Elements of competence

D308 Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose
a medium to low risk of harm
Elements of competence
D308.1 Prepare for externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose a medium to
low risk of harm
D308.2 Implement externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose a medium to
low risk of harm
D308.3 Contribute to the monitoring and evaluation of externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by
offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm
This unit focuses on delivering structured and defined programmes designed to address the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose a medium to low
risk of harm (to self and to others) as determined by an approved risk assessment system. The programmes will have been developed on the basis of evidence
of effective practice and been externally validated for delivery. Due to the nature of these programmes, the worker will be part of a team responsible for
planning, implementing and reviewing the delivery of the programme. The programmes may be designed for groups or for individuals. The focus of the
worker’s role is upon maintaining the integrity of the specified programme, motivating offenders and achieving evidence of measurable change in their
behaviour, skills, attitudes and beliefs. The programmes may focus on such areas as thinking skills, problem solving and offence behaviour, reasoning and
rehabilitation, and cognitive behavioural approaches. Offenders will have had participation in the programmes specified as part of a sentence or order, which
they may be serving in custody or the community.
Who this unit is aimed at
This unit is designed to be applicable to those working with all offenders for whom externally-validated evidence-based programmes have been specified as a
way of addressing their offending. It is designed to be applicable to the different types of evidence-based programmes which exist for offenders who pose a
medium to low risk of harm, such as those who have poor cognitive skills, anti-social attitudes and feelings or weak social ties. The offenders may be serving
sentences in the community or in custody.
Relationship to other units
The following units are closely related:
D309, D310
Place in SVQ framework
This is an optional unit in the SVQ Community Justice: (Work with offending behaviour) level 3 and level 4.
Unit D8NF 04 (D308) Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm
D308 Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose
a medium to low risk of harm
Evidence Requirements for this unit
You must provide your assessor with evidence for all the Performance Criteria and all aspects of Range and Knowledge. The evidence may be provided in
the following ways, taking account of any Special Considerations which may be noted below:
Special Considerations
The candidate’s package of evidence from their performance needs to cover all the performance criteria and all of the aspects of range, except those detailed
below. If performance evidence is not available during the assessment period, evidence from knowledge and understanding can be used for these aspects of
the range:
 D308.2, range 2: 2 of the 5 problems
 D308.3, range 1: 2 of the 5 problems.
In order to meet the evidence requirements, it is likely that a candidate would need to gather evidence from work in relation to more than one
The candidate must provide evidence from different sources in order to have their achievement recognised for this unit i.e. evidence must come not only from
the candidate or one other source (such as records) but must also be from other people (such as from others who saw the candidate working, minutes from
meetings which recorded the candidate’s contributions, etc.). Simulations cannot be used for this unit.
Assessment Guidance
When planning assessment, candidates should consider how they may best use evidence across a number of units. Evidence from the following units may be
particularly relevant to this unit:
D202 Plan, supervise, enforce and review sentences in the community (C05)
D302 Enable individuals to change their offending behaviour (D02)
D304 Contribute to the implementation of group work programmes (D04)
D306 Reinforce positive behavioural goals during relationships with individuals
D309 Deliver externally-validated evidence-based complex programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose a significant
risk of harm
D310 Assist in the delivery of externally-validated evidence-based complex programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who
pose a significant risk of harm
F306 Contribute to the development and effectiveness of work teams (E05)(Care CU9)
F403 Develop and sustain effective working relationships with staff in other agencies (E01)
Unit D8NF 04 (D308) Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm
D308 Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose
a medium to low risk of harm
Assessment Guidance
Candidates may wish to use these sources of evidence (for performance and for knowledge and understanding)
the products of their work (eg working notes and records of work sessions, reports produced by the candidate as part of the monitoring and evaluation
process, video or audio recordings of programme activities)
notes and drafts used as stages in the development of products
notes and minutes of meetings
evidence from others who worked with the candidate
records and correspondence
their reflective practice journal
workplace projects
observation by an assessor who is observing the candidate specifically for assessment purposes
verbal or written responses to questions put by an assessor.
Unit D8NF 04 (D308) Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm
D308 Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose
a medium to low risk of harm
Element D308.1 Prepare for externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by
offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm
Performance criteria
Type of evidence ─ state evidence index no(s)
1. gather relevant information about the programme and
a) the programme concepts, values and goals
b) the target groups for whom the programme is
c) the length, number and frequency of sessions in the
programme and the period of time over which they
should take place
d) the methods and techniques that are specified in the
programme design
e) the resources which will be required
f) how and by whom the programme and its outcomes
will be evaluated, and the criteria that will be used in
the evaluation
2. gather relevant information about the offenders
allocated to the programme and identify
a) their needs and abilities
b) their preferred learning styles
c) their individual sentence and supervision plans and
the relationship of the programme to these plans
3. identify from the available programme information
and confirm with others who will be involved in
delivering, monitoring and evaluating the programme
a) the roles and responsibilities of each of the team
b) the methods and approaches to be used in the
Unit D8NF 04 (D308) Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm
D308 Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose
a medium to low risk of harm
Element D308.1 Prepare for externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by
offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm
Performance criteria
Type of evidence ─ state evidence index no(s)
c) the goals and objectives for the programme as
a whole and for each of the sessions within the
d) who is to what and by when
4. undertake agreed tasks in an effective manner by
the agreed date
5. communicate and interact with offenders and other
workers in a manner which
a) is appropriate to them
b) is consistent with the values and goals of the
c) encourages an open exchange of views and
d) minimizes any constraints to communication
e) is free from discrimination and oppression
f) encourages their motivation
6. provide offenders with oral and written information
on the programme and explain clearly to them
a) the aims and goals of the programme
b) the relationship between the programme and their
sentence and supervision plans
c) the timing and location of programme sessions
d) their responsibilities as participants on the
e) the likely consequences of failing to meet their
Unit D8NF 04 (D308) Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm
D308 Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose
a medium to low risk of harm
Element D308.1 Prepare for externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by
offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm
Performance criteria
Type of evidence ─ state evidence index no(s)
7. encourage offenders to ask questions to clarify
their understanding of what will happen and their
responsibilities and provide accurate and complete
answers in a manner, and at a level and pace,
appropriate to them
8. challenge constructively behaviour and attitudes
that are aggressive, abusive or discriminatory while
taking account of personal safety
9. refer to the appropriate people any questions which
the worker is unable to answer and which are
outside their role and responsibility
10. seek advice and support promptly when team
discussion and supervision are appropriate
11. report promptly to the appropriate person any
concerns regarding
a) offenders’ willingness and ability to participate
fully in the programme
b) risk of harm
c) the selection of particular offenders for the
programme and their relationship to other
Unit D8NF 04 (D308) Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm
D308 Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose
a medium to low risk of harm
Element D308.1 Prepare for externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by
offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm
Type of evidence ─ state evidence index no(s)
rooms and other accommodation
equipment and materials
Communication through
speech and language
actions, gestures and body language
space and position
Responsibilities for
Unit D8NF 04 (D308) Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm
D308 Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose
a medium to low risk of harm
Element D308.2 Implement externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose
a medium to low risk of harm
Performance criteria
Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s)
1. communicate and interact with offenders in a
manner which
a) is appropriate to them
b) is consistent with the values and goals of the
c) encourages and open exchange of views and
d) minimises any constraints to communication
e) is free from discrimination and oppression
f) models socially-desirable behaviour and
g) maintains authority and does not collude with antisocial behaviour or pro-criminal behaviour
h) stimulates each offender to participate fully in the
2. communicate and interact with other workers in a
manner which
a) is appropriate to them
b) is consistent with the joint responsibilities in the
c) encourages an open exchange of views and
d) minimizes any constraints to communication
e) is free from discrimination and oppression
f) enables their work to be coordinated effectively and
consistently given their respective roles and
Unit D8NF 04 (D308) Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm
D308 Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose
a medium to low risk of harm
Element D308.2 Implement externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose
a medium to low risk of harm
Performance criteria
Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s)
3. use the specified activities and techniques in ways
a) are consistent with the programme manual
b) maintain the integrity of the overall programme whilst
responding to the needs of learning styles of
c) promote anti-discriminatory practice
d) reinforce and reward attendance and participation
4. monitor continuously how the work is progressing
against the programme plan and requirements
5. observe and monitor offenders’ behaviour
throughout programme activities and offer offenders
constructive feedback on their participation and
progress in a manner designed to sustain their
motivation and enhance their learning
6. maintain a level of discipline and control which
enables offenders to learn from the activities
7. challenge constructively behaviour and attitudes
that are aggressive, abusive or discriminatory while
taking account of personal safety
8. respond promptly to offenders' non-attendance or
non-compliance in accordance with agency policy and
statutory requirements
9. maintain compliance with the programme manual
and make the necessary adjustments to correct
Unit D8NF 04 (D308) Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm
D308 Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose
a medium to low risk of harm
Element D308.2 Implement externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose
a medium to low risk of harm
Performance criteria
Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s)
10. identify promptly any problems or changes in
offenders' circumstances which affect their ability to
participate and address them constructively with the
individuals concerned
11. seek advice and support promptly when team
discussion and supervision are appropriate.
Unit D8NF 04 (D308) Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm
D308 Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose
a medium to low risk of harm
Element D308.2 Implement externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose
a medium to low risk of harm
Type of evidence ─ state evidence index no(s)
Communicate through
Speech and language
actions, gestures and body language
space and position
Identifying and addressing problems
disruptive behaviour
failure to participate
resource deficiencies
personal difficulties
Unit D8NF 04 (D308) Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm
D308 Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose
a medium to low risk of harm
Element D308.3 Contribute to the monitoring and evaluation of externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood
of reoffending by offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm
Performance criteria
Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s)
1. gather the necessary information on offenders'
progress in meeting the aims and objectives of the
2. encourage offenders and other team members to
offer regular feedback on progress, and the
effectiveness of the programme, and identify ways in
which the delivery of the programme could be
3. offer constructive feedback to other team members
on their performance and encourage other team
members to give constructive feedback on the
worker’s performance
4. encourage offenders to provide constructive and
realistic feedback on the programme and the extent to
which it has assisted them to change their offending
behaviour, skills, attitudes and beliefs
5. evaluate their own, and the team’s, effectiveness in
delivering programme sessions and use this to inform
the future delivery of the programme
6. make complete and accurate records which
a) are consistent with the requirements in the
programme manual
b) state who was involved in programme delivery and
their roles and responsibilities
c) identify the outcomes of individual sessions and
the overall programme
d) identify any problems and how they were
Unit D8NF 04 (D308) Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm
D308 Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose
a medium to low risk of harm
Element D308.3 Contribute to the monitoring and evaluation of externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood
of reoffending by offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm
Performance criteria
Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s)
7. develop a full and accurate report for those
managing the delivery of programmes which
a) states the offenders selected for the programme and
the rates of their participation
b) the progress made by offenders, including changes in
their attitudes, cognition and behaviour
c) the potential likelihood of offenders reoffending and
potential triggers to this
d) factors relevant to offending which remain
unaddressed and how these may be met.
Unit D8NF 04 (D308) Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm
D308 Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose
a medium to low risk of harm
Element D308.3 Contribute to the monitoring and evaluation of externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood
of reoffending by offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm
Type of evidence ─ state evidence index no(s)
1. Problems with
a) offenders’ behaviour in the programme
b) the level of participation of offenders in the
programme and completion rates
c) the suitability of the programme for individual
d) availability of resources
e) the structure and content of the programme.
Unit D8NF 04 (D308) Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm
D308 Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose
a medium to low risk of harm
Knowledge specification for the whole of this unit
You must show your assessor that you know and understand the following:
Working with offending behaviour
State evidence
index no(s)
1. the impact of crime on victims, survivors and witnesses and their need for protection, respect, recognition, information and confidentiality;
why it is important to recognise the impact on all those affected by crime, whether they are direct victims or indirect victims (eg family,
friends or other associates)
2. the ways in which the physical, social, psychological and emotional development and functioning of individuals affects their behaviour and
its associated patterns, and the reasons why individuals may develop specific problems
3. the purpose of clarifying with individuals, and confirming their understanding of, the aims and goals of the programme, their responsibilities
and the likely consequences of any failure to comply
4. factors which may influence individuals’ motivation and ability to change their behaviour, skills, attitude and beliefs; ways of building and
sustaining individuals’ motivation
5. the models which underpin evidence-based programmes to address the offending behaviour of individuals who pose a medium to low risk of
harm, the reasons for them being externally validated and run on specific guidelines, the reasons for adhering to programme manuals and
treatment styles
6. the research evidence on which programmes to tackle the offending behaviour of individuals who pose a medium to low risk of harm are
based, and the specific evidence and methods related to the programmes for which the worker is responsible; methods of evaluation relevant
to programmes designed to enable individuals to change their offending behaviour
7. effective methods of working with offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm in one-to-one and in group settings, in promoting their
interest and maintaining control; the different approaches and processes involved in group work and in one-to-one work with offenders to
reduce reoffending, including group dynamics, handling issues in groups and methods of encouraging the active involvement of participants
in 1-1 programmes and of all members of a group, not just those who are most keen to contribute
8. the skills which make it easier for individuals to avoid criminal behaviour and engage successfully in legitimate behaviour ie literacy,
numeracy, vocational training and employment skills, self-management skills, interpersonal skills, problem solving and other cognitive skills
9. the basis of therapeutic change and how this links to the research and evidence base which is used in the programme
10. the relationship between the amount, intensity, sequencing and spacing of interventions, the seriousness and persistence of offending and the
range and seriousness of factors which affect offending
11. methods and approaches that can be used to enforce participation and the steps that the worker should take where there are indications of
12. methods of reviewing and evaluating the effectiveness of programmes and the activities contained within them.
Unit D8NF 04 (D308) Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm
D308 Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose
a medium to low risk of harm
Knowledge specification for the whole of this unit
You must show your assessor that you know and understand the following:
Working with offending behaviour
State evidence
index no(s)
Working within the community justice sector
13. the specific legislation, guidelines of good practice, charters and service standards which relate to the work being undertaken and the impact
of these on the work.
Working to improve agency practice
14. the role of the agency and its services and how they relate to other agencies and services in the community justice sector
15. the agency’s policy and procedures regarding confidentiality of information and the disclosure of information to third parties and the
specific circumstances under which disclosure may be made.
Working to improve individual practice
16. own role and responsibilities and from whom assistance and advice should be sought if the worker is unsure
17. any particular factors relating to the agency’s policies and practices which have affected the work undertaken
18. how they have applied the principles of equality, diversity and anti-discriminatory practice to their work
19. methods of evaluating their own competence, determining when further support and expertise are needed and the measures taken to improve
own competence in this area of work.
Unit D8NF 04 (D308) Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm
D308 Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose
a medium to low risk of harm
Knowledge and understanding
Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s)
Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s)
There is sufficient evidence of knowledge and
understanding for this unit
Evidence requirements
The evidence generated by the candidate meets the
evidence requirements for this unit
Assessor/Internal Verifier comments
Candidate’s name
Assessor’s name
IV’s name
Candidate’s signature
Assessor’s signature
IV signature
Unit D8NF 04 (D308) Deliver externally-validated evidence-based programmes designed to reduce the likelihood of reoffending by offenders who pose a medium to low risk of harm