Exam # 4 / Final Exam

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Grade __________________
CHEM 110
Exam #4 and Final
Multiple Choice: (2 points each)
In order for a substance to be considered a toxic substance it must:
harm a biological system
harm all biological systems
harm a biological system when it is present in high concentration
harm a biological system when it is present in low concentration
____2. Poison and toxin:
a) are different because poison is a general term and toxins have a biological
b) are different because toxin is a general term and poisons have a biological
c) really have the same meaning
d) have no relationship to each other
_____3. Which is a main method that a toxic substance in the form of a fine particulate
can naturally enter the human body?
dermal contact
_____4. Drain cleaners, oven cleaners, and toilet bowl cleaners are what type of
mutagenic poisons
metabolic poisons
corrosive poisons
carcinogenic poisons
_____5. Which statement is false concerning cyanide?
cyanide is used commercially as a poison
cyanide is used in electroplating
cyanide may cause deaths in fires involving polyacrylonitrile carpets
there is no antidote for cyanide poisoning
_____6. Chelating agents are effective as antidotes for heavy metal poisoning because
a) change the metal atom to an ion which makes it chemically inactive
b) change the metal ion to a neutral atom which makes it chemically inactive
c) surround and bind the metal and excrete in the urine to remove it from
the body
d) destroy the metal atom
_____7. Lead poisoning has a greater impact on children than adults for all of the
following reasons EXCEPT:
children are more likely than adults to eat paint
children can excrete more lead than adults
children retain lead in their bloodstream longer than adults
lead is absorbed slower in the bones of children than it is in the bones of
_____8. Botulinum toxin is most likely to be found in:
commercially canned foods
home canned acidic vegetables
home canned non-acidic vegetables
fresh picked vegetables
_____9. The organ in the human body that can detoxify some poisons is:
the liver
the gall bladder
the kidneys
the lungs
_____10. In the past teratogens have been identified in specific forms in all of the
following EXCEPT:
a) sleeping pills
b) chlorofluorocarbons in aerosol containers
c) alcohol
d) drug treatments for acne
_____11. Which statement is FALSE as related to the concept of mutation.
a) a protein may result with an incorrect sequence of amino acids.
b) only chemicals cause mutations
c) a mutation of DNA in a germ cell may result in a hereditary disease passed
on to offspring
d) a mutation in a somatic cell may cause no damage or may lead to cancer.
_____12. Which is not a distinction between a benign and malignant tumor?
a) cells in malignant tumors always divide faster than the cells in normal tissue
b) malignant cells migrate through the body to other tissues and destroy them
c) benign tumors grow more slowly than normal cells and do not spread to other
d) benign tumors may regress spontaneously
_____13. The largest percentage by mass of solid waste is:
yard wastes
_____14. An advantage in the incineration of garbage is:
a) dramatic increase in the volume of solid waste
b) heat produced may be used as an energy source
c) older plants may have significant air pollution
_____15. Which process does NOT occur to a significant extent in a modern land fill?
leaks leading to groundwater contamination
garbage is compacted
major biodegradation by microorganisms
methane is the result of anaerobic decomposition
____16. A hazardous waste substance has the following properties EXCEPT:
increase a person's chances of dying
pose a road hazard to motor vehicles
pose a substantial present hazard or future hazard to human health
pose a present or future hazard to the environment
_____17. Reactive wastes include all of the following EXCEPT:
wastes than can easily explode
wastes than decompose because of a reaction with sunlight
wastes than generate toxic gases when exposed to a weak acid or base
wastes that have a violent reaction with water
_____18. Which is NOT a method to convert hazardous wastes into less hazardous
a) deep well injection
b) bioremediation using microorganisims to decompose wastes
c) incineration and thermal treatment
d) chemical methods to change the "form" of the waste.
_____19. A hazardous dump site has to be cleaned up by the parties responsible for
creating it. If the EPA cleans up the site the responsible parties can be sued for:
a) the clean up costs
b) three times the clean up costs
c) twice the clean up costs
d) four times the clean up costs
_____20. Which is not true about the Love Canal?
a) an elementary school was built on land bordering the canal
b) nearly 1,000 homes were built close to the Love Canal
c) there were no noticeable effects from the dumping site until several years of
heavy precipitation caused the buried chemical residues to come to the surface
d) studies done by EPA identified 82 chemicals emerging from the dump site,
several of these chemicals turned out to be known or suspected carcinogens
e) higher than average rates of miscarriages, children with birth defects, and
some forms of cancer were found in the population
USE: "Assessing Risk of Hazardous Chemicals" text p. 552-53.
a)(4) List the four main steps in risk analysis including a sentence or two
b)(3) Chemical X, a suspected mutagen, is used in the Ames test and causes the
salmonella culture to grow colonies. Explain specifically how and why this happens.
22. (8) Use NY Times Mar 6, 2001- “New Pollution Tool: ...” See article at the end of
the exam
List 4 types of chemicals along with 4 respective methods that use plants for
removing them from contaminated sites. Give some specific details about how
each of them work.
23.(4) Explain the difference between "science" and "technology". Provide at least one
clear example of "science" and "technology" and how each impacts on society.
24.(6) Homer E. Homespun has an Internet page which announces his revolutionary
new "free energy device" which produces electric power without any fuel. What
steps, processes, or questions would you investigate to determine the validity of
this device before you make a decision of whether or not to invest in it. Is there
anything in the statements that is “wrong” science?
(Note: As a future consumer, this question is to be answered based upon
general knowledge you have gained in the course. There is nothing to “look
up” to answer the question. In reality, I did get an email of this nature this
past summer.)
25.(35) The "Story of..."
Select ONE of the products listed at the end of this
question to write a "Story Of...". Think of this assignment
as detailing the birth, life, and death of a consumer
product. You will give details starting with the basic raw
materials that it is made from, to making the product, to
using the product, to disposing of the product. What are
the environmental impacts at every stage listed above. More
specific details of how to answer this are listed below.
Use the text book as a first source of information, other
sources of information include: a science encyclopedia, use
search tools on the internet.
Here are a few general links to help you search for
How Products are Made - use the search tool and type in a
product name.
How Stuff Works Wikipedia Finally if you can not find specific information (in most
cases, you probably will not), just carefully think about
all the steps/environmental impacts that might occur. This
question is designed for you to review a variety of types
of pollution and energy uses in the process of obtaining
the initial raw material and subsequent processing of the
material to make a useful product. You had a preliminary
chance to think about this type of question in Topic 12
with the Life Cycle analysis of paper vs. plastic. Most
people did not go into very much depth for that question.
Here I am asking for more depth as it is a review of what
you have learned in the entire course.
Your description of the product must contain ALL of the
information in each part. (Each sub part numbered question
is worth about 6 points. As you write, put in the numbers
to indicate which part you are addressing and make it easy
for me to follow.)
Life Cycle Analysis of a Product:
Life cycle analysis is a method to characterize the raw
materials and energy used to make a product. In addition,
for each step also analyze how much solid waste, water
pollution, and air pollution is generated at each life
cycle step of the product's life.
1. Introduction: Give a general description of the product
(technology), its uses, and why modern society needs this
particular product.
Life Cycle Steps:
2. Extraction and Processing of a Raw material - raw
materials (what chemical elements or compounds are part of
the product? What are the basic resources where you would
find the elements and compounds in the product?), energy
sources, pollution (Be specific about the type and location
of pollution and specific molecules involved)
3. Manufacturing and packaging - describe and/or give
chemical equations of the synthesis or methods to convert
from the raw material to the final product ( use specific
names and/or formulas of the chemical compounds), energy
sources, pollution
4. Transportation ( from raw material step to
Mfg./Distribution of Product) - energy sources and
pollution (Be specific about the type and location of
pollution and specific molecules involved)
5. Useful life, maintenance of product, possible reuse
6. Possible Recycling - connects back to # 2 or 3 - energy
sources and specific pollution and Final Disposal of Waste
- specific pollution possible or prevented by proper
To answer this question, try to be specific for each life
cycle step. Specific means what source of energy, what
specific types (molecules) of air or water pollution.
You had a preliminary chance to think about this type of
question in Topic 12 with the analysis of paper vs.
plastic. Most people did not go into very much depth for
that question. Here I am asking for more depth as it is a
review of what you have learned in the entire course.
Example: Story of PVC pipes.
Beer p.446
Cement p. 302 and
Battery dry cell p. 203-206
Battery lead-acid p. 207
Any plastic of your choice except PVC Chap 9
Rubber p. 277
Laundry Detergents p. 255, 516-520
Any other household product in Chap 17
"New Pollution Tool: Toxic Avengers With Leaves" NY Times Article
Andrew C. Revkin;
Copyright New York Times Company Mar 6, 2001
As scientists struggle to find cheaper, easier ways to clean up polluted soil and
groundwater, they are increasingly wielding a novel tool: plants.
In the United States alone, the cost of decontaminating tens of thousands of toxic sites
on factory grounds, farms and military installations is expected to eventually surpass
$700 billion, several analyses show.
The main approach so far, digging out offending chemicals and carting them to special
andfills, is costly and disruptive, often requiring fleets of trucks, forests of mechanical
wells and other equipment.
After a decade of field and greenhouse tests, a variety of techniques harnessing the
absorptive power of plants' roots appear poised for a much expanded role.
Hundreds of species of plants, together with the fungi and bacteria that infuse the
rhizosphere, the ecosystem around roots, represent the botanical equivalent of detox
centers, seeking and often breaking down molecules that can harm most other life, soil
scientists and botanists say.
There are sunflowers that capture uranium, ferns that thrive on arsenic, alpine herbs
that hoard zinc, mustards that lap up lead, clovers that eat oil and poplar trees that
destroy dry-cleaning solvents.
In fact, poplars are so effective that people in the fast-growing ''phytoremediation''
business have a new name for them. ''A stand of poplars is a self-assembling solarpowered pump-and-treat system,'' said Steven A. Rock, an environmental engineer in
the National Risk Management Research Laboratory of the federal Environmental
Protection Agency in Cincinnati.
Dr. Raskin conducted early tests of ways to exploit this mechanism to sop up
radioactive substances and heavy metals. One of the most striking tests took place in
1995 in a small pond within sight of the Chernobyl nuclear power plants n Ukraine,
where sunflowers were grown on Styrofoam rafts with their roots dangling in the water.
The pond, like everything for miles around, was contaminated with Strontium 90,
Cesium 137 and other harmful radioactive substances released during the reactor fire in
1986. Within days, the sunflowers, which have dense mops of roots, accumulated levels
of cesium and strontium that were several thousand times as high as the concentrations
in the water.
Putting Trees to Work
One of the most established techniques is using trees, mostly poplars and willows, to
pump and treat groundwater from aquifers contaminated with solvents or other toxic
organic compounds.
Phytokinetics Inc., based in North Logan, Utah, is one of more than half a dozen
companies deploying trees to treat such sites. At the peak of the growing season, said
Dr. Ari M. Ferro, a biochemist and Phytokinetics' president, each tree can pump more
than 15 gallons of water each day. At former oil refineries in Wyoming and Montana, the
company has planted plots with 1,000 trees per acre, resulting in a pumping rate of 10
gallons a minute per acre.
''The trees are pumping like crazy,'' Dr. Ferro said. ''The contaminants get sucked up
into the root zone and biodegraded.''
Other trees are being put to work, with plantings of koa on a pineapple plantation in
Hawaii extracting ethylene dibromide from groundwater.
The quickest growth in the business is in the use of plants to remove heavy metals from
One of the notable successes in this area came last year in Detroit, when Edenspace
Systems, a phytoremediation company in Chantilly, Va., completed a cleanup of a leadlaced plot of land tucked amid a complex of DaimlerChrysler buildings.
The top four feet of soil was bulldozed to a nearby area and planted in sunflowers and
then Indian mustard, both of which are known to accumulate lead. The lead
concentration in the soil was reduced 43 percent, bringing it below federal and state
limits. The project cost $900,000, according to Michael Curry, the remediation project
manager for the company. But that was more than $1 million less than it would have
cost to cart the 5,700 cubic yards of soil to a hazardous waste landfill. Instead, only a
few cubic yards of tainted plant material had to be disposed of, he said.
A Plant That Loves Arsenic
The latest discovery came at a central Florida lumberyard where the ground was badly
contaminated with arsenic compounds from wood preservatives. Arsenic is so toxic to
most plants that it is an ingredient in some herbicides. But after scientists at the
University of Florida tested 14 plant species growing there, last year they found that the
brake fern, common in the Southeast and other parts of the world, had arsenic in its
fronds and stems at more than 200 times the concentration in the soil.
The work was reported last month in Nature. Under a licensing deal, the fern is being
sold by Edenspace to filter the element out of water. The E.P.A. recently reduced limits
for arsenic in drinking water in this country, and it also contaminates thousands of wells
in Bangladesh.
Dr. Lena Q. Ma, an associate professor of soil and environmental chemistry at the
university and the study leader, said her main interest was determining how the plant
works. ''It not only tolerates arsenic, it loves it,'' Dr. Ma said. ''It has to have some
mechanism to take it up and store it in a form that doesn't interfere with the plant and kill
it. That's our next work.''
''Plants as Pollution Sponges'' Using plants to clean areas of contaminated soil or
groundwater shows promise as an alternative to the traditional system of digging out
pollutants and trucking them to landfills.
Treating Metal Contaminants: Some plants can accumulate very high levels of metal
pollutants, removing them from soil and groundwater.
Plant roots can absorb lead, arsenic, zinc and other metals and store them in the
leaves. Plants can then be harvested
and incinerated or recycled.
Plants can also be raised in greenhouses where water can pass by their dangling roots,
which absorb certain pollutants.
Some plants, like the poplar tree, prevent contamination from migrating underground,
essening the likelihood that the pollution will reach wells or percolate to the surface and
taint streams.
Treating Organic Contaminants: Organic pollutants are broken down by plants or by the
micro-organisms that thrive around roots.
Poplars are also good at breaking down toxic organic chemicals into less harmful
compounds, which they store or slowly release into the air.
Some pollutants pass through plant leaves and evaporate into the atmosphere. There is
some concern about how this may contaminate air.
Radioactive Elements
Sunflowers and other plants have been tested as a way to reduce levels of radioactive
substances in water and soil. Sunflowers reduced high levels of strontium and cesium
near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Kochia plants and willow trees have also been
used to clean cesium in the Argonne National Laboratory-West in Idaho.
Sewage Treatment Plants
Constructed wetlands are used alone or as an addition to sewage treatment plants to
clean and recycle wastewater. Polluted water passes through constructed wetlands
containing reed plants, which attract micro-organisms that help purify the wastewater.
(Sources: Environmental Protection Agency, American Society of Plant Physiologists,
Edenspace.)(pg. F1)