Articles for Pediatric Disaster/bioterrorism web page

Pediatric Disaster Education Resources
Altered Standards of Care in Mass Casualty Events
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality:
AHRQ Publication No. 05-0043, April, 2005
This AHRQ document offers an overview of health and medical care delivery during a Mass Casualty Event and discusses
various issues which must be addressed in terms of altered standards of care. It recommends guiding principles and a
framework for establishing altered standards of care, action steps, legal issues to consider and other non-clinical issues (i.e.
finance, reimbursement).
Blast Lung Injury: An Overview for Prehospital Care Providers
Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
This is one of three documents issued by the CDC relating to blast lung injury. It offers a protocol for first responders based on
clinical presentation and includes an algorithm for quick reference.
Blast Lung Injury: What Clinicians Need to Know
Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Recognizing that terrorist attacks involving explosions occur almost on a daily basis worldwide, healthcare providers must be
prepared to manage patients with resulting injuries. This is one of three documents by the CDC, and provides clinicians with
general key concepts, background information regarding blast injuries, classification of explosives and mechanisms of blast
Center for School, Youth and Citizen Preparedness
The State of Wisconsin has developed school preparedness programs including Student Emergency Response Teams (SERT)
which targets high school and middle school students. School Crisis Preparedness for teachers, school administrators and
other citizen groups is also a focus. The program provides insight into how youth can be incorporated into preparedness
activities and disaster/emergency response. A schedule of upcoming education/training sessions with on-line registration
capabilities is included.
Centers for Public Health Preparedness
The Centers for Public Health Preparedness (CPHP) are a national network developed by the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) and the Association of Schools of Public Health (ASPH) to train public health and healthcare workforce to
respond to threats, such as bioterrorism, infectious disease outbreaks, and other public health emergencies. This site includes a
list of all member agencies of the CPHP network, and includes educational offerings.
Decontamination of Children: Preparedness and Response for Hospital Emergency Departments. Video Order: 1-800358-9395; E-mail or
This video reviews appropriate decontamination strategies for children of all ages. During the video the unique vulnerabilities of
children during the decontamination process are highlighted. Recommendations for accomplishing the task while preventing
complications are discussed.
Disaster Preparedness Exercises Addressing the Pediatric Population
Illinois Emergency Medical Services for Children, December, 2006
This document is designed as a resource to organizations as they conduct disaster preparedness exercises. Inclusion of infants
and children in disaster drills and exercises is an essential component in preparedness. This resource contains sample drill
scenarios and victim lists that can be used in triage drill and tabletop exercises. START and JumpSTART algorithms are
presented and reviewed.
Explosions and Blast Injuries: A Primer for Clinicians
Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
This document, one of three developed by CDC, includes specific information for clinicians that addresses recognition,
evaluation, treatment and disposition of victims of blast injuries.
Mass Medical Care with Scarce Resources: A Community Planning Guide
This guide provides community planners—as well as planners at the institutional, State, and Federal levels—with information on
planning for and responding to a mass casualty event (MCE).
The product of collaboration between the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Public Health Emergency
Preparedness and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), this guide is written by leading experts in six areas
related to mass casualty care: prehospital care, hospital and acute care, alternative care sites, palliative care, ethical issues, and
legal considerations.
Pediatric Disaster Tool Kit: Hospital Guidelines for Pediatrics in Disasters, 2nd Edition
NYC Dept of Health. December, 2006
These guidelines developed by the New York City Department of Health recognize that all hospitals may receive pediatric
patients during a Mass Casualty Event. This Pediatric Tool Kit provides a comprehensive guide for planning for children’s needs
during disaster events.
Pediatric Terrorism and Disaster Preparedness: A Resource for Pediatricians
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, September, 2006
This document (available also in a summary format) through the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
recognizes that pediatricians as primary healthcare providers may be the first contacted by families in the event of a disaster.
Because of the pediatricians unique relationship with families this document addresses the responsibility of pediatricians in
pediatric preparedness.
Radiation Event Medical Management, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (REMM): Guidance on Diagnosis &
Treatment for Health Care Providers
This document provides evidence-based guidance to healthcare practitioners on radiation event medical diagnosis and
management. It is written with the intent to provide sufficient background and context in order to make complex issues
understandable to those without formal radiation medicine expertise.
Society of Critical Care Medicine: Fundamentals of Disaster Management (FDM)
This course is offered as an independent one-day series or as add-on modules to other programs for continuing education credit.
It provides critical care professionals another option for attaining expertise to manage large-scale disasters/emergencies.
Triaging Kids during a Disaster CD-ROM
Delaware EMSC Program
This interactive teaching/training tool provides healthcare professionals with information on how to appropriately triage children.
For more information contact Delaware EMSC Program Manager, Division of Public Health & DuPont Hospital for Children, 655
South Bay Rd., Suite 4H, Dover, DE 19901 or Marie Renzi, RN, MSN at