Confirmation Sheet of Manuscript Submission

Confirmation Sheet
(for Initial Submission)
Thank you for your consideration for a submission of your manuscript to the IEICE Transactions.
In the case of submission of your manuscript, would you please provide us with the data of the information on your manuscript, such as, "the title of the manuscript", "name(s)
and affiliation(s) of author(s)" , "the name of the Transaction to which your manuscript is to be submitted", "the summary and keywords of your manuscript” and so on.
We are looking forward to your submission with this "Cover Sheet ".
Your cooperation as to this matter would be much appreciated.
Policy on Duplicate Publication
We have read and fully understood the following statement : [ ] yes,
[ ] no
It should be ensured that a manuscript with similar content, written by the same author(s), or including even one of the authors of the
current manuscript, should not have been published in or submitted to any other academic or commercial journals.[excerpts from
Information for Authors]
1. Title of the manuscript:
2. Personal Information on each author
*If you submit your manuscript with some co-authors, we would like you to provide two or more e-mail addresses to contact you or a
co-author in case of trouble.
Author 1
Name of the authors:
Affiliation of the authors:
Membership Status:
[ ] Regular Member
[ ] Nonmember [ ] Student Member
[ ] Others
Membership number
Author 2
Name of the authors:
Affiliation of the authors:
Membership Status: [ ] Regular Member
[ ] Nonmember [ ] Student Member
[ ] Others
[ ] Nonmember [ ] Student Member
[ ] Others
Membership number
Author 3
Name of the authors:
Affiliation of the authors:
Membership Status: [ ] Regular Member
Membership number
3. Detailed Information on the Author for correspondence
*This information will enable us to identify you in order to make a contact as needed and maintain accurate registration records of your
Affiliation (ex., Oxford Univ.):
Dept., Div.,
Lab. (ex., Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Tamura Lab.,):
ZIP / Postal code:
Telephone Number with country code (ex., +1-123-456-7890):
Extension number (if any):
Fax Number with country code:
4. Categorization of your manuscript type your manuscript is to be submitted
Type of issue (Select one from followings):
[ ] Regular Issue
[ ] Special Issue
Please select Category of Transactions (Select one from followings):
[ ] EA: Fundamentals on Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences
[ ] EB: Communications
[ ] EC: Electronics
[ ] ED: Information and Systems
Manuscript Type(Select one from followings):
5. The Related Registration Number
*Related Registration Numbers of any previously submitted versions of the same manuscript. (if any):
6. Research Field
*In accordance with the area that you research in your manuscript, select some "Editorial Subject Indexes" that would cover your
research field and input their codes and fields. (
Editorial Subject Indexes
Editorial Subject
Editorial Subject
Editorial Subject
Index 1: Code
Index 2: Code
Index 3: Code
7. Running header (5-6 words)
*"Running-Header” is one of a component part of the header information which mentioned about the title of the manuscript, If its title
would be longer than the specified length, abbreviation of that original title would be applied. In such a case, in principle, the auhtor(s)
would provide us of the information on that abbreviated title. But if no instruction is specified, we would do the procedure by our editorial
For your reference, it would been seen on the each odd page of your manuscript in our Transactions.
8. Summary and Keywords of your manuscript (If possible, please submit their electronic data in FD.)
9. Any further inquiries and comments to the Publishing Office please make use of this form.