RLCT Supplementary Motions

RLCT Supplementary Motions
These motions supplement the changes made to the RLCT program and curriculum approved by
ARCC on Oct 30, 2015 and by the Arts & Science Executive on Nov. 16, 2015.
Motion 1: That the title of RLCT 3046 Religion and Science be changed to RLCT 3046
Science vs. Religion? and the course description be changed from:
Are religion and science in fundamental conflict? Do the discoveries of modern science make
religious views of the world obsolete? Or is there the possibility of dialogue and reconciliation?
This course explores such questions by examining the complex relation of religion and science in
historical and contemporary contexts. Topics may include the historical impacts of Galileo,
Newton, and Darwin as well as contemporary approaches, which range from atheistic
interpretations to creationism to theistic evolution.
Are religion and science in fundamental conflict? Do the discoveries of modern science make
religious views of the world obsolete? Or is there the possibility of dialogue and reconciliation?
Students explore such questions by examining the complex relation of religion and science in
historical and contemporary contexts. Focusing on western religion, topics may include the
historical impacts of Galileo, Newton, and Darwin as well as contemporary approaches, which
range from atheistic interpretations to creationism to theistic evolution.
Motion 2: That, for the purposes of meeting breadth requirements in the RLCT program,
Group 1 Western Religions and Group 2 Eastern Religions courses be established as
Group 1 Western Religions courses : RLCT 2147 From G-d to Allah and Beyond , RLCT 2036
Christian Thought I, RLCT 2037 Christian Thought II, RLCT 3117 Gender, Sex, and the Bible,
RLCT 3116 The Curse of the Fallen Woman: Women and Western Religions, RLCT 2127 Bible
as Cultural Text, RLCT 3046 Science vs. Religion?
Group 2 Eastern Religions courses: RLCT 2146 From Gurus to Shamans and Beyond, RLCT
2046 Global Spiritualities: Eastern Traditions in the Contemporary World, RLCT 3026 Women
and Eastern Religions
Motion 3: That the courses RLCT 1025 Introduction to World Religions and Cultures and
RLCT 3036 Thinking Religion Now be BANKED.