2012-2013 Student Board Application

Student Board Application 2012-2013
SMC Hillel is a vibrant community dedicated to providing Jewish community and culture for SMC
students. The overarching goal of the student board is to peer educate, organize, and engage. The purpose of
the board is to maintain, foster, and improve the Jewish community at SMC in pursuit of Hillel’s mission to
enrich the lives of SMC students so that they may enrich the Jewish people and the world. As a SMC Hillel
student board member you will gain valuable leadership experience.
Student Board Values
All board members must communicate openly and constantly with each other
All board members must support and actively participate in all board programs and initiatives as
Hillel board is one unified team
Must be committed to making Hillel welcoming and open
Support and be cognizant of all Jewish life on campus
Student Board Expectations
Attend monthly board meetings
Attend Club Hour and other SMC Hillel activities and events
Complete position duties as apply
General Requirements to run for a position
 Have a GPA higher than 2.0 (required by school policy)
 Have a positive attitude about Judaism and doing “Jewish things”
 Be comfortable approaching students on campus to tell them about Hillel events
 Attend all student board meetings – more than 2 absences will result in termination (unless emergency)
 Respond promptly to calls or emails regarding Hillel affairs
 Check in with Director or with President on a weekly basis
***NOTE you must have been part of the Hillel board for more than a semester to be eligible for PRESIDENT
Applications Due By: Thursday, May 17th at Club Hour and will be followed by an interview
The Hillel Student Board will be composed of 8 students:
President (1 Student)
 Attend the first ICC meeting (orientation) in order to get all the information needed to keep our club in
“existence” and following proper protocol
 Pick up, fill out, and turn in all required A.S forms, and get the faculty advisor’s signature
 Schedule and run all board meetings
 Represents the “club”
 Work with board members and program director to come up with ON & OFF- campus event ideas, plan
them, and run them – includes taking care of all arrangements and/or delegating responsibilities (place,
food, speakers, etc.)
 Call all board members once a week to make sure they know what events are taking place and that the
events are prepared
 Come to at least 50% of off-campus events, and as many on-campus events as can
Student Board Application 2012-2013
Vice President of Communications (1 Student)
 Oversee publicity
o Create facebook event for each event
o Brainstorm creative ways to publicize event – i.e. Flyers, Twitter, Tabeling
 Call students to invite them to Thursday events
 Assist director in organizing and obtaining information for the website
 Ensure all events and Club hours are pictured.
 Attend board meetings, club hour, and club events
Vice President of Club Hour (1 Student)
 Work with Director to plan weekly club hour speakers with diverse viewpoints
 Coordinate with Speakers
 Send Thank You notes to speakers
 Coordinate with VP of Communications to ensure weekly club events our publicized
 Work with ICC Rep to ensure club room is booked
 Attend board meetings, club hour, and club events
Vice President of Social Programming (1 Student)
 Work with Board Members and club participants to create social programming
 Chair a committee of students to plan, recruit, and attend Spring Break retreat
 Plan 2 social events throughout Winter semester and one in addition to the retreat throughout Spring
 Attend board meetings, club hour, and club events
Vice President of Israel (1 Student)
 Work with Director and UCLA Israel Shaliach to coordinate events including:
o Birthright
o Campus-Wide Yom Hatzmaout
o Regular Israel programming
 Attend board meetings, club hour, and club events
ICC Representative (1 Student)
 Attend ICC meetings twice a month, and report back information to Hillel President
 Work with Faculty Advisor to ensure all paperwork is managed and completed in a timely manor
 Attend board meetings, club hour, and club events
ICC/JLC UCLA Representative (1 Student)
 Attend ICC meetings twice a month, and report back information to Hillel President
 Work with Faculty Advisor to ensure all paperwork is managed and completed in a timely manor
 Attend monthly JLC meetings
 Attend board meetings, club hour, and club events
AS Representative (1 Student)
 Attend A.S meetings and report information back to Hillel President
Student Board Application 2012-2013
Work with Faculty Advisor to ensure all paperwork is managed and completed in a timely manor
Attend board meetings, club hour, and club events
Personal Information:
First and Last Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Cell Phone: ___________________________________ Email: ______________________________________
Parent (1) Name: ______________________________ Parent (1) Email: ______________________________
Parent (2) Name: ______________________________ Parent (2) Email: ______________________________
Began at SMC (month/year) _______________ Expected Graduation/Transfer (month/Year): _____________
Home Address (Street, Apt #, City, State, Zip):
What are your commitments during the 2012-2013 academic year? (Please be clear on ALL you have or might
have including class/credit number and any leadership positions you will take with other student groups):
Short-Essay Question:
1. What position are you applying for and what qualities/skills/experiences make you the best candidate
2. How did you become involved in SMC Hillel? (Helping plan an event, club hour, friend, etc.)
3. What is your vision for SMC Hillel at UCLA?
4. What Jewish values do you care most about integrating into student programming and engagement?
Student Board Application 2012-2013