Celebrations - Day Four - Getting Ready For Christmas

Celebrations – Year 1-2
(ages 5 & 7)
School Closure Learning Programme
4 of 5 days
Getting Ready for Christmas
There are a variety of activities covering comparative language, writing labels and pattern
making in this engaging lesson. For example, creating a scene with Santa and Rudolf setting
off to deliver Christmas presents allows your child to design certain elements of the scene
What to do
Go to www.i-board.lgfl.net and click on Numeracy and then Getting Ready for Christmas.
First activity – Dress Santa
Select the Dress Santa activity.
Ask your child to dress Santa and his elf.
Encourage your child to reason and discuss their
choices using comparative language.
Questions you could ask
How do you know which boots belong to Santa?
Which boots belong to the Elf?
How do you know which top belongs to the Elf?
Which top belongs to Santa?
How do you know which hat belong to Santa?
Which hat belongs to the Elf?
Second activity – Mend Santa’s Sleigh
Ask your child to fix Santa's sleigh before he heads
off to deliver his presents.
The design options are at the bottom of the screen.
Your child can try out as a many different
combinations as they wish.
When happy with their design, they click on ‘Let’s
go’ and are rewarded with seeing Santa ride off in
the sleigh they have chosen! Listen out for his
Christmas message!
Third activity – Wrapping Paper Designer
Ask your child to design their own wrapping paper,
using any or all five Christmas images.
This activity is a useful springboard for discussing
repeating patterns. Start a repeating pattern and
ask them to continue it. ‘Is there more than one
way it could carry on?’
There is grid option available to help your child to
place the images.
Extension Activity
Children love stories and in these extension activities they learn to write simple story. They
are encouraged to think about sequencing (beginning, middle and end) and to be as creative
as possible.
What to do
The above activities are a stimulus to re-write the story of Santa’s journey, starting with a
verbal discussion.
How do you think Santa’s sleigh had got in such a sorry state?
Encourage them to use their chosen design in ‘Mend Santa’s Sleigh’ activity to extend the
story, write their own version, or re-tell it in their own words.