Dear Annabel Phillip

Dear Annabel Phillip
Senior Assistant Editor,
Thanks for E-mail and review the article. This is the modifications regarding devoted
editorial concerns point-by-point as follow:
Addressing the valuable comments of the reviewer:
1/ Test kid and LAB methodology for tests in the method section stated.
2/ Yes. Angina and MI inventory of London Health School along with taking medical
history and clinical examination for evaluating subjects were performed. And Healthy
subject recruited into the study.
3/ Descriptive analysis approach were used for analyzing the data. Frequency tables for
categorical data and calculation of Mean and SD for quantitative variables were
4/ regarding table 1- and other results this burden of risk factors are related to increase
hazard of coronary artery disease . however , the endpoint of CAD in this population
after a reasonable period of time (latency period about 10 years) will demonstrate the
real pattern of CAD incidence. The result of a nested case control design for evaluation
OF THIS relation is going to publish in the other article .
Uufortunately , present situation of CAD disease in IRAN is less known and the
research in this area is very primitive ,so for situation analysis we need this information .
5/ studies from ASIA and ARABIC countries included in the introduction and discussion
and addressed in the reference number
6/ prevalence of risk factors in the conclusion section addressed , again.
1/ the text edited by an English language professional . I hope the language is going to
be utilized , adequately .
2/ revision of references addressed.
3/ Abbreviation of the parameters on below the tables listed.
4/ Standard deviation in the tables showed with preceding +/-.
1- for improving the written English ,copy-edition of the whole paper by an English
language professional were addressed.
2- Medical faculty ethical committee approved the study protocol.
3- Competing interests section were included . all the laboratory funds provided by
4- HATMI ZN, proposing the idea , designing the study, analyzing the data
,preparing the manuscript and monitoring the whole process from designing to
preparing the manuscript. TAHVILDARI S applying the health questionnaire
and collection of the data .GAFARZADEH A carried out the data collection
(taking history and clinical examination, SABOURI A editing the prepared
manuscript. Lab Staff getting money for the LAB tests .
With The Best Regards
Dr Hatmi