Unit: Year 6 Unit A2 Counting, partitioning and calculating

Planning a Unit in mathematics
Unit: Year 6 Unit A2 Counting, partitioning and calculating
Learning objectives - Most children will learn to:
Explain reasoning and conclusions, using
words, symbols or diagrams as appropriate
Solve multi-step problems, and problems
involving fractions, decimals and
percentages; choose and use appropriate
calculation strategies at each stage,
including calculator use
Use decimal notation for tenths, hundredths
and thousandths; partition, round and order
decimals with up to three places, and
position them on the number line
Use knowledge of place value and
multiplication facts to 10 10 to derive
related multiplication and division facts
involving decimals (e.g. 0.8 7, 4.8 6)
Calculate mentally with integers and
decimals: U.t U.t, TU U, TU U, U.t U,
U.t U
Use efficient written methods to add and
subtract integers and decimals, to multiply
and divide integers and decimals by a onedigit integer, and to multiply two-digit and
three-digit integers by a two-digit integer
Use a calculator to solve problems involving
multi-step calculations
Use approximations, inverse operations and
tests of divisibility to estimate and check
Lessons: 10
problem, solution, calculate,
calculation, equation,
operation, answer, method, 
strategy, explain, reason,
predict, relationship, rule,
formula, pattern, sequence,
term, consecutive, represent
place value, digit, numeral,
partition, integer, decimal
point, decimal place,
thousandths, positive,
negative, compare, order,
ascending, descending,
greater than ( ), less than ( ),
round, estimate, approximate,
add, subtract, multiply, divide,
convert, sum, total, difference,
plus, minus, product, quotient,
dividend, divisor, remainder
calculator, display, key, enter,
clear, constant
Building on previous learning
Check that children can already:
Children's targets
1.I can explain my reasoning and conclusions, using
symbols to represent unknown numbers
2.I can solve problems involving more than one step
3.I can use decimals with up to three places and order
them on a number line
.I can round decimals to the nearest whole number or
the nearest tenth
4.I can use tables facts to work out other facts with
5.I can add, subtract, multiply and divide whole
numbers and decimals in my head
6.I can add, subtract, multiply and divide whole
numbers and decimals using efficient written methods
7.I can use a calculator to solve problems involving
more than one step
8..I can estimate and check the result of a calculation
I can take part in a whole-class debate
Target Pupils
pound ( ), penny/pence (p),
note, coin, units of
measurement and their
Intervention Materials Used