Social structure - Universidad de Zaragoza

by José Ángel GARCÍA LANDA
(University of Zaragoza, Spain)
Atkinson, J. Maxwell, and J. Heritage, eds. Structures of Social
Action. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1984.
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Bendix, Teinhard, and Seymour Martin Lopset. Class, Status, and
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Routledge, 1967.
Bourdieu, Pierre. "Social Space and the Genesis of 'Classes'." In
Bourdieu, Language and Symbolic Power. Cambridge: Polity
Press, 1991. 1994. 229-51.*
Burckhardt, Jacob. "Parte V: La sociedad y las fiestas." In
Burckhardt, La cultura del Renacimiento en Italia. Barcelona:
RBA Coleccionables, 2005. 421-502.*
Button, Graham, and John R. E. Lee, eds. Talk and Social
Organization. Clevedon (Avon): Multilingual Matters, 1987.
Carey, Henry C. From The Harmony of Interests. 1851. In The
American Intellectual Tradition: A Sourcebook. Ed. David A.
Hollinger and Charles Capper. 4th ed. New York: Oxford UP,
2001. 325-34.*
Chance, Michael, and Ray Larsen. The Social Structure of Attention.
London: Wiley, 1976.
Cicourel, Aaron V. "Discourse and Text: Cognitive and Linguistic
Processes in Studies of Social Structure." Versus 12 (1975):
_____. "Three Models of Discourse Analysis: The Role of Social
Structure." Discourse Processes 3 (1980).
Cooley, Charles H. Human Nature and the Social Order. 1902. Rev.
ed. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1922.
_____. Social Organization: a Study of the Larger Mind. New York:
Scribner's, 1909.
Durkheim, Émile. De la division du travail social. 1893. (Work,
solidarity, social structure, social life and relationships,
contracts, happiness, collective psychology, heritage, anomie,
alienation, industrialism, class conflicts, individuality).
_____. La división del trabajo social. Trans. Carlos G. Posada.
Madrid: Akal, 1982.
_____. La división del trabajo social. 2 vols. (Obras Maestras del
Pensamiento Contemporáneo, 47). Barcelona: Planeta
DeAgostini, 1993.*
Forset, Edward. A Comparative Discourse of the Bodies Natvral and
Politique... London, 1606.
Garvin, Paul. "The Role of the High Culture in a Complex Society."
Paper presented at 1979 Annual Meeting of The American
Anthropological Association.
Giddens, Anthony. "Groups and Organizations." In Giddens,
Sociology. Cambridge: Polity Press, n.d. 274-99.*
(Bureaucracy, discipline, corporations, etc.).
Goody, Jack. The Logic of Writing and the Organization of Society.
Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986.
_____. La lógica de la escritura y la organización de la sociedad.
Trans. Inmaculada Álvarez Puente, rev. Jesús Alborés.
(Alianza Universidad, 632; Ciencias Sociales). Madrid:
Alianza Editorial, 1990.*
Gurvitch, George. The Spectrum of Social Time. Ed. and trans. Myrtle
Korenbaum, with Phillip Bosserman. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1964.
Untersuchungen zu einer Kategorie der bürgerlichen
Gesellschaft. Darmstadt: Luchterhand, 1962.
_____. The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An
Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society. Trans. Thomas
Burger and Frederick Lawrence. Cambridge: Polity/Blackwell,
1989. 1992.
Kapp, W. Social Limits to Growth. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP,
Lévi-Strauss, Claude. "Do Dual Organizations Exist?" In LéviStrauss, Structural Anthropology, vol. 1. Trans. Claire
Jacobson and Brooke Grundfest Schoepf. Harmondsworth :
Penguin, 1993. 132-64.*
_____. "Language and the Analysis of Social Laws." In Lévi-Strauss,
Structural Anthropology, vol. 1. Trans. Claire Jacobson and
Brooke Grundfest Schoepf. Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1993.
55-66. (Postcript, 81-100).*
_____. "Social Structure." In Lévi-Strauss, Structural Anthropology,
vol. 1. Trans. Claire Jacobson and Brooke Grundfest Schoepf.
Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1993. 277-323. (Postscript, 32445.*
_____. Structural Anthropology, volume 2. Trans. Monique Layton.
1976. London: Allen Lane, 1977.
_____. Structural Anthropology, volume 2. Trans. Monique Layton.
Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1994.*
Light, Andrew, ed. Social Ecology after Bookchin. Guilford, 1998.
Luhmann, Niklas. Soziale Systeme. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1984.
Lyman, Stanford M., Arthur J. Vidich and Robert L. Savage. Social
Order and the Public Philosophy: An Analysis and
Interpretation of the Work of Herbert Blumer. (Studies in
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Mannheim, Karl. Man and Society in an Age of Reconstruction:
Studies in Modern Social Structure. London: Routledge and
Kegan Paul.
Merton, Robert K. "Intermarriage and the Social Structure."
Psychiatry 4 (1941).
_____. Social Theory and Social Structure. Glencoe (IL): Free Press,
Miller, James Grier. Living Systems. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978.
(Functions: cell, organ, organism, group, organization, society,
supranational system)
Milroy, Lesley. Language and Social Networks. (Language in
Society). Oxford: Blackwell, 1987.
Murdock, George Peter. Social Structure. New York: Macmillan,
_____. Social Structure. New York: Free Press, 1949.
Oberschall, Anthony. Social Conflict and Social Movements.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice-Hall, 1973.
Parker, Diana Leonard, and Sheila Allen, eds. Sexual Divisions and
Society. London: Tavistock, 1976.
Parsons, Talcott. The Structure of Social Action. New York:
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_____. "The Distribution of Power in American Society." In
Structure and Process in Modern Societies. New York: Free
Press, 1960. 199-225.
_____. The Social System. Glencoe, IL: The Free Press, 1951.
Plato. The Republic. Ed. Francis Macdonald Cornford. Oxford, 1941.
_____. The Republic. Trans. selection in Gilbert 24-54.
_____. The Republic. Ed. Scott Buchanan. 1977. Harmondsworth:
Penguin, 1985.
_____. Republic. Ed. and trans. Robin Waterfield. Oxford: Oxford
UP, 1994.
_____. La república o el Estado. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1941. 16th.
ed. 1986.
_____. La República. Bilingual ed. J. M. Pavón and M. Fernández
Galiano. 3rd ed. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Constitucionales,
Popper, Karl R.The Open Society and Its Enemies. London, 1945.
_____. The Open Society and Its Enemies. 2 vols. London:
Routledge, 5th rev.e ed. 1966.
_____. La sociedad abierta y sus enemigos. Buenos Aires: Losada,
Ritzer, George. "Structural Sociological Theories." In Ritzer,
Contemporary Sociological Theory. 3rd ed. New York:
variantsGoffman, network theory).
_____. "Micro-Macro Integration." In Ritzer, Contemporary
Sociological Theory. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1992.
397-426.* (George Ritzer, Jeffrey Alexander, Norbert Wiley,
James Coleman, Randall Collins).
_____. "Agency-Structure Integration." In Ritzer, Contemporary
Sociological Theory. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1992.*
(Anthony Giddens, Margaret Archer, Pierre Bourdieu, Jürgen
_____. "Syntheses in Sociological Theory—II." In Ritzer,
Contemporary Sociological Theory. 3rd ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1992. 484-510.* (Exchange theory, Network
theory, Rational choice theory, feminist sociology,
postmodernism, Post-Marxism).
_____. The McDonaldization of Society. Newbury Park (CA): Pine
Forge Press, 1993.*
Rubenstein, D. I., and R. W. Wrangham, eds. Ecological Aspects of
Social Evolution. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1986.
Shils, Edward. Center and Periphery: Essays in Macrosociology.
Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1975.
Smelser, Neil J. Social Structure and the Industrial Revolution.
Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1959.
Spencer, Herbert. "Art. IV.- The Social Organism." 1860. Selection in
The Victorian Age: An Anthology of Sources and Documents.
Ed. Josephine Guy. London: Routledge, 1998. Pbk. 2002 .8392.*
Spencer, Herbert. Instituciones Políticas. Instituciones Profesionales.
Instituciones Sociales. Madrid: España Moderna, 1891-1901.
Spengler, Oswald. Der Untergang des Abendlandes. Munich: C. H.
Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1923. (Civilization; Culture;
Decadence; Social structure).
_____. The Decline of the West.
_____. La decadencia de Occidente. Trans. Manuel G. Morente.
Madrid: Espasa Calpe.
_____. La decadencia de Occidente. Trans. Manuel G. Morente. 2
vols. (Grandes Obras de la Cultura). Barcelona: RBA, 2005.*
_____. "Ciudades y pueblos." In Spengler, La decadencia de
Occidente II. Barcelona: RBA, 2005. 137-290.* (I. ·El alma de
la ciudad. II. Pueblos, razas, idiomas. III. Pueblos primitivos,
pueblos cultos, pueblos 'felahs').
_____. "El mundo de las formas económicas." In Spengler, La
decadencia de Occidente II. Barcelona: RBA, 2005. 719-80.*
(I. El dinero. II. La máquina). (Economy, social structure,
technology, social class, authoritarianism, conflict).
Taylor, Charles. "Inescapable Frameworks." In Taylor, Sources of the
Self: The Making of the Modern Identity. Cambridge:
Cambridge UP, 1989. 2000. 3-24.*
Voloshinov, V. N. "Concerning the Relationship of the Basis and
Superstructures." In Voloshinov, Marxism and The Philosophy
of Language. Trans. by Ladislav Matejka and I. R. Titunik.
London: Seminar Press, 1973. "Marxist theory; Ideology;
Semiology; Dialogism; Society; Multiaccentuality)
Weber, Max. Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. 1925.
_____. The Theory of Social and Economic Organizations. Trans. A.
B. Henderson and Talcott Parsons. New York: Hodge, 1947.
_____. The Theory of Social and Economic Organization. Ed. and
trans. H. H. Henderson and Talcott Parsons. Collier-Macmillan,
_____. Economy and Society: An Outline of Interpretive Sociology.
Ed. Günther Roth and Claus Wittich. Trans. Ephraim Fischoff
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California P, 1978.
_____. Economía y sociedad. Mexico: FCE, 1964. 1969.
_____. Fundamentos metodológicos de la sociología. In Jean-Marie
Vincent, La metodología de Max Weber. Max Weber.
Fundamentos metodológicos de la sociología. (Cuadernos
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_____. On Law in Economy and Sociology. Edited with an
introduction and annotations by Max Rheinstein, trans. Edward
Shils and Max Rheinstein. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP,
1954. Select. from Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft.
_____. Max Weber on Law in Economy and Society. Ed. and trans.
Max Rheinstein and Edward Shils. New York: Simon and
Schuster, 1967.
_____. Political Writings. Ed. Peter Lassman and Ronald Speirs.
Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994.
Westrum, Ron. Technologies and Society: The Shaping of People and
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Whyte, W. F., ed. Industry and Society. New York: McGraw-Hill,
Yeatman, Anna. "A Feminist Theory of Social Differentiation." In
Feminism / Postmodernism. Ed. Linda J. Nicholson. New
York: Routledge, 1990. 281-99.*
Grabum, Nelson, ed. Readings in Kinship and Social Structure. New
York: Harper & Row, 1971.
Guy, Josephine, ed. The Victorian Age: An Anthology of Sources and
Documents. London: Routledge, 1998. Pbk. 2002.* (On social
organicism, etc.).
Human Organization 12.2 (1953).
Journal of Social and Biological Structures 13 (1990).
Social Forces 25.
The Social Service Review 56 (1982).
(Communication and Social Order). Aldine de Gruyter, c. 1990.