Micropterus salmoides

Sara Rose and Michelle Garcia
A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Time of Day and Lures on Largemouth Bass (Micropterus
salmoides) in Lake Mission Viejo
Changes in the feeding rhythms during differing light conditions and ambient temperatures were
investigated in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) within a natural environment. Demand-feeding
behavior was monitored in Lake Mission Viejo (California) with water temperature from 55 F to 80 F.
Micropterus, being diurnal, displayed a positive and stable relationship between the peak of the feeding
rate and the rising and setting of the sun.
Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) are the dominant top carnivores of many North American lakes
and reservoirs and are popular sport fish, but the behavioral mechanisms of their feeding are still poorly
known. After reviewing numerous scientific journals it has become apparent that largemouth bass
(Micropterus salmoides) have evolved advanced predatory mechanisms that help them find prey (Ludsin,
1997,Johnke, 1995, Brown, 2002, Linser, 1998, Moeller, 1972), though little seems to be known .
Micropterus use their six senses, including their lateral line system, used for detecting water vibration
variances, to detect prey in all conditions of water (Johnke, 1995). These senses are not only used in
hunting and feeding, but also in evasive maneuvers, avoiding any temptations that seem less than natural,
such as lures. However, largemouth bass are known to be attracted to certain colors, shapes, smells, and
vibrations that resemble real life prey which brought about the invention of the common fishing lure
(Brown, 2002). As stated above, largemouth bass have six senses which mainly benefit them when living
in the murkiest of water. The experiment performed tested what color crank bait lure largemouth bass
prefer in minimal to full daylight conditions (Linser, 1998). Results of examining the most popular line
and reel set-up used on average will help the average fisherman/woman ensure a good fishing experience
in California winter conditions (Moeller, 1972). It is hypothesized that the colorful bait in both light
conditions will have the highest frequency of successful catches in the allotted amount of experimental
The experiment was conducted at Mission Viejo Lake in Mission Viejo, California. The fishing was
designated to the end of the dock where casting reached the bass hunting grounds. The lure tested
consisted of two main categories: brightly and neutrally colored crank baits. Among the brightly colored
crank baits, the color ranged from neon yellow, to bright blue. Among the naturally colored baits, the
color ranged from dark brown to grey. All crank baits were rigged in the drop-shot style with a Palomar
knot (drop shot weight at end of line with actual bait a foot above it) to ensure that the bait reached the
average depth at which largemouth bass typically live (between 7 and 15 feet below the surface). The
selection of reels varies from high rate flexibility to little flexibility due to budget restraints. The reels
used were spinning/casting reels which allowed investigators to cast out and reel in at a personally
customized selection and pace. The strength of the fishing line used was 6-8 pound tests which made it
light enough to feel the bite of the average largemouth bass. Over the course of a month, 50 hours of
fishing, in varying light conditions, was conducted. Water temperature was recorded as well as detailed
accounts of the weather conditions.
The overall number of fish caught using the bright and naturally-colored lures were graphed using a bar
graph on Micrisoft Excel (Figure 1).
Figure 1
# of Fish Caught
Brightly-colored Lures
Naturally-colored Lures
Shaking Deep-diving Lures
The amount of fish caught during low light or bright light conditions is graphed in Figure 2.
Figure 2
# of Fish Caught
Low Light Conditions
Bright Light Conditions
Light Conditions
Lastly, the two graphs constructed below (Figures 3&4) display the amount of fish caught with naturallycolored and brightly-colored lures in both low light conditions (sunrise and sundown beyond) and bright
light conditions (between sunrise and sunset).
Figure 3
# of Fish Caught
Brightly-colored Lure
Naturally-colored Lure
Low Light Conditions
Fig. 3 caption- The above graphs shows the amount of fish caught in low light conditions.
(p=0.33+/- S.E.M. 1.5)
Figure 4
# of Fish Caught
Brightly-colored Lure
Naturally-colored Lure
Bright Light Conditions
Fig.4 caption- The above graph shows the amount of fish caught in bright light conditions.
(S.E.M. +/- 0.5)
The data was collected to compare the number of fish caught in bright and low lights conditions to
perform an unpaired two-tailed test assuming equal variances. The data showed a significant difference in
the number of fish caught in low light conditions versus bright light conditions (p=0.33). The data showed
that fishing in low light conditions produced more fish caught then fishing in bright light conditions. The
data was run through a descriptive statistics test to determine the standard error means.
When considering the rate of success with any given kind of bait, one must look at how Micropterus
experiences the bait through all six of its senses. According to a study on pisciverous feeding in
Micropterus “In the pursuit phase of the predation cycle, largemouth bass are more likely to choose prey
with large apparent size, closer proximity, or greater motion.” (Howick, 1983). A complete analysis of
their finding showed that bass use multiple mechanisms simultaneously to determine which organisms to
prey on. First, we examine sight. The brightly colored lures are easier to see in murky water, however, it
is still unknown the range of colors which Micropterus can actually see. According to a recent study,
bass may have some, but not full, color vision (Kawamura, 2002). This most likely is cause of the bass’
lack of interest in the unnatural, brightly colored lures. A keen sense of smell is perhaps another
contributing factor to why Micropterus rarely approaches lures. In such murky (visibility of the lake was
measured to be between 8ft-15ft in bright condition and 3-9ft in low light conditions) water, it is highly
likely that bass depend on their eyesight and more so on their other senses. If a lure gives off a plastic
scent, or perhaps even no scent at all, it is likely that the bass are not even considering it an option as a
food item as they hunt through the algae. A sense of taste is imperative to many organisms in
determining what food items will be most nutritious. Largemouth bass use a glossopharyngeal taste
system (Ogawa, 1999) to sample and understand potential food items before consuming them. The bass
will swallow potential prey and spit it out or swallow it depending on taste. A big part of the reason that
bass take in so much information about their prey before attempting to consume them is because of the
mechanism by which they feed. The final sense that Micropterus uses is the lateral line system that all
fish use to detect vibrations and pressure differences in the water (Bleckmann, 2009). Micropterus use
this sense to hunt prey in the wild by having the ability to even detect the heartbeat of nearby prey.
Using these senses in unison is what has made Mircropterus a popular sport-fishing trophy, because it
does not take merely a fishing pole and hook to capture this predator. As the results show, the most
favorably condition to fish for largemouth bass is in low light. This indicates that lower temperatures are
also favorable since temperature corresponds with changes in different light conditions (i.e. hot in the day
and cool at night). It became apparent after recording data that Mircropterus gave more attention to the
lures painted to imitate the colors of fish in the wild (naturally-colored lures). The results did not show a
significant difference, but if more research with spot fishing was conducted then it could possible show
that Mircropterus will spend more time analyzing the naturally-colored lures. The results are from a small
sample set and in the future data might be taken from professional fishermen in order to have more
accurate and precise results.
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