Eco Schools Action Plan 2011 2012

Eco-Schools England -
Mersey Vale Primary School
Eco-Schools Action Plan 2011-2012
Date Action Plan was developed:
October 2011
Action Plan developed by: Eco- coordinator and Eco Committee
Actual Result Achieved
/ Date
ENERGY Apply for solar panels through eco
Target / Measure
Choose switch off monitors for each
Introduce spot checks of energy
usage in classrooms
Promote energy usage throughout
“Switch off fortnight” Introduce
rewards for energy conscious
Reviewed Nov ‘11
Reviewed Feb 2012
application process
in Autumn 1
Eco coordinator:
Rachael Mather
Children will take readings and input data in data
handling programme on the computer
Begin in Autumn 2.
Ongoing weekly
Eco –coordinator; R
Mather Energy
Police: Aamna
Masood, Sufiyan
Tahir, Amaar
Energy police taking readings
every Friday morning
Switch off monitors are displayed in each
Autumn 1
Class Teachers
Monitor chosen and displayed in
each room.
Projectors, lights and windows/ doors in
classrooms are routinely checked during empty
periods for waste of energy. Findings recorded
for pupils and staff to see.
Begin in Autumn 2.
Ongoing weekly
Solar panels fitted.
school solar panel scheme.
Children take over taking electricity
and gas readings from the meters.
Timescale /
Promote work towards energy target in switch
off fortnight. Reward routinely given out each
month for class with best results in energy
police’s spot checks
Headteacher: Jayne
Energy Police:
Aamna Masood,
Sufiyan Tahir, Amar:
Approved for site visit
Delayed due to change in tariffs/
possibility of new school roof
3 spot checks carried out so far.
Occurring weekly
Autumn 2- begin in
switch off fortnight
Energy Police:
Aamna Masood,
Sufiyan Tahir, Amar:
Switch off fortnight kit arrived.
A successful week, energy
readings decreased.
14th Nov- 1843
25th Nov: 1465
2nd Dec:1484
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Eco-Schools England -
Actual Result Achieved
/ Date
Introduce energy saving thought for
the week
OVERALL AIM: Reduce our
energy consumption from
average of…. to… per week
Target / Measure
Timescale /
Reviewed Nov ‘11
Reviewed Feb 2012
Run competition for best energy saving tip
poster. Bank of thoughts for the week provided
by pupils. Thoughts for week displayed on eco
board and school website
Spring 1
All Pupils
A reduction in kw readings from meter.
Steady reduced
readings by
Summer 1.
Whole School
Chn Researched energy saving
tips. Discussed in committee
meeting 23.2.12. Whole school
homework competition to take
place Spring 2
No reduction in energy
consumption yet: lots of
construction work, 2 new
classrooms, laptops introduced.
Hope to see steady decline in
readings from now on.
Reduction throughout switch off
fortnight. Variable since. Set 1500
as target and announce in
assembly each week. Now leaving
happy/sad faces in classes after
energy checks to promote
switching off.
Introduce spot checks of waste in
the classrooms
Paper recycling bins, waste bins, playground
bins are routinely checked by waste warriors.
Findings are recorded for pupils and staff to see.
Begin in Autumn 2.
Ongoing weekly
Waste warriors:
Dawud Ali, Salma
Miah, Iman
Occurring weekly
Organise facility to recycle plastic
milk bottles used by Foundation
Stage children.
Plastic bottles are collected to be recycled rather
than thrown in the bin. Plastic saved for art.
Spring 1
Eco Committee
Kitchen’s recycling being
placed in KS1 playground
for afternoon play. All Rec
ch now recycling plastic
bottles. Box placed in staff
room for plastic bottles.
Waste warriors collect box
from staffroom and placed
in recycling bin 2.30
Waste warriors:
Dawud Ali, Salma
Miah, Iman
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Eco-Schools England -
Actual Result Achieved
/ Date
Timescale /
Reviewed Nov ‘11
Reviewed Feb 2012
Target / Measure
Organise facility to recycle/
compost an increased amount of
food waste.
Peels etc from fruit provided to KS1 is collected/
Spring 1
Eco Committee
Monitor and reduce use of paper
and photocopying in school.
Less paper is ordered on a termly basis.
Reduced photocopier bills
Summer 1
Waste Warriors.
In discussion with council
for collections.
All staff
Admin Manager:
Shane Farrell
Hold a waste free lunchbox event.
Reduced waste produced in lunch boxes
Spring 2
Eco Committee
All pupils and
Buy plants for classrooms.
All classrooms have pot plants within them
Autumn 2
Eco Committee
Each classroom has 2 plantsChristmas Cactus, spider plant.
Chn care for them.
Audit plant species found within
school grounds.
Comprehensive lists of plants/ shrubs/ trees
found growing in the school grounds made
Autumn 2
Eco Committee
Rachel Bennet (MV
nature trust)
Arranged for Rachel Bennett to visit
eco meeting in Nov
Increase the variety of plant/ tree
species found and therefore animal
species within school grounds.
At least 10 new species planted within school
Summer 1
Eco Committee
Mrs Edwards’ gardening club
begins WC 27.2.12
Make more bird feeders and install
squirrel feeders.
Feeders in situ on school grounds and filled on a
regular basis.
All classes
Application for grant for school
garden sent 27.2.12
Spring 1
KS1 classes
Bird feeders placed around school
and refilled regularly
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Eco-Schools England -
Actual Result Achieved
/ Date
Target / Measure
Strengthen links with schools
already linking with:
Children think about linking schools regularly
and have an understanding of life for children in
such schools.
Timescale /
Reviewed Nov ‘11
Reviewed Feb 2012
St Winifreds- Stockport
Link with St Winifred’s
strengthened. St Winifred’s visited
in Nov. chn shared work towards
achieving Green Flag with one
-Lesotho, Africa
Hold a whole school, cross
curricular global week and share
learning in whole school community
celebration assembly.
Planning on shared network. Photos of visitors/
activities/ learning.
Make links with pupils across
Europe through the e-twinning
Two Projects ran successfully within different
Autumn 2
All teachers
Held in Summer 1
Eco coordinator
Rachael Mather to
Class teachers to
By Summer 1
Rachael Mather with
Y4 made links with French school
Matt Ellis with Y5
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