- Bradford Cathedral

Date: 4th March 2012
The Boys of Bradford Cathedral Choir have just returned from a tremendously memorable and
rewarding singing trip to Cambridge and London.
First, they combined with the Chapel Choir of Magdalene College, Cambridge to sing Evensong in
the College Chapel on Sunday 17th February. Music was by William Byrd and Samuel Wesley, and
the service was co-directed by Mr Jonathan Hellyer Jones, Director of Chapel Music at Magdalene
College, and by Alex Woodrow, Bradford Cathedral's Director of Music.
Mr Woodrow was himself Mr Hellyer Jones' Organ Scholar at Magdalene College from 2004-2007,
while studying music as an undergraduate. He remarked, ''our boys thoroughly enjoyed the warm
welcome at Magdalene. The opportunity to sing a service with a Cambridge Chapel Choir and then
to experience dining in Hall with the students by candlelight was a fantastic horizon-widening
experience for our choristers. Not only that, but we were welcomed by the former Archbishop of
Canterbury, Lord Williams, who is now the College's Master.''
While in Cambridge, the group had the opportunity to explore many of the Colleges, as well as
walking along the beautiful Backs and visiting the Fitzwilliam Museum. At King's College, the group
attended Evensong and was given a warm welcome by Director of Music Stephen Cleobury. The
world famous King's College Choir sang Allegri's soaring Miserere and Mr Cleobury was most
generous in introducing himself to the Bradford boys and taking a group photograph of Bradford
Cathedral and King's College Choristers combined.
On Monday 18th February, the boys, Cathedral music staff and a number of chorister parents made
Bradford Cathedral, Stott Hill, Bradford, BD1 4EH
T: 01274 777720 F: 01274 777730
the journey by train to London. Taking in the sights of Westminster, the City of London and The
Embankment, the group visited St Paul's Cathedral, where Dean David Ison, our own former Dean
at Bradford from 2005-2012, welcomed us. Following an awe-inspiring visit to the Crypt, the main
body of the Cathedral, the Song Room and the Whispering Gallery, we made our way to The
Strand for our next engagement: singing Evensong at the Queen's Chapel of the Savoy, a Royal
Peculiar, attended by the Lord Mayor of Westminster. Tudor music appropriate for Lent by Thomas
Tallis and Richard Farrant was very well sung to an appreciative congregation, and was followed by
a private reception with the Lord Mayor.
On the way home, the boys visited Ely Cathedral before journeying on to Southwell Minster in
Nottinghamshire, to sing the final Evensong of their tour. Mr Woodrow commented, ''choir tours
such as these are a wonderful celebration of the great commitment shown by our choristers and
their families throughout the year, and are a real highlight for the children in so many ways: not just
musically, but socially and culturally too. Our boys conducted themselves throughout like
professionals and were a real credit to Bradford Cathedral. Their singing was of a very high
standard and they had a fantastic time''.
If you know a boy or a girl aged 8 or above with an interest in singing, Mr Woodrow currently has
a small number of vacancies for entry to the Cathedral Choir over the coming months. He is very
keen to meet those with an interest in finding out more about the wonderful musical opportunities
offered by membership of Bradford Cathedral's Boys' or Girls' Choir. He may be contacted at any
time on 01274 777720
Bradford Cathedral, Stott Hill, Bradford, BD1 4EH
T: 01274 777720 F: 01274 777730