Club Members can click here to view the December 2013

Founded in 1981 – 32nd year
Table of Contents:
Your executive
Message from the Chair
Specialty Shows for 2013
Feature Articles: CKC News, Call to Action & Sample Letter
Marion Reid Farewell
Membership Renewal
Treasurer’s Report - December
LRCC Inc. Executive:
Chair – Margie Miller
Vice Chair – Moira Thom
Treasurer – Charles Hunt
Secretary – Judy Hunt
Regional Directors
Atlantic Canada – Gerald Dagley
Quebec – Jean Louis Blais
Ontario – Heather Dobson
Manitoba-Saskatchewan – Michelle
Alberta-NWT-Nunavut – vacant
BC-Yukon – Anne Morrison
Message from the Chair:
Thank you for supporting us in the past year
by attending shows, trials and being attentive
to your Labradors. We wish you and your
Labradors (and other pets – we do tend to
collect them) a healthy and successful 2014.
At this time of year as ‘Auld Lang Syne’ has
been sung - I tend to start thinking about the
direction that I personally will aim for in the
New Year. I think about possible breedings,
shows, travel, budgets, new ventures, etc.
Will this be the year that I go to Hawaii or
Europe or instead will I be landing in
Baltimore in the middle of the night and
driving I-70 to Frederick in April as usual?
Why do we as ‘doggie people’ live ’Jeckle and
Hyde’ lives? With limited holiday days – I
dream that someday I will actually take the
time to visit places that are on my list. And
then as I reflect on another year spent I
realize that dog shows take priority in my
leisure vacation time and the other plans are
still on the shelf. Maybe this year I will
change – who knows. I can always make new
2014 Resolution:
Do something to stomp out the ‘dd’ allele in
Labradors and keep the stud book clean.
We can work together and to convince the
CKC that it is possible to clean up this mess in
the lifetime of one Labrador – then we’ve
done our duty to the breed.
Welcome Michelle Delalieux to our
Executive…..more to come in the next issue
- National Shows
2014 - Calgary, Alberta
2015 – Winnipeg, Manitoba (hosted
2016 – Ontario (hosted by LRCO)
- Regional Shows
June 29, 2014 – Trois Riviere,
Quebec (hosted by ACM)
Visit our website
CKC News & Call to Action
I would like your support to approach the
CKC with this letter (attached) as the
National Club for Labradors and let our
concerns be known about our fears for
the breed standard as 'dilutes with the dd
allele' are being registered as yellow,
black and chocolate Labradors when in
fact because of this gene they are not
purebreds. If we sit idly by and watch the
'silver', 'champagne', 'coal' & 'blue'
Labradors continue to abound - we are
doing a dis-service to the one breed that
we all care deeply about.
The following is the timeline of the
legislation change - but these unethical
breeders will undoubtedly find a way to
thwart this system as well. At the end of
the by-law change the CKC is only asking
that breeders certify (probably by
checking a box) that the parents are breed
standard. Since these various colours are
already CKC registered our studbook is
already flawed and we need to take action
to fix this problem now.
If this action of DNA registration were put
in force tomorrow it will take
approximately 15 years for the stud book
to be cleansed.
We've all talked about this problem - now
the CKC has said that they'll listen to us.
……from the CKC – see it online
Currently as a result of the Nov 2011
referendum item # 32 passed by 80%, the
CKC is working under the legislative
direction of Agriculture Canada and is
endeavouring to make breeders state that
the parents of a litter do comply with
breed standard by colour, size etc.
It is proposed that Section 27,GENERAL
as follows:
Any dog born in Canada of a litter
registered with the Club and any dog
registered in any of the foreign stud books
or records which are recognized by the
Club shall be eligible for
registration with the Club, upon
application in accordance with the terms
of these By-laws. In order to ensure
continued conformity with breed
characteristics, the owner at birth of
a dog of any breed for which registration
is sought shall certify that both parents
of the dog conform with the size, coat
colour and characteristics, where
applicable, of that
breed as set out in the Club’s breed
If I can refer to the October Issue of the
LRCC Inc. Newsletter - I gave an update of
where the CKC is with regard to
implementing these changes. September
24, 2013 - Rules of Eligibility Pilot Project
is a requirement under the Animal
Pedigree Act and all associations under
the Act, including the CKC, are required to
have Rules of Eligibility in their By-laws for
all of the breeds recognized. As a pilot the
CKC has begun by working with seven (7)
breeds. Ballots were mailed to active
breeders of these seven (7) breeds
requesting approval of the proposed Rules
of Eligibility for their own breed. October
21, 2013 update 220 breeders were sent
ballots. None of the seven(7) received an
affirmative vote. The CKC is intending to
repeat the process to meet their obligation
for the creation of the ROE but have
stated that they will consider the
valuable feedback received throughout
the pilot and include more input from
breeders and other sources, such as
breed clubs.
The Canadian Kennel Club has to work
within the legislative boundaries imposed
by the Federal Government and are trying
to please the members who voted for this
By-law change. Labradors are NOT one of
the seven (7) breeds in the pilot yet.
Labrador Breeders, the LRCC Inc. and
every other Labrador Club in Canada (who
incidentally are members of the LRCC Inc.)
should get together and write individually
to the Canadian Kennel Club with their
ideas of the 'dd' locust gene and how it is
damaging our breed. The CKC has said
that they will listen.
We need to address this to the Breed
Standards Committee, Genetic & Medical
Committee, Legislation Committee & the
Registration Committee.
 
The Canadian Kennel Club
200 Ronson Drive, Suite 400
Etobicoke, Ontario
M9W 5Z9
ATTENTION: Mr. Elio Furlan, Ms. Wendy Maisey,
Re: Retriever (Labrador)
The Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) is a world respected registry of purebred dogs.
The Labrador Retriever Club of Canada, Inc. (LRC, Inc.) wishes to work with the CKC to maintain the strength of the
Labrador Breed and supports the Rules of Eligibility Pilot Project (September 2013) required under the Animal Pedigree Act
that will allow the CKC to have breeders of litters certify that the sire and dam of a litter are of the breed standard.
In that respect, it seems that the registry of the Labrador Retriever is about to go wrong, or has already gone wrong. This
concerns not only the LRCC, Inc., but also the Labrador Clubs and breeders throughout the world.
The cause of these concerns lies in the fact that more and more dogs are being bred in Canada, with pedigree certificates
which state that the dogs are Labrador Retrievers with the colours black, yellow or chocolate, while in reality these are dogs
that are carriers of the so-called “dilute” (dd) gene. The ‘dd’ gene is characterized by a “diluted” coat colour and light eyes,
which are called “charcoal” or “blue” if the base colour is black, “champagne” if the base colour is yellow, and “silver” if the
base colour is chocolate. In particular, the “silvers” are becoming more and more popular with the general public and
substantial amounts of money are paid for puppies and adult dogs.
On first sight it seems that there is nothing to worry about with these practices, because these dogs have the recognized
colours on their pedigree certificates, and as such they can formally be entered in the Canadian Kennel Club studbook.
However, the duties of the Kennel Club as keeper of the studbook surpass that of formal administrator. One cannot
pretend that nothing is wrong, only because of the fact that the paperwork looks okay.
The fact is that the “dilute” (dd) gene or locus is alien to the Labrador Retriever breed. This gene is simply not present in
the breed. In order to keep the studbook closed, and maintain the purity of the Labrador Retriever breed, the public expects
the CKC should ensure that no genes alien to the breed are entered. The reputation of the Canadian Kennel Club is at
The “dilute” (dd) gene surfaced in the United States in the late forties and early fifties of the last century. In those years
there were no DNA tests available, and unfortunately these dogs were registered as Labrador Retrievers. Information has
arisen that the breeder who produced these dogs, a Mr. Mayo Kellogg from Kellogg Kennels, was an important customer of
the American Kennel Club (AKC). Mr. Kellogg bred several breeds, including the Weimaraner, a breed which carries the
“dilute” (dd), and the dogs often ran free. Initially these dogs were registered as “silver”, until the Labrador Retriever Club
Inc. (LRC), the parent club of the American Labrador Retriever clubs, objected to these practices. From that moment the
“dilute” (dd) dogs were registered with the recognized three coat colours of the Labrador Retriever.
More than half a century later we sadly have to observe that the American studbook of the Labrador Retriever, as
maintained by the American Kennel Club (AKC), contains more than 35,000 dogs that carry the “dilute” (dd) gene. Not all
carriers are also phenotypically affected. However, these dogs that only carry the gene are passing it on to their offspring.
This means that we simply cannot be satisfied with a phenotypical (” by eye”) check, let alone by simply looking at a
pedigree certificate. Genetic research of these dogs by means of DNA tests will need to take place to ensure that the stud
book stays closed. Any presence of the “dilute” (dd) genes in the Labrador Retriever is unacceptable.
Genetic laboratories have confirmed that it is perfectly possible to show the presence of the “dilute” (dd) gene. These
studies have already been developed and can be used today. The costs are about $55.00 to test for the “dilute” (dd) allele.
Now science has progressed, it can be shown that the DNA of a dog contains genes which are alien to the Labrador
Retriever breed, which means that such a dog CANNOT be a purebred Labrador Retriever. Kennel Clubs, including the
AKC, are increasingly under fire because of these extremely unacceptable and dangerous developments, which need to
stop immediately. It’s only a matter of time before the first lawsuit in the United States against the American Kennel Club
appears, as the AKC in their pedigree certificates quite wrongfully gives the impression that these “dilutes” are purebred
Labrador Retrievers. If the National Kennel Clubs are not willing or able to effectively guarantee or monitor the purity of a
dog, then who is? And what is the value of a pedigree certificate?
National Kennel Clubs have the means to prevent non-purebred dogs from entering the studbooks. If in doubt about the
presence of the “dilute” (dd) gene in Labrador Retrievers, one should require the applicant of a pedigree certificate to prove
that this particular dog or litter is free from the “dilute” (dd) gene, by means of DNA testing by accredited laboratories.
The LRCC Inc. is asking the Board of the Canadian Kennel Club
to require that any Labrador Retriever has to show the results of a DNA test proving that the dog is free from the
“dilute” (dd) gene prior to registration.
to require that any Labrador Retriever litter being registered in future ask for proof that the sire and dam are DNA
tested to prove that they are purebred and do not contain the “dilute” (dd) gene allele.
To require that these tests samples are collected by a veterinarian who has verified and certified that the dog is
the dog represented in the CKC Registration or other registry.
The task of the Kennel Club is to guard the purity of the breed. This is a very serious task. The LRCC Inc. will co-operate
fully with the CKC to ensure that our breed stays true.
Should the suggestion of DNA testing be implemented, the ‘dilute’ species calling itself Labrador Retriever will probably still
exist but will not be associated with any quality registry service such as the Canadian Kennel Club. The CKC’s stud book
will again be pure within a Labrador’s lifetime or +/- 15 years.
Yours sincerely,
c.c.: Breed Standards Committee
Dann Wilson, Chairperson
Wendy Maisey, Board Liason
Stephanie Horan
Susan Quesnel
Elio Furlan, Staff Liason
Genetics & Medical Committee
Wendy Maisey, Board Liason
Legislation Committee
Larry Kereluke, Chair
Ed Graveley
Joan Bennett
Leila Bahorie
Mike Catton
Karsten Kaemling
Elaine Whitney
Diane Draper, Staff Liason
Registration Committee
Elaine Whitney, Chair
Lella Bahorie, Staff Liason
Fellow Labrador Fanciers,
It is with a heavy heart that I inform
you of the passing of Marion Reid on
December 27, 2013. Some of you will
not know Marion, but for those of us
who did, she was a great ‘Labrador
Lady’! Marion had an amazing
abundance of knowledge about the
Labrador and could recite you a 5
generation pedigree of any Lab with
just it’s registered name. Marion was
not afraid to speak her mind
regarding the Labrador or tell you her
opinion when asked (and sometimes
when not asked  ).
Marion raised and showed Labs under
the prefix of RANCHMAN and loved
her Labradors with a British passion. I
met Marion in 1980 when I acquired
my very first registered Labrador and
will never, forget Marion’s comment
when she met my Julie, ‘well, she’s
got nice feet!’ With that said, I set
myself down to try figure out what it
was that Marion ‘didn’t say’. Over the
next 3+ decades (with Marion's words
always in the back of my mind) I
proceeded to build my kennel name
based on commitment, honesty and
integrity and dedicated my life for the
On behalf of the LRCA I would like to
extend our deepest sympathy to
Marion’s family!
Fondly and Always Remembered,
Anne Switzer
(Labraharvest Labradors)
2014 National
Watch your email for your chance to
sponsor a class at the Nationals!
Classes are filling up fast – first come –
first taken - if you wish to sponsor in
memory of a beloved pet be sure to send
an email to Judy Hunt –
Your spot will be reserved for 2 weeks you have 2 weeks to get your cheque to
us. When you cheque is received – if your
preferred class has been taken – give us
your next choice(s).
All class donations will be acknowledged
in the show catalogue.
– payable to 2014 LRCC National
c/o Charles Hunt, Treasurer
38 Hays Drive, SW, Calgary, Alberta,
T2V 3C3
Memberships are now due!
Individual and Clubs
Please mail application and
membership fees payable to:
The Labrador Retriever Club of Canada,
c/o Charles Hunt, Treasurer
38 Hays Drive, SW, Calgary, Alberta,
T2V 3C3
The Labrador Retriever Club of Canada Incorporated
Please mail application and membership fees payable to:
The Labrador Retriever Club of Canada, Inc.
c/o Charles Hunt, Treasurer
38 Hays Drive, SW, Calgary, Alberta, T2V 3C3
WEBSITE: http://www.
I/We agree to allow some personal information to be published on the LRCC, Inc. website, LRCC, Inc. Newsletter and Membership
Yes ⃝ No ⃝
By signing this application I/We agree to abide by the Constitution, Code of Ethics, Aims and Bylaws of the Labrador Retriever Club
of Canada Inc. and the Canadian Kennel Club.
Signature of Applicant: ____________________________________
Signature of Co-Applicant: ____________________________________
Newsletter: Canada Post ⃝
Website ⃝
⃝ $0.00 ONE VOTE – LIFETIME MEMBER (25 or more consecutive years)
⃝ $35.00 ONE VOTE – FAMILY – Name of Voting Member:
⃝ $35.00 ONE VOTE – REGIONAL CLUB – Name of Voting Member:
The Labrador Retriever Club of Canada Incorporated
Membership Renewals must be completed annually. The LRCC Inc.'s fiscal year is January to December. Members who
have not renewed their membership will be removed from the website. This website application is included in the
welcome package for all new members as well as the renewal notice for all existing members. A web page has been set
up to assist in directing the public to club members that wish to provide such services as puppy sales, stud services and
general education on the Labrador Retriever. Inclusion on the web page is available to all LRCC, Inc. members regardless
of their access to the internet as the contact information can be an email address, telephone number or both. No street
addresses will be listed. By filling in this form and forwarding it to the LRCC Inc., you are giving the LRCC Inc. permission
to publish your personal information on the website.
The following rules apply:
 Any member in good standing may have a listing on this web page.
 A change of email address or telephone number can be submitted to the webmaster at any time
 A member may remove their information from the web page at any time. Once a member has removed their
information it may not be reinstated until their membership is paid for the following year. Each listing will have a
minimum of a name (first name is okay if a kennel name is listed), email address and/or telephone number, city
and the colour of Labradors you have (B, C, or Y).
 All listings will be grouped alphabetically by province in kennel name order (if listed) or by last name if a kennel
name is not listed.
Send this completed form along with Membership form to:
The Labrador Retriever Club of Canada Incorporated
c/o Charles Hunt, Treasurer
38 Hays Drive, SW, Calgary, Alberta, T2V 3C3
COLOURS: ⃝ Black ⃝ Yellow
Authorizing signature:
Club Name:
Contact Name:
Contact Email:
Contact Phone Number:
WEBSITE: http://www
⃝ Chocolate