DNA/RNA, Protein Synthesis, Mitosis, & Meiosis Review

DNA/RNA, Protein Synthesis, Mitosis, & Meiosis Review
1. Draw and label all parts of DNA and RNA.
2. Which bases are purines and which pyrimidines.
3. Describe the process of DNA replication – in detail.
4. What is semiconservative replication?
5. Give the complementary strand of this DNA molecule: GTCTTACCGCCTAATTCC
6. Transcribe and translate the above DNA strand.
7. Describe the process of transcription and translation in detail – include where the process takes place,
enzymes involved, etc.
8. Distinguish between codon and anticodon.
9. What are the start and stop codon(s)?
10. How do genetic mutations occur?
11. Describe point and frameshift mutations.
12. Describe the different types of chromosomal mutations.
13. Describe what happens during each phase of mitosis – in order!
14. Describe what happens during each phase of meiosis – in order!
15. What is spermatogenesis, oogenesis, gametogenesis, tetrad, & crossing over.