
Tailgate Training Sheet
When to Take Shelter in Severe Weather
Pre-Storm Awareness:
 Look for darkening skies, lightning flashes or
increasing wind. Listen for the sound of thunder.
 If you can hear thunder then you are in danger of
a thunderstorm. Seek shelter and wait until the thunder stops or the
storm passes.
Determining the distance of the thunderstorm by counting. When you see the lightning strike, begin
counting the seconds until you hear the thunder. Then divide the number of seconds by 5. It is a
common misconception for people to think that 1 second = 1 mile. The truth is that for every 5 seconds
you count, the storm is approximately 1 mile away.
Be sure to listen to your NOAA Weather Radio or turn your radio to your local emergency station.
(Discuss with your employees which radio station in your area broadcasts local warnings.)
Thunderstorm Watch VS. Thunderstorm Warning.
A thunderstorm watch is a message stating that the current conditions favor a storm and may occur
within the next 6 hours. A warning implies that your area is currently experiencing severe storms or will be
experiencing a storm within the next 30-60 minutes. If your area is under a WARNING, seek shelter
immediately and listen to your NOAA Weather Radio, local radio station or T.V. for updated information.
Pre-Tornado Awareness (Signs of a TORNADO!!)
 Look for a strong, persistent rotation in the cloud base.
 Look for whirling dust or debris on the ground underneath the base of the clouds.
Remind employees that tornadoes don’t always have a visible funnel.
Be extra observant of hail or heavy rain followed by dead calm or a strong fast wind shift. There are
many tornados that can’t be seen when they are surrounded by heavy precipitation. Also, be aware that
it doesn’t have to be raining for a tornado to occur.
 Listen for a very loud, continuous rumble. Some people have compared the sound of a tornado to a
freight train. If it sounds like a train or thunder and doesn’t fade after a couple of seconds, seek shelter.
During the Night
 Look for small, bright, blue-green to white flashes located at the ground level. If you see this happening
it means that the power lines are being snapped by an extremely strong wind that may be a tornado.
 Look for a funnel that is illuminated or silhouetted by lightning.
DON’T WAIT – If you notice any of these signs, SEEK SHELTER
Tornado Watch VS. Tornado Warning
A tornado watch means that the conditions in your area may produce a tornado. You should stay alert
for approaching storms and listen to your NOAA Weather Radio, your local emergency radio station or T.V. A
tornado warning means that a tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. If you notice an
approaching storm under a watch or a warning has been issued, seek emergency shelter immediately.
Flash Flooding
Floods kill more people each year than Lightning, Tornadoes and Hurricanes.
Flooding can take hours or days to occur depending on the soil conditions and the
amount of rainfall in the area. If it has been raining extremely hard from a strong
storm for a couple hours or if it has been raining steadily over a couple of days, you
should stay alert of any signs of flooding. If you notice that flooding has begun, you may only have seconds to
evacuate and should do so immediately.
Make sure to discuss any areas that have
been classified as a HIGH, MEDIUM or
Where to go
LOCAL Flood area with your employees.
You can find out this information by
 Storm shelter
calling your local Red Cross chapter,
town’s emergency management office or
o Away from
planning and zoning department.
 Rivers, Streams, Creeks and Storm Drains
o Never attempt to drive through flood water or around any barricades that may have been set up.
They have been placed there for your safety.
 It only takes 6 inches of water to sweep a person off their feet and 2 feet of water to carry a vehicle
down stream. Also, if the road has been covered by water you have no idea of the current of the water,
the condition of the road underneath the water or even if there is still a road there. NEVER ATTMEPT
Flood Watch VS. Flood Warning
A flood watch means that flooding is possible in your area. A flood warning means that flooding is
already occurring in your area or will begin to occur soon. Listen to your NOAA Weather Radio, local radio
station or T.V. for flood information and evacuations. If an evacuation has been issued you should leave the
This training session was created using sources which we believe to be reliable. Hortica does not guarantee that this training will lead to improved
results. Hortica does not assume liability arising from the use of any information provided in this document. The training procedures that are discussed
in this document are general in nature and depending on your particular operation may not apply to your company. There may be other safety
procedures or information that have not been discussed in this training material.