Local Press Release English Version

Luxemburg, 4th June 2010
Complix Luxembourg: how will Luxembourg benefit?
CRP-Santé has just agreed to become a founding member of Complix Luxembourg PLC along with
two key investors: LRM Belgium, and Vesalius Biocapital.
Heading up Complix Luxembourg: Dr. Mark Vaeck, an entrepreneur who specialises in setting up
companies in the Life Sciences field. There is no doubt that this collaboration will open up new
opportunities for Luxemburg, on the economic front, as well as in education and research. Complix
Luxembourg will also open up of new horizons in improving long-term treatments for patients with
HIV and other infectious diseases.
Complix Luxembourg: a considerable economic asset
On Friday 4th June 2010, the Public Research Center for Health (CRP-Santé) announced the creation of
Complix Luxembourg.
Creation of this company was made possible, in part, by the collaboration of the retrovirology laboratory of
CRP-Santé along with Complix Belgium. This new company relies on technology based on a family of
molecules that can block the HIV-AIDS virus — or other viral diseases — before they can attack cells in the
human body. This brand new, not to say revolutionary, technology would allow the patient to be protected
from infection by a virus before it could do any damage. These molecules will be used for therapeutic
purposes in order for patients to benefit.
To this end, Complix relies on the most highly skilled people in Luxemburg while still favouring interactions
with key Belgian players so that it can make progress more rapidly in the field of infectious diseases.
For Luxembourg, this new company is already bringing many important economic benefits:
Not only will this new company, of which CRP-Santé is a shareholder, open the way to
potential foreign investors but it will also give Luxemburg privileged access to new markets
in the biotech sphere. This undeniable asset will allow the Luxemburgish government to
continue to advance its efforts in the field of research, especially in the area of
In this way, Complix will help the country in its efforts to achieve economic diversification.
In the medium term, Complix should also
Promote the marketing of products from scientific research in Luxemburg.
Open up Luxemburg to new collaborations (especially related to the pharmaceutical
 Encourage the creation of new jobs for highly qualified people.
As far as intellectual property is concerned, Complix also offers Luxemburg the chance to acquire new
patents based on scientific discoveries.
Research and Education: offering our researchers a future
Through these new jobs, Complix will facilitate the undertaking not only of new projects but also of new
research programmes in the area of health. Complix should not only increase the intellectual capital of our
country, but also boost the quality and expertise of our researchers.
Through newly undertaken collaborations on the international scene, Complix will offer many researchers the
opportunity to discuss new projects and collaborations through meetings and special conferences.
Finally, Complix Luxembourg is without doubt an important means to increase awareness of the scientific
discoveries made by CRP-Santé thereby helping to create new economic opportunities.
1 A-B, rue Thomas Edison
L-1445 Strassen
Tél: 26 970 1
Fax: 26 970 - 719
www.c rp-sante.lu
N°ident.TVA LU 14472612
RC Luxembourg-J34
For patients: what results can be expected?
Complix Luxembourg has at least 6 post-doctoral researchers and technicians, specialising in the field of
infectious diseases, and some recent recruits have come from the retrovirology laboratory of CRP-Santé.
The company’s research project will move through several key stages:
- Initially, a research and development phase (since Complix Luxembourg has just been created, this
phase is expected to last 3 to 4 years)
- Then a clinical trials phase to enable confirmation of the research findings in clinical trials.
- And finally, a phase during which the product is brought to market in close collaboration with the
pharmaceutical industry.
It is only after several years that products of this research can be marketed. In the next future, these new
horizons could open up to improve the treatment of infectious diseases.
Press contact:
Aurélia Derischebourg - Tel: (+352) 621 250 883
1B rue Thomas Edison - L-1445 Strassen
1 A-B, rue Thomas Edison
L-1445 Strassen
Tél: 26 970 1
Fax: 26 970 - 719
N°ident.TVA LU 14472612
RC Luxembourg-J34