Welcome to Oxford Schools

Language Arts
The K-2 Language Arts program has been divided
into three components:
 Writing (modeled, shared, guided &
Kindergarten mathematics emphasizes the use
of manipulatives, concrete materials for
students to explore and develop ideas
fundamental to the study of mathematics:
numbers, counting, ordering, comparing,
classifying, patterning, shape, size, position,
measuring, and problem solving.
 Word Block (making words, spelling through
Units of study include:
 Reading (reading aloud, shared reading,
guided reading, self-selected or independent
independent writing)
phonics & phonological zoo)
Students will:
 Learn concepts of print – left to right
reading, letter groups to form words,
beginning and end of stories, front and back
of books
 Use reading clues for comprehension
(pictures, sounds, etc.)
Begin the writing process
Identify setting and characters in a story
Speak audibly in clear, coherent and complete
Tell / retell a story
Know all single letter / sound correspondence
Spell first name
Use temporary spelling of high frequency
Social Studies
 Geometry
 Number Sense / Estimation
 Whole Number Operations
The Kindergarten science curriculum
investigates topics in each of the three science
disciplines: life, earth, and physical science.
Instructional emphasis includes discovery and
inquiry-based learning, informational reading,
experimental design and reflective writing.
Students will use a variety of resources and
skills to explore:
period, question mark, exclamation point
 Construct class reports
 Write a complete sentence
 Learn introductory skills related to nutrition,
Statistics and
 Alive (requirements for survival, compare /
 Name and begin to use basic punctuation –
emotions and handling anger
 Make predictions based on portions of
 Learn ways to prevent the spread of germs
 Discuss appropriate behavioral expressions,
 Senses (modes of gaining information)
 Changes (melting, freezing, speed, direction,
 Create signs, labels, posters and picture
Students will:
 Develop skills for fire safety and
Form upper and lower case letters
The Kindergarten health curriculum emphasizes
the knowledge and skills necessary to develop a
healthy lifestyle.
home safety and drug education
 Recognize and name all letters of the
contrast familiar organisms)
 Weather (seasonal changes, weather
conditions, severe weather safety)
The Kindergarten social studies curriculum
focuses on the world in which each child lives.
Students begin to study the history, geography,
economy and government in their own community.
They will begin to develop a sense of time,
understand relationships in their environment,
identify resources and services around them and
discover that rules and other people can
influence decisions.
Units of study include:
My Personal History
Where I Live
My Responsibilities
Familiar Occupations
Physical Education
The physical education curriculum provides the
programs, activities, and instruction necessary
to develop healthy, lifelong, responsible citizens.
The Kindergarten art curriculum emphasizes
imagination and personal experiences.
Students will:
Students will:
 Learn activities that increase muscular
flexibility, strength & cardiovascular
 Be introduced to the concepts of personal &
general space
 Be introduced to selected locomotor skills
(walking, running, skipping, jumping, hopping)
 Learn creative & rhythmic movement
 Learn balancing & tumbling skills
 Be introduced to ball manipulating and
 Study artists Mondrian and Seurat
 Identify types of media
 Learn that feelings can be expressed through
 Listen to and share opinions and feelings
about art and the purpose of creating art
that result from physical activity
 Begin to understand good sportsmanship
 Begin to develop good patterns for lifelong
physical activities
Our elementary schools incorporate technology
into all areas of the curriculum. Students are
introduced to word processing, and engage in
projects such as book reviews, class newspapers,
book publishing, research reports, multimedia
projects, and telecommunications with children
in other schools via on-line resources.
Areas of study include:
Word Processing
Network Programs
 Distinguish between works of specific artists
 Acquire basic skills for drawing, painting,
collage, printmaking, sculpture, fibers, and
striking skills
 Begin to apply rules of games
 Begin to understand the effects & feelings
Oxford Area Community Schools
General Music
Students will develop an appreciation and
understanding of music.
Students will:
 Perform vocally and
on instruments, alone
and with others, a
varied repertoire of
 Echo short rhythmic
Information for Parents
and melodic patterns
 Recognize dynamic
contrasts (loud & soft)
 Distinguish between high & low pitches
 Compose and improvise using voice,
movement, and/or instrument
 Learn about symbols
 Identify instruments by name and sound
 Learn various composers (John Philip Sousa)
This guide is intended as a brief overview.
For more complete information about the
Oxford Area Community Schools’
curriculum, please visit our district website