Study Guide Chapter 14 Weathering and Soil Formation

Study Guide: Weathering and Soil Formation
1. What is the difference between magma and lava?
2. The breaking down of rock and other material on Earth’s surface is called _________.
3. What is the difference between intrusive and extrusive rock (where does the energy come from and what
type(s) of rock belong to which category)?
4. Two types of weathering are _________________ and _________________.
5. During _____________ weathering, rocks are broken into different shapes and smaller pieces.
6. Five types of mechanical weathering are _______, ______, _______, _________, and ____________.
7. Weathering caused by the repeated freezing and melting of water is __________.
8. Weathering caused by roots of plants breaking down rocks is ______________.
9. Weathering caused by _________________ pulls loosened rock down mountain cliffs.
10. A large movement of loose rocks and soil is called a ____________________.
11. _____________ is the wearing away of rocks by solid particles carried by wind, water, or other forces.
12. During _________ weathering, changes occur in the mineral composition or chemical makeup of rocks.
13. Five ways that chemical weathering can occur are:
14. Plants produce weak ____________ that breaks down rocks.
15. How fast weathering takes place depends on :
16. ______________________ is formed when rocks are continuously broken down by weathering.
17. If minerals in a rock enable the rock to resist chemical weathering the rock is described as ________.
18. The decayed parts of plants and animals in soil are called ____________.
19. Spaces between soil particles are called ___________________ spaces.
20. Three textures of soil are ______________, _____________, and ____________.
21. _____________ is the most permeable texture of soil. __________ is the least permeable texture of soil.
22. An equal mixture of sand, clay, and silt is called ________________.
23. The process water washing minerals from one soil horizon to another is called __________________.
24. Three things that affect soil composition are __________, _________ and ______________________
25. What is the most important factor of soil formation? ______________
26. Another name for the parent rock is _______________________.
27. Draw a soil profile and describe the layers.
28. Using the soil triangle below, determine the soil texture if the soil has:
 50% clay, 30% sand, 20% silt.
 20% clay, 30% silt, 50% sand
 40% clay, 20% silt, 40% sand
29. What is causing beach erosion and what are some things humans are doing to prevent or stop beach
erosion? (Describe the 4 human impacts on shorelines we discussed in class.)
30. How did the Grand Canyon form? Describe how this is an example of weathering. What type of
weathering (mechanical/ chemical) was involved, and what happened because of the weathering.
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