A list of titles relevant to the study of identity

A list of titles relevant to the study of identity
(Compiled by Hailong Tian with the help of M. Krzyżanowski, Yunhua Xiang and Haicui Zheng.)
Antaki, C. and Widdicombe, S. 1998. Identity as an achievement and as a tool. In C. Antaki and S.
Widdicombe (eds.), Identities in Talk. London: Sage: 1–14.
Antaki, C. and Widdicombe, S. (eds.) 1998. Identities in Talk. London: Sage.
Billings, A.C. and Eastman, S.T. 2003. Framing identities: gender, ethnic, and national parity in
network announcing of the 2002 Winter Olympics. Journal of Communication, December.
Blackledge, A. 2002. The discursive construction of national identity in multilingual
Britain. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 1(1): 67-87.
Bloom, W. 1990. Personal Identity, National Identity and International Relations. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Brubaker, R. and Cooper, F. 2000. Beyond “identity”. Theory and Society 29: 1-47.
Cerulo, K. 1997. Identity construction: new issues, new directions. Annual Review of Sociology.
23: 385-409.
Cheney, G. 1983. The rhetoric of identification and the study of organizational communication.
Quarterly Journal of Speech 69: 143-158.
Collins, P. 2003. Storying self and others: The construction of narrative identity. Journal of
Language and Politics 2 (2): 243-264.
Davies, B. and Harre, R. 1990. Positioning: conversation and the production of selves. Journal for
the Theory of Social Behavior. 20(1):43-63.
de Gillia, R., Reisigle, M. and Wodak, R. 1999. The discursive construction of national identities.
Discourse & Society, 10(1): 149-73.
De Fina, A. 1995. Pronominal choice, identity, and solidarity in political discourse. Text, 15(3):
Dieckhoff, A. & Gutierrez, N (eds). 2001. Modern Roots: Studies of national identity. Burlington:
Dittmer, L. & Kim, S. 1993. In search of a theory of national identity. In Dittmer, L. & Kim, S.
(eds.) China’s Quest for National Identity. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press.
Dittmer, L. & Kim, S. (eds.) China’s Quest for National Identity. Ithaca & London: Cornell
University Press.
Dunn, R. 1998. Identity Crises: a social critique of postmodernity. Minneapolis: University of
Minnesota Press.
Eckert, P. 1989. Jocks and Burnouts: Social Categories and Identity in the High School. New York:
Columbia University Teachers College.
García, S. (ed.) 1993. European Identity and the Search for Legitimacy. London: Pinter.
Gellner, Ernest. 1983. Nations and Nationalism. Ithaca: Cornell University Press,
Gellner, Ernest. 1997. Nationalism. London: Orion Books.
Greenwood, J. 1994. Realism, Identity and Emotion: Reclaiming Social Psychology. London:
Guo, Yingjie. 2004. Cultural Nationalism in Contemporary China: The search for national
identity under reform. London and New York: RoutledgeCurzon.
Gutierrez, N. 2001. The study of national identity. In Dieckhoff, A. & Gutierrez, N (eds). Modern
Roots: Studies of national identity. Burlington: Ashgate.
Hall, S. 1996a. Introduction: who needs identity? In S. Hall and P. du Pay (eds.), Questions of
Cultural Identity. London: Sage.
Hall, S. 1996b. The question of cultural identity. In Hall, et.al. (eds.), Modernity: An Introduction
to Modern Society. Cambridge, MA, and Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hastings, Adrian. 1997. The Construction of Nationhood: Ethnicity, Religion and Nationalism.
Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.
He, B. & Guo, Y. 2000. Nationalism, National Identity and Democracy in China. Sydney:
Hoston, G. 1994. The State, Identity, and the National Question in China and Japan. Princeton:
Princeton University Press
Hroch, Miroslav. 1996. From national movement to the fully-formed nation: The
nation-building process in Europe. In Balakrishnan, Gopal. (ed.) Mapping the
Nation. New York and London: Verso. pp. 78-97.
Jenkins, R. 1996. Social Identity. London and New York: Routledge.
Johnstone, B. 1995. Sociolinguistic resources, individual identities and public speech styles of
Texas women. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 5: 183-202.
Jones, P. and Krzyzanowski, M. 2006. Identity and belonging. In Delanty et.al. (eds.), Voices of
Migrants in Europe. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
http://www.cc.jyu.fi/~rakahu/kaunismaa.html (accessed in Sep, 2005).
Keech, M. 2004. ‘One Nation, One Soul, One Dream, One Goal?’ Sport and national
identity in South Africa. In Smith, A & Porter D (eds). Sport and National Identity in the
Post-War World, pp..105-128.
Keyman, E. 1997. Globalization, State, Identity/Difference. New Jersey: Humanities Press.
Kohn, Hans.1945. The idea of nationalism. In Hutchinson, John. & Smith, Anthony.1994.
Nationalism. pp. 162-165. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kovács, M. 2003. Gazing ‘There and Back Again’: Bilateral relations as constructions of
Hungarian identity in the press. Dialectical Anthropology, 27: 297-321.
Kovács, A. & Wodak, R. 2003. Neutrality and Nationality: The Case of Austria and Hungary.
Vienna: Bohlau.
Krzyżanowski, M. (forthcoming). Becoming European. Discourses of Identity and Social Change
in Polish Politics after 1989. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Le Page, R. and Tabouret-Keller, A. 1985. Acts of Identity: Creole-based Approaches to Language
and Ethnicity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Li, B. 1994. Jiao Juyin's direction of 'Tea House': In search of Chinese identity. California State
University. Longbeach.
Liu, J. Zhou, J. & Duan, P. 2002. International Communication and National Image: A new
perspective to international relation. Beijing: Beijing Broadcasting Press (刘继南,周积华,
Liu, Zhiyong, 2005. Chinese National Identity and the Choice of Diplomatic
Strategies. From Chinese Excellent M.A. and Ph. D Thesis Full-text Database.
博硕士学位论文全文数据库(accessed in October, 2005 at
2&CurRec=7 )
Martin, D.C. 1995. The choices of identity. Social Identities, 1(1): 5-20.
Mendoza-Denton, N. 1997. Chicana/ Mexicana identity and linguistic variation: An ethnographic
and socio-linguistic study of gang affiliation in an urban high school. Ph.D. dissertation.
Stanford University.
Mcgill, K. 2003. How easily the world may be begun: British history, American
newness, and national identity. Dialectical Anthropology 27: 105–120.
Ochs, E. 1993. Constructing social identity: A language socialization perspective. Research on
Language and Social Interaction 26 (3): 287-306.
Polley, M. 2004. Sport and national identity in contemporary England. In Adrian Smith & Dilwyn
Porter. Sport and National Identity in the Post-War World. London and New York: Routledge.
Ricento, T. 2003. The discursive construction of Americans. Discourse & Society, 14(5): 611-37.
Ricoeur, P. 2003. Oneself as Another. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.
Sampson, E. E. 1993. Identity politics: Challenges to psychology’s understanding.
American psychologist (12): 1219-1230.
Schiffrin, D. 1996. Narrative as self-portrait: sociolinguistic constructions of identity. Language in
Society 25: 167-203.
Schiffrin, D. 1997. The transformation of experience, identity and context. In G. Guy, C. Feagin,
D.Schiffrin and J. Baugh (eds.), Towards a Social Science of Language. (Papers in Honor of
William Labov). Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins, Vol. 2: 41-55.
Shotter, J. & Gergen, K. 1989. Texts of Identity. London: Sage Publication.
Smith, Anthony. 1991. National Identity. London: Penguin.
Smith, Anthony D. 1994. "Gastronomy or geology? The role of nationalism in the reconstruction
of nations." Nations and Nationalism 1, No. 1: pp..3-23.
Smith, A. 1998. Nationalism and Modernism: A critical survey of recent theories of nations and
nationalism. London and New York: Routledge.
Smith, A & Porter D. 2004. Sport and National Identity in the Post-War World. London and New
York: Routledge.
Somers, M. 1992. Narrativity, narrative identity and social action: Rethinking English
working-class formation, Social Science History 16 (4): 591-630.
Steedly, M. 1996. The importance of proper names: Language and “national” identity in colonial
Karoland. American Ethnologist 23(3): 447-475.
Stråth, B. 2000. Europe and the Other and Europe as the Other. Brussels: Peter Lang.
Stråth, B. 2002. A European Identity. To the Historical Limits of the Concept, European Journal
of Social Theory, vol. 5 (4): 387-401.
Tajfel, H. and Turner, J. 1985. The social identity theory of intergroup behaviour. In S. Worchel
and W. Austin (eds.), Psychology of Intergroup Relations. Chicago: Nelson-Hall.
Triandafyllidou, A. and Wodak, R. 2003. Conceptual and methodological questions in the study of
collective identities: An introduction. Journal of Language and Politics 2 (1): 205-221.
Trudgill, P. 1983. Acts of conflicting identity: the sociolinguistics of British pop-song
pronunciation. In Trudgill, P., On dialect: Social and Geographical Perspectives. 141-160.
Oxford and New York: Basil Blackwell and NYU Press.
Whitebrook, M. 2001. Identity, Narrative and Politics. London: Routledge.
Widdicombe, S. 1998. Identity as an analysts’ and a participants’ resource. In C. Antaki & S.
Widdicombe (eds.). Identities in Talk. London: Sage, pp. 191-206.
Wodak, R. 2000. Recontextualisation and transformation of meanings: A Critical discourse
analysis of decision-making in EU meetings about employment policies. In S. Sarangi & M.
Coulthard (eds.), Discourse and Social Life, London: Longman, pp. 185-207
Wodak, R. 2002. Fragmented identities: redefining and recontextualizing national
identity. In Paul Chilton & Christina Schaffner (eds) Politics as Text and Talk.
Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing House. Pp..143-169.
Wodak, R. 2003. Multiple identities: The roles of female parliamentarians in the EU Parliament.
In J. Holmes & M. Meyerhoff (eds.). The Handbook of Language and Gender, London:
Blackwell, pp. 671-699.
Wodak, R. 2004. National and transnational identities: European and other identities oriented to
interviews with EU officials. R. Hermann, M. Brewer & T. Risse (eds.), Transnational
Identities. Becoming European in the EU, Lanham, MD, Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 97-129
Wodak. R., R. de Cilia, M. Reisigl & K. Liebhart. 1999. The Discursive Construction of National
Identity. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Wodak, R. & G. Weiss. 2004. Visions, ideologies and utopias in the discursive construction of
European identities: Organising, representing and legitimising Europe. In M. Pütz & T. A.
van Dijk (eds.), Communicating Ideologies: Language, Discourse and Social Practice,
Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 225-252.
Woodward, K. (ed.) 1997. Identity and Difference. London: Sage.
Yamaguchi, M. 2005. Discursive representation and enactment of national identities:
the case of generation 1.5 Japanese. Discourse & Society 16(2): 269–299.
Zimmerman, D. H. 1998. Identity, context and interaction. In C. Antaki & S. Widdicombe (eds.).
Identities in Talk, London: Sage, pp. 87-107.