Зинев Арт Технологии ЕООД е създадена с цел да осъществява


Zinev Art Technologies Ltd.

is a company which has been established with the purpose of developing, implementing and managing European projects and providing consultations in the following spheres: culture, art, tourism, Internet-based activities, vocational training.

The professional ZAT team works for popularizing Bulgarian art throughout the country and abroad. ZAT maintains a web-based gallery with works from various artistic genres, develops and maintains web-applications - web-sites, web-based galleries and demonstrations of cultural, artistic and archaeological heritage.

The members of the ZAT team have a serious experience also in providing SMEs and non-government organizations with EU project development and implementation services, with more than 10 successful projects for the last two years. Vocational training and increasing the qualifications of the human resources are major factors for improving the competitiveness of Bulgarian enterprises. Understanding these necessities, ZAT participates in a number of initiatives, connected with provision of training and consultancy services for SMEs or persons, willing to start up their own initiatives. Among these initiatives are the following:

 Training provided in the city of Kavarna, Bulgaria under the project

“Valorisation Event, comprising of a Thematic Conference Section,

Showcases Section and Workshop Section, for dissemination and exploitation of Leonardo da Vinci projects results and products focused

on providing tourism related vocational training” , Contract No: BG-05-

CF-011 . This project has been submitted under the „Leonardo da Vinci”, Call for proposals DG EAC/92/04 “Awarding of Grants for Valorization Conferences for the Exploitation of Results from Leonardo da Vinci Projects”. The training was provided for 40 representatives of the target groups from the region of

Kavarna on the topics “Main business skills”, „Rural tourism”, „Cultural tourism”, “Eco tourism” and “Sports tourism”.

Training in tourism, in particular eco tourism, agro-tourism, cultural tourism, provided for young people, whishing to start their own business in the municipality of Novo selo, Bulgaria and the municipality of Giurgita,

Romania. The beneficiaries expressed a great interest also in the possibilities of funding under the EU structural funds and an additional training seminar on this topic was conducted. The training was conducted under the project

“Networking tourism and training centres in Novo Selo and Giurgita”,

Contract number: 2004/016-783.01.03.06. This project is co-financed by the

EUROPEAN UNION under the PHARE programme, under the Joint Small Projects

Fund for Cross-Border Cooperation: Bulgaria – Romania.

ZAT works on vocational education projects development and management with partners from Bulgaria and Europe – Germany, Italy, Spain, Romania. The target groups under these projects are mainly employed people, whishing to further develop their professional qualifications, but also unemployed people at different


44 Krichim Street, Sofia 1407, Bulgaria; Tel.: +359 2 8622506; +359 889 306134; Fax: +359 2 8622506

E-mail: zinevart@yahoo.com

; Web-site: www.artsbg.net

; www.e-talent.eu

educational levels. A part of the projects in which ZAT has been a leading organization or a partner for the period 2005-2007 are:

Project „European Labour Market Competences”. This project has been submitted within the framework of call for proposals under the “Lifelong learning programme”, EAC/61/2006. Official support and approval of the project has been expressed by the State Employment Agency with the Ministry

 of Labour and Social Policy of the Republic of Bulgaria. The idea of the proposed project is to disseminate and exploit the results of successful Leonardo da Vinci and Socrates projects, which have created products and achieved results focused on supporting the migrating labor forces in the common labor market of the European Union as far as mobility, recognition and acceptance of qualifications and skills and adaptation to new requirements and standards is concerned. The project is focused on supporting the development of the common European labour market through provision of information and knowledge not only to the people who have decided to search for employment opportunities outside of their home country, but also to those experts whose task it is to provide orientation to migrating workers. The project has been developed by Zinev Art Technologies. The project partners are Foundation

“Kolev”, Bulgaria, Pixel from Italy, Deutsche Angestellten Akademie from

Germany, and the Romanian association for community development.

Project „European Mobility Skills - Mobility focused European

Occupational Skills for employees and trainees”. This project has been submitted within the framework of call for proposals under the “ Lifelong learning programme ”, EAC/61/2006. Project initiator is Veb Consult S.r.l.,

Italy. ZAT experts are part of the project, together with 9 other European organizations – Italy, Germany, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Hungary and

Romania. The aim of the project is to transfer the results of a previous national project on European Competences to a more mobility focused product to provide an online learning platform for employees, trainees and job seekers to help these target groups to prepare for their personal mobility activities in the

European labour market, to improve and to increase their chances and opportunities.

Project “ETALENT: Valorization of eLearning projects results focused on the effects of ICT application and innovation introduction on youth

talent development”, co-financed by the eLearning program of the EU, contract number: 2006-4504/001-001 ELE ELEB14. Project coordinator is the

Municipality of Novo selo. Partners: Zinev Art Technologies Ltd., Sofia,

Bulgaria; ESODE Srl., Cagliari, Italy; Deutsche Angestellten-Akademie /DAA/

Braunschweig, Germany. The overall objective of the project is to valorize successful eLearning projects results through the prism of the effects, which

ICT applications and innovation introductions in schools have on youth talent development.

Project „EU - EQT ADVANCE – Re - focused European supplementary

qualification in tourism management” submitted under “ Transfer of innovation ” strand of sub - programme Leonardo da Vinci - Lifelong Learning


44 Krichim Street, Sofia 1407, Bulgaria; Tel.: +359 2 8622506; +359 889 306134; Fax: +359 2 8622506

E-mail: zinevart@yahoo.com

; Web-site: www.artsbg.net

; www.e-talent.eu

Programme of the EC. The decision to develop and apply with a transfer of innovation project connected with the results of EU - EQT has been reached on the basis of : the very high evaluation and “ best - practice

” award given by the German N. A. to the LdV pilot project EU - EQT , in connection with which had been developed a professional qualification compliant with the requirements of the European tourism sector – www.eueqt.de

; the demonstration of the achievements of this project in

November 2005 during the valorization conference in Kavarna, Bulgaria, which was attended by ZAT experts; the discussions between the partners

- “innovation importers” - /organizations ZAT from Bulgaria, Romanian

Association for Community Development and NEVRON, Slovenia/ in connection with the necessities for training of the target groups in Bulgaria, Romania and

Slovenia. The new project – EU - EQT ADVANCE – aims at adapting , transferring and valorizing the successful European supplementary qualification in tourism management developed in transnational co - operation and valorising successfully the results , encouraged by the promotion of the respective national social dialogue within the educational systems of the new beneficiary countries , as well as within the educational systems of Germany and Italy as part of the initial project . The project will provide the target groups from the five partner countries with adapted and optimized products and platforms / traditional and electronic / for training in development of tourism management courses, which will be pilot tested with at least 20 representatives of the target groups in each selected region.

Project: „Valorisation Event, comprising of a Thematic Conference

Section, Showcases Section and Workshop Section, for dissemination and exploitation of Leonardo da Vinci projects results and products

focused on providing tourism related vocational training”, Contract No:

BG-05-CF-011. This project has been submitted under the „Leonardo da Vinci”,

Call for proposals DG EAC/92/04 “Awarding of Grants for Valorization

Conferences for the Exploitation of Results from Leonardo da Vinci Projects”.

The project was developed by ZAT experts, who also prepared training modules on “Main business skills”, „Rural tourism”, „Alternative tourism” and provided the necessary training for the target groups from Kavarna.


EURO-REGIONS”. This project has been submitted within the framework of call for proposals under the “Lifelong learning programme”, EAC/61/2006. This project has been initiated and developed by ZAT Ltd. Partners are: AHAPunkt

Institut für Erlebnistraining&Projektconsulting, Austria; Deutsche Angestellten -

Akademie, Germany; KEA Vocational Development Center, Greece; ONECO

Organisation of Community Education, Spain; Esode E Solution Development

Srl., Otaly; Romanian Association for Community Development (RACD),

Romania; Nevron d.o.o. and Sava, holding company, d.d., Slovenia.

Project „TADIS: Dissemination and exploitation of successful project products and results, oriented towards talent development, innovation

and self - government in schools”. This project has been initiated and


44 Krichim Street, Sofia 1407, Bulgaria; Tel.: +359 2 8622506; +359 889 306134; Fax: +359 2 8622506

E-mail: zinevart@yahoo.com

; Web-site: www.artsbg.net

; www.e-talent.eu

 developed by ZAT Ltd. and is submitted within the framework of call for proposals under the “Lifelong learning programme”, EAC/61/2006. Partners are

“KOLEV” Foundation, Bulgaria, Deutsche Angestellten - Akademie, Germany and Esode E Solution Development Srl., Italy.


IN DIALOGUE” initiated and developed by ZAT Ltd. This project has been submitted under call for proposals EUROPEAN YEAR OF INTERCULTURAL

DIALOGUE 2008, Culture programme. Project partners are also „KOLEV”

Foundation, Yaway Media, Germany, E Solution Development Srl. /Esode/,

Italy, Fondazzjoni Temi Zammit /FTZ/, Malta, National Foundation for

Community Development /NFCD/, Romania, Organizaci ón de Educación

Comunitaria /ONECO/, Spai.

Some of the partner organizations ZAT works in close collaboration with in Bulgaria, and which have a serious experience in providing vocational training and consultancy services are:

MATERIKA Foundation – situated in the city of Varna, it has been established with the purpose of assisting the development and improvement of the educational system in Bulgaria by building a working, flexible and competitive educational system. The Foundation works for the strengthening of the role of the civil society in the country, preserving Bulgarian culture and bringing it closer to EU values. It also helps for the integration of disabled and

 disadvantaged people.

The Center for non-formal education /CNE/ is a non-profit organization established in Sofia and continuing and further developing the activities of the

Youth cultural-informational center – Gabrovo /YCIC*/. The founders of CNE are people working in the sphere of youth actions, politics and non-formal education.

The main objective of the organization is to create conditions and develop, implement, establish and popularize different forms of non-formal education among young people, youth organizations and structures, NGOs, local and state organizations and institutions and media. The specific objectives for achieving this are:


- to research and analyze the interests and needs of the young people, the youth organizations, structures and institutions for non-formal education; to develop and apply modern methods of informing, consulting and



- training; to stimulate and support the establishment and development of personal qualities and skills within the young people; to increase the community understanding of the role and importance of non-formal education for the young people; to support the increasing of the access and participation of young people, youth workers, specialists and others to different forms and programs for non-formal education in the country and abroad;


44 Krichim Street, Sofia 1407, Bulgaria; Tel.: +359 2 8622506; +359 889 306134; Fax: +359 2 8622506

E-mail: zinevart@yahoo.com

; Web-site: www.artsbg.net

; www.e-talent.eu

- to support the activities of NGOs, local and state organizations and institutions and other interested parties in developing and implementing initiatives, programs, projects, activities and politics.

The activities of the CNE are oriented towards young people, youth workers and volunteers in youth organizations, NGOs, local and state institutions and media. The CNE is working on the entire territory of the country. Its main activities have been developed as programs: “Research, analysis, prognoses”;

“Training, qualification, re-qualification”; “Sustainable development of local youth communities”; “Opportunities – initiative, art, and realization”;

“International youth projects”.

CNE is the coordinating organization of National network MAJOR, in which are participating the youth centers throughout Bulgaria. During 2003 National

 network MAJOR became the founder of a European Network of Youth Centers with main office in Strasburg, France. CNE is also a major partner in the preparation and conducting of the annual Balkan youth festival “The

Balkan Youth” .

“Kolev” Foundation – the Foundation supports education and training of young people, and the re-qualification of unemployed people. The Foundation organizes vocational training for SME employees and offers services for staff recruitment.

“INTERMEDIA” Foundation – the Foundation is an independent non-profit organization. Its main objective is to assist civil society development and actively participate in the social life through the means of conteporary communications. The Foundation organizes a number of media events and works on a number of projects in the fields of education, culture, art, sports for supporting the active participation of youths in activities of social importance.

The Foundation works for popularizing the possibilities of ICT usage in the above mentioned fields. It develops electronic and paper educational materials and products and offers training services with regard to IST usage for educational purposes. It collaborates both with a great number of non-profit organizations in Bulgaria and with government institutions.

ZAT works in close collaboration also with EU partners:

Deutsche Angestellten-Akademie GmbH (DAA), Germany. DAA is one of the largest educational and training institutes in Germany and has considerable experience in working with international partners under transnational projects responding to a variety of training needs. The organization has a large network of beneficiaries - employees of SME's, companies of industry and trade and public authorities as well as educational and occupational schemes for unemployed persons. The DAA is engaged in educational projects with European focus and has carried out several successful Leonardo, Socrates, and Equal projects, in which

DAA has been the main partner responsible for dissemination and exploitation in

Germany and through its networks. The DAA Braunschweig is currently cooperating with european partners in several programs e.g.: Leonardo pilots:

TREIN – Training in Emotional Intelligence / CT-TRANS – Continuing Training for


44 Krichim Street, Sofia 1407, Bulgaria; Tel.: +359 2 8622506; +359 889 306134; Fax: +359 2 8622506

E-mail: zinevart@yahoo.com

; Web-site: www.artsbg.net

; www.e-talent.eu

 the road transport sector; Grundtvig: FEMALE – Fostering Self Entrepreneurship for Women in Adult Education; E-Learning: eTalent – Youth talent development through ICT and innovation introduction in schools, which Is a valorisation project supported by the eLearning program of the EU. The DAA is certified in accordance with the German quality standard for further training, AZWV. It is is one of the biggest affiliates of the DAA Stiftung Bildung und Beruf (The DAA Foundation

Vocation and Education). The DAA is also a member of the Bundesverband der

Träger beruflicher Bildung (The National Association of Providers of Vocational

Training), an association of more than 30 educational institutions.

KEA, Greece. KEA is a vocational training centre (Kentro Epaggelmatikis

Anaptiksis), planning and elaborating projects for human resources development of. KEA, also provides vocational guidance for young and adults interested in training and labor possibilities in Europe. Basic sectors of activity are:


Planning and elaboration of training programs in the fields of ICT,

Tourism, Social Care, Economics and management, Culture and




Information and Guidance

European programs support


Studies and researches

KEA is developing networks in order to participate in Lifelong Learning

Programmes, as it is leader or partner of project activities since 1994. In this context KEA has acquired a lot of experience in managing Leonardo da Vinci programs, Pilot and Mobility project, Lingua Project, Petra mobility projects, EU-

Social Exclusion project, EU-Art. 6 Innovation Projects, EU Interreg Project, regional and national training projects.

National Foundation for Community Development (NFCD), Romania.

NFCD is a NGO acting in Romania since 2001, developing various projects and programmes in the areas of community building (focusing on cultural and institutional aspects), formal and nonformal education, continuous in-service training for adults (especially for teachers and trainers) and e-communities development. The two branches established in Iasi and Bucharest confer the programmes a nation-wide dimension.

Romanian Association for Community Development RACD, Romania.

RACD has activities and provides support in over 100 rural communities in

Romania - working with these communities implied diverse interventions like: community facilitation, technical assistance and training, seed funding, study visits, etc. RACD has also supported the creation, functioning and development of over 60 community groups and organizations - those organizations can now mobilize community resources so that they can solve local problems. The organization has conducted over 130 training events, with a total of more than

400 training days. Community groups developed by RACD have implemented over 180 projects targeting problems identified at local level. In addition, the organization is a part of 3 networks active in community development: Rural

Net - national network of organizations active in this field, CEE CN - Central and

Eastern European Citizens Network – over 30 organizations active in promoting


44 Krichim Street, Sofia 1407, Bulgaria; Tel.: +359 2 8622506; +359 889 306134; Fax: +359 2 8622506

E-mail: zinevart@yahoo.com

; Web-site: www.artsbg.net

; www.e-talent.eu

 a democratic citizenship in Central and Eastern Europe, CEE-CDN – Central and

Eastern European Community Development Network - 16 organizations working in this field in the area. All of these activities and networking, as well as the long-term experience of the organization guarantee its ability to implement all valorization activities and actively seek new ways of promoting the project and its results.

ONECO Organización de Educación Comunitaria, Spain. ONECO was founded in 1997. It is an educational organisation for young people that provides national and international mobility programs throughout Europe. The programs combine excellent language training and practical work experience of the highest standard in an aim to enhance and improve the professional qualifications of young people, while promoting their individual capabilities and linguistic competencies. ONECO understands the incalculable importance of helping students experience the spirit of enterprise and the invaluable edge gained having engaged the world. The participants strengthen their ability to adapt to new cultures and foreign customs, and more importantly they become more attractive candidates in the labour market. Today, the Organización de

Educación Comunitaria, “ONECO”, is one of the few European centres that apply quality principles and an immeasurable work ethic to its national and international programs. ONECO develops educational projects within European

Programs that improve both the linguistic skills and professional capabilities of young people. We act as consultants, offering evaluative and technical assistance in the organisation of Vocational Training Courses. As consultants, we take charge of the coordination, technical assistance, management and transnational coordination of European Projects as well as the revision and execution of European project reports. Oneco has implemented a number of projects under the Socrates, Grundtvig and Leonardo da Vinci, Pilot projects and tens of projects under the Mobility measure of the LdV programme.

VEB Consult Ltd, Italy. The organization is experienced in offering consultancy services to SMEs, government institutions, educational institutions, non-profit organizations. VEB Consult offers consultancy services with regard to the introducing of the certification systems ISO 9001:2000. It works in collaboration with a number of organizations from all over Europe.


Zornitsa Machanova

Project Manager

Zinev Art Technolgoies, Ltd.

44 Krichim Str., 1407 Sofia

Tel./Fax: 00359 2 8622506

Mobile: 00359 889 306134

E-mail: zinevart@gmail.com

Web-site: www.artsbg.net

SKYPE: zinevart


44 Krichim Street, Sofia 1407, Bulgaria; Tel.: +359 2 8622506; +359 889 306134; Fax: +359 2 8622506

E-mail: zinevart@yahoo.com

; Web-site: www.artsbg.net

; www.e-talent.eu
