Indigestion and Heartburn Leaflet

Managing stress better and sleeping slightly propped up on two
pillows can also help.
Symptoms and how you can help
You can buy remedies from your pharmacist to help reduce the
symptoms of indigestion.
Indigestion is a general term used to
describe feelings of discomfort in the
stomach or upper abdomen such as
stomach pains, trapped wind, bloating,
belching (burping), chest pains, feeling
sick, an acid taste in the mouth or a
burning pain when you swallow hot drinks.
These symptoms tend to come and go, and tend to be worse after a meal, at
night or when bending over. The most common form of indigestion is heartburn
which causes a burning feeling which rises from the stomach or lower chest
up towards the throat. (The term is confusing as it has nothing to do with the
Common things that cause indigestion include:
Eating a particularly large, spicy or fatty meal
Eating certain foods such as chocolate or oranges coffee and tomatoes
Leaving a lot of time between eating meals
Pregnancy - the space needed by the developing baby pushes the stomach
upwards towards the oesophagus
Treatment depends on what is causing your indigestion.
For most mild cases of indigestion, making simple changes to your diet and
lifestyle can help:
Eat small, regular meals
Reduce the amount of fat in your diet
Avoid foods that you know trigger symptoms, such as spicy or rich foods
Cut down on the amount of alcohol you drink
Stop smoking
Leaflet adapted from East Lancashire PCT
These are liquids or tablets that neutralise the acid. A dose usually
gives quick relief. There are many brands available from pharmacies
that have different flavours and textures.
You lose weight for no obvious reason and without deliberately
trying to
You start developing indigestion problems over the age of 45,
having not had symptoms before
Symptoms persist for longer than 5 days or happen often
Indigestion is accompanied by severe pain
You have difficulty swallowing
In children
You should get urgent medical treatment if you are:
Vomiting fresh red blood
Vomiting blood that looks like coffee grounds
Pain worsens on effort
Pain moves down the arm