P4 Monthly Activity Choice Grid

P4 Winter Grid
1. Look out of your window and
sketch what you can see.
2. Build a snowman and measure
its height.
3. Write 10 adjectives to
describe winter.
4. Recite your tables out loud to
a member of your family.
5. Cut out a winter snowflake
and look for symmetrical
9. Using a winter word write an
acrostic poem.
6. Use your 5 senses to write a
winter poem.
7. Take a large and small
snowball inside and time how
long each one takes to melt.
11. Use a ruler and measure the
depth of the snow. Is it the
same depth everywhere?
8. Write a healthy menu for a
winter meal.
10. Design a winter themed
placemat to eat your dinner on.
12. Write instructions to follow
to build a snowman. Ensure you
list everything you need.