Reviewing Student Work and Corresponding Teacher Assignment

NCREST for ISA 2009
Reviewing Student Work and Corresponding Teacher Assignment for Evidence of College
1. Form a group of 5 to 6 individuals.
2. Provide each group member with a folder that includes: teacher assignments and
corresponding student work, rubrics for analyzing teacher assignments, and rubrics for
analyzing student work
a. Organize the teacher and student work samples so that the teacher assignments are
clipped on top of 3-5 student work samples that are responses to the assignment
b. Be sure that student and teacher identifiers have been deleted
c. Provide 2 rubrics ror each teacher assignment and two rubrics for each piece of
student work
3. Procedure for analyzing teacher assignments:
a. Individually, each group member analyzes the first teacher assignment for evidence
of demand for college ready skills and writes the evidence in the appropriate column:
1. Does the assignment demand that the student engage in inquiry?
a. What is the evidence? (Write the evidence in the column.)
2. Does the assignment demand higher order thinking?
a. What is the evidence? (Write the evidence in the column.)
3. Does the assignment demand analytic writing?
a. What is the evidence? (Write the evidence in the column.)
4. Does the assignment demand analysis of numerical information?
a. What is the evidence? (Write the evidence in the column.)
5. Does the assignment demand that the student engage with ideas/intellectual
b. Individually, each group member analyzes each corresponding student work sample
for evidence of ready skills and writes the evidence in the appropriate column:
1. Does the student work demonstrate inquiry?
a. What is the evidence? (Write the evidence in the column.)
2. Does the student work demonstrate higher order thinking?
a. What is the evidence? (Write the evidence in the column.)
3. Does the student work demonstrate analytic writing?
a. What is the evidence? (Write the evidence in the column.)
4. Does the student work demonstrate analysis of numerical information?
a. What is the evidence? (Write the evidence in the column.)
5. Does the student work demonstrate engagement with ideas/intellectual
a. What is the evidence? (Write the evidence in the column.)
c. Small group discusses each question and the evidence of each of the college ready
indicators indicated on their charts
d. Small group then discusses:
1. Did the student work samples respond to the assignment’s demands?
NCREST for ISA 2009
2. Was the assignment’s demand for college ready skills sufficient? Why?
Why not?
3. Did the student work samples demonstrate sufficient college ready skills?
4. Why? Why not?
5. How might the assignment be revised to increase the demand for college
ready skills?
6. What might teachers have to scaffold and/or teach so that students respond
to the demands of the assignment?