UK Groundwater Modelling Forum

Groundwater Modelling Workshop
Source Protection Zones; the present and the future?
9th July 2007, 10am – 4pm, Priory Rooms, central Birmingham
The UK Groundwater Modellers’ Forum Committee is holding a fifth workshop on the subject of
Source Protection Zone (SPZ) definition on the 9th July, 2007.
The Environment Agency is currently reviewing its procedures for the definition of SPZs. The
workshop will provide an opportunity for the groundwater modelling community in England and
Wales to influence the Environment Agency on SPZ definition. The objectives of the workshop are to:
Explore what modelling methodologies are fit for purpose;
Consider the uncertainty of SPZ definition;
Consider options for translating modelled lines into the final SPZ;
Make recommendations on best practice and future R&D.
Invited Presentations
Historical development of SPZs in England and Wales
Steve Fletcher, EA Science Group
Steve will review and comment on the 1990s programme of SPZ development, the methodologies used
and the role of SPZs in groundwater protection.
Quantifying effects of uncertainty on SPZ delineation.
Adrian Butler, Imperial College London
Adrian will describe how protection zones can be defined, the inherent uncertainties in delineation and
ways of assessing confidence limits. This will include a German case study from the W-SAHaRA
Practical land use management for protecting groundwater quality.
Paul Stanfield, Wessex Water
Paul will give a water company’s perspective on SPZs, how they protect their assets and how Wessex is
using catchment management to protect and improve water quality.
The present day context and current developments of SPZs.
Martin Shepley, EA, Midlands Region
The EA’s current review and latest thinking on SPZs and updating delineation methodologies will be
described by Martin, together with the technical challenges to SPZ delineation from the new GP3.
Soapbox session – Open for comments, suggestions and discussion from all.
Buffet lunch provided
Breakout group discussions, with topics of:
1. What Modelling Methodologies are Fit for Purpose?
2. Uncertainty of SPZ Definition.
3. UK Aquifers - Do Different Aquifers Require Different Techniques?
Two groups on each of the three topics will run in parallel.
Feedback from Breakout Groups, discussion, collation of ideas and suggestions
Groundwater Modelling Workshop
We strongly encourage attendees to share experiences (both good and bad) and knowledge of the
topics. The soapbox session before lunch and the breakout groups after lunch provide the opportunity
for this. The breakout groups (two on each of the three topics run in parallel) will each including
experts and senior groundwater modelling practitioners. Within the breakout groups we will also
consider “Where do we want/need to go next to improve our capability in this topic”?
The final plenary session provides feedback of findings from the break-out sessions, and for further
discussion (and agreement) on the proposals for action.
Participants & Booking
The workshop is open to all who are actively involved in groundwater modelling. We anticipate that
BGS, CEH, water companies, consultants, universities and the Environment Agency would be
amongst those taking part.
Places are limited to 60 participants in total which will be allocated on a first come-first served basis.
Should the meeting become over-subscribed a limit of 3 people per organisation and 2 people per
Agency Region will be applied.
Unfortunately there will be no ‘entry on the day’ and only pre-booked attendance can be accepted.
Cost £70 per head incl. buffet lunch. A small number of places for PhD students are available at a cost
of £10 (first come, first served). To book a place send a cheque and the attached booking form to
Jeanne Thompson before 18th June 2007. Entry will be by advance payment only.
If there are insufficient numbers booked by 18th June 2007, the workshop will be cancelled and
cheques returned. If you book and your organisation has already made three bookings, your name will
be put on a reserve list and you will be offered a place if available in the 2 weeks preceding the event.
Groundwater Modelling Workshop
Source Protection Zones; the present and the future?
9th July 2007, 10am – 4pm, Priory Rooms, central Birmingham
To book a place send a cheque for £70 (PhD students £10) made payable to “The Environment
Agency” and the attached booking form to Jeanne Thompson, to arrive by 18th June 2007.
Unfortunately there will be no ‘entry on the day’ and only pre-booked attendance can be accepted.
Contact: Jeanne Thompson Environment Agency Science Group, Olton Court, 10 Warwick Road,
Olton, Solihull B92 7HX; Tel: 0121 708 4714; Fax: 0121 708 4637.
email address
Please book us places on the workshop
Cheque for £70 x number of participants enclosed (up to 3 per organisation)
Please also indicate your preference for which break-out group you would like to participate in: mark
your first (1) and second (2) preference. If some groups are too ‘over-subscribed’, it is possible you
may have to participate in another group.
What Modelling
Methodologies are Fit
for Purpose?
Uncertainty of SPZ
UK Aquifers - Do
Different Aquifers
Require Different