Lesson Outline: Sustainable Livestock & Poultry Production

Learning Objectives
Learn methods of animal production for small
acreage farms
Increase knowledge of specific sustainable
production practices for at least one type of animal
Become aware of current issues and concerns about
sustainable small acreage animal production
Sustainable Livestock
and Poultry Production
on Small Acreages
Review and Discussion: (15 min.)
Discussion of previous lesson, assignment or reading.
Instructor or guest speaker topics: (45 – 60 min.)
Instructor or other guest speaker will provide some of the basic sustainable animal production
practices and requirements. The following topics are provided as a guide for what to cover to
enhance and/or explain presentations by farmer/ranchers. (One PowerPoint included)
Sustainable production methods for small acreage producers
Diet and nutrition
Animal health
Breeding and reproduction
Facilities and fencing
Discussion of different animals (beef, pork, sheep, poultry goats, etc.)
Products – wool, milk, eggs, meat, value-added, etc.
Break: (10 min.)
Optional Sustainable Farmer Profile (allow about 45 minutes)
Invite at least two different livestock producers with different types of animals over the duration
of the course to address: sustainable pork production; pastured poultry; sustainable beef
production; or sheep and goats.
Suggested Activities (30 min.):
Class discussion of current livestock production issue for small acreage producers.
Discussion and/or in-class time to work on assignment using the New American
Farmer case studies of livestock producers.
Complete assignment Researching Ways that Farmers manage their Livestock/Poultry Systems: Read the
farmer case studies selected from The New American Farmer and write a short summary of a selected
production practice.
Read Livestock for Small Acreage Landowners
Read one of three publications, based on your interest: Profitable Poultry, Profitable Pork or Sustainable Beef
Instructor Copy
Sustainable Small Acreage Farming and Ranching Overview
Tips for instructors – Sustainable Animal Production on Small Acreages
Lesson Topic
It is quite challenging to attempt to cover everything about animal production (especially, for
multiple species of animals) in this course. The approach we have chosen is for the instructor
or other guest to provide the foundation or basics about small acreage animal production for
someone considering a particular enterprise. A general overview course does not provide time
to cover this many topics in great detail so it is essential to direct students interested in animal
production to resources (listed in the student notebook or others). Additional information on
livestock enterprises will be covered through case study readings and assignments. The
PowerPoint presentation Small Farm Animal Production Overview is included for your use, as
A recommended resource book for instructors is the book “Small-Scale Livestock Farming. “ It
covers many topics related to different types of animals: genetics, breeds and training; feeds
and feeding; animal health and reproduction; facilities and fencing; and butchering/processing.
Other concepts for class discussion or guest lecture topics might be: sources for buying your
animals and feeds, varying requirements for organic production, requirements for value added
processing or holistic resource management.
Farmer guest speakers will provide the details based on their type of animal enterprise. Try to
have at least two different animal production systems covered in guest lectures or a farm visit.
Your choices may be geared toward the interest of class participants based on student surveys.
If there is a lack of livestock producers in your area to use as guest speakers, assign students
different animals or topics to present in class.
Suggested Activities
Optional: in the week prior to this lesson pose a question for class discussion to go with this
lesson. Question topic suggestions:
 Alternatives to antibiotics for livestock production
 Processing issues; challenges and opportunities
Another option is to show parts of the WSU video of the Organic Livestock: Principles,
Practices, and Prospects – Satellite Broadcast. This program did an excellent job covering
several important aspects of Organic Livestock Production.
Students share their summaries related to sustainable livestock management gleaned from
readings in The New American Farmer.
Related Assignment
The SARE publication The New American Farmer and other case studies of farms will be used
for students to explore details of animal production practices of small acreage livestock
Assigned Readings:
The New American Farmer. Ed. V. Berton, Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
(SARE) Program, USDA, 2001 (http://sare.org/publications/naf2/index.htm)
Instructor Copy
Sustainable Small Acreage Farming and Ranching Overview
Livestock for Small Acreage Landowners. B-609, R.V. Machen & R.K. Lyons, Texas Agricultural
Extension Service, Texas A&M University, 2000
Profitable Poultry: Raising Birds on Pasture. V. Berton & D. Mudd, Sustainable
Agriculture Network, USDA, 2001 (http://www.sare.org/bulletin/poultry)
Profitable Pork: Strategies for Hog Producers. Minnesota Cooperative Extension, USDA &
Sustainable Agriculture Network, 2001 (http://www.sare.org/bulletin/hogs/index.htm)
Sustainable Beef Production – Livestock Production Guide, A. Fanatico, R. Morrow & A. Wells,
Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas, USDA, 1999
Additional Resources on Topic
Small-Scale Livestock Farming, Carol Ekarius, Storey Books, Massachusetts, 1999.
Manure Management in Small Farm Livestock Operations. EM 8649, D. Goodwin & J.A. Moore,
Oregon State University Extension Service, 1997
Sustainable Sheep Production. A. Wells, L. Gegner & R. Earles, Appropriate Technology
Transfer for Rural Areas, USDA, 2000 (http://www.attra.org/attra-pub/sheep.html)
Poultry for the Small Producer. J. Berry, Department of Animal Science, University of Oklahoma
Extension Service, 1989 (http://osuextra.okstate.edu/pdfs/F-8202web.pdf)
Attra Poultry Publications: http://osuextra.okstate.edu/pdfs/F-8202web.pdf
Profitable Dairy Options Resources: http://sare.org/publications/dairyresource.htm
Penn State offers several Agricultural Alternatives Publications at:
Instructor Copy
Sustainable Small Acreage Farming and Ranching Overview