WCMET application form - The Church of England

The Women’s Continuing Ministerial Education Trust
Application Form
All applications must be made for a 12 month period only. Further funding for any
project in excess of 12 months requires a further application to the fund.
Please answer all the questions ensuring that you have provided supporting
information and an endorsement of your project by your CMD Officer or equivalent,
e.g. Lifelong Learning manager or Director of Continuing Professional Development
in your diocese. If you run out of space, please continue your answers on a separate
If completing the form by hand, please write neatly and in black ink (for
The completed form should be returned to: WCMET
Ministry Division
Church House
Great Smith Street
London SW1P 3AZ
Any further enquiries should be directed to: tim.ling@churchofengland.org
Tel. No. 020 7898 1408
Personal Details
1. Full Name & Title:
2. Address:
E-mail Address:
Home Tel No:
Work Tel No:
Type of Ministry: Accredited Lay Worker
Religious Sister
Church Army
8. Form of Tenure: Self-supporting
Employed e.g. (Chaplain)
9. Date of Ordination:
10. Current Diocese:
11. Please give details of your current appointment:
Grant Application
12. Please describe, in detail, the purpose for which you are applying for a grant. This
must be substantiated with as much supporting information as possible. (NB: If the
grant you are requesting is for a degree or a further degree you must also complete
Appendix 1)
12a. Please state the duration of this project.
Start Date:
End Date:
12b. Please specify the period of time this application covers. (NB grants are only given
one year at a time)
13. Please explain how this project might develop/assist your ministry and in what ways
it might benefit the wider Church.
Project Costs
14. Please complete all the relevant questions below relating to the expected total
budget of your project for the year for which the grant is being applied for.
(Grants are made on a yearly basis only)
Cost of the Course/Conference/Project
Travelling costs (if applicable)
Accommodation costs (if applicable)
Details of other costs
15. Please state below if you are expecting or have obtained a Diocesan
Contribution (please circle the appropriate category)
16. Please state below the contributions from other sources of funding you have
sought or obtained in the table below. If you are employed please state if you
have sought funding from your employer, e.g. hospital trust.
Source of Funding
Sought from/Obtained
Sought from/Obtained
Sought from/Obtained
17. Please state the level of personal contributions towards your project. If you
would like to add a comment, please use the box provided below.
Personal Contributions
18. Please state the amount you wish to request from the Women’s Continuing
Ministerial Education Trust (WCMET). If you would like to add a comment
please use the box provided.
Amount requested from WCMET
19.Should your grant application be successful, please give below the address you
wish the cheque to be sent to, if different from your home address:
20. Signature
Comment From the CMD Officer Endorsing this Application
In what ways to you expect this course to develop the applicant’s work and ministry
On a personal level
In relation to the wider church
Please give information on the reasons for the level of Diocesan contribution for this
candidate. (Question 15)
Please give any other supporting or relevant information to help us in our
NB: Please ensure that questions 15 and 16 are complete
Appendix 1
If you are applying for a grant to help you with the costs incurred in completing a
Degree or Further Degree, please answer the following section.
N.B. If this is a repeat application you do not need to fill in this section but must
return the Completion of (or part of) Project Form sent with your cheque. Thank
What degree is being applied for, and through what institution?
What is the length of the research thesis to be written for the degree?
What is the title area of the research project to be undertaken?
Has a formal application to the relevant university already been made? With
what outcome? Who will supervise your research?
If applying for a research degree, what preparation have you undertaken in
research methods?
Please write a small rationale for the proposed research, refer to Question 12
of the Application Form.