PhD Scholarship in Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy

PhD Scholarship in Fungal Systems Biology
Fungal pathogens cause life-threatening hospital-acquired infections, which are
associated with huge mortality of ≈50%. The focus of the research in our lab is the major
human fungal pathogen Candida albicans. We study how Candida makes its cell coat-the
cell wall- a process which is at the heart of the how this pathogen resists current
antifungal therapies. Specifically, we are interested in the cellular networks that integrate
the synthesis of the cell wall with other cellular pathways-in other words, the System
Biology of cell wall biogenesis.
This research program involves a multidisciplinary collaborative team with skills in
Molecular Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Microbiology and Imaging. The
team is located in the Biosciences precinct at Monash University. Our approach includes
the use of molecular genetics, biochemistry, mass-spectrometry based lipidomics,
glycomics and quantitative proteomics, transcriptomics, sophisticated electron and
confocal microscopy imaging and virulence studies in animal models of infection.
Applications are invited for PhD positions in this research consortium that will seek to
understand novel pathways controlling resistance of C. albicans to antifungal drugs.
Particular project areas will be identified to suit the skills and ambitions of the successful
Essential Criteria
An H1 Honours degree, or Masters by Research degree, or Master by Coursework degree
with a minor thesis. The Honours/Masters degree should be in a relevant discipline such
as: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Genetics, Computer Science. The
student nominated for this scholarship must:
have completed a four year undergraduate degree or equivalent, with an H1
be eligible for full-time enrolment in a PhD – a curriculum vitae should be
submitted with the applicant's candidature form to enable this to be assessed;
be an Australian or New Zealand citizen or an Australian permanent resident;
not have previously enrolled in an equivalent degree.
The PhD stipend rate is $22,860 p.a. in 2011.
For enquiries and further information, please contact:
Dr. Ana Traven