposing traits that apply to your character, showing change
Appropriate quote choice proving first trait, smoothly inserted
Discussion of text reference
Appropriate quote choice proving second trait, smoothly inserted
Discussion of text reference
Static Paragraph
Introduce static character, telling who he/she is
Trait that applies throughout the story
Appropriate quote choice proving character’s trait, smoothly inserted
Discussion of text reference
Appropriate quote choice proving the trait still applies later
Discussion of text reference
Concluding paragraph: Interesting wrap up
Style: quotes properly punctuated, third person, present tense
Sentence fluency
Word choice
Original title
Support docs (rough draft, peer edit sheet, organizer, scoring sheet)
Format (typed, double space, name in right space)
Name ________________________
In considering this assignment, fill in the RAFTS chart before accomplishing this organizer.
A dynamic character in “Flowers for Algernon” is _____________________________.
Ways he or she changes:
A trait from the
Quoted text support of this trait
A trait from later
on in the story…
Quoted text support of this trait
A static character in “Flowers for Algernon” is _______________________________.
Proof that he/she stays the same all the way through the story:
A trait from the
Quoted text support of this trait
The same trait
applies later on…
Quoted text support of this trait
Using Direct Quotes Effectively
When using quoted material to make a point in an essay, the quotes should be carefully chosen,
smoothly inserted, and fully explained. They should further the point of the paragraph in which they
appear. Here’s a structural formula that works well for each quoted support point.
1. Narrative framework: The purpose of this sentence or partial sentence is to orient the reader
concerning the quote and to aid in fluency of the essay. You may always assume an informed
reader will be reading your essay, or in other words someone who knows the story well.
Therefore, you can keep the narrative framework short and to-the-point.
2. Quote: Choose a part of the text of no more than two sentences in length to make your point.
Copy it exactly as in the story and punctuate it properly with quotation marks.
3. Comment: This is your analysis of why this quote helps prove your point from the topic
sentence. Don’t leave your quotes unexplained so the reader has to make his own inferences—
spell it out!
You will need to repeat the above formula for each support point you’ll be using.
Instructions for analyzing the sample paragraph.
You will need 5 colors of highlighters, markers or colored pencils.
1. Underline the topic sentence in your first color. Label it as “TOPIC” in the margin.
2. Underline any background or intro facts in your second color.
3. Underline direct quotes in your third color. Put a “Q” in the margin beside each one.
4. Underline the narrative framework (the introduction to each quote) in your fourth color. Write “NF” beside
each in the margin.
5. Underline the comments explaining each quote in your fifth color. Write “COM” beside each in the margin.
6. Underline the concluding sentence in the same color you used for the topic sentence. Label it in the margin
as “CONC.”
In the short story “The Interlopers,” Ulrich Von Gradwitz is clearly a dynamic character
because he goes from intense hatred of his neighbor, Georg Znaeym, to warm and friendly feelings
towards him. Ulrich is the head of his clan and the legal owner of the property that is the source of a
long-time feud between the Von Gradwitz and Znaeyn families. Early in the story before the storm
winds brought down the tree that trapped them, the two enemies came accidentally face to face and
“each had hate in his heart and murder uppermost in his mind.” This line from the text spells out
clearly what Ulrich’s feelings are before the fateful accident—he hates Georg enough to want to kill
him. Some time later, after lying injured and helpless in the cold beside Georg, Ulrich says to him,
“Neighbour, if you will help me to bury the old quarrel I—I will ask you to be my friend.” It is evident
Ulrich has had a profound change of heart about an aspect of himself that is central to who he is,
since he is now willing to be friends with his arch-enemy. This change proves Ulrich Von Gradwitz to
be a dynamic character.
Using Direct Quotes Effectively
When using quoted material to make a point in an essay, the quotes should be carefully chosen,
smoothly inserted, and fully explained. They should further the point of the paragraph in which they
appear. Here’s a structural formula that works well for each quoted support point.
4. Narrative framework: The purpose of this sentence or partial sentence is to orient the reader
concerning the quote and to aid in fluency of the essay. You may always assume an informed
reader will be reading your essay, or in other words someone who knows the story well.
Therefore, you can keep the narrative framework short and to-the-point.
5. Quote: Choose a part of the text of no more than two sentences in length to make your point.
Copy it exactly as in the story and punctuate it properly with quotation marks.
6. Comment: This is your analysis of why this quote helps prove your point from the topic
sentence. Don’t leave your quotes unexplained so the reader has to make his own inferences—
spell it out!
You will need to repeat the above formula for each support point you’ll be using.
Instructions for analyzing the sample paragraph.
You will need 5 colors of highlighters, markers or colored pencils.
1. Underline the topic sentence in your first color. Label it as “TOPIC” in the margin.
2. Underline any background or intro facts in your second color.
3. Underline direct quotes in your third color. Put a “Q” in the margin beside each one.
4. Underline the narrative framework (the introduction to each quote) in your fourth color. Write “NF” beside
each in the margin.
5. Underline the comments explaining each quote in your fifth color. Write “COM” beside each in the margin.
6. Underline the concluding sentence in the same color you used for the topic sentence. Label it in the margin
as “CONC.”
In the short story “The Interlopers,” Ulrich Von Gradwitz is clearly a dynamic character
because he goes from intense hatred of his neighbor, Georg Znaeym, to warm and friendly feelings
towards him. Ulrich is the head of his clan and the legal owner of the property that is the source of a
long-time feud between the Von Gradwitz and Znaeyn families. Early in the story before the storm
winds brought down the tree that trapped them, the two enemies came accidentally face to face and
him. Some time later, after lying injured and helpless in the cold beside Georg, Ulrich says to him,
“each had hate in his heart and murder uppermost in his mind.” This line from the text spells out
clearly what Ulrich’s feelings are before the fateful accident—he hates Georg enough to want to kill
“Neighbour, if you will help me to bury the old quarrel I—I will ask you to be my friend.” It is evident
Ulrich has had a profound change of heart about an aspect of himself that is central to who he is,
since he is now willing to be friends with his arch-enemy. This change proves Ulrich Von Gradwitz to
be a dynamic character.
Explain what is wrong with each support point below (NF, Q, COM):
Georg is dynamic. “We fight this quarrel to
the death.” These words show Georg hates
Georg Znaeym is dynamic. Their
grandfathers had gone to court over the
disputed land, and the court had awarded
the Von Gradwitz family possession. Since
then, they had fought bitterly over the rights
to the land. Each man would send his men
to hunt on the disputed land. “A long series
of …scandals had embittered the
relationships between the families.” It’s
clear that the two men are enemies in the
beginning of the story.
Georg Znaeym is dynamic. In the
beginning of the story, Georg is “the
inheritor of the quarrel.” This proves that
he hates Ulrich.
Georg Znaeym is dynamic. The exposition
to the story reveals that “as boys they had
thirsted for one another’s blood, as men
each had prayed that misfortune might fall
on the other.”
Georg is dynamic. In the beginning of the
story he hates Ulrich Von Gradwitz. In fact
the two enemies “each prayed that
misfortune might fall on each other.” His
feelings towards his neighbor are decidedly
unfriendly. Towards the end of the story,
“Georg was silent for so long that Ulrich
thought he had fainted.” He’s a dynamic
character because he went from hateful to
Explain what is wrong with each support point below (NF, Q, COM):
Georg is dynamic. “We fight this quarrel to
the death.” These words show Georg hates
The quote is dropped in with no
introduction (narrative framework).
Georg Znaeym is dynamic. Their
grandfathers had gone to court over the
disputed land, and the court had awarded
the Von Gradwitz family possession. Since
then, they had fought bitterly over the rights
to the land. Each man would send his men
to hunt on the disputed land. “A long series
of …scandals had embittered the
relationships between the families.” It’s
clear that the two men are enemies in the
beginning of the story.
Georg Znaeym is dynamic. In the
beginning of the story, Georg is “the
inheritor of the quarrel.” This proves that
he hates Ulrich.
The narrative framework is too long. There
is no need to retell all the details, but rather
just to orient the reader quickly to where in
the story a quote occurs.
Georg Znaeym is dynamic. The exposition
to the story reveals that “as boys they had
thirsted for one another’s blood, as men
each had prayed that misfortune might fall
on the other.”
The quote is well-chosen and wellintroduced. The writer needs to add his or
her own explanation of why the quote helps
prove the point.
Georg is dynamic. In the beginning of the
story he hates Ulrich Von Gradwitz. In fact
the two enemies “each prayed that
misfortune might fall on each other.” His
feelings towards his neighbor are decidedly
unfriendly. Towards the end of the story,
“Georg was silent for so long that Ulrich
thought he had fainted.” He’s a dynamic
character because he went from hateful to
Here the traits the author has chosen are not
opposites. In proving that a character
changes, the two traits need to be related in
an oppositional manner.
The quote doesn’t help prove the point the
writer claims it proves.
Writer’s Name_____________________________ Editor’s Name _______________________________
Directions: Using your editing pen, follow the directions here and mark up the author’s essay extensively.
1. Copy the essay title here _____________________________________________________
2. Number the paragraphs in the essay with a large number in the margin (1-2-3-4).
3. Paragraph 1: Intro
Does the author have an intro sentence to the whole piece? _____ yes
Does the author define dynamic and static correctly? _____yes
____ no
4. Paragraph 2: Dynamic character
a. Write the name of the dynamic character used in this paragraph ____________________
b. Does the author introduce the character? ____yes ____no
c. Write the two traits that the author uses for the dynamic character:
He/she goes from _________________________ to _________________________
d. Find and underline the two text references from the story. Write “Q” next to each if it’s a quote.
What do you think of the manner in which the author introduced and inserted this quote or paraphrase into
the essay? Comment: ____________________________________
e. Find the explanation of each quote that the author does and double underline it. Put an “Exp”
next to it in the margin.
Comment: _____________________________________________________________________
f. Does the author have a wrap up sentence for this paragraph? ______yes ______no
Comments on dynamic character paragraph:
5. Paragraph 3: Static character
a. Write the name of the static character used in this paragraph ____________________
b. Does the author introduce the character? ____yes ____no
c. Write the first trait that the author uses for the static character: ____________________
d. Find and underline the two proofs from the story. Write “Q” next to each if it’s a quote.
e. Find the explanation of each quote that the author does and double underline it. Put an “Exp”
next to it in the margin. Comment about explanation: _________________________________________
f. Does the author have a wrap up sentence for this paragraph? ______yes ______no
Comments on static character paragraph:_____________________________________________________
6. Paragraph 4: Conclusion
Does the author have an interesting wrap up? _____yes ____no
Comments: _________________________________________________________________
7. Count up the number of Qs. Does the author have four direct quotes from the story, one for each text
reference? ____yes
Comments: __________________________________________________
8. Does the author keep in 3rd person (no “I” nor “you”)? ____ yes
Circle any errors.
9 Does the author refer to the text in present tense (“Charlie says” not “Charlie said”). ____ yes ____ no.
Mark any CUPS errors you find.