Promotion to 9th Grade of 8th Graders Who Have NOT Met Basic

Promotion of 4th Graders Who Have NOT Met B/AB LEAP Criteria
Reference High Stakes Testing Policy & Local Pupil Progression Plan
Student: _______________________________________________________________
SS#: __________________________
Student’s Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________
School: _______________________________________________________________
School Code: ___________________
Principal: ______________________________________________________________
Date: __________________________
A. APPEAL FOR 4TH GRADE STUDENTS (Possible Promotion to Grade 5)
Is highest score in ELA and/or Math (spring or summer) within 20 scaled score points of the cutoff score for Basic?
(Basic cutoff for ELA = 301 / Basic cutoff for Math = 315)
Circle subject(s) for which appeal is being considered (subject[s] with scaled score within 20 points of Basic).
ELA Math
Does student have a 3.0 grade point average (4.0 point scale) in the subject(s) for which the appeal is being considered?
Did student meet state-mandated attendance regulations during the regular school year?
Did student attend LEAP summer remediation?
Did student take the summer retest?
If all answers are “yes,” go to Section F to determine eligibility for promotion to grade 5.
Yes / No
B. 4TH GRADE REPEATERS (Possible Promotion to Grade 5)
Did student attend LEAP summer remediation?
Did student take the summer retest?
If all answers are “yes,” go to Section F to determine eligibility for promotion to grade 5.
Yes / No
C. 4TH GRADE REPEATERS WHO WILL BE 12 YEARS OLD BY 9-30 (Possible Promotion to Gr. 6)
Did student attend LEAP summer remediation?
Did student take the summer retest?
RSD Schools Only: Did the student meet the Basic/Approaching Basic criteria for ELA/Math? (Use test history)
If all answers are “yes,” go to Section F to determine eligibility for promotion to grade 6.
Yes / No
D. OVERRIDE (Possible Promotion to Grade 5)
Circle subject in which the student’s highest score is Unsatisfactory.
Did student score Mastery or Advanced on EITHER ELA or Math LEAP? (Use student’s test history.)
Did student participate in BOTH spring and summer administrations of LEAP?
Did student attend LEAP summer remediation?
Did student take the summer retest in the Unsatisfactory subject?
If all answers are “yes,” go to Section F to determine eligibility for promotion to grade 5.
Yes / No
E. 4th GRADE TRANSITION PROGRAM (Possible promotion to Grade 6 in 2012-13)
Did student attend LEAP summer remediation?
Did student take the summer retest?
Did student score Approaching Basic on BOTH ELA and Math LEAP? (Use student’s test history.)
If all answers are “yes,” go to Section F.
Yes / No
Did student meet all criteria for promotion in accordance with the local PPP?
All information on this form is accurate. Promotion is recommended to grade: (Circle one) 5
Principal’s Signature:
Yes / No
RSD Central Office Use Only Information on the form has been reviewed for compliance with the High Stakes Testing Policy.
Promote to grade 4
Transition 5 6.
RSD Accountability Officer’s Signature:
Return the original form to RSD Central Office, 1641 Poland Avenue, NOLA 70117.
Revised July 2011
Promotion of 4th Graders Who Have NOT Met B/AB LEAP Criteria
Reference High Stakes Testing Policy & Local Pupil Progression Plan
LEAP High Stakes Testing Policy states that a student may not be promoted to 5th grade until he or she has scored at or
above the Basic achievement level on either the English Language Arts or Mathematics component of LEAP and the
Approaching Basic achievement level on the other (B/AB criteria).
Students who have not met the B/AB criteria may be promoted via appeal or override. These procedures are detailed in the
High Stakes Testing Policy and the local Pupil Progression Plan (PPP).
The attached form is used to determine and document
 promotion of 4th graders to 5th grade via appeal and/or override
 promotion of overage 4th grader repeaters to 6th grade
 placement of 4th grade students into the 4th Transitional Program
The attached form is not used for
 Promotion decisions for students with disabilities who participate in LAA 1
 Promotion decisions for students with disabilities who participate in LAA 2
 Waivers for limited English proficient students
 Waivers for extenuating circumstances
Completing the Form: Responsibilities of School Based Personnel
1. Upon release of summer retest scores, access scores and student test history via LEAPweb.
2. Check current year test results and/or test history to determine scores required on the form.
3. Complete the demographic information.
4. Complete either section A, B, C, D or E. Only ONE of the first five sections needs to be completed.
5. Complete section F. Do not complete the section labeled “RSD Central Office Use Only”.
6. Keep a copy of the form on file at the school.
7. Bring documentation of all pertinent criteria/information/test scores to the RSD central office with the original form.
8. Upon approval of waiver from the Office of Accountability, notify parents of promotion.
Revised July 2011