9–1 Chemical Pathways & Cellular Respiration Reactions A

Chemical Pathways & Cellular Respiration Reactions
Chemical Energy and Food
Food serves as a source of __energy__
The process that releases energy by breaking down food in the presence of ___oxygen______ is
called cellular respiration
Overview of Cellular Respiration
Both plants and animals carry out the final stages of cellular respiration in the
In cellular respiration, energy is gradually released from __glucose____ and other food
molecules by the process called ___Glycolysis____. This is the first set of reactions in cellular
Glycolysis - process where _1__ molecule of glucose is broken in half, producing _2_ molecules
of __pyruvic___ _acid__,a 3 carbon compound
ATP Production at the end of glycolysis; gain of __2___ ATP
If OXYGEN is present….
1. _pyruvic__ _acid__ is broken down and more ATP is produced
NAD+ allows high energy __electrons ___ to be passed from glucose to other
pathways in the cell, creating NADH
B. Electron Transport Chain
1. Electron carriers are converted into __ATP___
***In the Presence of Oxygen, a total of _3_ ATP are produced
If NO OXYGEN is present….__Fermentation____ occurs
Alcoholic Fermentation
Used in the wine and ____bread ___ making industry
Lactic Acid Fermentation
Involves a build up of lactic acid in your __muscles___
In fermentation, not as much energy is produced; a total of _1_ ATP
Fermentation is an ___Anaerobic____ process where NADH is able to be converted back to
__NAD___ by passing high energy electrons back to pyruvic acid. This allows a steady supply of _ATP__
to be produced in the absence of _oxyygen__
Label the following diagram using your textbook ch 9
1. Where does the glucose used in respiration come from?
From Glycolysis
2. How do you know that this series of reactions occurs in the present of oxygen?
I know this because if not it would
3. What does glycolysis supply to the Krebs cycle?
Pyruvic Acid
4. What does glycolysis supply to the electron transport chain?
5. What stages of cellular respiration occur in the mitochondria?
The Electron Transport and the Krebs Cycle
Label the following concept map of cellular respiration pathways using your text
List the following equations:
1. Chemical & written equation for cellular respiration
2. written equation for lactic acid fermentation
3. Written equation for alcoholic fermentation
The Krebs Cycle and Electron Transport
The Krebs Cycle
In the Krebs cycle, ________ ______ is broken down into _____ _________ and is also known
as _________ acid cycle
The krebs cycle begins when the pyruvic acid produced from glycolysis enters the ___________
Carbon Dioxide is formed and ___________ into the atmosphere and _______________ is formed wich
produces a 6 carbon molecule called ________ __________
Everytime you exhale, you release __________ ___________ produced by the ___________ cycle.
The ______ Produced can be used to perform cellular activies
Electron Transport
1. Uses high energy electrons from __________ and _________ in the __________membrane
of the mitochondria in a process called the _______________ transport ___________.
2. at the end of the electron transport chain, oxygen is the final electron acceptor which forms
_________ to get rid of the remaining low energy electrons.
3. In the electron transport chain, ATP synthase molecules spin and form 3 molecules of ______
from every ADP molecule
The Totals
1. Without oxygen – 2 molecules of ATP are formed from glucose (during gylcolysis)
2. With oxygen - ______ TOTAL molecules of ATP are present;
_______ from krebs cycle and electron transport and ____ from glycolysis
Energy and Exercise
*outline the energy stages of a race below
1. Quick Energy
Long-Term Energy
Comparing Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
Photosythesis removes __________ from the _______________ and ____________
_______________ puts it back
Organisms involved in cellular respiration
1. All eukaryotes
2. Some prokaryotes
Photosynthesis Only in:
2. Algae
3. Some bacteria