Reading list 2005

Design Science – Reading list 2005
Google results 26/3/2008
4860 Simon, H. A. (1996). The Science of Design: Creating the Artificial. In The Science
of the Artificial (3rd ed., pp. 111-138). Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
345 Hevner, A. R., March, S. T., Park, J., & Ram, S. (2004). Design Science In
Information Systems Research. MIS Quarterly, 28(1), 75-105.
274 Orlikowski, W. J., & Iacono, C. S. (2001). Research commentary: Desperately
seeking "IT" in IT research - A call to theorizing the IT artifact. Information Systems
Research, 12(2), 121-134.
268 Sutton, R. I., & Staw, B. M. (1995). What theory is not. Administrative Science
Quarterly, 40(3), 371-384.
262 March, S. T., & Smith, G. F. (1995). Design and natural science research on
information technology. Decision Support Systems, 15(4), 251-266.
177 Markus, M. L., Majchrzak, A., & Gasser, L. (2002). A design theory for systems
that support emergent knowledge processes. MIS Quarterly, 26(3), 179-212.
119 Kensing, F., & Blomberg, J. (1998). Participatory Design: Issues and Concerns.
Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 7(3-4), 167-185.
Mathiassen, L. (2002). Collaborative practice research. Information Technology &
People, 15(4), 321-345.
Simonsen, J., & Kensing, F. (1997). Using ethnography in contextual design.
Association for Computing Machinery. Communications of the ACM, 40(7), 82-88.
Carroll, J. M., & Kellogg, W. A. (1989). Artifact as theory-nexus: hermeneutics
meets theory-based design. CM SIGCHI Bulletin--Proceedings of the SIGCHI
conference on Human factors in computing systems: Wings for the mind, 20(SI), 714.
Hunton, J. E., & Beeler, J. D. (1997). Effects of user participation in systems
development: A longitudinal field experiment. MIS Quarterly, 21(4), 359-388.
Cooper, R. B. (2000). Information technology development creativity: A case study
of attempted radical change. MIS Quarterly, 24(2), 245-275.
Vaishnavi, V., & Kuechler, W. (2004). Design Research in Information Systems.
Retrieved October 2, 2004, from
Gregg, D. G., Kulkarni, U. R., & Vinze, A. S. (2001). Understanding the
Philosophical Underpinnings of Software Engineering Research in Information
Systems. Information Systems Frontiers, 3(2), 169-183.
Albert, T. C., Goes, P. B., & Gupta, A. (2004). Gist: a Model for Design and
Management of Content and Interactivity of Customer-Centric Web Sites1. MIS
Quarterly, 28(2), 161-182.
Baskerville, R., & Stage, J. (2001). Accommodating emergent work practices:
Ethnographic choice of method fragments. In B. FitzGerald, N. Russo & J. DeGross
(Eds.), Realigning Research and Practice in IS Development: The Social and
Organisational Perspective (pp. 12-28). New York: Kluwer.
Kohli, R., & Kettinger, W. J. (2004). Informating the clan: Controlling Physicians'
costs and outcomes. MIS Quarterly, 28(3), 363-394.
Swan, J., Newell, S., & Robertson, M. (2000). The diffusion, design and social
shaping of production management information systems in Europe. Information
Technology & People, 13(1), 27-45.
Walls, J. G., Widmeyer, G. R., & Sawy, O. A. E. (2004). Assessing Information
System Design Theory in Perspective: How Useful Was Our 1992 Initial Rendition?
JITTA : Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application, 6(2), 43-58.
Hooker, J. N. (2004). Is design theory possible? Journal of Information Technology
Theory and Application, 5(2), 73-82.
Goldkuhl, G. (2004). Design Theories in Information Systems – a Need for MultiGrounding. JITTA : Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application,
6(2), 59-72.
Schirmer, A. L. (2003). Privacy and knowledge management: Challenges in the
design of the Lotus Discovery Server. IBM Systems Journal, 42(3), 519-531.