
Curriculum Planning Guidelines – Progression Points – Familiarisation tools
English – Speaking and listening (Level 5)
Students listen and respond to a range of spoken texts, including small group discussions that deal
with common challenging themes. They are aware of the persuasive techniques used to influence an
audience. They identify how aspects of body language including gestures, facial expressions,
intonation and timing can influence audiences. They take notes about the main issues and form
opinions about the issues raised based on what they have heard. They begin to discuss with peers
the ideas and issues raised in spoken texts. They make presentations to persuade and influence
audience using techniques including vocabulary, body language, facial expressions and multimedia.
Students listen and respond to a range of spoken texts including group discussions that deal with
increasingly challenging themes. They analyse and discuss with their peers the values, political and
sociocultural attitudes and assumptions inferred through language choice. They use notes to
identify main issues in a topic and have some evidence to support their opinion. They make
presentations using some persuasive techniques to influence the audience, including intonation,
timing and language appropriate to the audience and context. They use appropriate introductions,
conclusions and multi-media to suit the purpose and context.
Students listen and respond to a range of spoken texts including informative, imaginative and
persuasive texts that deal with challenging themes and ideas. They use graphic organisers to assist
with note taking and use these to summarise key ideas and provide evidence for their opinions.
They identify how techniques including figurative language, imagery, imaginative ordering of
ideas, humour, anecdotes or emotive language can persuade an audience and reflect on and use
these techniques in their own presentations. They vary presentations on the same topic for different
types of audiences and purposes.
At Level 5, students express creative and analytical responses to texts, themes and issues.
They identify main issues in a topic and provide supporting detail and evidence for opinions.
They critically evaluate the spoken language of others and select, prepare and present spoken
texts for specific audiences and purposes. They use a variety of multimodal texts to support
individual presentations in which they inform or persuade an audience.
When listening to others, students ask clarifying questions and build on the ideas of others.
They identify key ideas and take notes. They show an awareness of the influence of audience
on the construction and presentation of spoken texts, and of how situational and sociocultural
factors affect audience responses.
Office of Learning and Teaching