
Affidavit for Undergraduates to Hire
Academic Gowns
I, the undersigned, intend to hire an academic gown from I-Shou University and
hereby agree to abide by the following rules:
I. Graduands who have no intention of hiring an academic gown please do not sign
the affidavit.
II. The affidavit MUST be signed by the borrower in person. Please do not sign on
behalf of another person or with an assumed name.
III. Please check the academic gown items (including the gown, the hood, and the
mortarboard) upon receipt.
IV. A deposit of NT$500 will be collected for hiring an academic gown. The deposit
will be returned to you as soon as the academic gown is returned.
V. Cleaning fees:
1. Members: NT$150 per gown
2. Non-members: NT$250 per gown
VI. Graduands may exchange their academic gownes with others if the size is not
suitable. However, graduands are strictly prohibited from tailoring the academic
gown by themselves. Please visit the Office of Graduating Student Association for
exchange if you cannot get a suitable one by exchange or the gown is worn. All
academic gownes have been well-washed and ironed before being lent out. Please
do not wash or iron it by yourselves; if color fading, damage or mold growth does
occur, graduands shall compensate based on the following set prices: NT$500 per
gown (gown: NT$250; mortarboard: NT$100; hood: NT$150)
VII. Please check the academic gown items (including the gown, the hood, and the
mortarboard) upon receipt.
VIII. Graduands shall safekeep the academic gown (including the mortarboard, the
hood, and the gown) and shall be held liable for compensation according to the
following set prices in case of any loss or damage:
NT$500 per gown (gown: NT$250; mortarboard: NT$100; hood: NT$150)
IX. Graduands shall return the academic gown by June 18, 2015 (Thursday). Those
who fail to return by the prescribed deadline will not receive the deposit of
Borrower: _________
Dept. & Grade: _________
Student No.: _________
Mobile: _________
Line ID: _________