S_001_049 - StealthSkater

E-Mails S-001 through S-049
S-001. from Tom Mahood regarding anti-matter, remote-viewing, unannounced nuclear tests
S-002. from Tom Mahood regarding gravity waves, “standing orders” regarding UFOs
S-003. from Tom Mahood regarding Nikola Tesla, Bob Lazar, Bill Uhouse, Stan Deyo
S-004. from Tom Mahood regarding Jack Sarfatti & Philip Corso
S-005. from UNITEL regarding their website & technological developments
S-006. from Dr. Richard Boylan regarding UNITEL
S-007. from United Nuclear (owned by Bob Lazar) regarding UNITEL
S-008. from SMiles Lewis regarding UNITEL
S-009. from SMiles Lewis regarding Sarfatti, Puthoff, Herbert, Barnes
S-010. from Bob King regard the Philadelphia Experiment
S-011. from Bob King (follow-up to email #10)
S-012. from Bob King (follow-up to email #11)
S-013. from the “Time Enforcement Commission (TEC)” (Argentina-based) regarding their time travel
circuit schematics
S-014. from Diego H. Fernandez del Prado (of the “TEC”) (arrived at the same time as email #13)
S-015. from Dr. Richard Boylan regarding claims of the “Time Enforcement Commission”
S-016. from Dr. Arkadiusz Jadczyk regarding UNITEL’s claims
S-017. from Alexandra “Chica” Bruce regarding information passed on to me
S-018. from Laura Knight-Jadczyk regarding UNITEL (she sent this additional reply to #16)
S-019. from Alexandra “Chica” Bruce regarding the email (#18) I received from Laura Knight-Jadczyk
S-020. from Dr. Richard Boylan concerning exotic pulse-wave weapons
S-021. from “Harla Quinn” regarding ‘Peter Moon’ and other Montauk stuff
S-022. from “Harla Quinn” (regarding the follow-up email I sent in response to email #21)
S-023. from “Harla Quinn” (regarding the follow-up email I sent in response to email #22)
S-024. from the “Montauk Project Center” webmaster (Marshall Barnes?) regarding releasing
information on the Internet
S-025. from Dr. Richard Boylan regarding if he had heard of Col. Tom Bearden and his treatises on
S-026. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding their progress in building the HOLO-1 prototype
S-027. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding another company's claim of achieving anti-gravity
S-028. from Jack Sarfatti regarding UNITEL's announcement to sell stock
S-029. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding Sarfatti's skepticism
S-030. from Jack Sarfatti regarding my response to his criticism of UNITEL
S-031. from Kathryn Sullivan (forwarded by Jack Sarfatti) apparently agreeing with Saratti's appraisal
S-032. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL in response to my email informing him of all the sites where I
posted the news
S-033. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding UNITEL's contacts with investment teams
S-034. from Gary Ford regarding my reply to a short question he emailed me
S-035. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding my recent experiences with skeptics
S-036. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding a possible business match with a "Time Travel"
S-037. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding Joe Firmage, Tom Bearden, unknown businesses
S-038. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding the "plasma" aspects of their crystalline laser lens
S-039. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding strange twists of fate
S-040. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding his UFO sighting and its influence on the UNITEL
S-041. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL (follow-up to #40)
S-042. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding his sighting report sent to the U.S. UFO IRC
S-043. from Bruce Maccabee regarding UFO physics and "real physics"
S-044. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL referring to a response he received from Bruce Maccabee
S-045. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding how they conceived the idea for their patent
S-046. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding a graphic he made of the cigar-shaped UFO
S-047. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding "Prototype 1-A"
S-048. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding using their "smartskin" to bend/absorb radar signals
S-049. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding kickbacks to secure government funding
S-001. from Tom Mahood regarding anti-matter, remote-viewing, unannounced nuclear tests
From: tmahood@ibm.net (Tom Mahood)
Date: Sat., Nov. 28, 1998, 7:53pm (EST-3)
To: stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: unannounced nuclear test & anti-matter
Mark :
> I read Darlington’s book. I remember hearing on national radio news about an
unannounced nuclear test in Nevada. I only hear it once. It was around the time that Lazar
claims. I never heard of Lazar until I saw his model kit in a Hills department store a couple of
years ago. Not knowing any better, I thought it had something to do with the neutron bomb
which had just been introduced about a year earlier. (I hope I’m right on that, my memory is
not too good here.) So regardless of what the U.S. Geological Center (or whatever) told you,
I know I hear that announced on the news.
There were literally hundreds of unannounced tests over the years. The thing is, they’ve ALL now
been announced retroactively. There weren’t any other tests out there other than what has been
accounted for. Lazar made the mistake of incorporating certain elements into his story that couldn’t be
checked at the time, but late became freely available to the public. (I’m thinking of the Russian satellite
photos and also the announcement of the unannounced tests.)
> Also I read a short news item in our Sunday newspaper years about “the giggle factor
concerning anti-matter” was finally over for mainstream scientists. It didn’t say much more.
I thought maybe they succeeded in producing this stuff in an accelerator and then finding
some way to store it. Again this was before I ever heard of Lazar and Element-115.
Anti-matter is certainly producible. But the energy requirements are huge!
> I would be interested if you would apply your perfected “Lazar treatment” (how Darlington
described it in “the Dreamland Chronicles” to the claims made by Preston Nichols and Peter
Moon in their Montauk Project / Philadelphia Experiment books (Sky Books). Just search for
“Preston Nichols” and you will find lots of links.
I don’t know much other than I’ve heard the names.
> Do you think remote viewers like David Morehouse are credible tools to investigate wild
claims like those of Corso and Lazar? His book seemed a little more down-to-earth than that
of Courtney Brown’s.
I think remote-viewing is a quite valuable tool. I’ve personally seen it work. However there are a
number of flakes out there that give it a bad name. Morehouse is one; Brown is another; and there’s also
Ed Dames, the head flake. There are some excellent viewers like Joe McMoneagle and Lyn Bucanon.
I’d put a fair amount of weight on what they say.
S-002. from Tom Mahood regarding gravity waves, “standing orders” on UFOs
From: tmahood@ibm.net (Tom Mahood)
Date: Sun, Nov 29, 1998, 7:52am (EST-3)
To: stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: misc
At 01:24 PM 11/28/98-0500, you wrote:
> During my graduate years I was married and my wife was best-of-friends with another
secretary. In due course I became good friends with her husband Jim, who was a history
major. After graduation, he was accepted into Naval flight school and soon was flying A-4s
& A-7s off carriers. We took a vacation once and visited Jim & Leslie down in Florida. He
was so enthusiastic about his career and wanted me to see where he worked. He took all of us
to his base (I think it was in Jacksonville) and made me sit in an A-7. He was showing off its
smart-bomb capability. While we were there, I asked him about the Bermuda Triangle. It
took him all of 15 seconds to say that as far as he was concerned there was nothing to it. He
had flown over it numerous times as well as other pilots that he know and nothing out-of-theordinary happened.
That’s a reasonable response. He’s probably quite right.
> I also asked him about UFOs. He answered in a tone that I perceived as genuine (if not
disinterested) that Yes, they exist and are up there all-the-time. They never bother him and
his other pilots and they in turn don’t bother the UFOs. Remember we were friends for a long
time and I couldn’t read any signs that he bs-ing me. His tone seemed genuine but in an
uncaring manner.
I have heard this also. I have heard there are standing “orders” (actual or understood, I don’t know)
that these things aren’t to be messed with. Just keep an eye on them.
> How your physicist reviewer explained “gravity waves” (as opposed to Lazar’s theories)
seemed to coincide with the engineering professor father of the missing Taylor Kramer. I saw
him on a Missing Person segment of America’s Most Wanted. His father said they were
trying to get a mathematical handle around using “unstable gravity waves” to communicate
with any point in the universe within a second as opposed to 20 billion years. I still have that
on video tape if you want a copy. Does that have to do with quantum “duplication” where a
replica of a photo appears somewhere else as its original disappears? Kramer is from your
neck of the woods. Was he a quack or is still a mystery with possible implications to national
One surprising thing I found out when I went back for my Master’s in Physics was that someone
could have a PhD in Physics and still be a complete nut! I was absolutely amazed to discover that.
There’s also the saying that “theories are like assholes … everyone has one.” That seems particularly
appropriate as there are literally dozens and dozens of theories on how gravity works -- most being
conveniently untestable. But there are always red flags to look for. One such flag is the “instant”
transfer of information. It is possible to at least theoretically create “actions” that will occur
superluminally, but no one’s been able to find a way to transfer information. It’s a good (but not
certain) bet they never will.
S-003. from Tom Mahood regarding Jack Sarfatti and Col. Corso
From: Tom Mahood<tmahood@ibm.net>
To: stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: you probably don't remember me …
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2000 10:27:42-0800
> After reading Darlington's book, I was impressed with your conservative views and emailed
you concerning some things I had overheard (e.g., my college friend who went on to be a
Navy A-7 pilot and said he was ordered not to interfere with any UFOs he saw). I know you
found Lazar and Uhouse to be less than 100% credible to-say-the-least. I'm wondering if
some of that stuff isn't correct [afterall]. {note: Bill Uhouse aka "Jarod 2" claimed to have
worked on a UFO simulator for over a decade in conjunction with the back-engineering
Lazar -- I now know for a fact -- was lying about the whole thing. I have talked at length with
someone (who for fear of reprisal has to remain nameless) who was in Lazar's circle when this whole
thing went down, and they filled me in on the details. All lies, but just enough truth to make it sound
plausible. I just don't waste any more time with Lazar.
Uhouse is another story. To this day I don't know just who or what he was. Without going into
details, he has a VERY spooky background. What I accidentally found suggests he was involved with
some sort of government entity, perhaps the CIA. I doubt his story, as told, is legit, as he started
embracing elements of Lazar's, which I know to be false. It may be that he was feeding out
misinformation to keep us Groom Lake types chasing wild geese. I doubt he's a nut. When he dies, I
may put all the stuff I have on him out. It's much more thorough than Lazar's. I'd do it now, but he was
always friendly to me, and I sort of like the guy.
> In his book, Corso said that the Roswell debris suggested the craft was controlled more by
thought than by conventional controls. Preston Nichols and Peter Moon said these
psychotronic mind-machine technologies were discovered in the Philadelphia Experiment and
developed at Montauk. I've read where time travel doesn't violate any of the laws of physics.
It's just highly improbable until exotic matter is found or an enormously large energy source
can be developed. Dr. Jack Sarfatti (never one to be timid enough to step out on a shaky
theoretical limb) seems to echo this point.
Depends which physicist you read. Hawking doesn't like the idea of time travel at all, and seems to
think there's something at work he calls "chronology protection". Who knows for sure?! As for exotic
matter (aka "negative mass"), its development may not be as far off as is commonly believed. As for
Corso, I can't get a handle on him. Some of his stuff is obviously very wrong. Yet he tells a coherent
story. He sort of reminds me of Uhouse …
> Did you ever check out the Montauk/Nichols legend, applying what Darlington described as
the "Mahood treatment" you did to Lazar and Uhouse?
I looked at it briefly long ago and decided it was probably wacky stuff. When you've looked at
enough of these things, you develop the ability to tell -- just from "feel" -- which has any basis in reality.
I'm not sure I can describe what specifically seems wrong about stories like these. It's just that they do.
That's not a very solid argument, though …
> Did you ever hear of a fellow named Stan Deyo? He seems a little more down-to-earth and
delves into the technology more. But he is on some evangelical crusade and that caused me to
back off a little. I don't think the governments in the world are that smart to conceive some
super-secret all-controlling government. I remember you telling me you were amazed at how
someone can have a Ph.D. and still be an absolute nut. Didn't people regard Tesla as a nut
who despite his formal education just happened to be good at electronics? I think he claimed
to have communications with Mars and was clairvoyant or something.
Yeah, I looked at Deyo's stuff and he's definitely a nut! His science sucks. Bases in the Antarctica …!
You are right about Tesla. Some folks thought he was nuts. And he probably was! Most truly creative
folks are somewhat crazy. The question is are they 'right'? In Tesla's case, he was correct about a
number of things. But not all. In some instances, he wasn't even in the same ballpark. In other cases,
he was dead-on. With Tesla, you have to proceed with caution.
S-004. from Tom Mahood regarding Jack Sarfatti and Col. Corso
From : Tom Mahood <tmahood@ibm.net>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: Jack Sarfatti validates Corso
Date : Mon, 19 Jun 2000 19:13:02 -0700
Mark :
> Although I can't follow the math, Sarfatti (& others) seem to validate the claims made by
Corso. Check the article at http://www.qedcorp.com/Q/Qship.html . Page 1 and 15 in
particular. Apparently recent advance in quantum theories (such as Hawkings quantum
cosmology resurrecting Everett-Wheeler's "Many Worlds") are bridging the gap between
metaphysical consciousness and the physical universe, perhaps explaining such things as
"remote viewing". Something called nano-engineering of high-temperature ceramics is a big
technological player in this field.
Sarfatti is a bright guy. But he wanders off into many tangents and is frequently wrong. It's sometimes
hard to notice with all the appropriate buzzwords he spouts and names he likes to drop. But I like him
and find him entertaining. I just look at what he says with some skepticism. I am quite aware of the
Modanese work and while interesting, I wouldn't give it too much weight as there are some fundamental
basic-physics sort of problems with it. I'm also aware of Schnurr's work and it's mostly a joke in my
opinion. The guy's an amateur experimenter at best.
> Other contributors in this site include Hal Puthoff whom I'm sure you heard of, noted for his
early involvement in establishing remote viewing training and lately for his efforts in trying to
"mine" ZPE. (Some UFO proponents have claimed Puthoff has gone "over to the other side"
-- the infamous "Aviary" -- with the likes of Friedman and Vallee.
I know Puthoff and this "Aviary" business is an amusing joke to him. He's a sharp guy with some
government intelligence connections. But people read far more into it that it deserves. Hal hasn't gone
over to the "other side". But he is looking around for something that works. When I hear he's stopped
looking, then I'll start paying attention.
I think the bulk of what Corso has in his book is a lot of BS that conflicts with already fairly well
known facts. True, he was who he said he was. Everything obvious checks, but there are other items
that don't check. I really don't know what to make of him. But I certainly wouldn't give what he says
any weight in figuring out how saucers fly.
There is so much BS out there that it's often hard to filter it.
S-005. from UNITEL regarding their website & technological developments
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: redesigned web site
Date : Tue, 5 Sep 2000 10:23:55 -0700
At 09:05 AM 09/05/2000 EDT, you wrote:
> Dear Sirs -Your previous web site was outstanding! I look forward to the next version with great
anticipation. I wasn't too clear on what the objectives of your Prototype I-A were. Were you
trying to create an "inter-dimensional" hole using a smaller >apparatus than the ones used at
Initially, first and foremost, we will be using the Prototype-1-A for the purpose of the application of
the quantum computer design- HOLO-1. This is the first most obvious marketable item. We have our
software and hardware team ready to start and the time to market is more than ripe. Seems everybody
has a QC design these days, however, no one has worked the bugs out of their system, and is ready to
market their QC as we are. We expect that funding of our aerospace propulsion system will soon
> Or was this a more sophisticated "Egg" than the one allegedly created by the Incunabulist
No cult. Just half of the IAA-IAF design crowd. One has to believe in MQT and FTL observer
dependant laws in our favor. Lots of skeptics but let’s face it. Either the ship has to be FTL and able to
perform MQT or it is impossible to traverse the vastness of outer-space to the distant perhaps habitable
This can be done because believe it-or-not our design emanated from sightings by us (one from 10
ft. awa!) in Eugene, OR 1982 and witnessed by hundreds of citizens including the EPD. So no one can
tell us that our design doesn't work. We are the "cigar type" and have no idea whence they came from.
But the capability is clear after 18 yrs of study: MQT via multi-bodied system (atomic nucleus and
orbiting electrons) or single small vehicle with particle pair dynamics (ship and hole connected by
spring-like structure [light-string] ).
> The description of your proposed interstellar craft fit right in with what I've learned. The
"smart skin" derives from what they found in the Roswell debris. I had learned about the
importance of geometry from writings of K. Sohrawardi and others. Corso speculated the
Roswell craft members became part of the circuit. Lazar said that everything seem to be in
"symphony" with other parts -- man & machine were almost "one". Corso thought the pilots
might have been artificially engineered because of the absence of foodstuffs. Perhaps your
design is an improvement which would eliminate that concern.
> I'm still wrestling with "time travel" versus "interdimensional travel". I'm aware that
Einstein's equations permit time travel but that some sort of "exotic matter" and subsequent
violation of the AWEC is necessary. Exponents of the Philadelphia Experiment/Montauk
Project maintain the time travel is being done. Didn't Oberth speculate that the alien disks
were more akin to a "time machine"?
Able to go into 5-11 dimensions to perform MQT in space-time. Take your pick: Time or Space.
Similar to E & M, E & H, vectors.
> And I think Corso said in the NBC DATELINE interview that the only other time he saw a
crashed disc >was when a "time machine" was involved. Lazar said that another project at S4
involved the physics of looking (or going?) back in time (or forward in time, violating
Not in 5-11 dimensions. They seem to disappear into thin air (like tunneling electron across Josephson
junction or tunneling barrier). However, they don't. The ship becomes a wave in higher dimensions
and merely "moves" out of this dimension to another location in 4D space-time.
> But the discussion about quantum tunneling (like Barnes thought might have happened to
the ship when it became so immersed in these static & rotating/counter-rotating fields that it
behaved as a giant electron) and Lazar's "folding" of space seems to imply interdimensional
rather than time travel. This is backed-up somewhat by remote-viewing of other worlds (not
necessarily 'alternate' worlds or in another 'time line'). Didn't Thorne &co. publish a solution
along these lines (similar to the famous Einstein-NathanRosen bridge) to Sagan's request on
how to achieve interstellar travel without violating the Einstein limit, and Sagan incorporate
these results into his novel/movie "Contact"?
Seems so indeed. But that's not where we got our ideas. Completely separate. Like Yoshinari Minami's
spaceship design. Similar but independent.
> However Hawking's new "quantum cosmology" theory has resurrected Everett/Wheeler
"Alternate Worlds".
I think some of the recent experiments in photon-photon
"communication" over long distances has also contributed to a re-analysis of this. Herbert,
Sarfatti, Puthoff {is he an 'Aviary" member now), Gell-Mann and others have been trying to
develop what they call "Post-"quantum physics which encompasses "meta"physics and leads
to other worlds considerations. (And perhaps explaining what Corso couldn't about the
mysterious "headbands" guiding the alien ship.) AIL radar engineer & Montauk principal
Nichols maintains he was living a dual existence at the SAME time while working his normal
job and his Montauk research. This implies alternate worlds. Nichols says "time travel" was
one of the principal areas of research. So now you have time travel coupled with alternate
worlds. Which leads to the different time (or world) lines [didn't Gamow entitle his
autobiography something like "My World Line?]. Then rumors that "all the time machines"
are supposed to quit around 2003, and an "Alternative 3"-like effort has been ongoing to avoid
an unpreventable catastrophe that will occur around 2012.
> So I'm still fumbling around with whether your prototype is opening up a "wormhole" (via
tunneling), or going to an alternate world, or achieving time travel (in "this" world or an
"alternate" world). Recent experiments in gravity-reduction using rare earth elements and
superconductivity have appeared. Perhaps your choice of a hull material explains the ceramic
material Corso examined. (Didn't Lazar say the back-engineering effort was an attempt to use
readily available EARTH materials? I still don't know where they got all that 115. And I'm
worried a little about the Teller "super-bomb". It seems like the engineering breakthroughs
that created small warheads by minimized subatomic particles escaping from the chain
reaction was used in this matter-antimatter suitcase-size device. What is the intent of this
weapon? If space had an atmosphere to propagate a shock wave, it would be a perfect
asteroid "killer".)
> I know they have man-made non-interstellar discs along the lines that Deyo and others have
proposed. They're big and require a lot of power. I can see where the 115 would come in
handy for that. I don't know why the apparatus blew up when they tried to open it. I thought
Steve Wilson (from "Pounce") said the secret was some sort of hardened crystal (which might
explain all the crystal-growing experiments in space). I once asked Tom Mahood why you
would need a "ufo" if you could generate a "time" or "interdimensional" tunnel? He never
answered me on that one. Rumors have it that IBM has been doing this sort of
experimentation for a while. (Indeed wasn't Sohrawardi an IBM researcher who "strayed from
the flock"?) They had some sort of quantum tunneling ad in "Scientific American" which
appeared with an adjoining ad for Hungarian goulash. 'Hungary' is special because of the
scientists from that country (Teller, von Newman, Szilard, etc.) that were so ahead of their
time they were dubbed the "Men from Mars". In Darlington's book a theory was proposed
that a "language" of a race of aliens became Hungarian. (And Tesla often claimed
communication with Mars. But Ramanujan was "normal" because his inspirations came from
the the goddess of Namakkal.) I had a job offer once from Battelle Institute. I had never
heard of them before. They said their charter prohibited from advertising publicly. I also had
a job offer from IBM's old Federal Systems when they moved from Westlake Village to
Boulder. I didn't realize either that they were involved that heavily in that type of covert
work. They also told me they and their clients found it best to keep that information 'quiet'.
So it wouldn't surprise me if IBM wasn't doing research in this area. Maybe they could be
parceling out parts to companies such as your's???
We have the perfect weapon. Sit outside the targeted area with robot smaller vehicles, unlimited
ceiling, acceleration and maneuvering. No satellite is safe, etc. He who controls the air...... A fter all,
our system is totally EM. We could CHIRP an EMP burst and stop all electronic devices within miles.
What does a 2,000 lb. canary say? Chirp!!!
> The upshot of all this is that although I remain confused on how everything fits together and
what parts of still science-fiction, your site was the first PUBLIC notice that seem to affirm
what I and others have been suspecting all along. You can thank Marshall Barnes for putting
> -- Mark
S-006. from Dr. Richard Boylan regarding UNITEL
From: "Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D."<drboylan@jps.net>
Subject: Re: UNITEL web site
Wed, 6 Sep 2000 07:48:31-0700
----- Original Message -----> Dr. Boylan -> I've been bouncing back-and-forth between the Roswell-related stuff, remote-viewing and
MK-Ultra mind control, and the Philadelphia Experiment/Montauk Project/Incunabula they
are all related somehow. Post-quantum lectures by Sarfatti, Herbert, Puthoff seem to point to
a way. Marshall Barnes made reference to a UNITEL company and gave their web site
www.unitelnw.com . It was a great web site . Among …
When I went to the UNITEL site, it said it was down for reconstruction. Everything is related at the
post-quantum physics level. That does not argue for a demonstrated relationship between Roswell
(TRUE), remote viewing (TRUE), and the mythical Philadelphia Project (which is so over-layered with
disinformation and myth by Bielek and Nichols that the truth -- if any -- may never be known.
> their projects was the first interstellar craft. Apparently it works by macroscopic quantum
tunneling (what Barnes thinks happened to the naval ship during the P-X). The "smart skin"
layers embedded in the synthetic blue diamond hull is cutting-edge.
Perhaps. But can it fly now?
> Anyway, they apparently are upgrading their site. I sent an email and it received the
attached response. They evaded some of my questions concerning Montauk, Element-115,
the years 2003 and 2012 AD. But apparently they have some of Herbert's old crowd on their
design team. Though you'd be interested. (Which I could have a job there … !)
I have no facts about this alleged company. When they have something that has been shown to fly using
field propulsion or space-time bending, then I'd be interested.
Good Wishes,
Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC
Post Office Box 22310, Sacramento, CA 95822
Phone: (916) 422-7479 (PDT)
E-mail: drboylan@jps.net Website: http://www.jps.net/drboylan/
S-007. from United Nuclear (owned by Bob Lazar) regarding UNITEL
From : United Nuclear <countdown@lvcm.com>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: UNITEL web site (thought Bob might be interested)
Date : Wed, 13 Sep 2000 14:23:19 -0700
> I was forwarded to the UNITEL site (www.unitelnw.com) in a Marshall Barnes' chat
dealing with the Philadelphia Experiment/Montauk Project/Incunabula/remote-viewing....
Hi Mark :
Although Bob Lazar does own United Nuclear, he is almost never here and does not receive email
here. Just FYI, he hates the topic of UFO & related stuff like Black Projects, etc. He is currently in
New Mexico working on his missile base. See http://www.terraform.org/
Please don't forget to include a list of what you're ordering with your payment!
(We do not keep email or customer records on file.)
--------------------------------United Nuclear
1027 S. Rainbow Blvd., Suite #240
Las Vegas, NV. 89145-6232
Website: http://www.unitednuclear.com
S-008. from S. Miles Lewis regarding UNITEL
From : SMiles Lewis <smiles@elfis.net>
To : <stealthskater@hotmail.com>
Subject : Re: UNITEL web site
Date : Mon, 09 Oct 2000 23:22:59 -0700
on 9/6/00 5:16 AM, stealthskater@hotmail.com wrote:
> I came across an article posted by you while doing a web search. You might be interested
in this. I emailed UNITEL ( http://www.unitelnw.com ) with some questions. They are the
only "public" company that I have found that is admitting to a design of an interstellar craft
(based on macroscopic quantum tunneling that was allegedly done in the Philadelphia
Experiment, the Montauk Project, and by the Incunabula cult). Their layman's schematics
&discussions were fascinating and quite believable. They didn't answer all of my questions. I
have no reason to doubt off-hand what they did say in their response. It coincides with other
sources. Unfortunately if you didn't see their original web site, their reply to me won't be as
impressive. There are so many paranormal phenomena out there. UFOs, time travel, remoteviewing, alternate worlds, ghosts, etc. New advances in post-Quantum theory (as popularized
by Dr. Jack Sarfatti http://www.stardrive.org , http://www.issso.org/inbox/ ,
http://www.qedcorp.com/pcr/pcr/ufo.html ) hold promise of bringing all these subjects under
one "theoretical umbrella". (I don't like Glen Campbell anymore, but he did publish a neat list
of "disinformers" at http://www.ufomind.com/misc/1997/dec/d16-002.shtml ) This is just a
hobby pursuit of mine. I'm not a "quack", die-hard believer, or hardened skeptic. Thought
you might be interested
> Mark
Thanks for the info. I too am interested in things like the incunabula information and FTL, hyperspatial
travel technology research.
If you come across any more good information please don't hesitate to email me.
BTW- I am hosting a UFO conference around this time next year here in Austin Texas. I will soon have
a web site up at http://www.nufoc.net detailing information about this National UFO Conference.
SMiles Lewis - Elfis Editor
Journal of Possible Paradigms
PO Box 33509
Austin, TX 78764
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S-009. from S.Miles Lewis regarding Jack Sarfatti, NickHerbert, HalPuthoff, Marshall Barnes
From : SMiles Lewis <smiles@elfis.net>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: P.S. -- Sarfatti, Herbert, Puthoff ...
Date : Tue, 10 Oct 2000 08:34:51 -0700
on 10/10/00 4:23 AM, stealthskater@hotmail.com wrote:
> P.S. Dr. Jack Sarfatti describes himself as a "rogue physicist". He and others are trying to
develop "post-quantum" (Modanese???) physics. It brings under one mathematical umbrella
mainstream physics as well as remote-viewing, quantum teleportation, conscious thought etc.
He and Nick Herbert (of Incunabula fame) and Nobel Laureate Murray Gell-Mann regularly
exchange ideas and sometimes these get posted. Puthoff is frequently mentioned also.
Sarfatti seems to be interested in applying these new theories to the man/mind psychotronics
guidance of the UFOs but perhaps is still leaning toward the Thorne/Sagan wormholes to
achieve interstellar travel.
UNITEL's Maurer says Macroscopic quantum tunneling does the same thing and is probably
more easily achievable. I've read where wormhole-traversing would require exotic matter and
"negative" energy ("Hyperspace"-Michio Kaku). Sarfatti's sites are interesting reading and
can be found at http://www.qedcorp.com/pcr/pcr.ufo.html
http://www.isso.org/inbox/ .
I emailed Dr. Sarfatti once about his take on the Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk
Project. His short reply was it was almost impossible to conclusively investigate
legends/myths such as these but he would pass my question on to someone else. I never heard
Tom Mahood was a contributor to David Darlington's Area 51 - the Dreamland Chronicles.
Tom has drawn criticism for being voicing his educated disbelief in certain things (while
never saying what he does believe in). I have exchanged a few emails with him. On some
subjects like Marshall Barnes and the Incunabula and Montauk, he refuses to even
acknowledge my questions. On others he is "vintage" Tom. Regarding Sarfatti, Tom said he
was a bright guy who tends to get off on too many "tangents". When I asked Tom is Puthoff
was a member of the Aviary, Tom said he and Hal had shared many a laugh over those
accusations. He said Hal is still looking for something novel and breakthrough. Tom said he
is always watching Hal and when Hal "goes" so will he. You figure it out. Tom also said he
(some a surprise) that he believes in remote-viewing and had it demonstrated for him to his
satisfaction. He thinks that David Morehouse, Courtney Brown, and Ed Dames are "flakes"
but has much respect for Lyn Bucanon and especially Joe McMoneagle. (Morehouse had an
interesting article in NEXUS magazine at http://www.nexusmagazine.com/psispy1.html .)
I've also exchanged some emails with Dr. Richard Boylan whose collection of postings can be
found at http://jps.net/drboylan . Dr. Boylan had never heard of UNITEL before and said that
"well if they ever end up building this fantasy device, let me know so I can witness its
launch". Sometimes I think hardened investigators don't trust anything but what they have
been researching themselves.
Don't get me wrong. I like Dr. Broylan. I feel that in UNITEL's case he was a bit quick to
jump to (the wrong) conclusions. And I like Tom Mahood also although I think he knows a
lot more than he's telling. He told me an email that one of the things that amazed him when
he returned to school to get his Master's in physics was that "you could have a Ph.D. in the
subject and still be an absolute NUT!"
I'm sure you've read the Barnes' PX chat archives at http://users.cihost.com/ata/chat99.htm .
Marshall complains about the "alleged" Incunabula crowd not getting in touch with him and
yet I've found it impossible to track Marshall himself down. I sent some stuff to the Montauk
Project website hoping it will get forwarded to him.
In summary, I find myself leaning more toward the quantum tunneling explanation of
interstellar travel like UNITEL proposed in their old web site. I think that's what happened to
the Eldridge and that is more easily achieved than trying to generate wormholes. Now how
you "navigate" and designate your "destination" is another matter. Perhaps they learned some
of that by using the remote-viewers at Montauk. The secrets of that probably lie in the upper
level of the crafts that were denied access to Lazar and are what Sarfatti is trying to
mathematically describe.
> -- Mark
Thanks for all the info and insights.
I site pretty squarely on the fence about things like Montauk and the Philadelphia Experiment. Just
like the incunabula stuff, the authors/researchers have undoubtedly wound fiction into the telling of
some possible truths. Its just a matter of how PROBABLE those truths are - of course if you take the
incunabula perspective there are a SLIDERS spectrum of other earths we can get slip out of here and go
to there with. I think the Incunabula stuff is much higher-brow literary work than the Montauk or P-X
stuff. But that is an aesthetic choice and critical literary perspective.
Hal as you know has published on engineering the vacuum for space travel and has made other
suggestions that his ZPE research could impact everything from energy production, to 'space' travel, to
chi / prana / kundalini concepts of the energetics of the body, mind and universe. But all this is
I guess you take a lot more of the UFO ideas out there more seriously than I do. I think my fencestraddling sometimes hinders my ability to connect some of the potential dots the way you have below
and in previous posts. I think people like Lazar are usually being led/misled - whether or not anything
like what they claim could be true becuz it certainly COULD. So in that way I think you have perhaps a
better speculative overview down one probability path than I do.
Please do send me that old UNITEL site text. I am not as up on my physics as most of my friends
My email friend Eugenia Macer-Story has written for my site including comments about the
'shadowy' Marshall Barnes and his claims. She emails me with her part of the dialogue on the Sarfatti elists which features a huge variety of physicists and spook types. Her most recent site is devoted to her
ideas and is here: http://www.fluidice.com
Talk with you soon. BTW - what part of the country are you in? I am down here in Austin, Texas,
S-010. from Bob King regarding the Philadelphia Experiment
From : bob king <bobking@xtra.co.nz>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: Philadelphia Experiment
Date : Sat, 2 Dec 2000 10:33:32 +1300
Hello Mark ,
Saturday, December 02, 2000, 1:03:00 AM, you wrote:
> I am responding to your message posting concerning more info about the Philadelphia
Much to my surprise, quite a lot have done so. I will add the file I have on the subject to the end of this.
I want you to understand that I have no special interest -- just a passing one -- in this issue and certainly
do not intend to make money out of what I happen to know which came about by chance. I am not at
this time willing to disclose how I came to know but assure you that it was pure chance and happened
many years ago just after WW2.
> I started out with an interest in UFOs and had heard about the P-X but didn't investigate it
more until I came across the Montauk Project.
Ah yes … Montauk!
> Then Lazar's stuff came out about Area S-4.
No comment.
> I have always been troubled by "whistle-blowers" trying to profit greatly from what they
claim are government conspiracies. You would think morality and patriotism would be above
such stuff. But even Stanton Friedman suppresses info until you buy one of his books or CDs.
Most of the stuff written by several authors on this issue has no real clue as to the reality of what
happened that day in Sept 1943. I am not sure I would call it a government. conspiracy. But certainly
the Governments of Britain and the USA have been very quiet on this issue as they made a terrible
blunder by destroying the evidence but under the pressure of the war it is understandable.
> I came across a P-X archive chat (http://users.cihost.com/ata/chat99.htm ) featuring
Marshall Barnes. He put me on to a private company called UNITEL. Their original website
was outstanding. Their patent revolved around a unique laser crystal lens that would make
possible quantum computers, targeting single cells with proton beams, and interstellar
The above two words are the crux of the whole issue as you will understand when you read my file
> … emailed them (never expecting a reply) and was astonished when I received a response
from the co-holder of their generic patent.
Their patent on this is only valid because the other one expired. Ref; Check the website on Nicola
> He didn't answer all my questions, but what he said was certainly mind-boggling. But it
always bothered me why he would reveal such stuff to a total stranger on the internet?
I haven't as yet opened the file attached. Until I get my expert computer friend around, I am reluctant to
do so after getting caught with virus attachments in the past. I will get to it later and keep your address
on file.
> Did you know that the Montauk Project homepage has been shut down for months now
(supposedly waiting on some password software) and that Nichols/Moon's site (...worldfamousMontauk...) is inaccessible? That seems strange ...
Yes, I know about the above and also know why. According to the U.S. Govt., the Montauk Project was
shut down years ago. This is a lie. They are also trying to suppress the knowledge that Nichols has as
he is one of the few who actually knows what he is on about.
The Philadelphia Experiment
This experiment was conducted in 1943 under the control and direction of Nicola Tesla(18561943). The U.S.A. had entered the World War on the side of the Allies and many experiments
relating to possible uses of unknown and untested theories were being tried at the time to give
the Allies a distinct advantage over the German war machine which appeared unstoppable.
Tesla was a brilliant scientist in his own right and although he discovered many of the things
we use today without even thinking of who discovered them and demonstrated how they could
be used to the advantage of our civilization, his name although known and is not linked to many
things for which he was completely or partially responsible. (The main one being the electric
current we all use in our homes today.)
Much of his earlier work was enhanced/developed by Charles Steinmetz. Tesla invented and
built many curious "machines" most of which are still not understood. Ref. Montauk 1946
onwards.) This site -- in spite of official comments denying that it is still in operation -- will give
you some more info on the issue (a lot of which is not correct because the Govt. has restricted
outgoing info, it has all been censored).
The Philadelphia Experiment was based around one of his (Tesla) devices with which he
convinced the U.S. authorities that he could transmit matter from one place to another
instantaneously. He had done a lot of work on this project because he and others realized that
such a device would revolutionize transportation around the World.
His original demonstration of the device was positive to some extent in that it appeared to work
but could not be controlled. After more work on the project, he convinced the powers that be
that he could control it and the result was the experiment conducted aboard the USS Eldridge off
the coast of eastern U.S.A. The project was given the code name 'Philadelphia'.
In the chaos of World War, he was given the ship and a skeleton crew of 26 and permission to
test his project by transporting the ship and crew across the Atlantic ocean. The ship sailed
under these conditions: The crew were only to run the ship and assist him if required. The
apparatus was set up on the foredeck. Witnesses to what happened from the American side (
some of whom are still alive) said that the ship sailed to about 5 miles off the coast and simply
According to newspaper reports, before the whole incident was classified(a few hours later), the
newly-installed British radar picked up a reflection of an unknown object in the British channel
just south of Portsmouth. 3 ships were immediately dispatched to investigate and found the USS
Eldridge drifting. Because of the danger to other shipping and the fact that the British
authorities had been notified to some extent of what was going on, the ship was boarded and
taken in tow to the port of Southampton. The real problem was that when the ship was boarded,
everyone (including Tesla) were found to be dead.
(Note: Tesla was reported to have died in a New York hotel before this time and just who is
buried in his grave is not known. It certainly is not Tesla!)
It should also be noted that none of the ship engines were able to be used as all the electrical
apparatus was burnt out. After some interchange of messages with America, the British firm
'Rotax' was called in to see if they could determine what had happened. Rotax was a company
that worked on experimental projects and was based just outside of London.
The American Govt. issued the order to scuttle the ship, leaving everything and everyone on
board. The British Govt. (Churchill) ordered the ship to be towed up to 'Scapa flow' and sunk.
This order was carried out and that is where, unrecorded position' the ship rests today. The
American authorities notified the crews’ families that their sons had died in battle.
It was also reported that later on, the USS Eldridge had been sold to Greece (1946). But in fact,
the ship that was sold was not the Eldridge but a sister ship (un-named, built but never
commissioned because the War had ended). In any case, it is well known worldwide that no
sailor would sail in the Eldridge as sailors are very superstitious and there is no way a crew
would be found in any country to sail a ship that had met such ill fortune.
Some of the above can be confirmed from the short interval between the ships arrival in the
British channel and the suppression of all information a few hours later. The crew number (26)
can be confirmed from the ships log, retained by the British and later returned to America. It
also confirms that Tesla was on board and that the ships mission was Top-Secret although no
details of the project are recorded in the log.
British records confirm that the ship was scuttled at an unrecorded spot in Scapa Flow. (This
was the base for much of the British navy during the war and is located amoungst the Orkney
Isles, north of Scotland) It is obvious from this that Tesla nearly achieved what he set out to do.
The fact that a living organism could not -- at least by his method -- be instantaneously
transported and still live was in a way a pity.
There are no copies of the apparatus he used as far as is known. It will be for some other genius
of the future to re-invent. (Hopefully when this happens, it will not produce quite the same
results relating to living beings).
Albert Einstein was a consultant to this experiment but did not take part himself. Isaac Asimov
was present in the late 1930s when Tesla originally showed this experiment to several notable
people. Asimov later wrote a short science-fiction story about the experiment called "The
Billiard Ball".
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me and if I KNOW the answer I will reply.
-- Regards,
S-011. from Bob King (follow-up to previous email #10)
From : bob king <bobking@xtra.co.nz>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: thanks for your info !
Date : Mon, 4 Dec 2000 16:19:10 +1300
Hello Mark,
I have to apologize. My software won't quote your message when it comes thru from an Internet
source. I am replying from having dumped it to the printer.
Thanks for the open file. I'll get at it soon.
I am not at all surprised that many of your questions were not answered. The reason for this is that
they don't know the answers so they avoid them. If you accept what I sent you, you will also now know
why. There are very few people who are interested in this subject or even know that the Experiment was
'matter transfer' and nothing to do with radar invisibility etc. I will go back to the site when I have time.
But to be honest, most of it is rubbish.
Most people are confused over all the stuff released about UFOs. This is deliberate government
policy so that in the end, no one knows what to believe. (Not one of my major interests, but I keep an
eye on the issue.) You may be interested to know that all the stuff recovered from the Area-51 UFO
crash site has been transferred to the Australian Pine Gap installation. There is no way they could come
up with an agreed document on these issues. I would just about guarantee that anyone you talk with on
the site doesn't even know about the above fact (i.e., Pine Gap).
There is no one book and certainly no website that I know of that could be regarded as factual. Most
of them are third and forth hand info. I would suggest that to start with (unless you have already done
so), read (in order) A brief history of Time Hawking; then Stephen Hawking's Universe by Boslough.
The last book tears Hawking apart.
Next read The nature of Space and Time by Hawking and Penrose. Next Achilles in the Quantum
Universe by Morris followed by The Whole Shebang by Ferris.
If you get through that lot, then read The Man Who Invented the 20th Century by Lomas. When you
have finished, put all that info together with what you know and what you think you know and make up
your own mind.
With ref. to Montauk sites on the web, you may as well forget them because they are either closed
off or way out-of-date. (Montauk is still fully operational by the way.)
I am used to getting emails from some strange names and that’s okay. I use my proper name
because I stand by the information I gave you (and others who asked). As to what Mahood thinks of
some of the others, that is his personal right but doesn't make what HE says any more correct.
My knowledge of the Philadelphia Experiment comes from personal knowledge. I am 64 years old
and was alive at the time and also when the news broke. Although I was young, it has always stayed
with me. You can confirm some of what I told you by getting hold of the local papers from Portsmouth
(England) covering the dates from the Sept 25, 1943 to Sept. 29. I think the Experiment occurred on the
27th but wouldn't swear to that date.
You could also see if you could get hold of any documents held by Rotax on the subject. But I doubt
if you would have any success there.
I notice you didn't make any comments on what I told you which puzzled me somewhat. But
whatever, that’s your choice. You can believe what you like because the issue is now so confused by
so-called writers over the years that you can just about take your pick.
-- Regards,
S-012. from Bob King (follow-up to original email #11)
From : bob king <bobking@xtra.co.nz>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re:
Date : Tue, 5 Dec 2000 10:12:23 +1300
Hello Mark,
ref. your last reply.
That's okay about your comments. But as for Xmas shopping, I gave that up years ago. I now give
my grandchildren money to buy what they want instead of giving them something they don't really want
in the first place.
Deyo is as bad as the rest of them with what he writes and -- as you say -- his mind has now tried to
mix two subjects and it doesn't work.
On the issue of 2003, I will wait and see! (my mind remains open). There is some confirmation and
consensus on the 2012 date. But this is tied to Nostradamus and the interpretation of his predictions.
My own thoughts on this issue are that -- without tying it down to a date -- the civilization we enjoy at
present is close to collapse and that date is as good as any others.
As far as Sitchin is concerned, he started off with the best intentions and then joined the other writers
with concepts that no one could prove either way. Then he added in a lot of his own imagination. I do
think, though, that we are not alone and so-called "aliens" have been among us for a long time. I have
no proof of this -- just a personal concept.
I have no real set ideas about time-travel. Remember, though, that in a way the Philadelphia
Experiment as I described it to you was a kind of "time travel".
Thanks for the book refs. Will see if the library has them and I have the time to read them.
If your job bores you, then you should be looking for something else!
-- Regards,
S-013. from “Time Enforcement Commission” regarding their time travel circuit schematics
From : "T.E.C. - Time Enforcement Commission" <tec@tec-time.com>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: are you guys for "real" ???
Date : Wed, 21 Feb 2001 22:19:37 -0600
----- Original Message ----> From: <stealthskater@hotmail.com>
> To: <tec@tec-time.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 12:36 PM
> Subject: are you guys for "real" ???
> Dear Sirs ->
> I accidentally stumbled across your site while doing a web-search onthe "delta-T antenna".
I have read much about UFOs and accounts of Lazar, Corso, Sarfatti, Puthoff, Boylan etc.
Recently I've delved more in the Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Projects. It started
with Nichols & Moon, then later Bielek, then Marshall Barnes, the Incunabula, and the
UNITEL corporation. I've even read some of the more "New Age"-y stuff along the lines of
Bob Frissell.
So I was able to "generally" follow what you were saying at
http://comunidad.ciudad.com.ar/argentina/capital_federal/nandoherrera/main.htm . I know
Mr. Barnes has claimed some success in his private labs on some of these psychotronic
devices. But I was amazed at the diversity of all the different types of apparatus I saw at your
site. The bottom line is (1) are you for "real" -- this isn't a joke to get people to spend money
for something that won't 'work' , and (2) better yet, do you have a place where we could visit
and experience some of the phenomena first-hand and then even purchase some equipment
before we left (like listening to a pair of speakers before you buy them)?
> At any rate, I was VERY impressed with your site. For once I got to see actual schematics
and numbers and not theories that lead nowhere. I've published some prototypes in the old
Popular Electronics magazine (even though all my degrees are in chemical engineering and
information technology) so I'm sure I could tackle the construction. But it would be neater to
see you guys in person !
> Mark
The principal purpose for those devices at TEC are for OBE (out of body experience) time travel. But in
some cases, by using some grid points they could be used for physical time travel. We don’t have a
place to try these devices all of this information came by letters, emails, faxes and was uploaded at the
site. The majority of these schematics were created by a person called Steven Gibbs. Some have
claimed success … others nothing ... and so on.
This area is to try and keep trying. By the way, there is a site that sells time travel reports of the Delta-T
antenna is www.igas.org .
PS: We are going to make a machine called the chronocraft for physical time-travel using Arlinsky
Thanks for writing!!
S-015. from Dr. Richard Boylan regarding claims of the “TEC”
From : drboylan <drboylan@jps.net>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: found a "Delta-T antenna" and MORE .....
Date : Wed, 21 Feb 2001 23:26:53 -0800
<stealthskater@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Dr. Boylan ->
> I was doing a "Google" search for 'Delta-T antenna' because I've heard so much about it and
wanted to see what one actually looked like. I came across one design that said its hollow
cylindrical frames had to be supercooled with helium to achieve superconductivity and then
100,000+ watts was pumped into each of the axis.
> But I also came across this site
makes Nichols' and Marshall's stuff pale in comparison (at least by the sheer number of
different "gadgets"). Don't know if its bogus but someone has gone to a lot of expense if it is
(check out the cute ever-changing graphic at the very END of the main page).
> - Mark
Diagrams are not the same as operating devices in demonstration tests.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC, Post Office Box 22310, Sacramento, California 95822, United States
of America. Phone: (916) 422-7479 (PDT)
E-mail: drboylan@jps.net
WEBSITE: http://www.jps.net/drboylan/
You are invited to join his UFOTruth internet reports-and-ET/UFO/Experiencers chat list; moderated
by Dr. Boylan: (subscribe at: http://UFOTruth.listbot.com/ ); or join his on-line DrRichBoylanReports
(reports-only!) list by signing up free at: http://DrRichBoylanReports.listbot.com/
S-016. from Dr. Arkadiusz Jadczyk regarding UNITEL’s claims
From : "Arkadiusz Jadczyk" <lark1@ozline.net>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : UNITEL
Date : Thu, 22 Mar 2001 12:55:11 -0400
To give you some idea about what I think of UNITEL, here is just one exchange that I had more than
year ago on another list.
Thanks for writing,
> ------- Forwarded message follows ------> From: "Arkadiusz Jadczyk" <lark1@ozline.net>
> To: antigrav@egroups.com
> Date sent: Sat, 27 Nov 1999 19:41:33 -0400
> Priority: normal
> Send reply to: antigrav@egroups.com
> Subject: [antigrav] Re: 137 ID #
> On 27 Nov 99 at 16:10, Larry Maurer wrote:
>> I do not care if you or Mr. Sarfatti believe in our design or not. We are only trying to
explain our design to anyone who is interested.
> Then do explain your design. But do not try explaining things that you do not understand. Save
the time of other people.
>> If there is no interest then we will simply leave the A-G list and go about our own
business of constructing and testing our patented prototypes.
> I believe there is an interest here. But what you say about fiber bundles has nothing to do with the
design. Unless you think that fibre bundles are bundles of fibres, optical or just wires! They are not!
And Dirac strings are not strings that you can bundle your design with. These are mathematical
concepts. Pretty much of an abstract nature. Unless you know how to calculate with them and how
to get numbers. Do not try to impress engineers with mathematical concepts. They do not need
them. Explain what you do and how you do it. They will know what you are talking about
>> Remember we do not have just a US patent but also several international patents
including a Japanese patent which has had six years of careful scrutiny of our patent with
ten claims.
> Patents -- US, Japanese, or Marsian -- have nothing to do with fiber bundles. You are not getting
patents for fiber bundles. You are getting patents for design. So talk about design. And when you
start talking about math that you do not know about - tell it other people like: "I will now tell you
what comes to my mind but I really do not know what I am talking about because I never learned
differential geometry and never computed one characteristic class or Chern invariant." Then it will
be OK.
>> I suggest if you do not understand something, you do not lash out with charges and
accusations of saving the public from some kind of perpetrated falsehoods.
> Do not count on it. I will if the subject deals with math concepts. At least until "B.G." kicks me
off this list.
>> I would like to get feedback from others from the A-G list on this subject. Perhaps we
are in the wrong crowd and we are just wasting everyone's time.
> I am not preventing you from getting your feedback. That is what this list is for. Get it. By all
means. But because this is a mostly engineering list, better talk the language that other people
understand (and that you understand too)
> ark
S-017. from Alexandra“Chica” Bruce regarding information passed-on to me
From : "Alexandra Bruce" <alexandra@sokolin.com>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : RE: interesting past emails here ...
Date : Tue, 27 Mar 2001 03:03:28 -0500
> I have always been troubled by "whistle-blowers" trying to profit greatly from what they
claim are government conspiracies. You would think morality and patriotism would be above
such stuff. But even Stanton Friedman suppresses info until you buy one of his books or CDs.
Dude, get over it. Why do you think people should do this stuff for free? Time is money. People need
to pay their bills. End of story.
It took me 3 years to write my book while working double-shifts, 6 days per week at other jobs. I have
been paid $2000 so far for my efforts. I think I deserve more, wouldn't you, after nearly losing your
mind and life in the undertaking? Geez!
> Did you know that the Montauk Project homepage has been shut down for months now
(supposedly waiting on some password software)
This "official" site was a domain name bought by this old has-been commercial jingle writer in NYC,
who had nothing to do either w/ the Project or with the book series...it was shut down after the stupid
human tricks and the low level of the discussion no longer was of interest for him to host. It was a
bunch of dumbass people who didn't get it, anyway...
> … and that Nichols/Moon's site (...world-famousMontauk...) is inaccessible? That seems
strange ...
This "world-famous" site was/(is?) also not a "Nichols and Moon" site. The site was put up by a
(foreign, non-fluent-English-speaking/writing) fan of the material.
>> [from Bob King:] “You may be interested to know that all the stuff recovered from Area
51 UFO crash site has been transferred to the Pine Gap installation.”
Whatever. Prove it. I've also heard that the stuff went to that US AFB in Northern Italy (where they
later ran the Bosnian missions from)...
>> [from Bob King:] “There is no way they could come up with an agreed document on these
issues and I would just about guarantee that anyone you talk with on the site doesn't even
know about the above fact.(Pine Gap)
Who-the-hell is this guy?
>> [from Bob King:] “Montauk is still fully operational by the way.”
Whatever. Maybe in a parallel universe. I live here.
>> [from Bob King:] “My knowledge of the Philly ex. comes from personal knowledge, I am
64 years old and was alive at the time and also when the news broke although I was young it
has always satyed with me. You can confirm some of what i told you by getting hold of the
local papers from Portsmouth (England) covering the dates from the 25th Sept 1943 to the
29th Sept. I think the experiment occurred on the 27th but wouldn't swear to that date. You
could also see if you could get hold of any documents held by Rotax on the subject but I
doubt if you would have any success there.”
This is cool.
>> [from Bob King:] “I notice you didn't make any comments on what i told you which
puzzled me somewhat, but whatever, that’s your choice and you can believe what you like
because the issue is now so confused by so called writers over the years that you can just
about take your pick.”
I gotta agree with him there.
Thanks for the very interesting forwards, Mark!
L8R - - Chica
S-018. from Laura Knight regarding UNITEL (she sent this additional reply to email #16)
From : "Laura Knight-Jadczyk" <lark2@ozline.net>
To : <stealthskater@hotmail.com>
Subject : Re: Montauk / Sarfatti / UNITEL
Date : Fri, 30 Mar 2001 22:45:50 -0500
On 22 Mar 2001, at 11:32, stealthskater@hotmail.com wrote:
> Dear Sirs:
> I started seriously investigating UFO phenomena after I purchased Lazar's model and heard
his story. Of course getting on the Internet helped things out a lot although it also made you
vulnerable to disinformation. I was led to your site by an unbelievable set of occurrences
which I'm too embarrassed to divulge (has nothing to do at all with science!) by Alexandra
'Chica' Bruce. She posted a site of mine on one her pages. I found it by accident, and
<link>ed to the Cassiopaea site from her page.
Yes, we love Chica here!
> I was aware of the Philadelphia Experiment but did not delve into deeply until I picked up
one of Nichols&Moons' Montauk books. I probably bought most of them. I did some reading
on remote-viewing also and bought the Corso book and saw his tv interview. I've read most
of Marshall Barnes' investigations and been to Richard Boylan's extensive site. I've also seen
the Incunabula site which claims interdimensional travel per "Many Worlds". I purchased
Darlington's excellent "Area 51 - the Dreamland Chronicles" and Michio Kaku's
"Hyperspace". I've been to all 3 of Dr. Sarfatti's sites and am overwhelmed by the amazing
science. In spite of my chemical engineering background, I can't begin to follow the debates
of Sarfatti/Gell-Mann/Herbert or the ones you had with Tom&Jack.
LOL! Neither can we!
> I once emailed Dr. Sarfatti and asked him about the P-X / Montauk Project. His brief
response was that there was no way to determine if those fables had any truth to them. Dr.
Boylan was more blunt, saying that "Roswell was real; remote-viewing is real; but Nichols
and Bielek put out so much disinformation that the real truth (if any) about Montauk may
never be known."
Well, even if I am often disposed to think the same about Boylan, can't argue much with him on this
> Mr. Barnes alerted readers to a UNITEL company ( http://www.unitelnw.com ). They are
trying to produce a unique semiconductor laser crystal lens that has quantum tunneling
applications in quantum-computing, microscopic-sized proton beams, and interstellar
spacecraft. A "Bob King" who posted on the "Quest-for-Truth" P-X board said that he knew
the "real story" behind the P-X and that UNITEL just picked up on an existing patent after it
had expired. Dr. Boylan suggested that UNITEL is a clever disinformation ploy along the
lines of WingMakers.
Have to agree on that one as far as we have been able to determine it...
> UNITEL's site was down for awhile for "re-construction". I emailed them "blindly" overthe-net and congratulated them for an outstanding site and asked when the new one would be
up. I received a response the NEXT DAY from one of the co-holders of the patent (if you
believe email) who divulged further information about the interstellar craft. He said that the
Incunabula was no "cult" (as I referred to it), and that his company had some of them working
there (in Portland, OR).
He said the craft was in part based on a close-up
observation/encounter with a cigar-shaped UFO in Eugene, OR in 1982. He further implied
that although exotic things like Thorpe's wormholes may exist (as in Sagan's movie), that
wasn't the mode-of-operation for their design. It was MACROscopic quantum tunneling.
And then he quoted some Japanese scientist's concept. When I asked whether this was TIME
or DIMENSIONAL travel, he said 'what does it matter? 5-11 directions in space-time. the
ExT, ExM, vectors, etc.'
Well - wait and see.
> I sent a copy of his email to Dr. Sarfatti, Tom Mahood, Dr. Kaku, Stan Deyo, Marshall
Barnes. No-one has yet replied. Tom Mahood -- one of the contributors to Darlington's book
-- emailed previously and said that 'Jack Sarfatti is a BRIGHT guy who tends to get lost on
too many tangents.' Tom said he was familiar with Jack's post-Quantum (Modanese) theories
but didn't subscribe to them at this point. He said he and Hal Puthoff share laughs when Hal
learns he is supposed to be part of the 'Aviary'. Tom said 'when Hal ever comes across
something that is earth-shaking, he will go ... and I'll probably follow him myself." Last I
heard Tom was working on advanced propulsion concepts (perhaps like the much-rumored
TR-3B Black Manta that uses pressurized mercury to overcome 89% of gravity). And Bob
Lazar's current public stance is he refuses to talk about any black project or UFO stuff. He is
supposed to be working on experimental Mars habitats in a converted missile silo.
And on and on the merry-go-round goes. I tell ya, it's a morass out there!
> Any comments on this? I would be happy to forward you the email I received from
UNITEL. What surprises me is why would they respond to a total stranger over the Internet
with stuff that -- if true -- would have to be 'Top Secret' even if they are a private company.
And looking deeper, they only answered about 1/4-th the questions I posed.
> -- Mark
Well, my suspicion is that they need investors, so they are going to be nice to everybody...
What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger! And "knowledge protects!"
Thanks for writing,
Ark and Laura Jadczyk
S-019. from “Chica” Bruce regarding email I received from Laura Knight-Jadczyk
From : "Alexandra Bruce" <alexandra@sokolin.com>
To : <stealthskater@hotmail.com>
Subject : RE: more on Laura
Date : Mon, 2 Apr 2001 05:23:33 -0400
Dear Mark ,
> I had one email from "Ark" that I forwarded to you. I got his name from a <link> on your
web-page. Even though I realize I'm an unknown stranger to him, I still felt his reply was
'cold' and impersonal (sort of like the one I got from his buddy Dr. Saratti).
I remember it. Ark displayed the classic, condescending behavior of a "scientist", what can I say? The
attitude is most unfortunate. I regard orthodox scientists like Carl Sagan as the Catholic Inquisition of
our age. They are run by their beliefs and do not truly have open minds.
Laura is more active a maintaining their joint site and she probably didn't know that her husband had
already answered you.
> If for no other reason than to reassure you, I'm sort of glad that I sent the original email off.
I don't know why Laura responded, but at least you know that they still think well of you.
Yeah, that was good to know. She also finally answered my other email and in addition, came to my
defense last week when the peanut gallery (Marshall Barnes and his multiple personalities) began
dissing my book on Disinformation (without even reading it), when they posted a review last week:
http://www.disinfo.com/pages/article/id993/pg1/ .
> You jumped on me too hard for objecting to people "making a living" off their research. I
don't object to 'that'. What I object to is people selling a "religion" to people who want-tobelieve when they feel it may be untrue. That's taking advantage of people. That's not right.
I agree with you, however, I don't see much difference between that and a plastic surgeon selling nose
jobs and breast implants, or the "Abdominizer" and any number of food supplements and self-help
books, etc...it's just selling stuff that is outside of yourself that's supposed to make you feel better...
> I think Peter is aware of that based on his reply to me that he "thinks something really
happened" at Montauk also. That's a hell-of-a-difference between that watered-down
statement and all that stuff he's writing from a take-it-as-facts, folks! point-of-view. He
admitted it in a small section of one of the books by saying something like "even if you don't
believe this is true, it's still better reading than most science-fiction".
I know [Peter] personally, very well. He takes everything that Al Bielek, Preston and Duncan say with a
grain of salt. Mark, you have to understand that the Montauk legend is based on fragmentary
references from fragmented people. I don't think that Peter has ever said that it should be taken
at face value.
> I think the main Montauk researchers would have been regarded more kindly if the books
were prefaced with a general disclaimer saying that "...the pages contained within are a
compilation of stories and tales from different sources which are impossible to validate.
Sometimes the various theories reinforce one another and sometimes they go off in different
directions. Some may be intentional or unintentional dis-information. This is part of the
problem of the entire Montauk mystery.'
Mark, I remember reading statements to that effect in the Forewords of all or most of his books,
Anyway, thanks for all your thoughtful comments and have a fun week, yourself - c
S-020. from Dr. Richard Boylan concerning exotic pulse-wave weapons
From : drboylan <drboylan@jps.net>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: personal pulse-wave and other exotic weapons
Date : Tue, 17 Apr 2001 21:00:27 -0700
stealthskater@hotmail.com wrote:
> Dr. Boylan ->
> I had purchased a "MYOTRON" pulse-wave weapon after watching an informational. I
have fortunately not been in a position where I've had to try it out. I needed to replace it (after
water corroded the battery from a leaky car window) and was doing a web search for
suppliers. I have found some supporting articles and a detracting review.
> In the process I came across a short article about hi-tech weapons that mentioned Nazi
technology and "sonic cannons" that were mentioned in the Montauk books.
http://www.usnews.com/usnews/issue/970707/7weir.htm . Thought you might be interested
> - Mark
More than interesting. I have been the target of one of the microwave personnel heaters on three
occasions, all resulting in trips to the ER.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC, Post Office Box 22310, Sacramento, California 95822, United States
of America. Phone: (916) 422-7479 (PDT)
E-mail: drboylan@jps.net
WEBSITE: http://www.jps.net/drboylan/
You are invited to join his UFOTruth internet reports-and-ET/UFO/Experiencers chat list; moderated
by Dr. Boylan: (subscribe at: http://UFOTruth.listbot.com/ ); or join his on-line DrRichBoylanReports
(reports-only!) list by signing up free at: http://DrRichBoylanReports.listbot.com/
The following 3 emails were from a “Harla Quinn”. I had seen this person posting on other
Montauk & Incunabula sites as well as other respondents claiming that a certain message was
actually from “Harla Quinn” and not the email-id associated with that message. I had written who
I thought was the owner of “The Montauk Project Center” and then started getting replies back
from “Harla Quinn”. So – perhaps erroneously – I thought “Harla” was the owner of the MPC.
Then I read elsewhere (as well as in her own email to me) that she has “multiple personalities. To
this day I don’t know who “Harla” is and have often wondered if “Harla” is actually Marshall
Barnes or Joe Matheny or ‘Chica’ Bruce or “DanteBot” or whomever, and I have even suspected
at times that ALL of them are one-and-the same physical person with different personalities. All I
know is “Harla” kept “dissecting” my statements like an attorney looking for some hidden
meaning when there was none intended. I felt very uncomfortable writing “Harla” because I
couldn’t write in my own natural way. I was always being put on the defensive when I didn’t do
anything wrong …
S-021. from “Harla Quinn” regarding “Peter Moon” and other Montauk-stuff
From : Harla Quinn <harlaquinn_2000@yahoo.com>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: Peter Moon is "Vince" and more
Date : Mon, 7 May 2001 06:47:54 -0700 (PDT)
Thanks, Mark. It was very kind of you to contact me. I sent an e-mail to Peter Moon yesterday asking
him about this info. I haven't got a response yet.
Moon is Vince and "more". More what? Care to expound further?
> I saw one of your posts on some board. I'm pretty sure Peter Moon's real name is what you
posted. Glenn Campbell reported that on his massive site at http://www.ufomind.com/.
On "some" board? LOL! Campbell's site is no longer operative. He's selling books these days. I would
need more substantiation.
> The "Alex" person who reportedly interviewed Phil Schneider may have been Alexandra
"Chica" Bruce who wrote a book about him and other PX/Montauk stuff. Her site is at
http://www.incunabula.org/chica/index.html .
But you have no information to verify that.
> I've had limited e-mail correspondence with her. She affirmed that Peter's real name was
Vince. I think it had something to do with protecting his family. Chica seems smart and
sophisticated but a little too much on the radical punk-rock side for me. (I mean, what she's
saying may be correct, it's just the manner of delivery in her emails that rubs against me the
wrong way. I'm from the old school.)
Old school? What does that mean? Do you still have the e-mail? As to using pseudonyms for
protection, I can certainly understand that.
> I did receive some letters from "Peter" also a few years ago. He became defensive when I
implied that there are many people who will spend money for a "religion" they want to
believe in. I wasn't trying to be critical, just pointing out the obvious. He replied with a
personal sarcastic remark which may have been called for since I evidently stepped on a
nerve. Later he said that he was sure "something" went on at Montauk based on his research
(I interpreted that as if he didn't know exactly 'what' that was). I suggested cross-correlating
events from independent researchers (like the Holy Bible was made after examining and
discarding hundreds of manuscripts and letters). He said that Aleister Crowley once tried
doing the same thing I was proposing. He told me "to proceed but with caution as that would
put me on the very fringe if not the center of the industrial-military complex." What-the-hell
that means I have no clue.
Sure, "something" may have happened at Montauk. I don't really care. I'm more interested in the
process of the dissemination of this "enigma".
> The Montauk stuff is a popular money-maker. I've incurred Chica's wrath for suggesting
the "researchers" are writing books just for money without regard for truth. She said that they
are no different from other people -- they are sacrificing time to spend on research and they
have bills to pay too.
I don't know CB, don't know anything about her so what does "incurring her wrath" mean? As to her
comments, I know full well the hours and hours it takes to research, read, exchange e-mails and
information and interview others and then double-checking sources aside from the long mental process
of pulling it all together and writing it.
> It seems strange that every few years new players come to reveal their personal experiences.
First it was just Nichols through Moon the "interpreter". Then out-of-the-blue came Bielek.
Then came a Stewart Swedlow who supposed to be one-up psychic-wise on Duncan Cameron
(who by-the-way according to an issue of "The Montauk Pulse" has left the camp disclaiming
all his previous statements -- they said he has fallen for some woman who has coerced him to
switch sides). Then came Chica Bruce. There's some new guy on the horizon. First the
"Montauk Boys". Now I've seen hints at the "Montauk Girls".
Yep...got to feed the masses. Some "new guy" on the horizon? Who are you talking about? Tell me
where I can find info on the Montauk Girls. I've only heard rumors to this effect and nothing more.
You forgot to mention Marshall Barnes in your list.
> Marshall Barnes had some good interactive chats on the PX, Montauk, and Incunabula at
http://users.cihost.com/ata/chat99.htm .
Marshall has his own site up at
http://it.t.boltpages.com/it.t/ .
That's old news. The it.t site also had a discussion board which is now defunct. Apparently, Barnes has
gone underground. BTW, have you ever met him in person? No one else seems to have.
> Apparently there some in-fighting between Marshall's camp, Nichols/Moon/Chica's camp,
and Matheny's side. They flip-flop between being allies and friends.
"Flip-flop"? Now why would you say that? I've not found any indication of that.
> I'm tempted to disregard all of them but some of the stuff they may be saying may actually
be true. (I remember the discovers of the DNA shape -- Crick and somebody else -- were
ridiculed by the medical community because they were more like biochemists and not bona
fide medical researchers. It took longer than necessary for their work to achieve its due just
because of human pride and egos.)
"apples and bananas" as the song goes..
> Interestingly, most UFO researchers I talk to are completely "down" on the P-X/Montauk.
They include Richard Boylan, Jack Sarfatti, Tom Mahood.
When did Sarfatti become a UFO researcher?
> They maintain there's not an ounce of evidence to back any of it up. And yet the basic
physics does make sense.
What physics? Are you referring to the alleged wormholes created via Duncan Cameron's "chair" or the
alleged HAARP-like physics?
> I don't think it's necessary to do exotic things like create wormholes to travel vast distances.
No? What makes you say that?
> Did you ever check out the UNITEL site at http://www.unitelnw.com ? I received an email
from a Larry Maurer (one of patent co-holders) who said their interstellar craft design was
partially based on a 1982 close-encounter with a cigar-shaped UFO in Eugene, Oregon. And
he also said that some of the Incunabula researchers were working with him at UNITEL.
That's too funny! I'm a member of all the anti-grav groups and correspond with Maurer and others and
he's never related anything like this. But, I'll certainly ask him about it. Incunabula researchers working
at Unitel? LOL! Someone's pulling your leg. Or, are you referring to the "group" which kept posting
this trite at the old it.t board?
> They are researching MACRO-scopic quantum tunneling, something they think the P-X
accidentally stumbled upon.
Maurer told you that they are equating their quantum tunneling experiments with Montauk technology?
Please! Now, you're losing all credibility. And you were doing so well!
> Recent superstring theories about 10-dimensional universes may support that (see my
attached MS-WORD document that I gave out at an informal talk recently).
YOU gave an informal talk? I have all Kaku's books and the article you sent (but it was kind of you,
> I miss the old Shelly board. There was some good stuff there but unfortunately a lot of later
spamming. I don't know why she just didn't edit that out.
Shelly Palmer is a 'he'. Surely you knew that.
> Marshall maintains there is a "back door" to that site where all the posts still exist.
No need for a back door. A simple search will take you right into the posts, though the search engine is
no longer functional. So, when did you last speak to Marshall Barnes?
This has been a most *interesting* discussion. Thanks. If you have the e-mails from CB, I'd appreciate
the "snippets" from them - not interested in whatever else they contain.
Harla Quinn
S-022. from “Harla Quinn” (regarding the follow-up email I sent in response to email #21)
From : Harla Quinn <harlaquinn_2000@yahoo.com>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: Peter Moon is "Vince" and more
Date : Mon, 7 May 2001 08:54:56 -0700 (PDT)
Interesting response. Nothing that I don't already know about except one thing. What do you know
about Alex Christopher?
[note: the following is what I sent “Harla” which prompted the above brief paragraph. I tried to
answer “Harla’s questions in email #17 which I felt “Harla” was intent on searching for some
conspiracy on my part and looking for hidden meanings in my sentences …]
> I'll try to answer some of your concerns ....
>>Moon is Vince and "more". More what? Care to expound further?
> 'more' in the "Subject box" just meant misc stuff (such as information regarding Chica and my
limited dealings with these people)
>>> I saw one of your posts on some board. I'm pretty sure Peter Moon's real name is what
you posted. Glenn Campbell reported that on his massive site at http://www.ufomind.com/.
>>On "some" board? LOL! Campell's site is no longer operative. He's selling books thesedays.
I would need more substantiation.
> sorry about 'some' -- I got routed to some website through a <link> and couldn't remember its
name when I was composing my email to you. I didn't mean to trivialize it. I just can't keep track of
all these links. Apparently you're correct about Campbell's site. 2 months ago he "froze" updates to
most of his web pages and was just doing the book-selling thing. But the web pages WERE still
Now it looks like they are not.
The only exception I could find was
http://www.ufomind.com/people/ . The FIRST time I stumbled on the fact that 'Peter Moon' was an
alias was at Campbell's site. In an email correspondence to me "Chica" Bruce (who must be a close
friend of his) confirmed that was not his real name. I guess it's no big deal -- a lot of authors use
>>> The "Alex" person who reportedly interviewed Phil Schneider may have been Alexandra
"Chica" Bruce who wrote a book about him and other PX/Montauk stuff. Her site is at
http://www.incunabula.org/chica/index.html .
>>But you have no information to verify that.
> What's to "verify"? You mean, is she actually a "she" and the author of her book? You're right of
course, I'm not a lawyer and in court proceedings. All I know is what I read at the site -- it could be
all fiction and made-up. I did get a copy of her book. She emailed me and thanked me "for my kind
patronage". It might be true like all the other stuff -- she claims she almost lost her life for writing it
-- but it seemed to be another twist by the Sky Books crowd to the growing P-X/Montauk legend.
>>>I've had limited email correspondence with her. She affirmed that Peter's real name was
Vince. I think it had something to do with protecting his family. Chica seems smart and
sophisticated but a little too much on the radical punk-rock side for me. (I mean, what she's
saying may be correct, it's just the manner of delivery in her emails that rubs against me the
wrong way. I'm from the old school.)
>>Old school? What does that mean? Do you still have the e-mail? As to using pseudonyms for
protection, I can certainly understand that.
> "old school" -- I'm not used to "you rock, dude!" and similar expressions by so-called serious
researchers. But according to the forward in her book by Peter Moon, she used to own a rap music
studio. So I roll with the punches -- maybe it's just her manner of speaking. But she's supposed to
be an investment counselor/broker also in New York. I wonder if she uses the same language with
her clients. I like her, don't get me wrong. After receiving more "level-toned" e-mails from
everybody under-the-UFO-sun, her communication style caught me by surprise and I felt like I was
being "talked down to".
>>> The Montauk stuff is a popular money-maker. I've incurred Chica's wrath for
suggesting the "researchers" are writing books just for money without regard for truth. She
said that they are no different from other people -- they are sacrificing time to spend on
research and they have bills to pay too.
>> I don't know CB, don't know anything about her so what does "incurring her wrath" mean?
As to her comments, I know full well the hours and hours it takes to research, read, exchange emails and information and interview others and then double-checking sources aside from the
long mental process of pulling it all together and writing it.
> The first time I came across her name was in the Marshall Barnes P-X archive chat. Apparently
she and he colloborated on some research. In one of her emails to me, she said he backed-out on a
deal with her publisher and left her "hanging". She said he has a split personality and apparently is
on the "outs" with him now. Her "wrath" was when she chastised me for wondering why people
were charging all this money for their material (like the tapes Nichols & Bielek are selling at $30
apiece). Her rebuke was : "Dude. Get over it. Why do you think people should do this stuff for free?
Time is money. People need to pay their bills. End of story. It took me 3 years to write my book,
while working doubleshifts, 6 days per week at other jobs. I have been paid $2000 so far for my
efforts. I think I deserve more, wouldn't you, after nearly losing your mind and life in the
undertaking? Geez!"
>>> It seems strange that every few years new players come to reveal their personal
experiences. First it was just Nichols through Moon the "interpreter". Then out-of-the-blue
came Bielek. Then came a Stewart Swedlow who supposed to be one-up psychic-wise on
Duncan Cameron (who by-the-way according to an issue of "The Montauk Pulse" has left the
camp disclaiming all his previous statements -- they said he has fallen for some woman who
has coerced him to switch sides). Then came Chica Bruce. There's some new guy on the
horizon. First the "Montauk Boys". Now I've seen hints at the "Montauk Girls".
>> Yep...got to feed the masses. Some "new guy" on the horizon? Who are you talking about?
Tell me where I can find info on the Montauk Girls. I've only heard rumours to this effect and
nothing more. You forgot to mention Marshall Barnes in your list.
> The "new guy" was authoring a new book and it was listed on one of the last pages of Chica's
book. It's at home and I'm at work now. I can get it for you if you want. I have my doubts (I could
be wrong, of course). At first it was Nichols and Moon. Then Bielek. Then Swedlow. Then Chica.
(There was a K.G. Wells too -- his book was a little more "factual" sounding.) Now there's a new
guy who's come out of the woodwork with yet another twist to the legend. I'm a sucker for a goodstory and yet even I'm skeptical at this point!
>>> Marshall Barnes had some good interactive chats on the PX, Montauk, and Incunabula
at http://users.cihost.com/ata/chat99.htm .
Marshall has his own site up at
http://it.t.boltpages.com/it.t/ .
>>That's "old" news. The it.t site also had a discussion board which is now defunct. Apparently,
Barnes has gone underground. BTW, have you ever met him in person? No else seems to have.
>I contributed a few items to his board. He has a "middle man" named "Fred" who goes to extremes
to defend him. I've corresponded with Fred a little. I think Marshall also sent me emails but it was
under the guise of the "webmaster" at bolt. Fred one time jumped on someone and asked him "if he
had ever met the man {Marshall Barnes}". Outside of Chica, I don't know anyone who has. His site
is relatively "new".
I got referred to it by a post at Mack Shelton's P-X site
http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/9378/ . Apparently both of these sites used the same
company for their "Message Boards". When it went out of business, both boards went away. Some
guy named Bob King posted at the Shelton site and sent me some emails on his recollection of what
really happened with the P-X. He maintains it was never intended for radar invisibility but for
teleportation from the start. That Churchill gave orders for ship to be scuttled. He didn't think much
of UNITEL, saying they just bought the patent when the existing one expired.
>>> Apparently there some in-fighting between Marshall's camp, Nichols/Moon/Chica's
camp, and Matheny's side. They flip-flop between being allies and friends.
>> Flip-flop? Now why would you say that? I've not found any indication of that.
> In his early chats, Barnes was more amused and tolerant of Matheny's take on the Incunabula. At
his site he has became much more aggressive. According to Joe, Marshall was cyber-stalking his
daughter. In an email to me Chica confirmed this. She said Joe was a CEO of a company who made
DVDs. So she must be friends with him. At one time Marshall wrote of being highly suspicious of
Nichols' and Bielek's claims. Then at his new site he told about visiting Nichols and being aware
Duncan (who now has bolted out of the camp) was trying to "scan" him. Chica -- whom he
collaborated with on some research -- now say's "I truly feel sorry for him". It seems like a big mess
and if there is any truth to the real issues at hand, it's buried in all this in-fighting.
>>> Interestingly, most UFO researchers I talk to are completely "down" on the PX/Montauk. They include Richard Boylan, Jack Sarfatti, Tom Mahood.
>> When did Sarfatti become a UFO researcher?
> check out his sites at http://www.qedcorp.com/pcr/pcr/ufo.html
>>> They maintain there's not an ounce of evidence to back any of it up. And yet the basic
physics does make sense.
>> What physics? Are you referring to the alleged wormholes created via Duncan Cameron's
"chair" or the alleged HAARP-like physics?
> I was referring to the "teleportation" aspect of the P-X .
>>> I don't think it's necessary to do exotic things like create wormholes to travel vast
>> No? What makes you say that?
> If you can quantum tunnel in the macroscopic world, you wouldn't need the wormholes that Kip
Thorne and Sarfatti talk about. If you can make a ship so electrically "dense" that it behaves as an
electron, then you've achieved a MOSS system like UNITEL describes .
>>> Did you ever check out the UNITEL site at http://www.unitelnw.com ? I received an
email from a Larry Maurer (one of patent co-holders) who said their interstellar craft design
was partially based on a 1981 close-encounter with a cigar-shaped UFO in Eugene, Oregon.
And he also said that some of the Incunabula researchers were working with him at UNITEL.
>> That's too funny! I'm a member of all the anti-grav groups and correspond with Maurer and
others and he's never related anything like this. But, I'll certainly ask him about it. Incunabula
researchers working at UNITEL? LOL! Someone's pulling your leg. Or, are you referring to the
"group" which kept posting this trite at the old it.t board?
> I'll forward you an email Larry sent me. Their site was done for "reconstruction" and I emailed
them asking when it was going to be back up. I also asked a lot of questions. The next day I got a
response from someone identifying himself as "Maurer" who gave me the answers you'll see in the
email I'll send you. Note that he didn't answer all my questions. Apparently in these anti-grav
eGroups sites he has come under attack by both Sarfatti and another physics Ph.D. called "Ark" .
I've had a brief email from "Ark" (who seems to boast outstanding credentials) concerning the
UNITEL thing. By-the-way, Tom Mahood emailed me once and said regarding Sarfatti that he is a
bright guy frequently gets distracted on too many tangents. But Tom said Jack was entertaining to
him. He told me not to take too much of Sarfatti's and Herbert's post-Quantum "modanese" physics
seriously because there was some "basic physics" problems with it.
>>> They are researching MACRO-scopic quantum tunneling, something they think the P-X
accidentally stumbled upon.
>> Maurer told you that they are equating their quantum tunneling experiments with Montauk
technology? Please! Now you're losing all credibility. And you were doing so well!
> No -- it was more of the P-X stuff. I asked him about that, as you will see in his email to me. The
P-X dealt with teleportation whereas Montauk was supposed to be time-travel. And the Incunabula
is supposed to be alternate-worlds. I asked him what he meant. He said what difference did it make
when you're talking about 10-dimensions. I don't know exactly what he meant by that. Perhaps you
can figure it out from his email ...
>>> Recent superstring theories about 10-dimensional universes may support that (see my
attached MS-WORD document that I gave out at an informal talk recently).
>> YOU gave an informal talk? I have all Kaku's books and the article you sent (but it was kind
of you, anyway.)
> …just to some organizations that sometimes invite new subjects to their meetings. I know a lot of
them personally ... it's just a step-up from talking in the work lunch room. Certainly NOT anything
like a peer review or a UFO conference or symposium. I just happened to know a little more than
they did because it is a hobby of mine . By the way, I've emailed people like Dr. Kaku, Stan Deyo,
Dr. Sarfatti and others for their opinion of UNITEL. Not one ever responded. Dr. Boylan DID
email me back and he thought UNITEL could be more of a disinformational ploy along the lines of
WingMakers. He said "when they get ready to launch it, be sure to let me know in advance."
>>> I miss the old Shelly board. There was some good stuff there but unfortunately a lot of
later spamming. I don't know why she just didn't edit that out.
>>Shelly Palmer is a 'he'. Surely you knew that.
> No -- had no clue. I didn't even know his/her name until Barnes posted it once on his board. I got
routed to the site sometime last year so I wasn't on-board for a long time ...
[ after grilling me in her past email, forcing me to “defend” my statements in the above responses,
and then just to get a “Interesting response. Nothing that I don't already know about except one
thing. What do you know about Alex Christopher?” to all of this makes me question either “Harla’s”
credibility (is she a disinfo CIA plant?) or is she on some sort of medication that makes her just like to
force people into debates for no reason. ]
S-023. from “Harla Quinn” (follow-up response to email #22)
From : Harla Quinn <harlaquinn_2000@yahoo.com>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: new Sky Books book
Date : Tue, 8 May 2001 18:47:38 -0700 (PDT)
Sorry I haven't gotten back with you, Mark. As you can see, I've been a bit "preoccupied" with some
new developments.
Thanks for the Sky Books info on Wade Gordon. I've never heard of him and will ask Peter Moon
about it.
As to Boylan, I tend to agree with him about Montauk and hence the "origination" of the
dissemination of this info has been the focus of my direction.
Anyway...just to warn you... it's rumored that I'm certifiably "mentally deranged". Just thought you
When things cool down a bit, I'll be back with you.
Thanks, again.
S-024. from “Montauk Project Center” owner regarding releasing information on the Internet
Date: Sat, 12 May 2001 07:54:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Montauk Project Center <montaukprojectcenter@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: never a dull moment, huh ?
To: stealthskaters@yahoo.com
---stealthskaters@yahoo.com wrote:
> I'd be interested in knowing someday just 'what' is going on. By-the-way, the forums at
DarkPlanetOnline are shut-down. I don't know if this is related to your stuff or not. (Am I
writing to "Harla"?) I'm no attorney and don't mean to be passing on legal advice regarding
the Internet. Take this with a grain of salt but it's food for thought. If you have to be picky,
there's a [legal] difference between venturing an opinion/rumor and rendering a
judgement/statement as a matter-of-fact.
> There are 2 recent court cases regarding the Internet that come to my mind. One may have
been local but the other occurred in a different state. I don't know how binding or precedentsetting the rulings are. I don't agree with the court's rulings as I think loopholes in "common
sense" law were exposed that should be plugged-up. In the first example, a senior boy had a
grudge against his band instructor. On his personal web-site he displayed the teacher's name,
home address & phone number, social-security-number, and expressed "opinions" about the
man's sexual orientation and so on and so on. Upon learning of this the school board
suspended the boy from school. His parents sued. The court ruled in favor of the boy to the
tune of $150,000 and order immediate re-instatement. The judge said the Internet had no laws
regarding what could be posted on private websites (I'm sure there was more to it than that -- I
didn't read the court proceedings -- because how can they get away with censoring certain
Adult clubs in Yahoo! and MSN?). In the second (national) case, people have been hiding
camcorders in gym bags and going to the gym to record celebrities changing clothes or in the
shower. Then they post it on the Internet. The people sued. The court ruled that the Internet
is "censorship-free" (again there must be more to the ruling than that in light of other
> Boy, that whole Montauk-Incunabula crowd with its different "camps" must be something
else. No wonder why even a lot of serious UFO investigators look at them as if they're all
crazy. I can't imagine someone physically threatening someone else for release of rumored
information. But maybe if they have collected a "religious" following that buys all these new
books that embellish the original legend with more-and-more revelations -- and that's the only
way they can make a living -- maybe they would feel threatened. Corso preceded his book
with a quote from Davy Crockett: "Be sure you're right ... then go right ahead!"
Since all this information has caused me so much conflict. Even to the extent of my family and
friends being threatened, I do not usually answer any mails concerning it from people who I don't know.
However you asked if I was "Harla Quinn" so I wanted to make it TOTALLY clear that I am NOT
"Harla Quinn" (Cynthia). I am NOT in any way involved with her and she has tried (and failed) to make
it look that I have. My advice to you, and anyone is to stay away from her PERIOD.
Concerning the DP forum. Yes, that has been shut down because of my material. Not because I
requested it I might add, but because Joe Matheny wanted it shut down. He informed me of this before
it happened. As I has said, I am only replying to make it clear that I am NOT Harla Quinn. She is not
involved in any in this actually, she just believes she is. Joe has told me all about her antics and he has
disassociated himself from her for good. No one involved in this subject gives weight to anything she
says, and that includes me.
I have no idea who you are. But everything I have said here can be backed up by documentation.
S-025. from Dr. Richard Boylan regarding if he had heard of Col. Tom Bearden
From : drboylan <drboylan@jps.net>
To : <stealthskater@hotmail.com>
Subject : Re: who is 'Tom Bearden' ?
Date : Wed, 23 May 2001 17:53:36 -0700
stealthskater@hotmail.com wrote:
> Dr. Boylan ->
> A new Montauk Project-related site opened up at http://www.geocities.com/infomon_2000/
and its related board is at http://www.valentinesdesigns.com/wwwboard/index.html . I am
growing weary of all the Montauk & Incanbula sites because the in-fighting among the
different "players". Grown adults continually spamming and trading vulgar insults like
children. But every now-and-then something news-worthy seems to get posted and so I bear
with it a little longer.
> I of course had heard about Puthoff and Sarfatti and that crowd. On the old Montauk board
( http://www.montaukproject.com/ ) I came across some good postings about "scalar
weapons" (supposedly bringing down the shuttle Challenger) and an scalar version of
Maxwell's field equations (that are reportedly suppressed by the government). On this new
site(above) was posted a link to Tom Bearden's web site at http://www.cheniere.org/toc.html .
He seems to be a quantum-leap up on Puthoff&company. One of his articles (
http://www.cheniere.org/correspondence/020601.htm ) described how EM weapons affect
cellular and bodily functions. I thought you might be interested because of your past
experiences that landed you in the ER.
> You once told me that (1) Roswell was real, (2) remote-viewing was real, but (3) the P-X
and Montauk was filled with so much disinfo that the real truth (if any) might never be
known. If you feel you can discuss it, I'd be interested to learn what is your "take" on this guy
and his claims? Particularly those where he seems to imply some Japanese mafia is
eventually going to take over all world governments.
> As always, my best regards !
> -- Mark
I really haven't time to be reading various sites. Montauk can safely be dismissed as primarily a
disinformation project designed to get people all riled up about a wild goose chase and ignore the central
facts of ET contact with Humanity.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D., CCHT, LLC
Post Office Box 22310, Sacramento, CA 95822, USA. (916)
422-7479 E-mail: drboylan@jps.net URL: www.jps.net/drboylan
You are invited to join his informational reports and conversations on-line list, UFOTruth by going
to http://UFOTruth.listbot.com and clicking on the Subscribe button and following directions. You may
instead wish to join his personal reports-only list (no conversations), DrRichBoylanReports by
subscribing at: http://DrRichBoylanReports.listbot.com
S-026. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding their progress in building the HOLO-1
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: Larry Maurer: reference to a "Field Resonance Propulsion Concept"
Date : Mon, 22 Oct 2001 10:26:57 -0700
At 12:21 PM 10/22/01 -0400, you wrote:
> Mr. Maurer ->
> I found a reference to a "Field Resonance Propulsion Concept" at
http://www.keelynet.com/energy/holt1.htm . It embraced the new hyperdimensional model of
the universe and seemed to use some of your concepts. Although I couldn't tell for sure -- the
nomenclature was different and the number of lasers seemed to be more than what was used
in your design. Is their proposal similar to UNITEL's ?
> I am doing my best to champion your cause at my makeshift site
http://www.stealthskater/index.htm . Are you having any success in attracting investors?
Any progress in the "HOLO-1" prototype?
> By-the-way, I saw a few of the exchanges you had with "Ark" at the old eGroups anti-grav
site. (Did they ever move to the new yGroups???) Just because one cannot describe how a
physical process works by mathematics does NOT mean a successful engineering design
cannot be made. I got my Master's in chemical engineering; and we didn't know the EXACT
physical science of heat exchange (there were many abstract theoretical models). But through
lots of experimentation, we could regression-fit parameters to simplistic equations that were
valid over-a-range and use many of these to construct commercial heat exchangers. The same
thing for nuclear reactors. A more correct representation is through a "kinetic" model which
is almost impossible to fit with experimentally-determined coefficient. But model it with a
couple of dozen "Diffusion" regimes, and experiments can be done to quickly fit those
equations. I don't think one needs to know the exact physics to build a crude atomic bomb
(just a lot of financial backing and some good engineering experience). I think "Ark" and Dr.
Jack did you a disservice.
> I check your site every week for new developments. I haven't lost the "faith" !
> -- Mark
Dear Mark:
Thank you for your faithful interest. We have attracted a few small investors and we will be meeting
with a major funding organization very soon. We also came very close to getting our smartskin
prototype constructed and tested by Rolls Royce with Applied Sciences doing our subcontracting.
Unfortunately the 9/11 WTC incident caused too much of a loss too the airline industry and they cut our
We have a very good outlook and expect to go public with our IPO fairly soon. Until then, we will
continue to sell our shares at $16.80 a share, privately. Stay in touch!
Best wishes,
Larry D. Maurer
Principal & Director, Engineering , UNITEL, Inc.
(503) 232-2740
S-027. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding another company's claim of achieving antigravity
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To: stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: Asymmetric Gravitational Wave Propulsion System
Date : Fri, 26 Oct 2001 17:27:22 -0700
At 11:32 AM 10/26/01 -0400, you wrote:
> Dear Mr. Maurer :
> I ran across this site ( http://www.tdimension.com/projects.html ) . Their "Asymmetric
Gravitational Wave Propulsion System" sounded vaguely similar to UNITEL's in that it's
using lasers with semiconductor materials. Maybe this is one of many companies that have
similar-but-different concepts -- you told me earlier that everyone seems to have their own
idea for a quantum computer.
> No need to reply ... just thought you might be interested.
> -- Mark
Thanks Mark!
I wrote them a contact letter to see if we can find a fit whereby we can possibly do business.
Perhaps we could incorporate their hovering system with our design. We are quite certain, however,
that our patented RF-activated superlattice laser lens is superior to their dye laser.
The fact that our design will produce a Bose-Einstein type quantum state on a Gigantic level is
most important. None of us can hardly wait until we fire the first prototype up. The only thing we need
is now is funding. Here's hoping we can acquire funding from the major investor entities we are
meeting with.
Stay in touch, StealthSkater, and thanks again for your valued support useful information that you
Larry D. Maurer
Principal & Director, Engineering, UNITEL, Inc.
(503) 232-2740
S-028. from Jack Sarfatti regarding UNITEL's announcement to sell stock
From : "Jack Sarfatti, Ph.D. Physicist" <sarfatti@well.com>
To: UFO_HOTLINE_BULLETI@yahoogroups.com, stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: UNITEL proceeding with MQT device
Date : Fri, 02 Nov 2001 10:18:25 -0800
I understand it only works if you sprinkle it with antigravity high nuclear spin superconducting
Ormus Holy Grail Goopher Dust that sells for $650,000 a toot. What was it P.T. Barnum said?
S-029. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding Sarfatti's skepticism
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: Sarfatti's response to my "passing the word"
Date : Fri, 02 Nov 2001 16:44:44 -0800
Dear Mark:
Thanks for the support. Yes, we have an agreement with Mr. Sarfatti where he won't bad-mouth us
(at least in public) anymore and we won't put down his ridiculous accusations. However, if we find out
that he is continuing to cause damage with his badmouthing (which I suspect it was he getting to Alex
Labounsky and Tom Bearden), then we shall pursue a libel and/or slander suit. It's okay to state one's
opinion. But you know that there is a line that's drawn when damage is definitely done. We aren't
worried about the naysayers, though. That's just part of what comes along with the enchilada of the
business that one gets involved with.
We are so proud of our team of associates that we have put together over the years that we are
literally going to be the most powerful aerospace and electronics firm in the World. Our contract
proposal for the smartskin project we had with Rolls Royce poignantly illustrates the technical
feasibility of our technical aspirations as our proposal was scrutinized by the entire Rolls Royce
technical evaluation process system whereby we were given a grade of 7 out of a possible 8 (whereby '7'
and '8' are fundable projects).
Same with Yoshinari Minami proving mathematically conservation of energy and momentum to
Honda R&D technical evaluating team in Tokyo. Same with Dr. Terence Barrett, Manager Advanced
Concepts at Boeing Aerospace who gave us an "A+" after a formal technical revue of our project in
December 1989. Circumstances causing economic cutbacks have held us back. Not anything related to
the feasibility of our designs.
I think it is only a matter of time that we will succeed in our endeavors, naysayers and all.
Remember, at the turn of the last century, the naysayers were still announcing the unfeasibility of
heavier than air flight two years after the Wright brothers flew at Kitty Hawk.
I think the public needs to be enlightened to all the circumstances surrounding our project, patent
awards and associates we have acquired, etc. When we come out with our auto biography book, I think
the public will be astounded and will demand we construct our prototypes. We have made an impact on
the world aerospace designers whereby several MQT design concepts have been recognized as feasible.
The IAA-IAF has welcomed us aboard as one of theirs..
So we shall see what happens in the near future! Stay in touch, Mark !
Larry Maurer
S-030. from Jack Sarfatti regarding my response to his criticism of UNITEL
From : "Jack Sarfatti, Ph.D. Physicist" <sarfatti@well.com>
To : <stealthskater@hotmail.com>
CC : Creon Levit <creon@nas.nasa.gov>, Eldon Byrd <tuc@kiva.net>, Ericdavis
Ibison <ibison@earthtech.org>, ItalianPhysicsCenter
Jfwoodward <jfwoodward@juno.com>, Mike Coyle <vericomm@idiom.com>, Paul Zielinski
<pzielins@ix.netcom.com>, Petew <petew@onramp.net>, Puthoff <Puthoff@aol.com>,
Hudson <Rainman@tree-o-life.org>, Ron Pandolfi <pandolfi@zzapp.org>, Russell Targ
<radiant@pacbell.net>, Saul Paul Sirag <sirag@mindspring.com>, Steve Wolff
Truzzi <truzzi@toast.net>, Tsmith <tsmith@innerx.net>, Vladimir Poponin
Wcri <wcri@erols.com>, Wes Thomas <west@sonic.net>, William L Smith
Subject : RE: UNITEL proceeding with MQT device
Date : Fri, 02 Nov 2001 18:12:50 -0800
> -----Original Message----> From:stealthskater@hotmail.com
> Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 4:08 PM
> To: sarfatti@well.com
> Subject: RE: [UFO_HOTLINE_BULLETI] UNITEL proceeding with MQT device
> I enjoy your sites and lectures, Dr. Sarfatti, and they are heavily referenced at my makeshift
site at http://www.stealthskater/index.htm . I had gotten my Masters in chemical and nuclear
engineering many years ago. The chairman of our department at WVU was internationallyknown C.Y. Wen. There were many theories proposed to cover such things as heat transfer
and nuclear reactor engineering. I think they are still unresolved as to which is correct. But
enough experimentation and modeling with different regimes enabled semi-empirical
equations to be fit with constants good enough to design commercial heat exchangers and
reactors. (In the latter, we were taught a nuclear "diffusion" model with textbooks by
Lamarsh, who said that a "kinetic" theory was actually more correct but almost impossible to
determine parameters for.) I think one could make a crude atomic bomb without knowing all
the physics involved.
> The point being that I think UNITEL (and other companies like the one at
http://www.tdimension.com/projects.html ) have stumbled onto something (although I gather
that UNITEL picked up the patent after the old one had expired) that is difficult to explain
with conventional physics or even the "Modanese" physics you embrace (which itself has its
share of mainstream critics). I'm inclined to give them the benefit-of-the-doubt and see what
their small prototype can do. After all, look at how much scorn the Wright brothers must
have received prior to their epic flight.
We looked at the UNITEL claims at ISSO about 2 years ago. Like all crackpot Cargo Cult
pseudoscience, there was no “there” there. What do you think is “there”?
Perhaps you have seen something we missed at ISSO. If so please give in your own words what the
basic physics is behind their idea. I could not find one. I could be wrong. So make a case for them.
My physics is not tied to Modanese. It is Einstein’s physics plus standard ideas on spontaneous
broken symmetry.
I get a Modanese-type term in a much more general context than he envisioned. Yes, my reading of
Modanese was one of the key inputs in sparking my idea. The point is that I am doing standard physics
here with only a slight extrapolation and everything is definite mathematically and physically. I get
conventional physics in the appropriate limiting cases.
The key equations of my theory are simple. Einstein’s classical 1915 GR theory has the local field
Guv = (Lp2/hc)Tuv
This is Standard physics.
Next look at Quantum theory and take the POV (like in SED) that zero-point energy ZPE is real.
Standard relativistic symmetry then gives an EXOTIC equation of state for the ZPE
mass density c2 = - pressure
This then says that the ZPE must ANTI-GRAVITATE -- not gravitate. This too is standard physics
taught at Cal Tech today.
The result is that the anti-gravitating ZPE (of any quantum field) gives a cosmological constant type
quantum correction to Einstein’s field equation of
/\ ~ 1/Lp2
Lp2 = Gh/c3
The result is a FALSE VACUUM in which
Guv + (1/Lp2) guv = (Lp2/hc)Tuv
This is a disaster for modern physics! As bad as the black-body problem of 1900 which forced Planck
E = hf
Why? Simple because
/\ ~ 1/Lp2 ~ 10+66 cm-2
When the experimental number (to cosmological accuracy) is
/\ ~ (H/c)2 ~ 10-56 cm2 ,
This is the stupendous error of ~ 121 POWERS OF 10 !
A disaster for physics in general and for Haisch et-al’s SED in particular. Hal’s weak hand waving
it away is no good. Up until now, I am not aware of anyone having a better idea of what to do than
Hal’s wistful hope.
Enter Modanese. My reading of Modanese some 3 years ago on trying to explain flying saucers in
terms of rotating superconductors for the NASA Breakthrough Propulsion Project (behind the scenes of
course) reminded me of my PhD work of 30 years ago at UCSD & UCR on ODLRO broken symmetry
in superfluids (now common since the “More is different” work of P.W. Anderson and his students).
Also my related work on self-trapped laser filaments that Ray Ciao says he found useful in 1967.
This led me directly to the idea of a two fluid quantum vacuum – off mass shell of course. Hence to
/\ ~ (1/Lp2)[1 – Lp3|Psi|2]
Psi is the complex number order in the quantum vacuum whose Josephson effect phase modulation
is precisely the world crystal distortion field of Hagen Kleinert of the Free University of Berlin.
/\ > 0
is anti-gravity quintessence
/\ < 0
is gravitating dark matter
Amplitude modulation of the Psi order parameter changes the cosmological /\ field locally. The
amplitude and phase modulation of Psi are coupled together in a nonlinear way by the above equations
and a Landau-Ginzberg equation. (Math details in http://stardrive.org/Jack/Cosmo1.pdf)
OK, so now what does the gobbledy-gook below mean to you?
>> From: "Jack Sarfatti, Ph.D. Physicist"
>> To: UFO_HOTLINE_BULLETI@yahoogroups.com, stealthskater@hotmail.com
>> Subject: RE: [UFO_HOTLINE_BULLETI] UNITEL proceeding with MQT device
>> Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2001 10:18:25 -0800
>> I understand it only works if you sprinkle it with antigravity high nuclear spin
superconducting Ormus Holy Grail Goopher Dust. What was it THAT P.T. Barnum said?
S-031. from Kathryn Sullivan (forwarded by Jack Sarfatti) apparently agreeing with Saratti's
From : "Jack Sarfatti, Ph.D. Physicist" <sarfatti@well.com>
To : "Sullivan, Kathryn (MP)" <K.Sullivan.MP@aph.gov.au>
CC : <stealthskater@hotmail.com>
Subject : RE: UNITEL proceeding with MQT device & Ormus Goopher Dust
Date : Fri, 02 Nov 2001 20:14:12 -0800
-----Original Message----> From: Sullivan, Kathryn (MP) [mailto:K.Sullivan.MP@aph.gov.au]
> Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 7:42 PM
> To: 'Jack Sarfatti, Ph.D. Physicist'
> Subject: RE: [UFO_HOTLINE_BULLETI] UNITEL proceeding with MQT device
> Why didn't I think of that?
> Jack: Maybe Goopher Dust is hard to find down under? It seems to concentrate in the Stoned Old
Agers of Marin County, The Soviet Republic of Berzerkely, Big Sur, and the Burning Man Festival
for Aging Hippies. Some concentrations of it have been seen in San Francisco’s North Beach and
Silicon Valley. Also at the Arlington Institute near the Pentagon. Inhaling ORMUS Powder leads to
strange states of mind with “toxic cosmologies”. ORMUS powder does to the human mind what
anthrax powder does to the human body! J
> I don’t know if any correlation of inhaling ORMUS with Mad Cow Disease has been studied by
> Does MP mean you are a Member of Parliament? I was in “Iolanthe”.
> -----Original Message---->> From: Jack Sarfatti, Ph.D. Physicist [mailto:sarfatti@well.com]
>> Sent: Saturday, 3 November 2001 4:18 AM
>> To: UFO_HOTLINE_BULLETI@yahoogroups.com; stealthskater@hotmail.com
>> Subject: RE: [UFO_HOTLINE_BULLETI] UNITEL proceeding with MQT device
>> I understand it only works if you sprinkle it with antigravity high nuclear spin
superconducting Ormus Holy Grail Goopher Dust that sells for $650,000 a toot. What was it PT
Barnum said?
S-032. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL in response to my email informing him of all the sites
where I posted the news
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: for your records ...
Date : Sat, 03 Nov 2001 11:58:51 -0800
Dear Mark:
Yes, we used to laugh at firms like Boeing putting so much into anti-matter thinking that that was
the wave of the future for the next generation of aerospace propulsion. The cost is so enormous. I mean
a $trillion a gram to produce and they need a hundred pounds of anti-matter fuel? Come on! Whose
space propulsion ideas are feasible or not here? Especially when the rocket with anti-matter would take
100 years to the nearest star. Why even bother!
We have a good laugh every time we see any futuristic space ships that always "blast" something out
of the stern to propel the craft forward. We call this a Flatlander's usual method of farting through
space. Why can't people understand that there is much more power to be obtained by strength of
attraction without the added weight of fuels or propellants? Does Sarfatti even have a design to offer if
he is so certain our system won't work? (BTW, these kind of people depend on us failing to make
themselves look enlightened and usually they are lucky enough to be right. Except in our case.)
I can't believe that Sarfatti is a physicist with a Ph.D. Must be Classical physics. Speaking of that,
we got into a riff with Michio Kaku (who at least had an intelligent argument) about MQT on the Macro
level being zero according to the WKB approximation. We got much assistance from our associate in
Japan -- Yoshinari Minami, Head of the Patent Services Dept., NEC, Tokyo. He supplied us with the
math that proved that the WKB approx didn't relate to our design. Dr. Kaku wasn't ready to debate any
In our forthcoming book entitled Flying Colors, we say how our project got started by witnessing the
very craft we have gotten a patent on and so forth. Not on one but two occasions where we weren't by
ourselves and which includes the whole town of Eugene, OR witnessed the same craft for 2 weeks
running. I reported our sightings to the Eugene Police who devoutly believed us and encouraged us to
report our sighting (on the first one, the craft landed 10 feet from us) to the Eugene office of the FBI.
Which the FBI didn't do anything because there was no crime committed.
We do not know to this day who was behind these craft but I can tell you that Yes! our system works
and I will bet the farm on it! Of course, it took us several years to understand the workings of the craft
we saw. But I can honestly say today that the difference between what we saw back then and what we
can build today is very slim.
We of course haven't relied on -- or even hardly mentioned -- the fact that we saw the craft back in
late-1981. Since we haven't hardly got to "square one", I think it is time to tell our story to the public
along with several other witnessed reports including police sightings and then -- maybe -- we might
finally get a prototype built once and for all.
Sarfatti can't even put up a good argument because he doesn't have the brains to understand the
physics behind our system. My business partner Michael Miller is a brilliant physics expert and doesn't
even have a degree. But I know through several experiences of watching Mike "kick butt" on physicists
that he could blow Sarfatti, Kaku, or anybody else for that matter out of the water.
My part of the whole deal has been to turn Mike's physics into hardcore engineering drawings. The
lens is -- as you say -- the most difficult and complicated. It took us years (not to mention the tears) to
develop our design (from what we were shown from the working craft) and find a lab at UIC with EPI's
MBE reps.
The II-VI semiconductor compounds have been virtually overlooked and ignored by researchers in
the industry except for quantum dots. We do have the expertise and the labs to construct our lens which
will be a high-temp, paraboloidically-curved laser lens. The curved lens provides the fiber bundle
connection for the parallel transport of superconducting system for string-like qualities to be added to
the ship and field to take place. We are attempting to fool Mother Nature into thinking that we are one
gigantic exciton or electron-hole (or electron-positron) pair. We know it works so to heck with Sarfatti!
Thanks again for your support.
After all, Mark, we are Americans and this is truly an American design for the American dream of
reestablishing the new frontier (like the Oregon Trail) that leads straight up to the stars from here. We
can tunnel through well established techniques (like tunneling electron microscope) to new and distant
regions of deep space and perhaps find new habitable planets.
Thanks so much for your valued support. Knock 'em dead!
Larry Maurer
S-033. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding UNITEL's contacts with investment teams
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Fwd: Effective Communications/CONTACT with TEAMS
Date : Sat, 03 Nov 2001 12:38:41 -0800
Attachment : PR-2.doc (60k)
Mark :
FYI- So you know where we are at in our progress.
>> From: "BluEyes" <pathfinder@mindspring.com>
>> To: "Larry Maurer" <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
>> Cc: "BluEyes" <pathfinder@mindspring.com>
>> Subject: Effective Communications/CONTACT with TEAMS
>> Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2001 11:03:44 -0800
>> X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2919.6600
>> X-RCPT-TO: <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
>> UNITEL Teams,
>>The Global Investment Team has just contacted, stating that their team will be here just
as early as possible from overseas, as extensive meetings and plans are taking place in
their international business portfolio, and plans were deviated from, in this exposure. At
this moment, there is no planned date with us, as their travels have not allowed them to
route their course here as of yet. As you can tell, the global-shift has changed everyone's
route. Of course they are ultimately interested in what we are presenting. Our challenge
is to present in a most dynamic manner. This can be done with a strong and direct audiovideo state of the art presentation model. This will be backed-up to include, white-papers
and various contract agreements, as well as feasibility documents and well-planned
project assurances for the investors to seriously consider a viable project to invest their
time, tools, and energy into.
> Also, remember we're nearing the national and international holidays which are quite
different in many aspects. We have to observe this in full respect to all involved. We're
now working to close-in on a settled area of the calendar, for the gauged meetings in San
Diego. This can mean we'll be able to better plan our diverse agendas. We need to get
aligned as a team, to bring a most fantastic presentation to the deal-table. This is a very
promising group we're presenting our technologies to. Also, I have a friend in the picture
that can put together High Graphic Multi-Media presentations. Perhaps we need to use
this synergy of mine to merge our drafts, into a full-impact-3D Video, if it has not already
been secured. Keep me abreast on this part please. We have to be fully capable of
presenting at our optimal. Team, let me know your thoughts on all of this.
> Everyone, feel free to email or call me for comments.
> Ever so close, ~Onward~
> Best regards,
> Bryan Willoughby
> UNITEL Team Corporate Council
> Founder - Affirm Technologies, Inc.
Shared Technology Partners
> Date: Sat, 03 Nov 2001 12:34:35 -0800
> To: carrato@bellsouth.net
> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
> Subject: Fwd: Effective Communications/CONTACT with TEAMS
> Dear Ana-Victoria:
> I am forwarding this email message from our corporate representative, Bryan Willoughby, to
you to enlighten you to our progress with the forthcoming meeting with the international
investment team that I spoke to you about previously. It is very difficult for us to operate
without the proper funds to present our package to major backers such as this. I am wondering
if you have any thoughts on how we can acquire necessary funding from an intermediary
investor to be able to put together a professional business proposal to present to major backers.
> I have attached a promotion document herein for your review. Perhaps you may know an
equal to this organization, however, we have been in constant touch with the upper level
management of the investment firm and they are very serious about investing into UNITEL.
We will offer 20% of UNITEL for $5 million and guarantee a working marketable prototype of
our quantum optical computer within 24 months after investment agreements. We do not
require the full amount upon an agreement as the money needs to paid out as we progress over
the 24 month period. We are also offering two 'Board' positions in the corporation, one position
being 'Chair', to a major investor/backer. For an intermediate investor, we will also offer a
'Board' position and barter for an agreeable offer to that individual or firm as well.
> If you find that you are not interested in receiving any further information on UNITEL, I fully
understand. If you have some ideas on assisting us please let me know. Otherwise I hope that
you and Al are doing well and I wish you good luck. I hope to hear from you soon.
> Sincerely,
> Larry Maurer
> UNITEL, Inc.
S-034. from Gary Ford regarding my reply to a short question he emailed me
From : "Gary G. Ford" <swimp@shaw.ca>
Reply-To : swimp@shaw.ca
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: reply
Date : Sat, 03 Nov 2001 10:50:20 -0700
THANKS, Mark - I'll comment in line and below ... - Gary Ford
>>> [Ford] Did you try numerical simulation in your nuclear engineering?! Was it realistic
in your opinion?
>> I switched majors from chemistry to chemical engineering. I loved the mathematical
modeling. I substituted a FORTRAN course for a math elective in my senior year, and that's
when the computer "bug" bit me. I simulated everything, from moon landings to air-to-air
pursuit curves to football games. I had a summer job at a coal-to-gasoline pilot plant and the
engineers convinced me to stay in school and get my Masters rather than trying to get it at-night.
I couldn't very well go back and start over in computer science, so I stayed in chemical
engineering. While in graduate school I minored in nuclear engineering and numerical analysis
(using digital techniques to replace the analog computers which were increasingly used for only
very "stiff" equations). This made me "lazy" in-a-way because I didn't have to take advanced
math like vector analysis to be able to solve difficult models.
Computer Science IS NOT the basis of Physical Process NUMERICAL SIMULATION. So you
chose RIGHT not to start in Computer Science lest you could have become a Sorting, Hashing, LinkedList, and Cosmetic Window Box 'EXPERT' Fake! Numerical Simulation of Physical/Chemical
Processes is based on Numerical Analysis techniques originally developed for Classical Mathematical
Physics and expanded into Engineering including Mechanical, Aeronautical, Chemical.
Computer Science is Big time in COMPUTABILITY Abstract Prertence (Polynomial Time versus
NonPolynomial Time, n log n time on Quick Sort etc ... ). Most BIG NAME Computer Science Profs
have little nitty-gritty programming experience -- their students do it, plus perhaps for a brief 'fast track'
symbolic pass of their own through the favored channels of industrial superficials before reporting back
to The BIG House in some cases, would be typical.
Most Computer Scientists -- even those with some math degrees -- tend to be too weak in
mathematical research ability and too slack of actual deep numerical discovery programming to be very
creative, beyond timing measurements and 'supervision' of the low paid slaves 'who do'!
That's a pretty caustic opinion I and an associate of mine (Dr. Goslinga) have of the utility of
Computer Science in Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations - what is needed in Chemical
Engineering, Aerodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Nuclear Reactor Simulation and - ahem! - my disgusting
specialty of the last 2 decades: The conflicting underground multiphase flows of petroleum reservoir
simulation ...
Pretense, Programming Language Elite Effectations - That's Show Biz - er, COMPUTER SCIENCE - A
Management Subdivision.
>> My undergrad books in "Unit Operations" were the standard McCabe & Smith and one
authored by Foust. In graduate school mass, heat, and momentum transfer were taught via a
book authored by Bird, Stewart, and Lightfoot. The chairman of our department -- C.Y. Wen -was a world authority in fluidized-bed reactor design. He came from Taiwan, and every year
would get some more of those students to come over here. He would keep them until he could
squeeze the last bit of work out of them (published papers which he of course co-authored), and
the graduate school was always on his case to either pass > them or fail them. These guys really
belonged in the MIT / Cal-Tech gender, and Dr. Wen was keeping them in school 2+ years for a
M.S. and 5 years for a Ph.D.
I know the type. They live from the fame of the results they force slave graduate students to do. Some
know quite a bit themselves, but some are just Self-Publicity Machines.
>> My nuclear engineering (not nuclear physics) courses were taught by G. Lansing Blackshaw.
A big guy, reminds one of John Madden. "Lance" I think hailed from England. He got into
nuclear because he just liked the style of math. I used a book authored by Glasstone, but the
main textbook was written by someone named Lamarsh. The homework problems from that
book really taxed your math abilities. I could be wrong on the exact terms, but I think they told
me of all the models used to describe a controlled nuclear reaction, the one that was easiest to
obtain parameters from experiments was a so-called "Diffusion" model. In elaborate designs
they could have dozens and dozens of different diffusion regimes, with each one having its own
set of
Perhaps you mean 'Convective Diffusion Equations with Sources (fissions) and Sinks (Neutrons
absorbed in wastes or lost from reactor vicinity or decayed after 10 or 20 minutes to the basics of
Hydrogen plus an neutrino?...'
>> …parameters to fit the equations. The same thing is done in heat exchanger design or pump
design or anything that involves fluid mechanics over widely different Reynolds numbers and all
those other "numbers" that represent ratio
Let me see … What are the FLOWS in Nuclear Reactors? ...Neutrons, becoming thermalized and
diffusing, with sources and sinks; Heat, Gamma emissions, quickly absorbed through ionization and
heating of the reactor; and of course, there is destruction of U235, conversion of U238 to Pu239 onto
Pu244, and some fissions of these, and creation of a huges array of chemical - some gaseous and
flowable at reactor temperatures, such as Iodine, Xenon, Krypton, Helium, Hydrogen. Then there are
losses and reflections of neutrons at boundaries and material discontinuities, and absorptions in control
rods, etc. Did I miss anything significant?! - AH! Cooling Channels with Liquid Potassium and/ or
with Sodium for liquid metal cooled reactors, and Cooliung Channels for Light or Heavy water
depending on type of water; also the Temperature of the Water, and whether it is boiling or not, and
hoiw pressured or not. DID I miss out on anything? LOCA - Loss of Coolant Accidents as cooling
pipes could rupture and liquid coolant could flash into vapor ... I hope I have a general idea.
>> Lance told me (and this was in the 70's) that all the math (or at least that which would allow
for successful commercial designs) for nuclear reactors had LONG been worked out. There
were no new roads there. The emphasis was in material engineering, finding alloys that could
withstand increasing nuclear fluxes while minimizing the size of these reactors. So -- to answer
your question -- yes, I believe the numerical solutions we used in these semi-empirical models
did do the job.
I disagree very much about the math as we have similar equations in the Petroleum Arena, and I was
personal witness and even a small participant in working out NEW Math in the early 1980's and again in
the mid 1990's, which is largely 'trade secrets' and not known in exact excruciating detail by the
University Academics, some of whom however, have the general abstract schemes well in mind. These
are mostly special techniques for solving very large (tens of thousands of equations) linear systems, and
derive typically from multi-dimensional Newtonian interation linearizations of highly nonlinear
equations resulting iteratively at each time step. Many Top Level Feeders in the Nonlinear Systems
Numerical Solution ASSUME that new faster computers will 'Solve the Problem' but I know they won't
form an 'ill-condition' problem which grows with number of cell divisions in a large simulation.
Paradoxically! - the diffusive ERRORS of typical cellular approaches to everything from Viscosity
simulation to TimeDependent MultiPhase Flow to Reactors ... has a tendency to Mimic the diffusion
behaviors in these processes, and so can ITSELF be (unwittingly) 'tuned' while the Solution - often from
lack of further progress in iterative increments, as the solution method bogs down, with large (often
unchecked, hidden from superiors, or simply ignorantly ignored) residual errors in the posed PDE
discretizations (Can always be rationalized on the basis that 'The Equations are too simple to Represent
Reality AFTERALL, so we shouldn't be surprised they aren't Exactly Solved [read 'Grossly NOT
Solved'!] ) ...
And so we are cast back in essence to a 'Game of Life' with hundreds or thousands of CPU's - or
virtual CPU's in the case of multiprocess, semaphor-interacting, Unix Multi-Box processes .... But what
ELSE is a BOEING, a NASA, or a DOE to do with its Research Funds, save buy Million$ and Million$
of glitzy rapidly obsolescing computing equipment?
>> Like a lot of people, I'm fascinated by UFOs and the possibility of life elsewhere. Over-theyears I've accumulated some things which I want to make available to others for discussion and
debate. I've never seen one myself, but I'm pretty convinced they exist. Not only from all these
reported events (c'mon, they all can't be wrong!), but from a best friend I had in college that
entered Navy flight school after graduation. He flies A-6's off carriers. He told me there was
nothing to the Bermuda Triangle, which he wrote off to navigation equipment failures. He did
vouch for the existence of UFOs, but said they were sparse and never bothered them and they
were under orders not to bother them. In an e-mail to me, Tom Mahood (a principle contributor
to Darlington's "Area 51 - the Dreamland Chronicles") said he has heard this same statement
from other military people. I don't believe my friend was using any dis-info tactics ... I know
him too well.
I think UFOs represent something REAL but something to do with the ACTUAL (not our early in
our scientific development human misunderstanding of the) Nature of Space-Time, based on personal
experiences, indoors. The outdoors experiences gradually became Socially Barely Acceptable due to
Reports and Leaks of Experiences from Sober Military Pilots, which after all were defending the Natioin
from 'Godless Communism' and BETTER NOT BE CRAZY - Right?! - while in the last 15 years or so,
the Indoors aspect has become the core of a Nu Age Abduction/Channeling/Chrystal/Atlantean MostlyNonsense > (Oc)Cultism. I think they are bnoth partially misperceived, ill understood aspects OF THE
SAME PHENOMENA, as distorted by our Social, Political, Religious, Military, and CURRENT
STATE OF PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE (or not) 'understanding'.
>> While examining the UFO stuff, I came across the P-X, Montauk, remote-viewing etc. I
began to see a common thread of sorts, provided by the man Dr. Sarfatti himself and others like
Hal Puthoff. I think this is what Lazar and others were referring to about the UFOs bringing a
"new" physics with them, one that is 300-1,000 years ahead of ours and at times
How would anyone KNOW 300-1,000 years ahead except in the case of an honest revelation from
backwards in time travelers (whom I suspect are sometimes escaping a great disaster of the future,
looking for a safe abode in their PAST - our present, past or near future).
>> … could be described as resembling "magic". That would explain why it has eluded the best
scientific minds in all the nations for so long. Like the current state in nuclear design, I suspect
half the problem is coming up with unique materials to turn these advanced theories
(undoubtedly involving the newer dimensions postulated by superstring and M-brane theories)
into everyday > fact. That's why Lazar kept emphasizing "using EARTH materials" in his backengineering statements.
Note, however, that famed scientists have often misperceive the future of their own fields! There
were Professors and 'Experts' and Universities in the Middle Ages - we just assume they were fakes and
idiots. Hmmm... In some ways this is very similar top the present, The Peter Principle being
considered. When people become unproductive and satisfied with their accomplishments, they are often
IN THE DIRVERS SEAT - as high corporate executive, general officer, or University 'Expert on Tap' just like draft beer - if you don't mind the Yellow Color from B-Vitamins flowing through!!!!
>> Likewise I can see where one can start at the "other end" -- through a twist of fate -- and have
the materials but not know the science. Case-in-point was when Russia captured all the German
rocket engineers but not their scientists. Gave them a head start in producing rockets but
difficult to extrapolate to the next level without the basic science. I think companies like
UNITEL have inherited (or stumbled onto) something that shows great experimental promise but
the underlying theories are still undefined. That doesn't mean they should be regarded as
crackpots. One time I was designing an electronic prototype using an XR-2240 (if memory
serves me) timing chip. As long as I had a scope attached to the input of the chip, it timed-out
perfectly. Remove the scope and it wouldn't time-out. After a day of cussing, I thought to
myself "my Heathkit scope has a 1-Meg input resistance", so I substituted a 1-Meg resistor from
the chip input to ground and put one from
There is a gap - I guess it all worked from then on?! You sound ingenious enough to be useful to
industry and open minded enough for much more.
>> I'm convinced at this point that Mr. Maurer is sincere in his beliefs that he has truly has
something remarkable. He can't explain it to the satisfaction of Jack and "Ark" and others who
can't write an e-mail without incorporating math in it. That doesn't mean it doesn't have merit.
How can you be a 'scientist' and use logic like that?! But the discoverers of the DNA structure -Crick and his partner -- were scoffed at because they were
CRICK and WATSON!... and they had a woman SPY in Linus Pauling's group which had the most
highly purified sample first, and they also learned that Pauling [who was considered a Commie by
HUAC and the State Dept and therefore not allowed a UK VISA on their advice at the time] was
sending a sample to the best X-Ray Diffraction Crystallographer in the world at the Time, in Britain and
convenient for Crick and Watson to spy on and get a FREE 'Academic/Industrial' Espionage SCOOP on
Pauling's Associate in UK by carefully socially manipulating a vulnerable academic sex-starved woman
or two with their young boyish good looks! One of the Crick and Watson team was a [BIO]Physicist.
They DID Make the INSIGHT First, once they SAW the clear evidence, from their little espionage
>> … biochemists and not bona fide medical researchers. Indeed when I examine my diary of emails I've received from all the "experts" in all these areas, I rarely find any two of them that
agree. Either the problem is very complex or the covert agencies have done a god job at counterintelligence to "muddy the waters".
DNA has many forms. The DRY CRYSTALLINE FORM which Crick and Watson explained is
NOT the living hydrated form with all its microwave frequency (why DNA is sensitive NOT just to
water heating but to self-heating in microwaves - it is typically 100x as abdsorbant at 2 GHz as is water,
I have heard ...) undulated and torsional oscillations openings of the zipper and closings ...
Sarfatti and Ark are brilliant and creative people, and I believe important to the future. I am now
just a fly on a hyperdimensional wall!... BZZZZt! Sarfatti and Ark don't see me as important - I'm not a
Physicist afterall, and I never obtain a large format ass wrap Ph.D.! - and I guess I am not very important
at present.
>> That other company that has achieved some anti-grav using their own laser lens has to
substantiate UNITEL's claims to-a-point. I find it strange that Dr. Sarfatti unleashed on UNITEL
so heavily while ignoring the other company I mentioned in my message post. This hints at
being a continuance of some past "grudge match". Let the man (Maurer) work -- it's he that is
out on a limb, not Jack -- and Jack should think about what seasoning he likes on your "crow"-if son-of-a-gun -- Larry does in fact make something out of it. If he doesn't, then Dr. Sarfatti can
bask in his "I told you so" sunlight.
> -- Mark
[Ford] Light and Sound can create LIFT - this is simple Momentum Transfer - I hope you're not
seeing such as 'Anti-Grav'?!
I greatly appreciate your long letter. Thank you, Mark!
gary swimp@shaw.ca
click for arc-jet photos
S-035. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding my recent experiences with skeptics
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: they're coming out of the woodwork !
Date : Sat, 03 Nov 2001 17:26:06 -0800
At 07:06 PM 11/3/01 -0500, you wrote:
> Dear Mr. Maurer ->
> I innocently post some messages -- like I've done before on other subjects -- and I'm getting
more (unwanted) response from this from people I don't even know. Plus they pick apart
every sentence I say. I write like I would speak in a conversation, easy-going and from-thehip. I see now where corresponding with some of these guys is like talking to a prosecuting
lawyer. Now I am starting to get ticked ... this is turning 'personal'. Anyway, Mr. Maurer, I
have no idea who this guy 'Gary Ford' is. Apparently he somehow got hold of Sarfatti's
response to me and added to it. I replied good-naturedly and received what I'm going to
forward to you.
> Kaku did put out an excellent book in "Hyperspace". He traced out the evolution of added
dimensions without the math. I think he was instrumental in overcoming a mathematical
difficulty in the one of superstrings' properties. But it's refreshing to know that another
learned person can admit (by default, perhaps) when there is something he is not aware of.
Even a "Master" can be bested on a given day. I remember Einstein having such an ego that
when it was pointed out to him that he made a schoolboy's mistake (like dividing by zero), he
would refuse to talk to that person again ... sometimes for years. Kaku is featured in a
RealPlayer interview on UFOs at http://www.debshome.com/news_items_L.html .
> And there's parts of Sarfatti's sites that I liked, just like some of the stuff Montauk's Preston
Nichols says. I may not understand it or agree with it; but it forces my mind to contemplate
what I hadn't considered before.
> I sure hope this hasn't affected your focus. I was just trying to spread-the-word and make
people aware of UNITEL and their mind-boggling projects. I did tell Richard Boylan about
UNITEL a long time ago (when you site was down for "reconstruction"). At first he thought
he was disinformation along the lines of "WingMakers". Then after a few more e-mails from
me, he shrugged his shoulders and said "well, maybe so .. when they get ready to launch it, let
me know." That's more the type of attitude I would expect from an "expert" who's out of his
area than these cheap shots from intellectuals who should know better and have better
manners. You expect that type of behavior from adolescents ... not grown-ups, let alone
"PhD's". Again I hope this hasn't caused you undue concern and that it will help in the long
> -- Mark
Dear Mark;
Hey, I really appreciate your earnest efforts to help us. Now you know first-hand what kind of
negative resistance we have been dealing with. I agree that these cheap-shot artists have absolutely no
class. No, they do not bother me in the slightest. I look for the shoot-outs with the big guns like Michio
Kaku instead who I have much more respect for.
I just for the life of me would like to know what these folks like Sarfatti and his cronies have against
us. I never really asked why but as you found out, you had better watch every word you say or they will
pick your statement apart like trial lawyers. They act like they have a project of their own. But I
seriously doubt if they do.
I expect that we will get funding from Rolls Royce or whoever and finally build our prototypes and
prove to the world what we are all about. I would stake my life on it. I can't wait to see what those
yayhoos will say when that happens. That day is coming soon, my friend.
Good luck to you, too. Please don't let them bother you either. I mean their jokes aren't even funny.
Talk about un-American! Just who are these guys rooting for, anyway?
Larry Maurer
S-036. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding a possible business match with a "Time Travel"
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Fwd: Re: TAP-TEN Research (Current Affairs)
Date : Sat, 03 Nov 2001 22:55:10 -0800
FYI- Sounds like we may have a match here. Our projected laser plasma field must have a controlled
twist to instill the parallel transport mechanism to produce the superconducting string-like monopolar
effects. Timing and the controlled spiral in the beam are very important. Thought you might like to
review this.
Larry Maurer
> To: Gary Schasteen <rgrunt@yahoo.com>
> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
> Subject: Re: TAP-TEN Research (Current Affairs)
> At 01:12 PM 11/3/01 -0800, you wrote:
>> Dear Dr. Maurer,
>> May I call you 'Larry'? You can call me 'Gary' if you wish. I am, for one, confident in
the conceptual validity of the short range interstellar space craft that UNITEL is going to
build. What kind of power source will it need? My friend and business partner Gary Voss
has been in touch with Bryan this past week. Myself and Gary Voss are supposed to meet
with Bryan this next weekend.
> I have been working on a concept that might be beneficial to the projects you mentioned
regarding both the supercomputer and Interstellar craft. This concept is known as the
Electro-Magnetic Field Constrictor. The EMFC is to twist a magnetic field that is
propagating between two iron discs. This causes the magnetic field to physically 'constrict'
to a smaller space in the center between the two iron discs. If we constrict the field through
a rotating copper disc, the amount of electrical output will increase as the field is
constricted to a smaller space within the spinning copper disc.
> Since the strength of the field squares as we constrict the field to a half size the electrical
output should also square as we constrict the field to a half size. Hypothetically, if we were
to twist the field 180 degrees the field would constrict to a singularity for all the magnetic
flux lines composing the field would pass through the centermass between the two plates.
The electrical energy may be transferred from the spinning copper disc to a conductive
stator which connects to an output terminal.
> The amount of electrical energy being conducted would be most sufficient to power the
craft you are going to build. The only thing is that the device extracting disc would have to
be composed of a high temperature superconductor and not a copper disc if we are to
channel large amounts of electrical energy. However, practically any amount of energy
may be attained by twisting the field lesser then 180 degrees, for at 180 degrees twist, the
field is constricted to a singularity. Therefore, the power in Watts being generated by the
device increases exponentially to infinity as the field approaches 180 degrees twist.
>>Also note that since the negative portion of a magnetic field has a positive time
component and the positive portion of a magnetic field has a negative time component, we
can therefore use the EMFC to create acceleration of time by creating extremely dense
negatively charged magnetic field. By accelerating time in a region where a computer is
operating we may be able to speed up the relative rate at which the computer computes.
For instance, if the quantum computer that you build produces 15 google computations per
second on it's own, then by placing the computer in a room that is saturated with a
negatively charged magnetic field (the north polarized portion of a magnetic field) that is
dense enough to speed time up twice its normal speed, the computer will produce 30
google computations per second, twice the number of computations in one second our time.
For our time speed, outside the magnetic field filled room&nbs
>>However, if we were to fill the room with the positively charged magnetic field (the
south polarized portion of the magnetic field), which has a negative time component, the
number of calculations that the computer makes would be halved per second on account
that time slows down in the presence of a positively charge magnetic field; for acceleration
of a negative time component when added to a region of positive time acts against the
positive time speed to slow the positive time rate down.
>> However by accelerating a positive time component that is added to a region of positive
time, acts with the positive speed to speed the positive time rate up. Thus, there are
multiple applications that the EMFC can serve for your projects. From deceleration of the
aging process to multiplying the computational power of the quantum computer you are
going to build, to serving as a power source for your interstellar ship.
>> The device is not that complicated in design, and I would imagine, could be produced in
mass quantities rather inexpensively. May we discuss incorporating this concept into your
current plans for the supercomputer, and Interstellar Space Craft design, at least to explore
the concepts potential. I had already contracted the device out to Davison & Associates
which conducted the research phase of the devices project and found that they could find
no reason that the device would not work. They were so enthusiastic and confident in the
devices design, that they went straight into attempting to market the design out to potential
companies. However, they were unsuccessful in the attempt, for the sake that the concept
is new and has not been tested nor have tests yet been attempted by myself for lack of
funding. I was in the process of purchasing parts little by little so that I could produce a
working prototype.
>> What do you think? I look forward to further discussing this concept with Bryan, and
yourself. Together, I believe that all these things that we collectively dream will be
>> Best Regards,
>> Edwin G. Schasteen
>> Projects Administration
>> TAP-TEN Research Foundation International
>> 627 H. St. Ste A279
>> San Diego, CA. 91910
>> (619) 387-7300 Ext.4312
>>(858) 860-6400 Ext.9578
> Dear Dr. Schasteen:
> I too look forward to meeting with you. We are currently offering corporate stock at a very
reasonable rate. We expect to go public with our IPO in the near future. Our corporate team is
in San Diego to meet with a major investment firm that should hopefully get our prototypes
underway. I shall be in touch.
> Regards,
> Larry D. Maurer
> Principal & Director, Engineering
> UNITEL, Inc.
> (503) 232-2740
> www.unitelnw.com
S-037. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding Joe Firmage, Tom Beardon, unknown
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: Public Relations first ... but watch who you jump in bed with
Date : Sun, 04 Nov 2001 11:41:43 -0800
At 10:16 AM 11/4/01 -0500, you wrote:
> Mr. Maurer ->
> I've come across "Tap-Ten" before. I think I was routed to it from that Argentina-based
http://comunidad.ciudad.com.ar/argentina/capital_federal/nandoherrera/main.htm .
> There is another organization on Long Island that has gotten some negative reviews by
Marshall Barnes.. Certainly at this point you have to entertain ALL inquiries -- if for no other
reason than public relations -- but be careful about these "time travel" guys. I tried to link to
Tap-Ten's site and it wouldn't come up. Maybe they're okay and maybe not. But it sounds
like you've been doing this for awhile to be able to separate the wheat from chaff, so I'm sure
UNITEL's future is in good hands. By-the-way, I agree with what you had done earlier to
highlight the quantum computer "ahead" of the interstellar craft. Some of these business
investors are very conservative and lack sci-fi imagination.
> Did you ever think of contacting Joe Firmage? I had heard he was torn between ZPE and
cold fusion and decided to invest in the latter. Do you ever correspond with Bearden? I don't
know exactly how to take him. If 1/10-th of what he has in his site was true, we should throw
in towel and surrender now to the Russians and Chinese. "Ark" tried to take on him and
Hoagland. He blasted Richard but lamented that Tom does know his math and quit his on58
line discourse in mid-stream without reaching a conclusion. Tom is always promoting this
French "healing machine" that he contends has been ignored (almost on-purpose as if a
conspiracy exists) by governments. I don't know how is he received by authorities -- could
you get some names of investment contacts from him? I don't know if Taylor Kramer's father
could help you. He seemed pretty down-to-earth from the interview I saw on AMW-Missing
Persons segment.
> You would think the kind of more-than-cutting-edge technology UNITEL is exploring
would be exactly what high-risk agencies like DARPA are interested in. The only thing I can
come up with is I wonder if they are already exploring similar technologies with programs
THEY can control -- UNITEL being a private and unmilitarized company. Off-the-subject,
but Teller sponsored Kaku early on in his education. I e-mailed him once about the Bob
Lazar story (Lazar also claimed endorsement from Teller, who refused to answer 'yes' or 'no'
when asked on-camera) but never got a response. I'm hoping that what I posted at his Yahoo!
club makes its rounds, perhaps even to other physicists like Witten. Did you think of
contacting places like Rand or Battelle or Bechtel?
> If I believed in such things as "pre-destination", I'd almost swear I was on a mission. Years
ago I went to the library to look through the "Help Wanted" ads. Scientific mainframe
programmers schooled in SAS, PL/1, and FORTRAN are not in much demand these days. I
used to subscribe to "Aviation Week & Space Technology". I went over to the magazine rack
to search for a copy and came across "Astronomy" magazine. Its cover featured the imposing
title "What Happened Before the Big Bang". I never even thought about that before. I started
reading the article by someone named Michio Kaku and was introduced to the idea of newer
dimensions. Then I went out and bought his "Hyperspace" book. Although I added some
"M-brane theory and UNITEL stuff at the end, the introductory document I prepared on
superstrings was taken largely from sections of his book.
> About the same time I came across the first Montauk book in the New Age section. I never
heard of the project before but of course was interested in what the back cover remarks. So I
bought it and subsequent books. I actually learned of the P-X from Montauk rather than viceversa. I don't have time to watch that much tv, but something made me turn on a couple of
DATELINE episodes. One featured Corso and the other the remote-viewer David
Morehouse. I bought both of their books. In January 2000 I got my own home computer and
explored the Internet in earnest for the first time. In time I got around to a lot of the major
sites dealing with these subjects and started reformulating my opinions when necessary.
Although I don't believe in such things (mainly because I can't begin to understand them), I
almost think it was not coincidental that I turned on those programs when I did and viewed
magazines which I never had before.
> -- Mark
Hello Mark:
Thanks for your offerings and insight into "Tap-Ten". We are very careful to base our business
connections on technical expertise and authenticity. Tap-Ten is new to us and we are very cautious
about making any connections with firms that aren't really for real technically. We shall see about what
they are offering with further scrutiny of their technology.
We talked to Joe Firmage a couple of years ago on a telephone conference where he asked us a few
technical questions. He decided to blow us off after deciding that we were too far from completing our
goals, etc. I talked to Firmage's main secretary Sharon about 6 months or so ago. She said she was laidoff from his business and explained about the various downturns they went through. I think he believed
he was making the right decisions but in fact made some very bad choices. I am still on his mailing list
for his public messages. But I just don't think he has anything left for any monetary assistance to us nor
do I believe he will recover from his pitfalls. Too bad.
As far as Tom Bearden, we had some contact with he and members in his group and they all wish us
luck. But we decided that it is best to have no connections with one another as we have different ideals
about how to go about achieving success with our projects. They are making preparations to construct
and market their MEG device in Europe (specifically in the UK with Myron Evans as Director).
I have mixed feelings about their probable success. I just think that there is too much paranoia
amongst their group as they seem to not trust anybody anywhere about anything. You know that in
business, there has to be a certain amount of trust. Especially if someone is going to fund a project with
a fair amount of money. They deserve to know what is going on with their investment and have some
control in how the funds are delegated, etc.
We have our Dunns and other DoD codes and will, I suppose, go after some grants. I fear that there
is a fair amount of feather-beading in the DoD & DARPA's grant offerings to certain favored entities.
We were almost guaranteed that DARPA would fund our project at UIC by the Director, Dr.
Sivananthanon, as he knew the Director there at DARPA very well. However, another entity won out
over us. We all knew what was going on but just let it go.
We would rather go with private funding such as with the international investment firm in San
Diego. But this too remains sketchy as the economy has been so bad that there is not much going on and
we don't expect much too happen in the near future anyway. I will be surprised if we do get funding in
the next month or so.
We have very strong relations with Rolls Royce Deutschland's research group. I expect that at some
point in the next year or so, we will initiate a contract to apply our smartskin technology to reduce radar
signature in military stealth craft and pollution (noise & particle) in commercial jet aircraft with this
technology. We have received their stamp of approval only to be put off by the airline economical
Yes, I have Kaku's book Hyperspace and value and respect the content of the book very much. It
has come to the point where we have proven our technology mathematically. But we must construct and
test our prototypes to prove once and for all that our design is truly feasible. It seems that going from
the paper stage to constructing real devices has proven near impossible with the fickle investors and
economy. We shall see what opportunities come our way in the future.
Personally I can't wait to prove ourselves. I don't care if we get funded by a blind Chinese
Communist Drug cartel king or not. I just want to see closure to our project sometime before I die.
Thanks again for your support. Please stay in touch!
Larry Maurer
S-038. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding the "plasma" aspects of their crystalline laser
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: you said the magic word -- PLASMA
Date : Sun, 04 Nov 2001 14:37:26 -0800
At 03:56 PM 11/4/01 -0500, you wrote:
> Dear Mr. Maurer ->
> In a recent e-mail you used the word "plasma" in conjunction with your laser lens. Lately
I've been seeing a lot of this topic that apparently I don't know much about. I had come across
a couple of references which suggest that plasma has an effect on gravity and possibly the
http://www.ufomind.com/misc/1998/aug/d26-001.shtml and an analysis of that claim posted
http://www.escribe.com/science/keelynet/m9395.html .
> The other was more of a scientific theory of plasma inducing gravity at
=> http://www.goodfelloweb.com/nature/cgbi/index.html .
> Just for your info ....
> -- Mark
Thanks for the info. Remember, timing and GeometroDynamics are important to create the most
attractive plasma in town! How about a black hole at the end of the plasma with string-like
characteristics? The bonding constant in the projected plasma is 1/137 whereby the ship in its cappedcone shape takes on the identity of 137 (the commutator) which will jump the links in the pulsed beaded
RGB plasma. Now that's power, baby! Try and match that with an anti-matter propulsion. Or any other
propulsion for that matter.
Also remember that our Niobium-Titanium exterior-charged smartskin hull is very similar to the
world record breaking electromagnet that was 300,000 times stronger than the Earth's magnetic field.
Check out the following email to the Director Yarris at Berkeley Labs. What part of this doesn't people
like Sarfatti understand? I mean this is aside from our MQT capabilities. Pure propulsion through
Best wishes,
Larry Maurer
> Dear Mr. Yarris:
> We are an aerospace R & D firm in Portland, OR and we would like to introduce our exciting
aerospace propulsion project to you. Congratulations in your world record achievement. We
hope that you and others at Berkeley Labs will take interest in our project as there are many
similarities between your electromagnet and our proposed space vehicle. We have an
international patent on the basic generic design with 10 claims.
> Basically, our proposed space vehicle's modulated, exteriorly charged hull is composed out of
Niobium-Titanium as is your electromagnet. We will be able to store a vast amount of magnetic
energy in the laminated, multi-layered hull. The energy will be released to provide an enormous
amount of required energy in the form of a close-adhering cloud of electrons.
> Perhaps we can interest you in our design that has recently received much attention from top
aerospace research firms. It may be possible that we can provide funding, perhaps matching
funds from government grants, etc. Below is an email correspondence from Applied Sciences,
Cedarville, OH who will be our subcontractor/manufacturer in various forthcoming prototype
construction and testing projects.
> We were to receive funding from Rolls Royce Ltd. to provide funding for Applied Sciences
until the recent tragedy that caused a drastic deficit in the airline industry economy. We are also
interested in discussing the possibility of developing a mutual project with the A. Paul Alisvostos
Labs ( www.cchem.berkeley.edu/~chemgrad/faculty/alivisatos.html ) to develop a free-standing,
high-temperature II-VI compound crystallite RF activated laser lens. Please visit our web site at
www.unitelnw.com . I hope to hear from you soon to discuss further the possibilities we can
present to add to our mutual benefit of exploring electromagnets and their applications. Thank
> Sincerely,
> Larry D. Maurer
> Principal & Director, Engineering
> UNITEL, Inc.
> (503) 232-2740
> www.unitelnw.com
S-039. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding strange twists of fate
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: odds & ends & corrections
Date : Mon, 05 Nov 2001 09:28:04 -0800
Very interesting about the time-travel coincidence here. Remember our sightings back in 1981-82. I
perpetually wonder "why me". Why were we singled out for more than one sighting. The first one from
10 feet away showing us everything about the craft that we advance today.
We applied and received a patent on it. When we wrote Dr. John A. Wheeler about our idea of
mimicking a particle on a Macro level, part of his reply was that Feynman accredited Wheeler as
defining an electron as a particle going backward in time. Did Wheeler see right through this as he
knew about our sightings first-hand from his niece?
There are only certain possibilities about where these craft emanated from -- the Future, another
planet, or a Top-Secret government project. The later is all but discounted because we would have been
informed by now as the USAF and BMDO is very interested in our design. They refuse to drop us but
never seem to come up with enough money to fund us.
Anyway Mark, I am starting to suspect. I know that the craft were and as our design is the same, are
literally RF-(radar) invisible. I mean can you imagine the town of Eugene being buzzed night-afternight with police and hundreds of citizens witnessing the craft performing many aerial maneuvers did
not appear on the local airport radar. The radar guys must have been going crazy! I mean they could
run in their office, look at their radar screens and nothing would be there while the phone kept ringing
off the wall.
Our second sighting we had was less than 3 miles from the Eugene airport. What we have is the
ultimate stealth machine. And perhaps a time-machine to boot!
Larry Maurer
S-040. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding his UFO sighting and its influence on the
UNITEL craft
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN !!!
Date : Tue, 06 Nov 2001 00:35:54 -0800
At 02:16 PM 11/5/01 -0500, you wrote:
> Mr. Maurer:
> I suspect that Wheeler was way ahead of his time. But like the mathematician Gauss, he was
probably too politically "correct" to make waves in these new areas of metaphysics.
> In those early 1950 books, Keyhoe frequently reported saucers being seen visually but not on
radar. Corso hinted that some of today's stealth came from back-engineering. But he didn't
elaborate whether for secrecy reasons or he was guessing. Lazar said he was taught that the
"distortion" field these discs create (and that "attracts" them in spite of the fact the field is always
moving as it is "projected") somehow warps the atmosphere and creates visual mirages. Some of
the mind-boggling maneuvers -- he suggests -- are more of an illusion than the real thing. He
said it somewhat depends on where the angle-of-sight too. If they can do that with the visual
spectrum, I guess anything electromagnetic in nature is vulnerable. Mark Farmer said the
military is working on a "null field" which will "bend light" around a plane. He doesn't know if
alien technology is responsible for that.
> "Close Encounters" weaved reported true experiences into the film script. One key theme was
certain people were "chosen" to be able to witness these sights. The film never gave answers as
to 'why' only these people. (New Age types will evoke "channeling". Boylan claims that they've
found an ET "marker gene" in 1 out of every 400-or-so people.)
> I remember one video testimony by a Belgian commander of an air force base. His base
picked up a dozen UFOs on radar. As soon as he gave the order to intercept, they started
BLINKING off the radar screen. He was convinced they knew what the base was
communicating among its people. He said the words hardly left his mouth when the next sweep
of the radar scope showed less UFOs than the sweep before.
> During the Bentwaters (Rendlesham Forest) incident in England, military policemen were
walking around the object. Their shadows appeared on the hull. What unnerved them was that
their "shadows" seemed to anticipate their very next body movement by a fraction of a second.
Almost as if "they" KNEW ahead-of-time what the men were going to do and were
"manipulating" the shadows. I think bits of that theme appeared also in the Sagan "Contact"
movie where Jodie Foster would "blur" out and say something that she would say in "real" time
later on. I think these movie writers get their ideas from real or postulated events/theories. The
"Matrix" was supposedly based on Holographic Time Portals and the Everett/Wheeler "Many
Worlds" theory. "Dreamscape" borrowed from the CIA's attempts to create assassins out of
> Corso, Oberth, and others have postulated the discs behave more like a "time machine" than a
"Point-A to Point-B" type vehicle. I don't know if this reported behavior is actually violating
causality or if they are in some other time "field" that is interrelated to ours. Nichols (Montauk)
is always talking about time loops and how "Montauk" messed up things good. When you bring
in Wheeler's "Many Worlds" and all its interpretations with different time lines possibly
intersecting and all that -- wow ... that's a real academic can-of-worms!
> -- Mark
Check out the email I sent to Daniel Zieg, Director, BMDO. I have way more proof than this
concerning the radar invisibility of the spacecraft design that we advance and what we and hundreds of
citizens of Eugene, OR saw in January 1982.
Please check out the graphics that describe our first sighting near Mt. Jefferson OR on Oct 18, 1981
at http://www.unitelnw.com/sg.htm . This strange maneuver by the lights we saw precluded one of the
light pellets (from 2 motherships) traveling down the streak and -- after the four of us hikers began
flashing our flashlights at -- flew over to the nearby ridge and began hovering and following us as we
walked towards the north along the Cascade Carl lakes trail.
At that time, we thought we hailed a helicopter and did not wave our flashlights anymore. The craft
then flew around and came at us from the east and landed 10 feet from us. The craft then hovered turned
off its main light and turned on an interior light for us then flew off into the night sky leaving a trail of
sparks. On the night of December 22, 1981, we (Mike Miller, my 11 yr. old son Jason, and I) were
buzzed by several of the smaller ships and we saw the mother ship that looked like the Goodyear blimp
with the smaller vehicles orbiting around (bound state mode) as it lifted out of sight into the night sky.
We will of course finish the rest of the first sighting's graphics but I want to send this first part of the
sighting to Bruce Maccabee to get his opinion of exactly what this maneuver was for. Perhaps some
kind of EM energy accumulation from the Earth's atmosphere. We also want to contact the Eugene
police and newspaper in Eugene to get descriptions of sightings that happened in Eugene in January '82.
Of course, since Lockheed was just building the stealth planes, the DoD squelched any news items about
radar-invisible UFOs. Makes sense.
Larry Maurer
Please review the attached materials that includes the January 1982 Eugene Register-Guard newspaper
article about the many sightings of UFOs in the Eugene, OR area and the fact that "no radar contact was
made". This is why federal investigators paid no attention to the incidents and totally disregarded the
reports made by Eugene police.
>> Below is a copy of the article from ITAR-TASS, a Russian news agency, that describes a
plasma technique of creating an invisible radar cloak that is effective or supercedes Stealth or LO
technology. This is absolute proof that it is highly possible that the UFOs were using a similar
type of radar-cloaking by controlling electromagnetic energy surrounding each UFO vehicle. In
fact, we intend to include radar-cloaking in our proposed research of our own, similar technology
and design of Unitel's aerospace vehicles. This also gives credence to our sightings, and the
sightings reported by Eugene police back in 1981-82, which we reported to the FBI in Eugene on
April 23, 1986.
>> Regards,
>> Larry
>>> Russian Scientists Created Revolutionary Low Observability Technologies
>>> Moscow, January 20th. /Nicolai Novichkov, ITAR-TASS information agency/
>>> Research team of the Recearch Center named after M.V. Keldysh has developed
new technologies allowing dramatic decrease in aircrafts' radar observability. Russian
approach to low observability (LO) technologies is completely different from US stealth
and offers complete furtiveness of the protected object at a significantly lower price. An
exclusive interview about these technologies was conducted by Nicolai Novichkov,
ITAR-TASS with director of the Center, academic of Russian Scientific Academy
Anatoliy Korteev.
>>> As academic explained, American approach to LO (Stealth technology) applied on
B-2, F-117A, and fifth generation fighter F-22 "Raptor" is based on the following
principles. The airframes of these aircrafts are designed to minimize their radar cross
section (RCS), avoid all possible elements of the structure, which could reflect
electromagnetic radiation. In order to minimize reflected radiation radio absorbing
materials (RAM) are also applied to the surface of the structure. The main drawbacks of
the Stealth technology are its negative effects on the flight and agility characteristics of
the stealth aircrafts.
>>> Russian scientists approached the issue from the other direction. They proposed to
create a plasma formation around protected object, which prevents radars from seeing it.
Thus, aerodynamical characteristics of the plane itself do not suffer. Without interfering
with technical characteristics the artificially created plasma cloud surrounding the plane
guarantees more than hundred times decrease in its observability.
>>> The physics of plasma protection can be described as following. If an object is
surrounded by a cloud of plasma, several phenomena are observed when the cloud
interacts with electromagnetic waves radiated by enemy radar. First, an absorption of
electromagnetic energy occurs in the cloud, since during plasma penetration it interacts
with plasma charged particles, pass onto them a portion of its energy, and fades. Second,
due to specific physical processes, electromagnetic wave tends to pass around plasma
cloud. Both of these phenomena results in dramatic decrease of the reflected signal.
>>> Static and flight experiments proved the effectiveness of this technology. The firstgeneration devices, producing plasma field surrounding an aircraft and decreasing
reflected signal were created in the Center. Later, a possibility of creating second
generation advanced systems (capable of not only decreasing reflected signal and
changing its wavelength, but also producing some false signals) was discovered. Such
systems significantly complicate determination of actual aircraft's speed, its location and
leads to development of completely new approaches to LO provision, unachievable to
conventional Stealth technology. Furthermore, the weight of the systems developed in
Russia do not exceed 100 kg, and power consumption ranges from kilowatts to tens of
>>> Advances in development of the third generation LO systems allowed to clear the
systems of first and second generation for export, commented academic Anatoliy
>>> 26/01/99
>>> (c) ITAR-TASS,
>>> Translation by Philip Kaploun.
>> Here is a more detailed, technical source for electromagnetic cloaking of Unitel's exteriorly
charged vehicle:
>>> Plasma Surface Wave Theory
>>> Kevin J. Bowers
>>> (Professor Charles K. Birdsall)
>>> (DOE) DE-FG03-97ER54446 and Hertz Foundation Fellowship
>>> The theory of resonance oscillations in a non-uniform thermal plasma [1], and the
electrostatic surface wave theory [2] have been extended. The new theory is fully
electromagnetic. The theory is being used to investigate large area plasma sources and
sheath phenomena. For a planar plasma loaded waveguide, the theory predicts two
classes of waves. Modes with TE (transverse electric) like field components can be
found by solving Maxwell's equations with a non-uniform dielectric given by the local
cold plasma dielectric. These modes are unaffected by thermal effects in the limit of this
theory. Modes with transverse magnetic (TM) like field components are more
complicated. Electron inertial and thermal effects allow new quasi-electrostatic (QES)
modes to propagate below the peak electron plasma frequency similar to Tonk-Dattner
resonances. The dispersion curves for a plasma loaded waveguide have been solved and
compared to the predictions of the electrostatic theory and simulation [3].
>>> Attached is a plot showing a QES wave trapped in the sheath of a non-uniform
thermal plasma. We are exploring several investigations, applications and extensions of
surface wave theory:
>>> coupling of wave guiding structures with the plasma for large area surface wave
sustained discharges
>>> heating mechanisms associated with resonantly sustained discharges
>>> transition of a capacitively coupled plasma into a resonantly coupled plasma and the
long-time scale evolution of resonantly sustained discharges
>>> investigation of kinetic and nonlinear effects
>>> dispersion calculations for different geometries and the addition of a steady state
magnetic field
>>> Figure 1: Antisymmetric perturbed potential in a symmetric warm non-uniform
plasma between parallel plates as a function of distance from the midplane and drive
frequency (relative to the peak electron plasma frequency). Small signal electrostatic
model. Shows Bohm-Gross waves tunneling into the bulk plasma.
>>> [1] J. V. Parker, J. C. Nickel, and R. W. Gould, "Resonance Oscillations in a Hot
Nonuniform Plasma," Physics of Fluids, Vol. 7, No. 9, September 1964.
>>> [2] D. J. Cooperberg, "Electron Surface Waves in a Nonuniform Plasma Slab,"
Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 1998.
>>> [3] C. K. Birdsall and K. J. Bowers, abstract also in this Research Summary.
>>> More information (http://ptsg.eecs.berkeley.edu) or
>>> Send mail to the author : (kbowers@eecs.berkeley.edu)
S-041. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL (follow-up to #40)
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: plasma sheathing
Date : Tue, 06 Nov 2001 10:47:05 -0800
At 08:10 AM 11/6/01 -0500, you wrote:
> Mr. Maurer ->
> I first found mention of Russian "plasma sheathing" as their alternative to RAM-stealth at
that fighter board => http://pub21.ezboard.com/bfighterplanes . That particular topic
resurfaces again and again there (sometimes embedded within other topics so it doesn't
necessarily stand-out in the titles). You have the die-hard American types saying it's only a
"theory" and has never flown in any operational combat aircraft. And the other side claims
that is only because of the state of the Russian economy and that this "black box" can make
any plane stealthy. I don't know if this is what Farmer ("Agent X") was on to concerning that
"null field" he mentioned.
> How does this "plasma" field interact with that "close adhering cloud of electrons" in your
design? A long time ago when the space shuttle was being designed, I vaguely remember
NASA opting for the second-choice of heat protection -- the tiles -- as opposed to their firstchoice. I can't remember exactly what that was, but I think their decision was based on more
on unproven technology as the tiles were more expensive.
> That fighter-board also mentioned new "invisible" AA missiles and Russian anti-missile
EMP weapons.
> What is this 'book' you referred to? Is it something you personally or UNITEL corporately
is producing? By all means, let me know when it's available!
> -- Mark
Mark :
Believe me -- what we saw and what hundreds of citizens from Eugene saw was real. It was obvious
that the craft were radar invisible. The book I refer to is Michael Miller and I in an autobiography
entitled "Flying Colors". It starts in July 1981 when I was getting ready to join the Navy to learn to fly.
My former boss and head of the mechanical dept. Ray Nyls was encouraging me too do so. Ray was
a former USAF fighter pilot but I did not know he was also second in command with Project Blue Book
and Base commander of Selfridge AFB with J. Allen Hyneck and Carl Sagan both stationed there also in
I queried Ray about all of this after I was accosted by the UFOs. But he did not want to talk about
anything. This was quite a shock to me as we were pretty close up until then. I will not mention his
name in my book nor will I even talk to him about anything either. I sometimes wonder though....
When we finish the book, I will send you a copy.
Did you check out the graphics of our sighting?
information, "stealth". Stay in touch!
Strange maneuver, huh?
Thanks for the
S-042. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding his sighting report sent to the U.S. UFO IRC
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Fwd: Re: UNITEL, Inc. - Graphics
Date : Wed, 07 Nov 2001 09:18:07 -0800
Attachment : streak.jpg (7k)
> Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2001 09:16:58 -0800
> to: "United States UFO Information and Research Center"
> <dreaman@dreaman.org>
> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
> Subject: Re: UNITEL, Inc. - Graphics
> That's okay, Allen. Just wanted to let you know that our company's V-P Andrew Moore finally
got the time to catch up on the graphics he started a while back. Although considered not top
priority, the graphics of the sighting are important to me personally. This maneuver (or whatever the
craft were doing) was very strange. Strange enough for the four of us to signal them with our
It was just after dark when we finally leveled off near Forked Butte which is approx. 3 mi due
South from Mt. Jefferson in the Cascade range of Oregon. There have been many documented
sightings of UFOs near that area as you shall find out. We had been hiking all day and decided to
continue on after reaching our original destination -- Carl Lake -- which was nothing but a mosquito
mud hole.
It was phenomenally warm weather on a Sunday, October 18, 1981 as my reason for the hike
was to get ready for Navy flight school (boot camp). Which because of what we saw changed my
life forever and I did not join the Navy after that.
After we had signaled these craft (as we didn't have any idea that they were UFOs), my friend
Michael Miller said "Watch this! I am going to flash a Fibonacci sequence at them." Right after
that, one of the little light pellets that you see in the graphics started toward us from a couple of
miles from the West and started hovering on top of the nearby ridge you see in the graphics also to
the West. The craft slowly followed us as we continued North along the trail towards Mt. Jefferson.
We turned our flashlights toward the ground as everyone agreed that the craft that was tracking us
(for around 45 min.) was probably a rescue helicopter.
> NOT! I will never forget -- when we reached a vast canyon drop off on our trail and the craft
dropped out of sight -- when the lady that was with us suddenly told the rest of us that the craft was
coming at us from the East across a large flat area that was snow covered, a few feet above the snow.
The craft was snaking back-and-forth like it was looking for something. The hair on my back was
starting to stand out in fear as the craft was snaking more and more towards us about one mile away.
> As it got near suddenly like a snake on a mouse, the craft suddenly went BOINK! and was
directly 10 feet in front of us! The woman screamed a blood-curdling scream as I nearly had a heart
> The craft made no noise except a hissing of melting snow beneath it and suddenly turned off its
main light, revealing the 3-part red, green, and blue lens and then turned on an interior light. All we
could see inside was what looked like a sewing machine box-sized panel. Large chunks of what
looked like slag from a welder's torch coming off the flame like corona at the stern.
The vehicle suddenly turned … popped a couple of hundred feet away from us … and then ascended
into the night sky. When the vehicle ascended, it left a shower of sparks, somewhat like an old
Buster Crabbe space ship from the 1930's. When we got back to Miller's house, I drew a picture of
what we were shown and everyone agreed that the drawing was a good representation of what we
> On the evening of December 22, 1981, my son Jason (11 yrs. old at the time), Michael Miller, and
myself were jumped by more than a dozen craft of the same type and the mothership (appearing
much like the Goodyear blimp) with the smaller vehicles orbiting around it. 5 years later after
studying everything about what we saw, we applied for and received a US patent, then a Japanese
> Thought you would like to see this part. I welcome all ideas on what these craft were doing aside
from just getting our attention. We will finish not only the graphics of the entire event but also the
Dec 22,'81 event along with the sightings over Eugene OR in Jan '82. Interesting, huh?
> Regards,
> Larry
>At 05:49 AM 11/7/01 -0500, you wrote:
>> Dear Larry...
>> I am so sorry that I have not yet had a chance to look at the sighting graphics you sent me,
nor to respond to the request you made recently concerning the question as to whether or not I
could "complete" the graphic... My deepest and most sincere apologies... I have been involved
deeply with construction projects here on the property as well as finding a new job and attending
the conference in Mobile, Alabama this weekend... Forgive me... I will attempt to get back to
you as soon as I can in this matter... I will be back in the office on Tuesday of next week... Until
then... You have my sincere and humble gratitude for your efforts in keeping us informed as to
the status and implications of your work...
>> Universal Blessings, Clear Skies, and Happy Skywatching!
>> Allen McGee
>> Founder and National Director
>> United States UFO Information and Research Center
>>~ http://www.dreaman.org ~ www.usufoirc.org ~
>>E.T. U.F.O. Conference 2002 ~
>> http://www.etconference.org
>> National U.F.O. Sightings ~
>> http://www.nationaluforeporting.org
>> Report Extraordinary Experiences online ~
>> http://www.uforeporting.info
>> http://www.americanufojournal.com
>> The E.T. Mall and The U.F.O. Store ~
>> http://www.etmall.org ~ www.ufostore.org
>> U.S.U.F.O.I.R.C. Research Complex and Building Donations ~
>> http://www.ufofund.org
>> Webpages, Websites, and Graphic Design by Allen McGee ~
>> http://www.dreamancyberdesign.com
>>United States UFO Information and Research Center:
>> http://www.ufocenter.usa
>>The United States Space and Astronomy Gallery:
>>The Annual E.T. UFO Conference:
>> http://www.ufoconference.usa
>>The National UFO Sightings Database:
>> http://www.ufos.usa
>>The AMERICAN UFO JOURNAL: http://www.ufo.usa
>>Mailing Address & Telephone Number:
>>Post Office Box 153, Unicoi, TN 37692 USA
>>Sightings & Information Hotline: (423) 735-0848
>>Email: mailto:dreaman@dreaman.org
>>Quote: "The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. The evidence has been denied
the American people for over 50 years!" ...UFO Investigative Colleague and Researcher, Clifford
>>----- Original Message ---->>
>>>From: <mailto:lmaurer@unitelnw.com>Larry Maurer
>>>To: <mailto:dreaman@dreaman.org>dreaman@dreaman.org
>>>Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 2:26 PM
>>>Subject: UNITEL, Inc. - Graphics
>>>Please check out the graphics that is part of our initial sighting near Mt. Jefferson, OR,
Oct.18, 1981.
S-043. from Bruce Maccabee regarding UFO physics and "real physics"
From : bruce maccabee <brumac@compuserve.com>
To : "Lawrence B. Crowell" <lcrowell@swcp.com>
CC : ruce maccabee <72326.3625@compuserve.com>, "Nicole Tedesco" <ntedesco@mediaone.net>,
"[unknown]" <Hankskids@aol.com>, "Jack Sarfatti, Ph.D. Physicist" <sarfatti@well.com>, "Stephen
Schwartz" <karastjepan@yahoo.com>, "David Gladstone" <d1494@wt.net>, "Allen Cohen"
<SFORACLE@prodigy.net>, "Alan Parker" <cmdrparker@hotmail.com>, "Andres Hurtado Denegri"
"Brotherblue93" <brotherblue93@hotmail.com>, "Bruce D. Curtis" <brucedcurtis@earthlink.net>,
"Carrawae" <carrawae@nosc.mil>, "Congressman Dana" <Dana@mail.house.gov>, "Damnation
Smith" <dansmith@clark.net>, "Davey Crock Full Of Macro Shift" <gear2000@lightspeed.net>,
"Decker1" <decker1@mediaone.net>, "Doctor Jibar Rish" <quanta@mail.cruzio.com>, "Don Tveter"
<drt@unidial.com>, "Eldon Byrd" <tuc@kiva.net>, "Ellen Smith" <baycitymedia@email.msn.com>,
"Faustin" <faustin@sound.photosynthesis.com>, "Foggy Writer" <CloudRider@aol.com>, "Gary G.
<henrym@roswell.net>, "Hinckley & Susan Waitt" <info@taggarthouse.com>, "Hippy Dippy Doo
Doo" <schwann@webtrance.co.za>, "Howard Fertman" <hjf35@earthlink.net>, "JagdishM"
<achenbachj@washpost.com>, "Joel Kohn" <jmkohn@sirius.com>, "John Paul Marshall"
<Joseph207@home.com>, "Kathryn Sullivan (MP)" <K.Sullivan.MP@aph.gov.au>, "Klaskey"
<MagickMirr@aol.com>, <stealthskater@hotmail.com>, "Mata Hari Von Brownie" <rosin@west.net>,
"Michael Sarfatti" <mike@hia.com>, "Mike Coyle" <vericomm@idiom.com>, "Paul Von Ward"
<paul@vonward.com>, "Peter Rabid Buttlick" <saint7peter@hotmail.com>, "Uri Geller"
Subject : UFO PHYSICS and real physics
Date : Wed, 7 Nov 2001 13:18:49 -0500
With all the discussions of esoteric physical theories which might apply to UFOs if they were real,
this discussion seems to have branched away from the basic question. Do UFO reports contain
descriptions of truly new phenomena indicative of Other Intelligences "messing around" in our
Since we know "nothing" a priori about such hypothetical phenomena and beings, we cannot use a
"positive proof" such as the duck argument (i.e., "if it looks like, walks like, and talks like, then it is")
which basically is this: If an observed phenomenon has the following characteristics (e.g., characteristic
a, characteristic b, c, etc.), then it can be identified as such and such.
We don't know what the characteristics of an alien spaceship, for example, should be. (Some
theories might predict certain phenomena associated with advanced space travel..... ) However, we
know the characteristics of conventional phenomena. Hence when a person or persons report an
observation (or film, videotape, detection on radar, effects on the ground, on automobiles, on animals
etc.), we can compare the reported characteristics with the characteristics of known phenomena and
make a decision as to whether or not the characteristics match. If the reported phenomena have
characteristics different from all known phenomena, then we have something new ("unidentified").
I claim that there are reports of phenomena/objects which defy explanation by conventional
physics/science. To claim that there are no TRue UFOs (TRUFOs) or no "flying saucers" is to claim
that ALL such sightings can be explained by conventional phenomena.
Larry has basically made that claim. Therefore let's see his explanations. Grounded in conventional
physics, of course.
S-044. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL referring to a response he received from Bruce Maccabee
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re: UNITEL, Inc. - Graphics
Date : Wed, 07 Nov 2001 19:12:53 -0800
> Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2001 19:10:08 -0800
> To: brumac@compuserve.com
> From: Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
> Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: UNITEL, Inc. - Graphics
> Dr. Maccabee:
> Thank you for your prompt and valued response. First of all, please realize that we are doing the
best we can with the graphics and the software we have to work with. The four of us were looking
westward toward this strange light show that these vehicles were putting on. At the time we had no
idea what the heck it was and we started flashing our flashlights at the lights that were a mile or so
off to the west of us.
> When the light streaks appeared, the effect was much like a solid shaft of light similar to a bolt of
lightning. The streaks were at right angles at all times. First the light streak would appear. Then a
light pellet (looked much like a "pong" in the familiar old Atari computer game) appeared to "fall"
straight down the beam. Then a light streak 90degrees from the beam coming straight down towards
the ground and the pellet would travel along in the beam, paralleling the ground in a straight line.
Then the reverse whereby the beam would shoot straight up and the pellet of light would fall
upwards to the blinking white light that was identical to a standard aircraft warning (white) light.
> This process would be repeated several times by both sets of lights until after signaling with our
flashlights, one of the "pellets" came flying towards us and stopped, hovering at the top of the
nearby ridge. That is when the white light appeared like it could have been a helicopter with a white
searchlight and began slowly tracking us as we started walking along the trail in a northerly
> You know the rest of what happened after that. But we are scratching our heads wondering what
the maneuver that the craft were performing meant. In other words, what was the probable purpose
for this? Would this maneuver enhance the EM propulsion system by interacting with the Earth's
magnetic field be like rubbing a balloon against a wall to create static -e attraction? Just wondering
what you might think what the probable reason for this maneuver was for. Could be a key to
understanding further how the type of craft that we along with hundreds of citizens in Eugene saw.
One thing, Dr. Maccabee, is that the beam that we saw in front of the ship that came to land ten feet
in front of us looked like a normal white light. In other words, there was no intense white lightning
bolt that would make the solid streak that we saw when the craft were going up and down in the
curious maneuver. It definitely proved that the smaller craft could produce a tremendous amount of
power in its projected beam. Very strange indeed! We sure would like to get your opinion on what
the maneuver could have possibly meant concerning quantum optical physics involved, etc. We
look forward to hearing from you.
> We haven't mentioned our sightings much as we felt that bringing any UFO stuff into our efforts to
get patents, associates, and construct prototypes as it would only hurt us. However, the 20-year
anniversary of the Eugene sightings of the same craft are approaching and we would like to add
graphics of other witnessed reports to ours. We will be traveling down to talk to the Eugene police
and the Eugene Register-Guard newspaper soon to gather the sighting information.
> There are 2 things going on with our project. (A) What we saw and (B) what we can build. Those
2 things are getting almost indistinguishable between them. We came close to funding by Rolls
Royce, Boeing Aerospace and Honda. Lockheed has told us they want in on the project when our
first prototype is "in place". I can't wait for that day. Kelly Johnson would come right out of his
grave to join this project at the Skunkworks! I hope to hear your response at your earliest
> Sincerely,
> Larry Maurer
> UNITEL, Inc.
>At 07:43 PM 11/7/01 -0500, you wrote:
>>I looked at you graphic. Are you indicating that the craft zipped down toward the ground then
back up? Not sure what is being shown.
S-045. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding how they conceived the idea for their patent
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: send me your mailing address ...
Date : Wed, 07 Nov 2001 20:12:55 -0800
At 06:28 PM 11/7/01 -0500, you wrote:
> Mr. Maurer ->
> It would be unnerving enough to be driving alone and see a UFO up in the distant sky. But
to have such an encounter up close -- I don't know how you could keep from panic. Was your
son the "coolest" of all -- sometimes kids can handle weird things better than their parents?
> Yesterday I didn't get around to any emails because I was raking leaves after work. Then
today at the State Capitol complex, the servers got some Nimda virus and we were without
computers all day. So this is the first chance I've had to view my mailboxes in 2 days.
> I have to read your description of the sighting again and correlate it with your impressive
graphic image. I'm sure I'm missing something. Tomorrow I will have more time.
>I made you a copy of the limited UVO documentaries I have on a 6-hr VHS tape. Give me a
mailing address and I'll send it off to you. I also made a MS-Word version of my web-site on
CD. In case it ever got deleted from the web. At least people will have electronic copies of
all the documents in a compact format.
>I re-read Chica Bruce's "The Philadelphia Experiment Murder". She used the case of Phil
Schneider to start with and then expanded it to include wild hypotheses of alternate worlds.
She suggests that perhaps history evolved differently in one of these other universes/timelines
and people have "deja vu" memories when "bleedthroughs" occur to 'this' universe. She and
others say that people like Schneider and Nichols may have been involved in "Dulce Wars"
and "The Montauk Project" in these other timelines and bleedthroughs cause them to think it
happened in our current reality.
>But what I found particularly interesting was an alternative thesis for the Philadelphia
Experiment. A 'Bob Beckwith' electronic engineering specialist told her "radar invisibility"
was no concern for the Navy during WWII -- it was of prime concern for the Air Force in the
air war over Europe. The Navy was more concerned with German magnetic and submerged
mines that was disrupting the shipping lanes. Tesla showed Teller (not von Neumann!) an
experiment where he used some electric field arrangement to cause an object to move back to
where it was on his lab bench a minute ago. Not "teleportation" in its purest sense ... but time
travel back to where it had been giving the illusion of teleportation. Teller scaled this up to an
experimental minesweeper to see if when the crew detected a mine, they could flip a switch
and return to where they were 5 minutes ago and hence make course corrections. What
happened was the vessel in the Philadelphia harbor returned to where it was 2 weeks prior.
This Beckwith guy said Corso validated his story and said additional work was done along
these lines. But Corso didn't specifically say Montauk so it's still guesswork. The USS
Eldridge story was allowed to evolve as Navy disinformation.. Some of that makes sense.
She goes on to explain this "divided space" phenomena as creating ball lightning and might be
responsible for globs of plasma seemed "dripping" from UFOs.
>I'll send her book for you and send that along in the package. As with the videotape, not
everything in there is true and some of it sounds plain ridiculous. But it might give you an
idea to explain something that has been puzzling you and Mike. When did you come up with
the idea of the RF modulated laser lens? Was it something that you purchased from an
expired patent? Or did everything come from this close encounter sighting? Or did that just
influence the design for your proposed interstellar craft? How did the Incunabula people
contribute for you? I have lots of questions ...
>I'll close for now and look at your graphic representation of your encounter more closely
tomorrow. I'll forward you an email I received from Bruce Maccabee ... he must be on
Sarfatti's mailing list too. I don't know how I'm getting all these emails
> -- Mark
Dear Mark:
Thanks! You would not believe the incredible amount of ridicule we have received over the years
from being involved in our projects. I learned a long time ago not to even breathe the word "UFO" as it
only hurts us. I am looking forward to meeting again with the Eugene Police Dept. Those cops didn't
like it much either to have a so-called federal investigator come over and tell them they were probably
seeing "kites with candles". They weren't stupid, crazy, or hallucinating on drugs. And neither were we
or the hundreds of witnesses from Eugene.
Concerning my son Jason, he was 11 yrs old at the time and was crying his eyes out and totally
scared out of his mind. I tried to calm him but Mike and I were in a state of being awe struck. I would
pull over about every 500 ft. and we would get out of the car and look at these many strange vehicles
that were flying around us. Some were flying sideways or stopped hovering much like a helicopter.
Others were streaking back-and-forth at 12 o'clock high leaving orange streaks as they flew above us,
high in the sky. Quite an experience.
We only had those 2 sightings, though. After the second sighting, I didn't know what to expect next.
I thought for sure that we would get some kind of closure on the incidences. But there was none. I
talked to a U.S. DoD representative, a Dr. Frank DeVarona (the famous Olympic swimmer Donna
DeVarona's brother) who officially denied that they were U.S. aircraft. I remember the phone
conversation with him when he laughed and said "what is the hull made out of, boys? diamonds?"
Ironically, in 1992 we changed our hull design to include the exteriorly-charged synthetic diamond
surface layer.
When did we come up with the idea of the RF-modulated laser lens? Only after our Type V design
that matched what we were shown that night on Oct.18, '81 where the craft turned off its main light and
then turned on an interior light. It was like a car door opening turning on an interior light. We could
definitely see through the red, green, & blue lens as it was semitransparent.
Until the time we met with Dr. R.C. Hwa (head of the Theoretical School of Science, Univ. of
Oregon), our design (Types I thru IV) was sort of like a television set. Nothing like what we saw. We
were hoping to come up with a beam emitter that was made out of existing technology. Dr. Hwa told us
(after he "tore us a new one!") that he believed that the lens could be made out of a semiconducting
crystal and that the crystal had to be RF transparent. That narrowed things down quite a bit.
I proposed to Mike that our lens be made out of the II-VI semiconducting compounds -- Cadmium
Sulfide-Telluride and RF-powered. This was matching what we saw to a "T"! We knew absolutely that
the beam be RF-modulated because the sound field is a solid requirement for our system to work.
It's interesting to note that the very week that we were putting together our design, it was suddenly in
the news that the local school where my children attended was possibly being shut down because they
found "Cadmium" in the school's water supply! We found no flaws in our type V design and then
applied for a U.S. patent on a generic version of the design and then we were awarded the patent with 10
claims later.
I want to draw on my Autocad a 3-D exploded view of the all-important lens for future fabrication.
This involves a well thought-out method of fabrication of the lens that was suggested by Mike deBruzzi
of EPI- MBE equipment manufacturers in St. Paul, MO. Mike was the guy that finally located a lab that
worked with II-VI compounds at UIC MP Labs.
You can send the package to: UNITEL, Inc., P.O. Box 42585, Portland, OR 97242-0585. I look
forward to answering your many questions as I am literally bubbling over with facts and figures!
Mark, I can't wait for the day when we can fire our little puppy up and fly the dang thing past those
naysayer's (like Jackass Sarfatti) noses! We don't know who or where the craft we saw back in 1981
came from. But I will tell you this. They were not some kind of hoax, apparition, hologram, kites with
candles, or anything like that. They were real machines that moved with incredible speed and
maneuverability. Whoever builds these craft first will literally rule this planet with unlimited ceiling.
They would be able to knock down anything in the air and jump out to a safe zone unscathed in outer
Hopefully, someone here in the States will listen to us and immediately build prototypes. I am
willing to stake my life on this design! Jack Sarfatti can come and personally shoot me dead if it doesn't
work! We have so much proof and technical support from associates that are known internationally for
their expertise that we could virtually become a number one aerospace firm in the world overnight.
Hopefully, StealthSkater, you will witness us progress to that point soon. Stay tuned my friend!
Best wishes,
Larry Maurer
S-046. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding a graphic he made of the cigar-shaped UFO
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : UNITEL, Inc.- Graphics- Zeppelin
Date : Wed, 07 Nov 2001 22:33:06 -0800
Attachment : Zep_36a.bmp (386k)
Mark :
FYI - Here is a graphic I did of a zeppelin I modified to look like the large cigar-shaped mothership
of our design and what we saw in '81.
Larry Maurer
S-047. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding "Prototype 1-A"
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : <stealthskater@hotmail.com>
Subject : Re: Chica's alternative P-X hypothesis
Date : Thu, 08 Nov 2001 10:36:03 -0800
At 10:26 AM 11/8/01 -0500, you wrote:
> I'm almost ready to send this package of reference material off to you. It will include Chica
Bruce's latest book. It had some new re-interpreyations on "Many Worlds" / alternate
timelines that I hadn't seen before. Stuff that is way Way WAY out there! The one section
that might be of passing interest to you is what I'm attaching here (so you won't have to wait).
It sort of makes more sense to me and sheds a new light on teleportation being a form of
backward time travel. I'll add it to my site this weekend. That 'Bob King' guy from New
Zealand (in his email to me that I posted) has all along said that the intent of the P-X was
NOT 'radar invisibility' but indeed "teleportation" so Chica's excerpt tends to corroborate that.
> I noticed the reconstructed UNITEL site no longer mentions Protoype 1-A. I assume that is
still in the construction phase? Even though we've been discussing the interstellar craft quite
a bit lately, is it still UNITEL's intentions to try to market the quantum computer first? I
know what you mean ... I've had several friends who have "disowned" me because of my
interest/belief in UFOs. And I have heard of people whose superiors or co-workers (in private
industry or the military) will refuse to socially mix with them anymore once they press for an
answer on a black ops type project. Almost as if they themselves or their families have been
threatened. You wondered why the UFO revealed itself to you. But did you ever wonder
why the government didn't try to discredit UNITEL (or did they)?
> -- Mark
Hello Mark!
Thanks again for your diligent interest in our progress. Yes, Prototype 1-A is to be the initial
experimental version of our quantum optical computer; "HOLO-1". We have UIC doing the hardware
and KHD doing the magneto-optical software. What more would the investor want to reassure him that
our project is a sound investment with a minimal risk? We have at least two well-known collegiate
institutions that have impeccable records of success and innovation. That is why we want to build and
test our quantum computer project first.
Concerning our aerospace endeavors, we have Flight Unlimited with its associate partners (Barrett,
Froning, Puthoff, etc.) ready with a proposal to construct a prototype that will partially prove the
feasibility of our propulsion system design. We also have Applied Sciences ready to construct a small
prototype of our smartskin that Rolls Royce wanted to do before the 9/11 WTO incident. We can do all
this for $5 million on a 24-month contract. That's not a lot considering that Michael Mann (senior VP,
Lockheed-Martin) who told me that Lockheed wants to come in with a minimum of $100 million to
invest into UNITEL after our initial prototype is "in place".
Our Government has had several chances to get involved and has never threatened us. But it is
obvious that the various projects and departments are controlled by payoffs etc. I think that they are
hoping that we will just go away and never get anywhere with our so-called wild, way-out design! I
think that once we get our story with moving graphics of our sightings coupled with sightings from
others in the Eugene area, the public will put much pressure on our Government to build our prototypes.
I am waiting to hear from Bruce Maccabee about his latest opinion on our reported sighting to the
FBI (as we were encouraged by the Eugene Police) in 1986. Back then we had a major U.S. Senator -Sen. Mark O. Hatfield -- that was really laying the pressure on the DoD to treat us fairly. Hatfield really
put the fear of God into those rats back then. But the DoD only kept their wrath for us under their
breaths and we never really got anywhere with them. We need more politicians to get re-involved to
help us get started. I have plenty of official correspondences to show to prove this too, Mark. Stay in
Larry Maurer
S-048. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding using their "smartskin" to bend radar signals
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : <stealthskater@hotmail.com>
Subject : Re: another extract from Chica's book ...
Date : Thu, 08 Nov 2001 10:44:19 -0800
At 11:42 AM 11/8/01 -0500, you wrote:
> You'll get this (and more) in my package. At first I didn't want to include it because -- well,
frankly -- I didn't believe this guy's claims. It's this 'Beckwith' person talking to Chica in an
interview. He claims that he was told that this "back time-travel" pseudo-teleportation is used
in today's modern day minesweepers of a class of ships known as "Osprey".
>"... "The ships' hulls are a solid, continuous mocoque structure laminated from special
fiberglass and resin. They are easy to maintain and flex to absorb the violent shock of an
underwater mine explosion. The ships are designed to have very low magnetic and acoustic
signatures, giving them an added margin of safety during operations." This description seems
to suggest that the ships' laminate is related to the coating on stealth fighters and that is
apparently the state-of-the-art in 'radar invisibility'. The officer leading the tour told him that
there is no iron of any kind allowed on the ship, not even paperclips. Beckwith believes that
this "fiberglass" construction is made of Carbon 14 which he says is '10,000 stronger than
normal Carbon 12 diamonds and is also a superconductor over a wide temperature range'.
Beckwith is convinced that these class of minesweepers have the "ability to bop around the
world thus extending the ability of the IX-97 by 60 years." In other words, the
superconducting hulls confer controlled teleportation capabilities to the ships. In addition, he
believes that these Osprey class boats have the ability to generate a field around them which
keeps them one second ahead of the universal space timeline; thereby enabling them to evade
detection of any kind. A crew member told him that the men hate whenever they have to
salvage enemy mines and get on deck in order to do so because that is the only time they can
ever been seen. Otherwise, if the men are within the field of the ship's cabin, they -- along
with the entire vessel -- are completely invisible. ..."
> -- Mark
With our exterior-charged smartskin, we can bend radar signals around or even absorb the
signal. I want to get in touch with the "smart bullet" outfit doing research at Auburn Univ. to perhaps
build the steering mechanism with our phase conjugate "flying by radar" steering mechanism with the
very strong EM attraction of our ship to its projected laser plasma beam. (See
http://www.auburn.edu/administration/univrel/news/archive/5_97news/5_97smartbullets.html )
I haven't got a response yet from the Q-Dot corporation concerning construction of our II-VI
compound glass crystallite lens. Thanks for the book!
S-049. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding government funding and kickbacks
From : Larry Maurer <lmaurer@unitelnw.com>
To : stealthskater@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: watch whose toes you step on !
Date : Thu, 08 Nov 2001 12:22:31 -0800
At 02:38 PM 11/8/01 -0500, you wrote:
>I had forgotten about the payoff/kickback thing. I remember Jack Northrop was reputed to
be a brilliant engineer but a lousy businessman. Which is why Northrop never was on the
same level with McDonnell-Douglas and Boeing. It did make me heart feel good when the
government reinstated his top-secret clearance and showed him the new B-2, whose shape
was taken from his "Flying Wing" aircraft that never got any production contracts. I
remember his remark was "Now I know why God has kept me alive so long [to see this day]."
Hopefully Larry Maurer won't have to wait as long to see the fruits of his labor!
>Senator Schiff from New Mexico was responding to mounting public pressure in the early
90's as a result of Lazar's allegations. He pressed the Air Force for its files at Roswell during
1947. The Air Force said they didn't have any and for him to search the National Archives.
That reportedly infuriated him -- who said the Air Force is normally cooperative -- so he
called in the GAO to do their own investigation. The GAO reported that they couldn't find
ANY files concerning the Roswell Army Air Corps base from 1945-1949. They were careful
to state they didn't want this interpreted as though they were siding with the UFO believers.
Not long after than Senator Schiff developed terminal cancer. Richard Boylan believes this
was done deliberately by unseen powers, and they did the same thing to Col. Steve Wilson
("Project Pounce") who died and also to Dr. Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project (who
hasn't died yet). Just FYI ...
> -- Mark
Yes, I hope to God -- and for your sake along with the rest of our asteroid instinct-bound species -that we see our design come to fruition. Just imagine, though, if there is a "time thing" involved with
any relinquishing of any official reports from the USAF, etc. Especially in my case like when I found
out my long-time boss, friend, and flight mentor Ray Nyls. Perhaps he does know something and cannot
tell me or anyone about it because it may effect certain events that are about to happen.
Check out this scenario, StealthSkater: Sometime in the near future we build a space ship. We
perform MQT and find out we can tunnel in time as well as space. So we go back to see what exactly
happened at Roswell in 1947 and we find out that it is us instead of any alien craft. Perhaps we then
crash and the USAF has all this information. So they wait until just before we take off and then tell us
to make precautions against our downfall that would be about to occur. What a can of worms that is.
But I can see it happening.
You certainly can't blame the USAF for being mum on the subject as they will be saving lives!
What a can of worms we will unleash! This may sound strange but it makes sense, doesn't it? No
wonder the USAF has done everything they can to stall, thwart off, and deny any information knowing
full well their actions will effect the Future. I can even see them killing people (even the Kennedys) to
keep this incredible time machine weapon under wraps.
I firmly believe that they are behind us and our hard efforts to protect and safeguard our endeavors to
construct this type of flying machine. The USAF has stated that they want to keep us in their files as
active and are looking for ways to fund us. They have sent us several research papers on MQT that
support our theories.
I sure would like to have a lecture with the BMDO, DoD, or any USAF or federal government
agencies. I think we would literally have their jaws drop (as long as Sarfatti and cronies weren't there to
sabotage the event!). We shall see what events turn up for us, aye?
Best regards,
Larry Maurer
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