Old Catton - 118 Lodge Lane - 20050056

Planning Committee
Old Catton
118 Lodge Lane, Old Catton, Norwich, NR6 7HJ
Erection of bungalow and garage (revised proposal)
Mr and Mrs C A Kemp, 118 Lodge Lane, Old Catton
Mr R Ellis, 7 Low Road, Lower Hellesdon, Norwich NR6 5AE
Date Valid: 17 January 2005
8 Week Expiry Date: 14 March 2005
This is a revised proposal that seeks full planning permission for a bungalow
and garage. The bungalow will measure 8m and by 12.85m with an eaves
height of 2.4m and a ridge height of 3.7m.
The site will use the existing access for 118 Lodge Lane which passes
underneath a first floor bedroom. The submitted plans show a vehicular parking
and turning area that will serve both the garage for the proposed bungalow and
also an adjoining garage that will serve 118 Lodge Lane.
The plans also show the erection of 1.95m high close boarded fencing along
the western and south eastern boundaries whilst the north eastern boundary
will be marked by the existing privet hedge. The submitted plans show a garden
area to the west of the bungalow that ranges in depth from approximately
6.75m to 10m in depth. The plans also show the provision of new tree planting
in this garden area.
Highway Authority:
Raises no objection to the proposals subject to a standard condition stating
Prior to the commencement of the use hereby permitted the proposed on-site
access/parking/ and turning areas shall be laid out, demarcated, levelled,
20050056 - 118 Lodge Lane, Old Catton
23 February 2005
Planning Committee
surfaced and drained in accordance with the approved plan and retained
thereafter available for that specific use.
Building Control:
No adverse comments to make regarding the proposal.
Old Catton Parish Council:
No comments received to date.
Site notice
Expiry date 14 February 2005.
Neighbour notification:
99, 116 & 120 Lodge Lane, Old Catton and 5 & 10 Hunt Close Old Catton
Expiry date 09 February 2005
8 Hunt Close, Old Catton
Expiry date 18 February 2005
Mr and Mrs M A Gotts, 120 Lodge Lane, Old Catton
Object strongly to the development:
As we stated in our previous objection the development on this plot has
twice been previously refused due to the lack of access. The access has in
fact now been reduced with the building of the extension over the driveway,
therefore the only access would be under the arch. We cannot understand
how this can be satisfactory access to any development.
The bungalow and garage would also exclude a substantial amount of light
from our rear garden, thus having a detrimental effect on our main pastime,
that of pastime.
20050056 - 118 Lodge Lane, Old Catton
23 February 2005
Planning Committee
With the proposed bungalow being so close to our garden fence it would
give unwanted social contact and there would certainly be an unwanted
increase in noise levels. It would also affect the view from the upstairs
bedroom, despite the claims that our garage roof will obscure the
development, photos included will show this not to be the case.
Mr and Mrs G Hall, 110 Lodge Lane, Old Catton
Despite a good relationship with the applicants, we feel that we must place the
following objections:
We feel that the development to fit inside the site is too large and intrusive.
We both enjoy our back garden, which affords us virtually unrestricted views
for some considerable distance. The imposition of this development would
drastically cut down on the space and openness that we value highly.
We feel that the development would have a disastrous impact on the value
of some of our neighbour’s property
Mr Wickham and Miss Foster, 108 Lodge Lane, Old Catton
The access does not seem adequate passing under a first floor bedroom.
The rear of the terraces from 108-118 are very traditional and the
subdivision of 118’s garden would alter this.
There is a feeling of openness, space and light at the rear of the terraces
from 108-118 which we feel this dwelling would detract from.
The gardens at the rear offer a great deal of privacy and we feel this
dwelling would affect a certain amount of this.
There are various first floor windows at the rear within the row of terraces
that would also look onto the other dwelling. This would also affect the
privacy of persons living in the dwelling.
There are two windows on the south east elevation facing the rear of the
It looks tightly packed in and will be very close to the neighbouring
properties in Hunt Close and to the boundary of the neighbouring terrace
house on Lodge Lane.
If sub-divided, the remaining garden for 118 Lodge Lane seems very small
20050056 - 118 Lodge Lane, Old Catton
23 February 2005
Planning Committee
Mr M Howard of 8 Hunt Close, Old Catton
Having studied the revised plans, the only change I can see is that the ridge
height as been lowered slightly so my objections have not changed from my
first letter.
There is no backland development in the area. If access were gained by any
of the dwellings on Lodge Lane or St Faiths Road all the gardens could
possibly be developed on so I feel if permission were granted then this
would set a precedent for further backland development.
I would certainly have a clear view of their (the proposed development’s)
back garden, patio area and possibly a view into their sitting room area
through the patio doors (Photographs were submitted to illustrate this).
I am still of the opinion that the structure and roof would be very
overpowering (again a supporting photograph was submitted).
A copy of the objection letter to the first application was also submitted stating
the following concerns:
I would certainly see the dwelling from my bedroom window and when in
my garden.
I do feel that there would be an increase in noise.
I feel the access to the bungalow is not adequate and would hear and see
the cars coming up and down the drive especially at night.
Mr and Mrs Holman of 5 Hunt Close:
The revisions see the ridge height now 4.2 metres from ground level, which
in my opinion makes no difference to my objections.
The boundary line is now drawn correctly on the new drawings as myself
and Mr Read of 10 Hunt Close own the hedge. In this case this makes the
site area even smaller and more of a cramped form.
5 Hunt Close is directly behind 118 Lodge Lane and therefore will be the
one most directly impacted upon by this proposal.
The new building if erected would be within 10.5m of our property.
The conservatory to the rear of our property, which is not shown on the
submitted plan, extends a further 3 metres into the garden leaving only a 6
20050056 - 118 Lodge Lane, Old Catton
23 February 2005
Planning Committee
metre buffer to the fence line. There is no doubt that such a move will be
detrimental to our enjoyment of our private areas.
In effect the proposal is to erect a new dwelling actually within 7.5m of our
home, which can not be either desirable or fair in a non-urban setting.
We consider that another building so close to our property could not fail but
to disfigure our environment, create additional noise and devalue our home.
(A letter has been enclosed from Aldridge Chartered Surveyors supporting
this statement).
In the area around us there is not one back garden that has been developed
in so we hold serious concerns that if this scheme were to go ahead, it
would set a precedent for further back land development.
The application shows very poor access for the new dwelling, underpassing
a first floor bedroom.
Our garden is south facing this is the reason why we had the conservatory
built, which has now become our main habitable room. I have no doubt that
a dwelling so close and so high would cast a permanent shadow over our
garden and conservatory.
Mr and Mrs Read, 10 Hunt Close:
The application shows very poor access. Does this provide adequate access
for the emergency services?
It has a pedestrian access for other neighbours within the group of terraces.
This must affect them with the increase of vehicles using the new driveway.
I feel that a property so close to ours would greatly devalue our property.
On the end of the dwelling there are patio doors and a patio. I feel to be this
close would be detrimental to the enjoyment of our garden and create
unwanted social contact.
Our property is a house and from our bedroom window we would be looking
directly into the garden patio area and their living room. Surely this would
affect their privacy.
We would be subjected to an increase in unwanted noise including that of
cars using the new access and turning area. We would be looking directly at
the parking area and there is bound to be extra illumination in the garden
area, driveway and maybe various security lights.
20050056 - 118 Lodge Lane, Old Catton
23 February 2005
Planning Committee
The roof height from ground level will now be 4.2m. Being that the dwelling is
so close to our boundaries I still feel that this is intrusive and overpowering.
As in my first letter, we do feel that Old Catton still has a village atmosphere
and I regard it as a rural and not an urban setting and still feel this is just
background development and would be detrimental to us as a family and our
adjoining neighbours.
PPG1 (Revised) – General Policy and Principles:
Outlines the planning framework and the purposes of the planning system.
Contains a general statement on planning policies.
PPG3 – Housing
Emphasises the need for the planning system to give priority to re-using
previously developed land within urban areas in preference to development of
greenfield sites, and to create more sustainable patterns of development.
Broadland District Local Plan
Site within development boundary
Policy GS1:
New development will normally be accommodated within the development
boundaries. Outside these boundaries, development proposals will not be
permitted unless they comply with a specific allocation and/or policy of the plan.
Policy GS3:
Sets out general considerations to be taken into account in all new development
proposals, including access, residential amenity, the character and appearance
of the surrounding area, nature and conservation, agricultural land, building
conservation and utilities and services.
Policy ENV2:
For all development proposals, a high standard of layout and design will be
required with regard given to the scale, form, height, mass, density, layout,
energy efficiency, landscape, access and the use of appropriate materials. This
will include the consideration of the appearance and treatment of spaces
between and around buildings and the wider setting of the development taking
into account the existing character of the surroundings.
20050056 - 118 Lodge Lane, Old Catton
23 February 2005
Planning Committee
Policy HOU4:
Within development boundaries, permission will be given for individual dwellings
or small groups of houses.
Policy HOU11:
Sub-division of plots will not be permitted where it would lead to development out
of character and scale with its surroundings in order to prevent town cramming.
Policy TRA6:
In new developments, adequate parking and manoeuvring space will be required
in accordance with the Council’s adopted parking guidelines.
Revised Deposit Version Broadland District Local Plan
No settlement limit defined for this part of South Walsham.
Policy (RD)GS1:
New development will only be accommodated within the settlement limits for the
Norwich fringe parishes, market towns and villages. Outside these limits,
development proposals will not be permitted unless they comply with a specific
allocation and/or policy of the Plan.
Policy (RD)GS4:
Sets out general considerations to be taken into account as well as any
specifically related to the nature of the proposal.
Policy (RD)ENV1:
The environmental assets of the district, including the character and appearance
of the countryside and towns, villages and urban areas, will be protected and
their enhancement sought.
Policy (RD)HOU6:
Outside of the settlement limits, planning permission for new residential
development will not be given, unless connected with agriculture, forestry,
organised recreation or tourist facilities.
Policy (RD)TRA6:
20050056 - 118 Lodge Lane, Old Catton
23 February 2005
Planning Committee
The parking provided in relation to a particular development will reflect the use,
location and accessibility by non car modes as determined in the transport
assessment for the development.
Policy (RD)TRA11:
Development will not be permitted where it would endanger highway safety or the
satisfactory functioning of the local highway network.
Broadland District Council Design Guide – Supplementary Planning
Includes design advice for new residential development.
The site lies on the northern side of Lodge Lane within the parish of Old Catton.
Presently, the site is the rear garden of 118 Lodge Lane with an access on the
western side of the property that will be continued through to the rear to serve
the new dwelling.
118 Lodge Lane is a red brick, two storey end terrace. There is a two storey
side extension on the western side with an open car port at ground floor level
and a first floor bedroom above. Access to the rear of the site is underneath this
first floor bedroom. 118 Lodge Lane also has single storey, pitched roof
extensions to the rear.
The properties in the surrounding area are a mix of styles. 116-108 Lodge Lane
are the other properties in the row of terraces that includes 118. They have a
variety of extensions to the rear and windows at first floor level including one
dormer to the rear will overlook the application site. 120 Lodge Lane is a semidetached chalet bungalow with an extension to the rear. A first floor window to
the rear of this extension will overlook the application site. 5 Hunt Close to the
rear of the site is a detached bungalow and 8 and 10 Hunt Close are two storey
semi-detached properties. There will be views of the site from first floor
windows to the rear of 8 and 10.
At present, the application site forms part of the rear curtilage of 118 Lodge
Lane. The western boundary is marked by a 1.8m close boarded fence and the
eastern boundary by a 1.7m hedge. The rear of the site is also marked by a
hedge. There is no significant change in levels throughout the application site.
20050056 - 118 Lodge Lane, Old Catton
23 February 2005
Planning Committee
Extension. Approved February 1979.
Dwelling and garage with screen fencing (outline). Refused October 1979.
Alterations (installation of bow window). Approved August 1984.
Dwelling (outline). Refusal October 1987.
Single storey front extension. Approved September 1993.
Two storey side extension. Approved October 1995.
Erection of bungalow and garages. Refused November 2004.
The key issues to be considered in the determination of this application are an
assessment of the proposal against Local Plan policies with particular regard to
the impact upon the character and appearance of the surrounding area and the
amenities of the adjacent properties.
The application site lies within the development boundary/settlement limit for
Old Catton and as such, the general principle of housing development is
acceptable as it accords with Policies GS1 and HOU4 of the Broadland District
Local Plan and Policies (RD) GS1 and (RD) HOU4 of the Broadland District
Local Plan Replacement Version as agreed by the Council for publication of the
Revised Deposit. However, the details of the current application need to be
considered against other policies of the Local Plan and its replacement, namely
Policies ENV2, HOU11, GS3, (RD) ENV2, (RD) GS4 and (RD) HOU10 and also
the advice contained in the Council’s Design Guide which forms Supplementary
Planning Guidance. These policies state that the proposal for outline planning
permission should take into account the character and appearance of the
surrounding area and should be of a scale and design in keeping with the
surrounding pattern of development.
20050056 - 118 Lodge Lane, Old Catton
23 February 2005
Planning Committee
The surrounding area is characterised by linear development along Lodge
Lane. Although there is development to the rear, this forms part of a planned
estate development and no plots in the immediate surrounding area have been
subdivided in the manner proposed as part of this current application.
Paragraph 56 of PPG3 states that new housing development of whatever scale
should not viewed in isolation but that considerations of design and layout must
be informed by the wider context including the local pattern of streets and
In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, the proposal to sub-divide the
existing established plot at 118 Lodge Lane would result in a form of backland
development out of keeping with the linear development along Lodge Lane that
is a prevailing characteristic of the surrounding area. Although there is
development to the rear of Lodge Lane, this is a more ordered from of estate
development, whilst the construction of a single dwelling in the rear curtilage of
118 Lodge Lane will be harmful to the established character of the area.
Although this revised application has reduced the ridge height of the proposed
bungalow, this does not address the issues raised above in terms of the
character and appearance of the surrounding area. In addition there are also
further concerns in terms of the impact upon neighbouring properties, in
particular the increased noise and disturbance that will come from the increased
use of the access drive and new combined vehicle turning and parking area. In
addition the application site is overlooked from windows to the rear of properties
on Lodge Lane and it is considered that the occupiers of the proposed dwelling
would be deprived of a reasonable level of privacy.
It is therefore considered that the application should be refused as the proposal
will have an unacceptable impact upon the character and appearance of the
surrounding area and neighbour amenity as well as failing to provide the
occupiers of the proposed dwelling a reasonable level of privacy.
This application is reported to Committee at the request of one of the Ward
REFUSE on the following grounds:
Policies HOU11 of the Broadland District Local Plan and (RD) HOU10 of the Broadland
District Local Plan Replacement Version as agreed by the Council for publication of the
Revised Deposit, state that the sub-division of plots will not be permitted where it would
lead to development out of character with its surroundings. In addition, Policies GS3,
ENV2, (RD) GS4 and (RD) ENV2 only permit development where there would be no
unacceptable effects upon the character and appearance of the surrounding area and
where consideration has been given to the layout and design of any development
proposal. Policies GS3 and (RD) GS4 also require that the privacy and amenity of
neighbours are adequately safeguarded.
20050056 - 118 Lodge Lane, Old Catton
23 February 2005
Planning Committee
In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, the proposal to sub-divide the existing
established plot at 118 Lodge Lane would result in a form of backland development out
of keeping with the linear development along Lodge Lane that is a prevailing
characteristic of the surrounding area. Although there is development to the rear of
Lodge Lane, this is a more ordered form of estate development, whilst the construction
of a single dwelling in the rear curtilage of 118 Lodge Lane will be harmful to the
established character of the area.
The proposal also raises concerns in terms of the impact upon neighbouring properties,
in particular the noise and disturbance that will come from the increased use of the
access. In addition the application site is overlooked from windows to the rear of
properties on Lodge Lane and it is considered that the occupiers of the proposed
dwelling would be deprived of a reasonable level of privacy.
Therefore, the proposal is contrary to Policies GS3, ENV2 and HOU11 of the Broadland
District Local Plan and Policies (RD) GS4, (RD) ENV2 and (RD) HOU10 of the
Broadland District Local Plan Replacement Version as agreed by the Council for
publication of the revised deposit.
20050056 - 118 Lodge Lane, Old Catton
23 February 2005