Section: What Is a Mineral - SchoolWorld an Edline Solution

1. Rock can be a collection of one or more minerals, or it might be made of
a. inorganic matter.
b. solid organic matter.
c. liquid organic matter.
d. chemicals.
2. The word igneous comes from a Latin term that means
a. “from fire.”
b. “from wind.”
c. “from rock.”
d. “from fossils.”
3. How do rocks get broken down into small fragments?
a. by freezing
b. by erosion
c. by deposition
d. by crystallization
4. The word metamorphic means
a. “changed from.” b. “to become.”
c. “changed form.” d. “to form.”
Match the following:
5. igneous rock
a. rock that forms when existing rock is altered
6. sedimentary rock
b. molten rock
7. lava
c. rock that forms when molten rock cools and hardens
8. metamorphic rock
d. rock that forms when rock fragments are compressed and
9. magma
cemented together
10. sediment
e. molten rock that is exposed at Earth’s surface
f. rocks, mineral crystals, and organic matter that have been
broken into fragments
11. Define rock cycle. ________________________________________________________
12. When bits and pieces of rock are compacted or cemented, the bits and pieces become
13. If sedimentary rocks are subjected to changes in temperature and pressure, the rocks
may become ______________________________________ rocks.
14. Under certain temperature and pressure conditions, metamorphic rock will melt and
form____________________________________________________ .
15. If magma cools, it turns into new ___________________________ rock.
16. A particular body of rock does not always pass through each stage of the ____________.
17. What do the physical characteristics of a rock reflect? ____________________________
18. When rock formed under intense __________________________is uplifted to Earth’s
surface, decreased pressure allows the joints and fractures to open.
19. Once weaknesses are exposed to air, the processes of physical and chemical
_________________________________________ begin.
20. intrusive igneous rock
21. extrusive igneous rock
22. coarse-grained texture
23. fine-grained texture
24. porphyritic texture
25. glassy texture
26. vesicular texture
a. the texture of quickly cooled magma that has a mixture
of large and small crystals
b. the texture of quickly cooled magma that contains
dissolved gasses that become trapped as bubbles
c. the texture of igneous rock that is composed of small
d. rock formed from the cooling and solidification of lava at
Earth’s surface
e. the texture of quickly cooled magma that contains a
small percentage of dissolved gasses
f. rock formed from the cooling and solidification of magma
beneath Earth’s surface
g. the texture of igneous rock that is composed of large
mineral grains
27. How do intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks differ from each other?
28. What determines the texture of igneous rock?
29. What determines the size of crystals in igneous rock?
30. Large mineral crystals are commonly found in ( intrusive / extrusive ) igneous rock .
31. An example of igneous rock with a coarse-grained texture is ___________________ .
32. Two examples of igneous rock with a fine-grained texture are ___________________
and _______________________________ .
33. A rock that has a glassy texture is called ____________________________ (name).
34. What determines the mineral composition of an igneous rock? _____________________
35. What three factors determine the characteristics of sedimentary rock? _______________
36. How are newly formed sediments transported to new locations? ____________________
37. What determines the composition of sediment? _________________________________
38. What are the two main processes that convert loose sediment to sedimentary rock?
39. The process in which the volume and porosity of a sediment is reduced by the weight and
pressure of overlying sediments is called _________________________________________.
40. The process in which minerals precipitate into pore spaces between sediment grains and
bind sediments together to form rock is called __________________________________.
41. Sedimentary rock that forms when minerals precipitate from a solution or settle from a
suspension is called
a. organic sedimentary rock.
b. chemical sedimentary rock.
c. clastic sedimentary rock.
d. elastic sedimentary rock.
42. When water evaporates, it leaves behind minerals called
a. metamorphites.
b. magma.
c. crystals.
d. evaporites.
43. Sedimentary rock that forms from the remains of plants or animals is called
44. clastic sedimentary rock
a. mineral that is a major component of most sandstones
45. conglomerate
b. rock composed of angular fragments with sharp corners
46. breccia
that range in size from fine mud to boulders
47. sandstone
c. sedimentary rock that forms when fragments of
48. shale
preexisting rocks are compacted or cemented
49. quartz
d. rock made up of sand-sized grains cemented together
e. rock that consists of clay-sized particles that are
cemented and compacted
f. rock composed of rounded fragments sized from fine
mud to boulders
50. In general, how do sediment particles that travel long distances differ from those that
have traveled short distances? _________________________________________________
51. Metamorphic rock forms from which three types of rock? __________________________
52. Hot fluids, heat, and _____________________ cause some minerals to change into other
53. Minerals might change in size or shape, or they sometimes separate into _____________
that give rocks a layered appearance.
54. Define contact metamorphism.) _____________________________________________
55. Define regional metamorphism. _____________________________________________
56. In what two ways are metamorphic rocks classified? _____________________________
57. foliation
a. a coarse-grained rock that forms when large amounts of heat and
58. slate
pressure are exerted on slate
59. schist
b. the metamorphic rock texture in which mineral grains are arranged in
60. nonfoliated
planes or bands
61. quartzite
c. a nonfoliated rock formed when quartz sandstone is metamorphosed
62. marble
d. the metamorphic rock texture in which mineral grains are not
arranged in planes or bands
e. a foliated rock that forms when pressure is exerted on the
sedimentary rock shale
f. a metamorphic rock that forms from the compression of limestone