Weekly Vocabulary

Weekly Vocabulary
Study ten words per week to be quizzed on each Friday. Quizzes will be
as follows: I will pronounce a word and you will spell it correctly, define it,
and use it in a sentence with contextual clues that help define it further. I
suggest you know the part of speech; if the word functions equally as two
parts of speech (a noun and a verb, for example) know the meanings for
each. When you write your sentences, you may use various forms of the
word: adjective, adverb, or any verb tense, provided you use the form
correctly. The quizzes are worth 20 points each.
rigorous self-denial and active self-restraint (to
achieve a high spiritual or intellectual state)
force or effort; interchangeable with “means” in the
expression “by dint of”
someone sent on a mission to represent the interests
of someone else (usually with less authority)
To undertake the payment of (costs or expenses)
So crude and unrefined as to be lacking in
discrimination and sensibility
influence by slyness or attract; cause to be
a share set aside for a specific purpose
To direct or impose with authority and emphasis;
to prohibit or forbid
To swing back and forth with a steady,
uninterrupted rhythm. Also, to waver, as between
conflicting opinions or courses of action; vacillate:
“The court has oscillated over the decades from
more liberal to less, more conservative to less,
depending upon who was president at the time of
10. interlope -
One that interferes with the affairs of others, often
for selfish reasons; a meddler
11. incarcerate-
lock up or confine, in or as in a jail; "The suspects
were imprisoned without trial"; "the murderer was
incarcerated for the rest of his life"
12. vacuous-
complacently or inanely foolish or devoid of
significance or point; "empty promises"; "a hollow
13. akimbo-
Placed in such a way as to have the hands on the
hips and the elbows bowed outward
14. jubilant-
joyful and proud especially because of triumph or
15. presumptuous-
Going beyond what is right or proper; excessively
16. pecuniary-
relating to or involving money; "monetary
rewards"; "he received thanks but no pecuniary
compensation for his services"
17. licentious-
lacking moral discipline; especially sexually
18. muse-
(noun) a state of meditation; (noun) a guiding spirit;
source of inspiration; a poet; (verb) to be absorbed
in one's thoughts; engage in meditation; to consider
or say thoughtfully
19. subversive-
(adj.) intended or serving to subvert, especially
intended to overthrow or undermine an established
government (noun) one who advocates or is
regarded as advocating subversion
20. lassitude-
a state or feeling of weariness, diminished energy,
or listlessness
21. vacillate-
to sway from one side to the other; oscillate
22. initiative-
the power or ability to begin or to follow through
energetically with a plan or task; enterprise and
23. disparity-
the condition or fact of being unequal, as in age,
rank, or degree
24. avocation-
an activity taken up in addition to one's regular
work or profession, usually for enjoyment; a hobby
25. efficacy-
power or capacity to produce a desired effect;
26. capricious-
characterized by or subject to whim; impulsive and
27. reticent-
inclined to keep one's thoughts, feelings, and
personal affairs to oneself
28. hospice-
a lodging for travelers (especially one kept by a
monastic order); a program of medical and
emotional care for the terminally ill
29. moribund-
approaching death; about to die; or on the verge of
becoming obsolete
30. risqué-
verging upon impropriety; dangerously close to, or
suggestive of, what is indecent or of doubtful
31. verisimilitude -
the appearance of truth; the quality of seeming to be
32. inexorable -
not capable of being persuaded by entreaty;
33. retinue -
the group following and attending to some
important person
34. insipid -
lacking qualities that excite, stimulate, or interest;
35. fedora -
a soft felt hat with a fairly low crown creased
lengthwise and a brim that can be turned up or
36. corroborate -
to strengthen or support with other evidence; make
more certain
37. physiognomy -
the art of judging human character from facial
38. suppliant -
asking humbly and earnestly; beseeching
39. tedium -
the quality or condition of being tedious;
tediousness or boredom
40. torrid -
characterized by intense emotion; or parched with
the heat of the sun; intensely hot
41. encumber -
to hinder or impede the action or performance of; to
burden with legal or financial obligations
42. impasse -
a road or passage with no exit; or a difficult
situation where no progress can be made
43. lugubrious -
excessively mournful, gloomy, dismayed
44. affront -
to insult intentionally
45. indolent -
disinclined to exert oneself, lazy; or causing little to
no pain
46. connoisseur -
a person with expert knowledge or training
(especially in the Fine Arts); or a person with
informed and discriminating taste
47. cajole -
to urge with gentle and repeated appeals
48. blasé -
uninterested because of frequent exposure or
indulgence; unconcerned; nonchalant
49. ribald -
characterized by or indulging in vulgar, lewd
humor; a vulgar/lewdly funny person
50. choleric -
easily angered; bad tempered; showing or
expressing anger
51. droll -
Amusingly odd or whimsically comical; a buffoon
52. adulation -
Excessive flattery or admiration
53. carnage -
Massive slaughter, as in war; a massacre; or
corpses, especially of those killed in battle
54. decrepit -
Weakened, worn out, impaired, or broken down by
old age, illness, or hard use
55. expectorate -
To eject from the mouth; spit; to cough up and eject
by spitting
56. pusillanimous -
Lacking courage; cowardly
57. surfeit -
To feed or supply to excess; to overindulge
58. lethargic -
Deficient in alertness or activity
59. palpate -
To examine by feeling and pressing with the palms
of the hands and the fingers
60. peremptory -
Putting an end to all debate or action; not allowing
contradiction or refusal; having the nature of or
expressing a command; urgent; offensively selfassured; dictatorial
61. prostrate -
Lying face down, as in submission or adoration;
lying flat or at full length; reduced to extreme
weakness or incapacitation; overcome
62. plethora -
A superabundance; an excess; or an excess of blood
in the circulatory system or in one organ or area
63. palpitate -
To move with a slight tremulous motion; tremble,
shake, or quiver; to beat with excessive rapidity;
64. propitious -
Presenting favorable circumstances; auspicious;
kindly; gracious
65. extricate -
To release from an entanglement or difficulty;
66. guffaw -
A hearty, boisterous burst of laughter
67. ignominious -
marked by or deserving disgrace or shame;
68. deem -
To have as an opinion; judge; or to regard as;
69. fiasco -
A complete failure
70. pinnacle -
In architecture, a small turret or spire on a roof or
buttress; or a tall pointed formation, such as a
mountain peak; or the highest point; the culmination
71. admonish -
To reprove gently but earnestly; to counsel
(another) against something to be avoided; caution;
or to remind of something forgotten or disregarded,
as an obligation or a responsibility
72. vernacular -
The standard native language of a country or
locality; the everyday language spoken by a people
as distinguished from the literary language; an
idiomatic word, phrase, or expression
73. collusion -
A secret agreement between two or more parties for
a fraudulent, illegal, or deceitful purpose
74. cognizant -
Fully informed; conscious
75. barrage -
A heavy curtain of artillery fire directed in front of
friendly troops to screen and protect them; a rapid,
concentrated discharge of missiles, as from small
arms; an overwhelming, concentrated outpouring,
as of words: a barrage of criticism
76. ramification -
A development or consequence growing out of and
sometimes complicating a problem, plan, or
77. unctuous -
Characterized by affected, exaggerated, or insincere
78. urbane -
Polite, refined, and often elegant in manner
79. aplomb -
Self-confident assurance; poise
80. nebulous -
Cloudy, misty, or hazy; lacking definite form or
limits; vague
81. brazen -
Marked by flagrant and insolent audacity,
shameless; having a loud, usually harsh, resonant
sound; or made of brass.
82. inscrutable -
Difficult to fathom or understand; impenetrable
83. ambulatory -
Capable of walking; not bedridden; or moving
84. ennui -
Listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from lack
of interest; boredom
85. debilitate -
To sap the strength or energy of
86. fraternize -
To associate with others in a brotherly or congenial
way; or to associate on friendly terms with an
enemy or opposing group, often in violation of
discipline or orders
87. schism -
A separation or division into factions; formal breach
of union within a Christian church or the offense of
attempting to produce such a breach; or disunion;
88. exonerate -
To free from blame; to free from a responsibility,
obligation, or task
89. sedition -
Conduct or language inciting rebellion against the
authority of a state; insurrection; or rebellion
90. prognosticate -
To predict according to present indications or signs;
foretell; predict; foreshadow; or portend
91. austere -
Severe or stern in disposition or appearance; somber
and grave; having no adornment or ornamentation;
92. vehement -
Characterized by forcefulness of expression or
intensity of emotion or conviction; fervid; marked
by or full of vigor or energy; strong
93. strident -
Loud, harsh, grating, or shrill; discordant
94. ostentatious -
Intended to attract notice and impress others;
95. derisive -
Mocking; jeering
96. sanguine -
Of the color of blood; red; of a healthy reddish
color; ruddy
97. corpulent -
Excessively fat
98. pompous -
Characterized by excessive self-esteem or
exaggerated dignity; pretentious
99. facetious -
Playfully jocular; humorous
100. manifest -
Clearly apparent to the sight or understanding;
101. malady -
A disease, a disorder, or an ailment; an
unwholesome condition
102. allude -
To make an indirect reference
103. grievance -
An actual or supposed circumstance regarded as just
cause for complaint; complaint or protestation based
on such a circumstance; injustice; indignation or
resentment stemming from a feeling of having been
104. scintillate -
To throw off sparks; flash; to sparkle or shine; to be
animated and brilliant
105. vitiate -
To reduce the value or impair the quality of; to
corrupt morally; debase; to make ineffective;
106. remonstrance -
An expression of protest, complaint, or reproof,
especially a formal statement of grievances
107. profligate -
Given over to dissipation; dissolute; recklessly
wasteful; wildly extravagant
108. nuance -
a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude
109. fortuitous -
Happening by accident or chance; lucky; fortunate
110. fecund -
Capable of producing offspring or vegetation;
fruitful; marked by intellectual productivity
111. status quo -
The existing condition or state of affairs
112. repartee -
A swift, witty reply; conversation marked by the
exchange of witty retorts
113. incendiary -
Causing or capable of causing fire; of or containing
chemicals that produce intensely hot fire when
exploded; of or involving arson; tending to inflame;
114. periphery -
A line that forms the boundary of an area; a
perimeter; the surface of a solid; the outermost part
or region within a precise boundary; a zone
constituting an imprecise boundary
115. emissary -
An agent sent on a mission to represent or advance
the interests of another
116. venerable -
Commanding respect by virtue of age, dignity,
character, or position; worthy of reverence,
especially by religious or historical association
117. brigand -
a robber or bandit, especially one of an outlaw band
118. felicity -
great happiness; bliss; an instance of great
happiness; a cause or source of happiness
119. magnanimous -
Courageously noble in mind and heart; generous in
forgiving; eschewing resentment or revenge;
120. ubiquitous -
Being or seeming to be everywhere at the same
time; omnipresent
121. discern -
To perceive with the eyes or intellect; detect; to
recognize or comprehend mentally; to perceive or
recognize as being different or distinct; distinguish
122. veracity -
Adherence to the truth; truthfulness; conformity to
fact or truth; accuracy or precision; something that
is true
123. discursive -
Covering a wide field of subjects; rambling;
proceeding to a conclusion through reason rather
than intuition
124. epigram -
A short, witty poem expressing a single thought or
observation; concise, clever, often paradoxical
statement; epigrammatic discourse or expression.
125. laconic -
Using or marked by the use of few words; terse or
126. mien -
Bearing or manner, especially as it reveals an inner
state of mind; an appearance or aspect
127. countenance -
Appearance, especially the expression of the face;
the face or facial features; look or expression
indicative of encouragement or of moral support;
bearing; demeanor
128. disdain -
To regard or treat with haughty contempt; despise;
to consider or reject as beneath oneself
129. wry -
Dryly humorous, often with a touch of irony;
temporarily twisted in an expression of distaste or
displeasure; abnormally twisted or bent to one side;
crooked; being at variance with what is right,
proper, or suitable; perverse
130. feign -
To give a false appearance of; to represent falsely;
pretend to; to imitate so as to deceive; to fabricate
131. curates -
A cleric, especially one who has charge of a parish
132. reverie -
A state of abstracted musing; daydreaming
133. nascent -
Coming into existence; emerging
134. nonplused -
To put at a loss as to what to think, say, or do;
bewilder; a state of perplexity, confusion, or
135. confound -
To cause to become confused or perplexed; to fail
to distinguish; mix up; to make (something bad)
worse; to cause to be ashamed; abash; to damn
136. gambol -
To leap about playfully; frolic; a playful skipping or
frolicking about
137. mutability -
Capable of or subject to change or alteration; prone
to frequent change; inconstant
138. to quail -
To shrink back in fear; cower
139. ethereal -
Characterized by lightness and insubstantiality;
intangible; highly refined; delicate; the celestial
spheres; heavenly; not of this world; spiritual
140. pedantic -
Characterized by a narrow, often ostentatious
concern for book learning and formal rules
141. pernicious -
Tending to cause death or serious injury; deadly
142. fatuous -
Vacuously, smugly, and unconsciously foolish;
delusive; unreal
143. writhe -
To twist, as in pain, struggle, or embarrassment; to
move with a twisting or contorted motion; to suffer
144. incredulous -
Skeptical; disbelieving; expressive of disbelief
145. furtive -
Characterized by stealth; surreptitious; expressive
of hidden motives or purposes; shifty
146. interminable -
Being or seeming to be without an end; endless;
tiresomely long; tedious
147. obliquely -
Indirect or evasive; devious, misleading, or
dishonest; having a slanting or sloping direction,
course, or position; inclined
148. acute (not angles) -
Having a sharp point or tip; keenly perceptive or
discerning; reacting readily to stimuli or
impressions; sensitive; of great importance or
consequence; extremely sharp or severe; intense;
having a rapid onset and following a short but
severe course; afflicted by a disease exhibiting a
rapid onset followed by a short, severe course; high
in pitch; shrill
149. obtuse (not angles) -
Lacking quickness of perception or intellect;
characterized by a lack of intelligence or sensitivity;
not distinctly felt; not sharp, pointed, or acute in
150. febrile -
Of, relating to, or characterized by fever; feverish
151. labyrinth -
An intricate structure of interconnecting passages
through which it is difficult to find one's way; a
maze; something highly intricate or convoluted in
character, composition, or construction
152. obfuscate -
To make so confused or opaque as to be difficult to
perceive or understand; to render indistinct or dim;
153. primeval -
Belonging to the first or earliest age or ages;
original or ancient
154. salubrious -
Conducive or favorable to health or well-being
155. beseech -
To address an earnest or urgent request to; implore:
to request earnestly; beg for
156. pathos -
A quality, as of an experience or a work of art, that
arouses feelings of pity, sympathy, tenderness, or
sorrow; the feeling, as of sympathy or pity, so
157. capitulate -
To surrender under specified conditions; come to
terms; to give up all resistance; acquiesce
158. astute -
Having or showing shrewdness and discernment,
especially with respect to one's own concerns
159. solicitous -
Anxious or concerned; expressing care or concern;
full of desire; eager; marked by or given to anxious
care and often hovering attentiveness; extremely
careful; meticulous
160. deprecating -
To express disapproval of; deplore; to belittle;
161. prodigal -
Rashly or wastefully extravagant; giving or given in
abundance; lavish or profuse; one who is given to
wasteful luxury or extravagance
162. albeit -
Even though; although; notwithstanding
163. sinecure -
A position or office that requires little or no work
but provides a salary
164. prolixity -
Tediously prolonged; wordy; tending to speak or
write at excessive length
165. visage -
The face or facial expression of a person;
countenance; appearance; aspect
166. presage -
An indication or warning of a future occurrence; an
omen; feeling or intuition of what is going to occur;
a presentiment; prophetic significance or meaning; a
167. bereft -
To leave desolate or alone, especially by death; to
take (something valuable or necessary), typically by
168. gratis -
Without charge
169. intercession -
Entreaty in favor of another, especially a prayer or
petition to God in behalf of another; mediation in a
170. lineaments -
A distinctive shape, contour, or line, especially of
the face; a definitive or characteristic feature
171. accouterments -
An accessory item of equipment or dress; often used
in the plural; military equipment other than
uniforms and weapons
172. pertinacity -
Persistent determination
173. viands -
174. impunity -
Exemption from punishment, penalty, or harm
175. accordant -
Being in agreement or harmony; consonant
176. impute -
To relate to a particular cause or source; attribute
the fault or responsibility to; to assign as a
characteristic; credit; attribute
177. parapet -
A low protective wall or railing along the edge of a
raised structure such as a roof or balcony; an
earthen or stone embankment protecting soldiers
from enemy fire
178. deportment -
A manner of personal conduct; behavior
179. temperance -
Moderation and self-restraint, as in behavior or
expression; restraint in the use of or abstinence from
alcoholic liquors
180. surly -
Sullenly ill-humored; gruff; threatening, as of
weather conditions; ominous; arrogant; domineering
181. sundry -
Various; miscellaneous
182. ponderous -
Having great weight; unwieldy from weight or bulk;
lacking grace or fluency; labored and dull
183. enigma -
One that is puzzling, ambiguous, or inexplicable; a
perplexing speech or text; a riddle
184. copious -
Yielding or containing plenty; affording ample
supply; large in quantity; abundant; abounding in
matter, thoughts, or words; wordy
185. irksome -
so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness
186. habiliments -
The special dress or garb associated with an
occasion or office; characteristic furnishings or
equipment; trappings
187. brevity -
The quality or state of being brief in duration;
concise expression; terseness
188. aesthetic -
Relating to the philosophy or theories of aesthetics;
f or concerning the appreciation of beauty or good
taste; characterized by a heightened sensitivity to
beauty; conforming to accepted notions of good
taste; guiding principle in matters of artistic beauty
and taste; artistic sensibility
189. gout -
a metabolic disease marked by a painful
inflammation of the joints, deposits of urates in and
around the joints, and usually an excessive amount
of uric acid in the blood
190. scrupulous -
Conscientious and exact; painstaking; principled
191. resolute -
Firm or determined; unwavering
192. vanquish -
To defeat or conquer in battle; subjugate; to defeat
in a contest, conflict, or competition; to overcome
or subdue
193. meet (not in the rendezvous sense) - To come into
conjunction with; join; to come into the company or
presence of, as for a conference; to come to the
notice of (the senses); to experience; undergo; to
deal with; oppose; to cope or contend effectively
with; to come into conformity with the views,
wishes, or opinions of; to satisfy (a need, for
example); fulfill; to pay; settle
194. rendezvous -
A meeting at a prearranged time and place; a
prearranged meeting place, especially an assembly
point for troops or ships; popular gathering place
195. amorous -
Strongly attracted or disposed to love, especially
sexual love; indicative of love or sexual desire; of
or associated with love; being in love; enamored
196. languid -
Lacking energy or vitality; weak; showing little or
no spirit or animation; listless; lacking vigor or
force; slow
197. extol -
To praise highly; exalt
198. dissolute -
Lacking moral restraint; indulging in sensual
pleasures or vices
199. turgid -
Excessively ornate or complex in style or language;
swollen or distended, as from a fluid; bloated
200. ebullient -
Zestfully enthusiastic; boiling or seeming to boil;
201. equivocal -
Open to two or more interpretations and often
intended to mislead; ambiguous; of uncertain
significance; of a doubtful or uncertain nature
202. resplendent -
Splendid or dazzling in appearance; brilliant
203. hinder -
Located at or forming the back or rear; posterior; To
be or get in the way of; to obstruct or delay the
progress of
204. dubious -
Fraught with uncertainty or doubt; undecided;
rousing doubt; doubtful; of questionable character
205. corporeal -
Of, relating to, or characteristic of the body; of a
material nature; tangible
206. derive -
To obtain or receive from a source; to arrive at by
reasoning; deduce or infer; to trace the origin or
development of (a word); to generate (a surface
structure) from a deep structure
207. ruminate -
To turn a matter over and over in the mind
208. errant -
Roving, especially in search of adventure; straying
from the proper course or standards; wandering
outside the established limits; aimless or irregular in
209. zest -
Flavor or interest; piquancy; the outermost part of
the rind of an orange, lemon, or other citrus fruit,
used as flavoring; spirited enjoyment; gusto
210. goad -
A long stick with a pointed end used for prodding
animals; an agent or means of prodding or urging;
or to prod or urge with or as if with a long pointed
211. vexation -
The act of annoying, irritating, or vexing; the
quality or condition of being vexed; annoyance; a
source of irritation or annoyance
212. rigor -
Strictness or severity, as in temperament, action, or
judgment; a harsh or trying circumstance; hardship;
harsh or cruel act
213. beget -
To father; sire; to cause to exist or occur; produce
214. recourse -
The act or an instance of turning or applying to a
person or thing for aid or security; the right to
demand payment from the endorser of a commercial
paper when the first party liable fails to pay
215. discourse -
Verbal expression in speech or writing; verbal
exchange; conversation; a formal, lengthy
discussion of a subject, either written or spoken; the
process or power of reasoning
216.exploit(noun or verb)-
n. An act or deed, especially a brilliant or heroic one
v. To employ to the greatest possible advantage; to
make use of selfishly or unethically; to advertise;
217. assail -
To attack with or as if with violent blows; assault;
to attack verbally, as with ridicule or censure; to
trouble; beset
218. garrison -
A military post, especially one that is permanently
established; the troops stationed at a military post
219. vigilant -
On the alert; watchful
220. denote -
To mark; indicate; to serve as a symbol or name for
the meaning of; signify; to signify directly; refer to