the ethics of underground coal mining

Budny 10:00
Cole Finton (
The main two types of mining coal currently used are
Surface Mining and Underground Mining. While the two
methods are similar in that they have the same goal and the
same end result, to produce coal, they are still vastly different.
Surface Mining involves the excavation of vast areas of land
to reach veins of coal that are close to the surface, while
Underground Mining is the process of retrieving coal from
veins that are buried deep underground [1]. These
underground veins of coal stretch great distances, requiring
miners to follow them horizontally to maximize the coal
output of the mine. Some of these mines have tunnels
extending upwards of 5 miles to the coal face [2] This can be
a dangerous game, as these mines travel horizontally through
heterogeneous rock formations that don’t always have the
same structural properties. It is up to structural and mining
engineers to design support systems that not only ensure the
safety of the miners who work in these mines, but also
maximize the amount of coal that can be extracted from such
deep veins.
Coal-fired power plants currently account for 37 percent
of the United State’s electricity production [3]. Surface
mining currently accounts for 67% of coal mining in the
United States [4].Due to our reliance on these Coal plants, at
some point in the near future there will come a time when all
of the coal that can be extracted from Surface Mining has
already been combusted. This means that all the coal that is
left to burn is located deep under the surface of the earth. Due
to the inability of alternative forms of energy to provide the
electricity we need every day, we have no choice but to extract
this coal from deep veins.
As a young mining engineer working for one of the most
preeminent companies in deep vein mining, I am the head a
team responsible for the process of maintaining the structural
integrity of the mine and to ensure the safety of the miners
while also maximizing the coal output of the mine. With every
decision that is made regarding where to dig, we must take
into account how it will affect the output of coal and how the
resultant shape of the mine will hold up to the stresses put on
it by the surrounding rock formations. Unfortunately, we are
constantly being pressured by our boss to extract more and
more coal from the ground because, as a private company, our
ultimate goal is to make as much money as possible.
We currently have a deep vein mine in Pennsylvania that
has surpassed the depth of any coalmine in the past. Working
at such extreme depths poses a great deal of challenges never
University of Pittsburgh, Swanson School of Engineering 1
before faced by mining engineers. Current geological tests
and surveys show that the mine we are currently operating is
quickly running out of coal; enough remains to keep the mine
operational for approximately 9 more months. However, a
few members of my team have come to me with a few
concerns involving the continuation of the operation of this
The most troublesome of these concerns brought to me
regards the inadequacy of the current ventilation system to
supply enough oxygen to the miners. The Mine Safety and
Health Administration states that “Breathable air supplied by
compressed air from cylinders, fans, or compressors shall
provide a minimum flow rate of 12.5 cubic feet per minute of
breathable air for each person”[5]. My team member informs
me that if the mine were to continue any deeper, this
regulation would not be met. According to Jeffery Kravitz of
the Mine Safety and Health Administration, “Coal mines
often produce methane gas”, a very volatile gas that must be
removed to prevent toxic buildups and dangerous ignition [6].
Since correcting this violation involves additional cost, I
am required to approach my boss as to how we will fix the
issue. Troublingly, he does not seem to view this breach of
safety as an issue at all, since the mine will be closing within
the year. He has directed me to act as if the issue has been
fixed so that the mine will pass inspection. Additionally, he
threatens me with suspension or being fired if I try to raise it
as a concern to his superior.
If I were to act directly as my boss instructed, I would be
violating several “Codes of Ethics”. These codes are set forth
by the National Society of Professional Engineers and they
outline how “Engineers must perform under a standard of
professional behavior that requires adherence to the highest
principles of ethical conduct” [7].
By becoming a professional engineer, I have accepted the
Fundamental Canons of the National Society of Professional
Engineers’ Code of Ethics for Engineers as guiding me in the
decision making process whenever I am faced with an ethical
dilemma. This document holds Fundamental Canons that are
designed to provide easily follow-able guidelines that are
applicable in many ethical dilemmas.
Safety Canon
The first of these Canons states that “Engineers, in the
fulfillment of their professional duties, shall hold paramount
the safety, health, and welfare of the public” [7]. If I were to
act directly as my boss instructed me to, I would be defying
Cole Finton
the regulations set forth by the Mine Safety and Health
Administration that are specifically designed to keep miners
safe. In defying these regulations, I am putting all of the
miners that enter the mine in danger of oxygen deprivation.
By realizing that there was no way to handle it on his own,
the engineer who brought the ventilation inadequacy to light
abided properly to one of the Fundamental Canons of the
National Society of Professional Engineers’ Code of Ethics.
Specifically, the second Canon, which states that
“Engineers… shall perform services only in areas of their
competence” [7]. He realized that the assignment he was
tasked with was beyond his responsibility, and he approached
his supervisor about it to seek assistance in making the proper
decision. Had he not come to me with the issue, and just
assumed that nothing bad would come of it, he would have
been violating the Fundamental Canons that he had sworn to
Deception Canon
Another Fundamental Canon that will influence my future
actions outlined in the Code of Ethics for Engineers declares
“Engineers… shall avoid deceptive acts” [7]. If I were to hide
the fact that the mine has inadequate ventilation, I would be
knowingly engaging in a deceitful act. It is up to the engineer
in every situation to decide what is deceitful and what is not.
In addition to being required to act in accordance to the
National Society of Professional Engineers’ Code of Ethics
for Engineers, as a mining engineer I am also bound to abide
by the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration’s
Code of Ethics. I must always keep in mind both sets of codes,
as many times both of them are applicable in the same
situation. For instance, the Code of Ethics states that
“Members shall comply with all laws and government
regulations…” [8]. Applying this knowledge to my particular
scenario, if I were to intentionally not upgrade the ventilation
system, I would not only be breaking the law but I would also
be violating this particular section of the Code of Ethics.
Sometimes when multiple Codes of Ethics are applicable,
some of the basic principles are the same for each. This is
particularly true for this case, as both the National Society for
Professional Engineers and the Society for Mining,
Metallurgy, and Exploration advocate and require engineers
to “conduct themselves… lawfully so as to enhance the honor,
reputation, and usefulness of the profession” [7] [8]. If I were
to break the law, I would not be holding true to the codes of
ethics that I have sworn to uphold.
While the Codes of Ethics that I have sworn to uphold may
help guide me in the decision making process, they are by no
means a black and white process for what decisions to make
and when. There are aspects, outside of simply engineering,
that I must take into account. For one, if I am to go “over the
head” of my direct supervisor, I run the risk of losing my job.
It is very important to analyze and look at all aspects of an
issue before a decision can be made. While on the surface the
decision seems to be an easy one, go to a higher power
regarding the deepening of the mine and concerns over
ventilation, there are many personal ramifications that could
wreak havoc on my life personally if I were to do that. I could
lose my job, my livelihood. Without a source of income, it
would be impossible to pay bills and other basic amenities.
Additionally, if I did try to go over his head and he did fire
me, it would be hard to explain it to future employers; further
hindering my economic and political success.
If I were to do as my boss says, I wouldn’t be faced with
such a personal dilemma. However, the ethical dilemma I
would face is much more severe. If something were to go
wrong and the methane gas were to build up and ignite, I
would be the one responsible for any deaths and destruction
caused by my inaction. The ramifications from such a
catastrophic event on my personal life would be much greater
than if I didn’t comply with my boss. Not only would I lose
my job, I would also be stripped of my professional engineer
title for violating National Society of Professional Engineers’
Code of Ethics [10]. This would make it nearly impossible for
me to obtain another job with a different firm. Also, weighing
on my mind as I make the decision as to how to proceed is
that engineers are legally responsible for their actions [11]. In
application to this scenario, it means that I am legally
obligated and held responsible for whatever decision I make.
So, in this ethically charged scenario, the proper decision
is clear; I must directly disobey my direct superior and report
to someone of greater authority to report my findings.
Along with it being unethical to hide inadequacies such as
my boss directs, it can also be quite dangerous and have
catastrophic effects. Take, for instance, the tragedy that
happened in the San Jose mine in Chile that occurred in 2010.
The San Jose mine was an underground mine used to produce
copper and gold that collapsed, trapping 33 miners for 69 days
2,962 feet below ground [9]. While this mine is not a coal
producing mine, the basic concepts are easily transferrable.
When man ventures underground in digging mines, it is
absolutely vital that their safety is held to utmost importance.
Proper ventilation and structural integrity go hand-in-hand, as
both of which ensure that the miners stay out of danger as
much as possible.
Cole Finton
Whether or not I am fired for these actions is irrelevant, as I
know that I have made the most ethical and moral decision I
could make.
would also like to thank my friends Mike Scandrol, Mark
Vavithes, Eliot Meeker, and Dan Bednarczyk for helping me
brainstorm ideas on how to approach my topic. Finally, I
would like to thank my roommate Sharif Abdelbaky for
putting up with my complaints about this paper for the past
two weeks.
[1] University of Kentucky. (2013). “Methods of Mining.”
[2] “Coal Mining.” (2008). The Science Channel. How Do
They Do It?. (Video).
[3] Independent Statistics and Analysis. (2013). “U.S.
Electricity Generation by Energy Source.” U.S. Energy
[4] World Coal Association. (2012). “Coal Mining.” Types of
[5] United States Department of Labor. (2009). “Code of
Federal Regulations.” Mine Safety and Health
[6] W. Parry, R. Rettner. (2010). “Chile Mine Collapse.”
[7] National Society of Professional Engineers. (2007). “Code
[8] Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. (2010).
[9] British Broadcasting Corporation. (2010). “Jubilation as
Chilean Mine Rescue Ends.” BBC News: Latin America and
[10] S. Starrett. (2013). “Engineers Face Ethical Dilemmas.”
Leadership and Management in Engineering. (Online
[11] C. Forister. (2003).”Ethics and Civil Engineering: Past,
Present, and Future.” Journal of Professional Issues in
Engineering Education and Practice. (Print Article) Vol. 129,
No. 3. pp. 129-130
I would like to thank Christin Hydeman, my advisor for
showing me that proper time management is necessary. I
Cole Finton