Integumentary System

Integumentary System
Chapter 5
Study Guide (The ones with a ** are for MCA only)
Functions of skin
Role of the dermis in the overall function of the skin
Role of the epidermis in the overall function of the skin
Cell types found in epidermis: keratinocytes, melanocytes, etc.
What causes fingerprints?
Different proteins, molecules, fibers produced by skin cells
(melanin, keratin, keratohyelin, etc.)
Calluses and a thickened stratum corneum
Thick vs. Thin skin characteristics
Differentiate between strata
Hair types
Functions of the arrector pili muscle
Types of glands and their secretions (review from ch. 4).
Difference betw. Exocrine & endocrine
Sebaceous gland is what type?
What can your skin sense?
**Where are tattoos administered and why?
**Degrees of burns and the impact they have on normal skin
**Skin grafting – autografting
**Differences in skin coloration (factors: blood supply, thickness
of skin, melanin)
**Aging and thermoregulation
**Aging and the causes of wrinkling and sagging of skin.
**Benefits and disadvantages of sunlight
Types of skin cancer- severity, pre-cancerous conditions, where
in skin affected?
Roles of glands and impact on homeostasis of skin.
Parts of hair- Diagram
Parts of nail- Diagram
Parts of skin cross-section- Diagram