Endangered Species Brochure Project

Endangered Species Brochure Project Syllabus
Miss Eaton
Language Arts
Fall 2013
Hoot Project
Choose an animal that is considered to be an endangered species; like the owls in “Hoot”.
Then complete a brochure of information describing the species; which includes the
following information:
Panel 1 – Common name and picture of your or animal (color copy or drawing). The
genus is capitalized and written in italics. The species is not capitalized, and is written in
Panel 2- Describe the appearance and habitat of the animal. Explain why the animal is
best suited for the environment. Explain why it has been selected for the endangered list
and describe plans for protecting or breeding these organisms. What steps are being
taken to save the species? Why should we try to save these organisms? What benefit do
we get from them?
Panel 3- Write a persuasive paragraph on how you feel about the organism and what you
can do to help.
Panel 4- Be sure to include your name, teacher, class, and date. Document your research
by listing the sources you use on a resource page. Two resources are required. You must
give credit to any internet recourses you use by listing them on the page used and on the
resource page. List the title of the book or article, the author, and the page number. List
the title of the program when using a computer resource. Internet resources may be used
as long as the web site is documented. Please give credit to anyone who helps you with
the art or typing of the brochure. All other information must be from your research.
Panels 5/6- Facts or more pictures, these panels are open for your creativity.
*Please try to use resources in the school library and the Big 6. You may cut and past
pictures on your brochure. Use markers or color pencils to color on your brochure but do
not use glitter and paint. The brochure program in Microsoft Word may be used to
organize your brochure.