Nicole Choinski

Nicole Choinski
Capital Punishment and Human Rights
In the world today, capital punishment has been a main topic of
conversation. More over, the human rights toward those death penalties have
also been scrutinized as well. For more than fifty years, Italy has expelled
capital punishment. Back in 1948, when the death penalty was first banished in
the European Country, they were a true forerunner and leading voice in the
eliminations around the globe. Now more than ever, Italy has been very
outspoken and opinionated against the death penalty, trying to make the rest of
the world see why the death penalty is immorally wrong.
Italy has used one of their own historical world landmarks to despise
capital punishment. The Coliseum, a famous attraction known by many, has
been recently used as a protest site, as well as a memorial. This ancient
“postcard-pretty” building holds a grim past. This structure was formerly a site
where condemned criminals were once tortured and killed for the public’s
enjoyment. In our era, however, Italy has used this building to their advantage.
They use this structure as a powerful statement against capital punishment. On
a usual night, the Coliseum is brightened with stunning white lights.
when a death sentence is committed anywhere in the world, the lights are
switched to gold in a tribute. As mentioned earlier, protests are also held there.
As for a second example, Italy’s fashion world has also spoken out against the
death penalty.
Benetton, an Italian clothing chain, release a worldwide add
campaign, featuring 26 United States death row inmates. A famous fashion
photographer, Oliviero Toscani, shot these photos for the promotion.
Accompanying these photos were quotes from interviews taken with the inmate,
about childhood memories and opinions on “societal ills.” These ads were
viewed by many all over the world. Italy wanted to the issue known, as well as
the fact that they displayed them. Italy has also been known to protest many
high profile cases that have taken place around the globe. This boot shaped,
European country is trying its best to “kick” capital punishment worldwide.
Now that it has been seen what Italy is trying to do, the United Nations
are trying to do what they can also. There has been no “international
consensus” on the human rights dealing with capital punishment. One agreement
that they have come to that those killed under the death sentence should only
be killed for the most serious of crimes. While talks have occurred, nothing has
been agreed upon. It may not be as easy to banish the death penalty around
the world as Italy may have thought. Many countries do have some form of
capital punishment, with their own set of rules and guidelines for it. Three main
issues dealing with the death penalty are the person’s rights, the age of the
criminal, and their mental state when the crime itself was committed. One other
major topic to be discussed is the way of punishment and what does and
doesn’t violate their rights.
Italy has done its best to help create a “capital punishment free world.”
While they have been working their hardest, the United Nations have been
doing all they can. Although they missed their goal of 2000 to be rid of the
death penalty, there is still a future date that can be determined. The United
Nations is working to compromise with all nations to find a way to make this a
possibility for the better of our world.