LIBR 202


Grygla Assignment 3

Assignment 3:

Introduction to Metadata as it

Relates to Information Retrieval

LIBR 202

Professor Wilson

May 10, 2009

Melissa Grygla


Statement of Purpose

A collector or possible purchaser of spoons will be able to use the metadata categories listed in the data dictionary to create an organized method of potential information that the users will want. There are three different metadata categories used in creating the elements that will be used to classify the spoons. These categories are descriptive, administrative and preservation. The users this information is kept for are the potential viewer or buyer of the collection and the individual who owns the collection. The different metadata elements recorded for each item are country, state, city, year acquired, gift, gifted by, metal type, condition, explanation of condition, shape of handle and terminal, shape of bowl, stem design, and description.

In order to understand some of the terms used within the elements list, the user should understand the anatomy of a spoon. The bowl tip, bowl, drop and shoulders are all at the base of the spoon, which holds the food. The stem is the center portion of the spoon. The handle and terminal of the spoon are located at the end of the spoon. In creating elements for the collection, the bowl tip, drop and shoulders as a collective create the shape of the bowl. The handle and terminal are both included in the shape of the handle.


Grygla Assignment 3

Data Dictionary




Content rules


Field Search


Melissa Grygla

The city that the spoon is being used to represent.

Free text.

Capitalize the first letter of all important words.

If no specific city, write “None.”

An example would be “Reno.”

Word Indexed

Metadata Category Descriptive




Content rules



Melissa Grygla

The physical appearance of the spoon.

Is it in good condition and looks like it’s never been used verses in very poor condition, where the spoon may be broken, bent or discolored.

Validation List, “Excellent,” “Acceptable,” “Poor,” “Very Poor”

An example would be “Acceptable” If condition is acceptable or below, complete the “Explanation of Condition” as well.

Field Search Phrase Indexed, Word Indexed

Metadata Category Descriptive, Preservation




Melissa Grygla

The country the spoon is being used to represent. Description

Content rules


Field Search

Free Text.

For United States of America use USA.

For other countries spell out the name fully, capitalizing when appropriate.

An example would be “Mexico.”

Word Indexed, Phrase Indexed

Metadata Category Descriptive




Content rules



Melissa Grygla

A summary of the appearance of the object, including the dimensions in cm of the bowl and handle and terminal circle of the spoon.

Free Text.

Using standard English write a description of the spoon.

An example would be “The spoons bowl is 2.5 cm in diameter. It is etched with a mask shape and ruins surrounding the mask. The bottom side of the bowl is smooth, with a 1 mm lip around the edge of the circle. The handel and terminal circle of the spoon is 1.4 cm in diameter, with a Mayan individuals profile as a raised image. The stem says “P Vallarta” in block letter down the front. The back of the stem contains the words “Alpata Mexico” below the handle.”


Grygla Assignment 3

Field Search Word Indexed, Phrase Indexed

Metadata Category Descriptive



Explanation of Condition, if not Excellent

Melissa Grygla

A brief description of the blemishes of the spoon. Description

Content rules


Field Search

Free Text.

Using standard English write a description of the spoon.

An example would be “Some discoloration in the bowl of the spoon.”

Word Indexed, Phrase Indexed

Metadata Category Descriptive, Preservation





Melissa Grygla

If the spoon was purchased or a gift.

Content rules


Validation List, “Yes,” or “No.”

An example would be “No.” If the spoon was purchased with the collector’s money it was not a gift. If the spoon was given to the collector it was a gift.

Field Search Word Indexed, Phrase Indexed.

Metadata Category Descriptive, Administrative




Content rules


Field Search

Gifted By

Melissa Grygla

The name of person who gave the spoon to the collector as a gift.

Free Text, “First Name, Last Name Middle initial.” or “Organization Name.”

An example would be “McMichael, Bobby” or “Friends of the Library.”

Word Indexed

Metadata Category Descriptive, Administrative




Hanging Circle

Melissa Grygla

The area of the spoon that has a dangling object, most spoons do not have this portion, however decorative spoon sometimes do.

Content rules


Field Search

Free Text.

List: Shape; Color.

Separate with a “;”

Capitalize all important words.

If none, write None.

An example would be “Bull; Gold.”

Word Indexed

Metadata Category Descriptive




Dublin Core


Grygla Assignment 3


Content rules


Field Search

“An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context (DCMI,


Numerical Value, choose the next available number.

An example would be, “1”.”

Word Indexed

Metadata Category Descriptive, Administrative




Content rules


Field Search

Metal Type

Melissa Grygla

The metals that compose the spoon, generally on the package the spoon is wrapped in.

Free Text.

Capitalize the first letter.

An example would be “Silver.”

Word Indexed

Metadata Category Descriptive




Shape of Bowl

Melissa Grygla

The shape of the bottom edge of the spoon, some of the shapes include

“shovel,” “rectangle,” “circle,” and “oval.”

Content rules


Field Search

Free Text.

Capitalize the first letter.

An example would be “Circle.”

Word Indexed, Phrase Indexed

Metadata Category Descriptive




Shape of Handle

Melissa Grygla

The shape of the top of the spoon, some of the shapes include “shovel,” rectangle,” “circle,” “oval.” There are also some are shaped like other physical objects.

Content rules Free text.

Capitalize the first letter.

An example would be “Circle.”


Field Search Word Indexed, Phrase Indexed

Metadata Category Descriptive





Melissa Grygla

Content rules

The state the spoon is being used to represent.

Free Text.

Abbreviate states in the United States.

For states outside of the USA spell out the name fully.

Capitalize when necessary.


Grygla Assignment 3


Field Search

An example in the USA would be “CA.” An example outside of the united states would be “Jalisco.”

Word Indexed

Metadata Category Descriptive




Stem Design

Melissa Grygla

Content rules


Field Search

The area of the spoon between the two ends, is generally patterned in some way briefly describe this pattern.

Free Text.

Capitalize the first letter.

Be as precise as possible describe the patter on the stem of the spoon.

An example would be, “Block letters “P VALLARTA”.”

Word Indexed, Phrase Indexed

Metadata Category Descriptive

Grygla Assignment 3


Sample XML Records





<city>Puerto Vallarta</city>



<giftedby>McMichael, Bobby</giftedby>



<shapeofhandle >Circle</shapeofhandle >


<stemdesign>Block letters, “P VALLARTA.”</stemdesign>


<description>The spoons bowl is 2.5 cm in diameter. It is etched with a mask shape and ruins surrounding the mask. The bottom side of the bowl is smooth, with a 1 mm lip around the edge of the circle. The handle/terminal circle of the spoon is 1.4 cm in diameter, with a Mayan individuals profile as a raised image. The stem says “P Vallarta” in block letter down the front. The back of the stem contains the words “Alpata Mexico” below the handle.</description>






<city>El Paso</city>



<giftedby>McMichael, Bobby</giftedby>

<metaltype>Stirling Silver</metaltype>


<shapeofhandle >Some discoloration in the bowl of the spoon.</shapeofhandle >


<stemdesign>Smooth with two parallel lines on the outer edges.</stemdesign>

<hangingcenter>Bull; Gold</hangingcenter>

<description>The spoons bowl is 2.2 cm a crossed and 3 cm lengthwise. The bowl as a sketch of the state of Texas, tha Alamo, the San Jaincoto Monument, a bull and a cowboy on a horse. Below the images is the caption “The Lone Star State.” The handle and terminal has a raised colored image of the flag of Texas shaped like the map of

Texas. The handle also contains the words “El Paso” and “Texas.” </description>



Grygla Assignment 3


The goal of this course is to obtain a better understanding of information retrieval using findablility. Findability has three different definitions according to Moreville. “A. The quality of being locatable or navigable. B. The degree to which a particular object is easy to discover or locate. C. The degree to which as system or environments supports navigation and retrieval”

(Moreville, 4). This course began with the concept of findability, and lead students through several different assignments that expanded on the various definitions of findability. When working on this assignment the students were concerned with how findable information is for the potential users of the system.

Creating metadata element lists during this assignment caused the creator to consider how the information can be more navigable. Upon reviewing the elements that had been brainstormed, I realized that I had not entered a field for an identifier. An identifier is one of the easiest methods for users to locate materials, specifically with books in libraries; an identifier can distinguish between separate copies of a book. Using natural language is another way that users can find information more navigable, as it allows them to search terms that they would use.

When designing the list of metadata elements it was also necessary to consider how to find the object again. By including elements for the location of the spoon, an identifier, and a description, users will be better able to match the spoons to their metadata record. For instance if the creator of the record would put a number on each spoon, then identifying the spoon in a collection would be the simple matter of finding the correct number in the rack or storage unit.

However, without an identifier to search by, users are far more likely to search by state, city, country, or for words that are a part of the description.

The way the information is formatted allows users to navigate, locate, and retrieve their information. This was also a consideration of the metatdata elements. When determining which


Grygla Assignment 3

ideas to use from the possibilities, the ones that were most useful to the user were the elements chosen. With an unlimited number of elements, it would have been possible to choose all of the possibilities; however, in an instance where the ideas need to be pared down, it is best to do so in a way that leaves the ones that will be most used. Including elements of metadata that are unimportant to most users is unnecessary.

This course used hands on methods to prove the validity of Moreville’s definitions of findability. It took us through designing a database and organizing metadata to promote our understanding of information retrieval through this concept. The required assignments taught us to consider the quality of being able to locate materials or items, how easy it is to locate materials or items, and how well the system supports user’s attempts to locate materials and items. This will assist me in my future as an information professional.

The objects that I used to create my metadata elements and records were from my spoon collection. Although the spoons worked well in this project, there were many other objects that could have been used. Coming up with a list of elements for this project was challenging. I think creating elements for the collection of cards in a wallet, or the types of food in the cupboard might have been easier. The elements listed by Dublin core didn’t apply very well to my spoon collection, since all of the spoons were out of the boxes.

Metadata was a concept that was more difficult to understand than databases. This was probably because of the lack of group members to bounce ideas off of. However, in the groups we separated the assignment into parts for each member. For assignment three this would not have been very feasible. While learning the concepts for assignment three would have been less difficult in a group, the actual work to the assignment was not of a sufficient amount that it would have need to be divided amongst other group members.


Grygla Assignment 3


Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) (2009). Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version

1.1. Retrieved April 25, 2009, from .

Moreville, Peter. (2005) Ambient Findability.

California: O’Reilly Media, Inc.

Grygla Assignment 3



Identify a Collection- Spoon Collection

Brainstorm Possible Metadata possible metadata elements examples of data values

City Reno, New York

State CA NY



Images on spoon?



Made In:


USA Mexico

Year Acquired


Gifted By:


McMichael, Bobby

Metal Type




Explanation of Condition, if not


Shape of Handle & Terminal Oval

Shape of Bowl Circle

Stem Design

Hanging Center

Diagonal lines

Bull, Gold

Description A text description.

A scanned picture?

Mexico, USA, Canada

Grygla Assignment 3

Ideas about rules for data values

Capitalize the first letter of all important words.

Abbreviations for united States.

Out of USA, use full state name, capitalize the first letter of all important words.

For United States of America, use

USA. For other countries spell out fully, Capitalize the first letter.


Yes or NO

Last Name, First Name Middle.


Capitalize first letter.

Excellent, Acceptable, Poor, Very


Explain in English using full sentences.

Text, Capitalize first letter.

Text, Capitalize first letter

Text, capitalize first letter

Shape, Color. Separate with a , capitalize important words.

Using standard English, and full complete sentences describe the spoon.

Description of colors & picture

Where the spoon is located at?

Decorative (most of them would be though)

