QP04 Resource Management

MRF Name / Logo
QP04 – Resource management
Release/Amendment summary
Initial issue
Management Representative
Note: Within this manual template, red italic text should be replaced by MRF specific information and any
guidance in ‘text boxes’ should be implemented.
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This procedure describes the process for the identification and assessment of training needs, the development of training
plans, the maintenance of training records and to ensure that all personnel are suitable qualified and skilled to perform
assigned and allotted tasks / duties / operational functions.
This procedure also includes the considerations for the provision and control of infrastructure and appropriate work
This procedure contains the following sections:4.1
Competence requirements
Induction training
Personal development and training effectiveness
Work environment
Related documents
Definitions and glossary
- Managing Director
- Management Representative
- Quality Management System
- Human Resources
- Operations Manager
The MD is responsible for the identification of competency requirements. The MR and OM are responsible for carrying out
induction and identifying training needs. The MD is responsible for issuing contracts of employment and the MR is
responsible for maintaining appropriate personnel records. The MD and MR are responsible for the appointment of staff,
the review of training requirements and ensuring the provision of appropriate infrastructure and work environments.
Training records are maintained in accordance with Control of Records Procedure QP02.
Competence requirements
The MD, MR and Line Managers shall identify the required level of qualifications and experience / training that staff need to
possess for each post. Previous experience and formal qualifications will also be recorded during the recruitment process as
The competencies necessary for personnel performing activities affecting operational, quality and environmental
performance are defined in generic job descriptions, employment contracts or individual training records. A training matrix
(QFnn) is also maintained by the MR.
Operational staff are logged on the training matrix where appropriate and required Health & Safety training identified.
Support / admin staff are formally appointed by the MD (who may delegate the task of initial selection of a suitable
candidate to the OM / MR as appropriate).
On appointment, the candidate is sent a joining letter, contract of employment and a new starter form. On receipt of signed
contract of employment and completed new starter form an employee file is set up. For operational roles, appropriate
Health & Safety and operational handbooks and PPE are provided. Job descriptions, including those for office staff, are also
used to identify initial training requirements. A separate Office Training Record Sheet (QFnn) is also put in place for office
staff where appropriate.
Competence requirements, job roles, objectives and training needs
are also reviewed during periodic appraisals and Management
Review and any changes or opportunities recorded.
CVs, educational records and job descriptions are maintained in
personnel files or company intranet by the MR. HR policies are
The type and format of training records requires
consideration. It may be appropriate to have in
place a Training Matrix spread-sheet or individual
training records (see sample templates). Also the
induction and appraisal process need
consideration and actual processes reflected in
this procedure.
MRF Name / Logo
defined in an Employee Handbook.
All new employees receive induction training, which as a minimum includes a Health & Safety, Quality induction. The individual's
position within the company and the required training is considered and the relevant training records are developed as part of
the induction process.
Induction training is carried out through presentation and the provision of Health & Safety and Employee handbooks. The
receipt and understanding of the handbook information is recorded on Induction Record Form (QFnn). The procedures and
handbooks cover all appropriate aspects of Health & Safety, company policies and management systems.
The Induction Record Form is signed by the trainer and trainee and maintained in the individual’s personnel file. Copies of
any relevant training certificates are also requested at induction. These are held on file by MR and scanned / linked on the
training matrix.
Where appropriate, a three-month probation is carried out with new employees and is recorded on the induction form
QFnn, along with any immediate training needs.
As part of the Quality Awareness induction training, Quality and Environmental Policies and Objectives are communicated
and the individual’s contribution to achieving these reviewed.
Personal development and training effectiveness
Training requirements are reviewed at annual appraisals (using Appraisal Sheet QFnn) and / or Management Review
Meetings. Where training needs are identified, appropriate training methods are implemented. This may take the form of:i)
External training courses.
Internal training courses.
Significant `On The Job' training and all external training is documented on the Training Matrix or Training Record forms
which are maintained on the network and / or in personnel files.
All other internal / external training (i.e. Health & Safety, Quality and Environmental Awareness, Technology etc) given to
personnel is documented on the induction checklist, training matrix and or toolbox talk spreadsheets which are held and
updated by the OM / MR.
The MD / Managers are responsible for authorising external training courses. The MD is responsible for the allocation of
training budget and an annual review of training activities carried out.
Ongoing training needs are identified through training matrix, appraisals and management review. The effectiveness of
any training undertaken is monitored through the use of Course Evaluation forms (QFnn). Opportunities for improvement
in internal training and performance of external training providers are reviewed and may be recorded at management
review as appropriate.
All functional areas are provided with the infrastructure required to achieve conformity to business and quality
requirements. This includes buildings, workspace, equipment, communications and supporting services, plus appropriate IT
infrastructure, utilities and facilities.
Mail and data server information is backed-up on to tape on a daily basis. Systems
database and mission critical data is backed up daily onto tape and is taken off site to
minimise risk.
An Anti-Virus programme and Internet security is installed to protect all incoming data
from corruption and unauthorised access. The programme is updated automatically
from the Internet.
The management of IT
infrastructure and back up
facilities should be reflected in this
section of the Resource
management procedure.
Work environment
Appropriate work environments have been considered and implemented in achieving service and product conformity. This
includes appropriate office space and environment. Health & Safety and environmental issues have been considered and
appropriate practices implemented in the support of safe working environments.
Work environments are managed through a facilities group and appropriate maintenance programmes. Health & Safety
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requirements are managed through risk assessment and a nominated Health & Safety representative.
Facility work environments are also managed / reviewed through a detailed risk assessment and method statement
The maintenance of office infrastructure and work environment is overseen by the MR. Where appropriate, maintenance
contracts are put in place with external service providers.
Related documents
Control of records procedure QP02.
Management review procedure QP03.
Training matrix QFnn.
Training record QFnn.
Induction checklist QFnn.
Appraisal record QFnn.
Course evaluation form QFnn.