9CMNS801 ideas for readings on special topics 2010

Jan Marontate
School of Communication
Spring 2010
Simon Fraser University
CMNS 801-5: Design and Methodology in Communication Research
Handout 9: Readings on ‘Special Topics’
This is a selection of articles and books roughly arranged according to Special Topics areas.
We will read some (not all).
Becker, Howard S. (1998). Tricks of the trade: how to think about your research while you're doing it.
Chicago: U. Chicago Press. (A bit controversial. From the perspective of a symbolic
Berg, Bruce. (2009). Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
(pp. 317-337).
Booth, W. Gregory Colomb and Joseph Williams. (1995). The Craft of Research. Chicago: U.
Chicago Press.
Denzin, Norman and Yvonna Lincoln (Eds). (2005)
Survey Research
Comprehensive Texts on Survey Methodology
De Vaus, D.A. (1996). Surveys in Social Research. London: University College.
Fowler, Floyd J. (c2009). Survey research methods. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. (A bit too
Rea, Louis M. and Richard A. Parker. (2005). Designing and conducting survey research: a
comprehensive guide. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Question and Questionnaire Design, Measures, Interviewing
Brinkmann, Svend. (2007). Could Interviews Be Epistemic?: An Alternative to Qualitative
Opinion Polling. Qualitative Inquiry, 13, 1116
Diamantopoulos, Adamantios, Bodo B. Schlegelmilch, Rudolf R. Sinkovics, Greg M.
Bohlen. (2003). Can socio-demographics still play a role in profiling green consumers? A
review of the evidence and an empirical investigation. Journal of Business Research, 56, 465–
Foddy, William. (1993). Constructing questions for interviews and questionnaires : theory and practice in
social research. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Houtkoop-Steenstra, Hanneke. (2000). Interaction and the standardized survey interview [electronic
resource] : the living questionnaire. New York : Cambridge University Press. [electronic resource
in library)
Kvale, Steinar. (2006). Dominance Through Interviews and Dialogues. Qualitative Inquiry, 12:
Roulston, Kathryn , Kathleen deMarrais and Jamie B. Lewis. (2003). Learning to interview in
the social sciences. Qualitative Inquiry, 9: 643-668.
Schlegelmilch, Bobo and Greg M. Bohlen and Adamantios Diamantopoulos. (1996). The
link between green purchasing decisions and measures of environmental consciousness.
European Journal of Marketing, 30.5: 35-55.
Tourangeau, Roger and T. Yan. (2007). Sensitive Questions in Surveys. Psychological Bulletin
133.5: 859-883.
van den Berg, Harry, Margaret Wetherell, Hanneke Houtkoop-Steenstra. (2003). Analyzing
race talk: multidisciplinary perspectives on the research interview. New York: Cambridge University
Press. [electronic resource in library)
General Issues
Castaneda, Quetzil. (2006). The Invisible theatre of Ethnography: Performative principles
of fieldwork. Anthropological Quarterly, 79.1: 75-104.
Fine, G. A. (1993). Ten lies of ethnography. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 22: 267-294.
Garfinkel, H. (1967). Studies in Ethnomethodology. Cambridge, UK: Polity.
Lofland, J. and Lofland, L. (1995). Analyzing social Settings. A Guide to Qualitative Observation and
Analysis. Washington: Wadsworth.
Marcus, G.E. and Fischer, M.M.J. (1986/1999). Ethnography and interpretive anthropology.
Anthropology as cultural critique: an experimental moment in the human sciences. Chicago; London:
The University of Chicago Press, pp. 17-44.
Ethnography and Aesthetics
Acord, Sophia Kryz. (2009). An aesthetic methodology. Beyond the Code: Unpacking Tacit
Knowledge and Embodied Cognition in the Practical Action of Curating Contemporary Art. Ph.D.
Dissertation U. of Exeter, pp. 66-97.
Writing Ethnography
Bauman, R. and Briggs, C. (1990). Poetics and performance as critical perspectives on
language and social life. Annual review of anthropology, 19: 59-88.
Berger, R.A. (1993). From text to (field)work and back again: theorizing a post(modern)ethnography. Anthropological quarterly, 66.4: 174-186.
Clifford, J. (1980). Fieldwork, reciprocity, and the making of ethnographic texts: The
example of Maurice Leenhardt. Man (N.S.), 15.3: 518-532.
Clifford, J. (1986). Introduction: partial truths. In Clifford, J. and Marcus, G.E. (Eds.),
Writing culture: the poetics and politics of ethnography. California; London: University of California
Press, pp. 1 – 26.
Clifford, James . “Notes on Fieldnotes”. In Sanjek, ed. Fieldnotes: The Making of Anthropology.
Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 47-70.
Flores, T. (1982). Field Poetry. Anthropology and humanism quarterly, 7.1: 16-22.
Marcus, G.E. and Fischer, M.M.J. (1986/1999) Ethnography and interpretive anthropology.
Anthropology as cultural critique: an experimental moment in the human sciences. Chicago; London:
The University of Chicago Press, pp.17-44.
Mascia-Lees, F.E. et al. (1989). The postmodern turn in anthropology: cautions from a
feminist perspective. Signs, 15.1: 7-33.
Ridington, R. (1996). Voice, representation, and dialogue: The poetics of Native American
spiritual traditions. American Indian quarterly, 20.3/4: 467-489.
Sanjek, Roger. On ethnographic validity. In Sanjek, (Ed.), Fieldnotes: The Making of
Anthropology. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 385-418.
Stacey, J. (1988). Can there be a feminist ethnography? Women’s studies international forum, 11.1:
Tedlock, D. (1999). Poetry and ethnography: a dialogical approach. Anthropology and
humanism, 24.2: 155-167.
Tomaselli, K. (2003). Stories to Tell, Stories to Sell: Resisting Textualization. Cultural
Studies, 17.6: 856-875.
Tyler, S.A. (1986). Post-modern ethnography: from document of the occult to occult
document. In Clifford, J. and Marcus, G.E. (Eds.), Writing culture: the poetics and politics of
ethnography. California; London: University of California Press, pp.122-140.
Institutional Ethnography
Campbell, M, and Gregor, F. (2002). Mapping social relations: a primer in
doing institutional ethnography. Aurora: Garamond Press, pp. 83 – 98. (online access from the
SFU library)
DeVault, M. L. and McCoy, L. (2002). Institutional Ethnography: Using Interviews to
Investigate Ruling Relations. In Smith, D. E. (Ed.), Institutional ethnography as practice, Lanham:
Rowman & Littlefield, pp 15 – 44.
Smith, D. E. (1999). Writing the social, critique, theory, and investigations. Toronto:
University of Toronto Press, pp 1 – 10. (online access from the SFU library)
Smith, D. E. (2006). Incorporating Texts into Ethnographic Practice. In Smith, D. E. (Ed.),
Institutional ethnography as practice. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, pp 65 – 88.
Turner, S. M. (2006). Mapping institutions as work and texts. In Smith, D. E. (Ed.),
Institutional ethnography as practice. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, pp 139 – 161.
Walby, K. T. (2005). Institutional Ethnography and Surveillance Studies: An Outline for
Inquiry. Surveillance & Society, 3.2/3: 158 – 172.
Participatory Action Research Doing Ethnography
Ellis, B.H., Kia-Keating, M., Yusuf, S.A., Lincoln, A., & Nur, A. (2007). Ethical research in
refugee communities and the use of community participatory methods. Transcultural
Psychiatry, 44.3: 459-481. (available
Geertz, Clifford. (1974). ‘From the Native’s Point of View’: On the Nature of
Anthropological Understanding”. In Basso et al. (Ed.), Meaning in Anthropology. U. of New
Mexico Press, 1976, pp. 221-237.
Geertz, Clifford. (1972 original) Deep Play. Notes on the Balinese Cockfight. In Mukerji, C
and M. Schudson (Ed.), Rethinking Popular Culture. Contemporary Perspectives in Cultural Studies.
U. California Press, 1991, pp. 239-277.
Jordan, S. (2003). Who stole my methodology? Co-opting PAR. Globalisation, Societies &
Education, 1.2: 185-200.
Koester, Stephen. (1995). Applying the Methodology of Participant Observation to the
Study of Injection-Related HIV Risks. In Qualitative Methods in Drug Abuse and HIV Research
National Institute on Drug Abuse Monograph Series, 157, pp. 84-99. (Electronic document
title begins with HIV in the Readings folder).
Maiter, S., Simich, L., Jacobson, N., & Wise, J. (2008). Reciprocity: An ethic for communitybased participatory action research. Action Research, 6.3: 305-325. (available
McIntyre, A. (2008). Participatory action research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
McTaggart, R. (1997). Guiding principles for participatory action research. In R. McTaggart
(Ed.), Participatory action research: international contexts and consequences. Albany, NY: State
University of New York, pp. 25-44.
Shaver, Frances M. (2005). Sex Work Research. Methodological and Ethical Challenges.
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 20.3: 296-319.
Spradley, J.P. (1979). The Ethnographic Interview. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Textual Analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis, Content Analysis
Carley, K. (1993). Coding Choices for Textual Analysis: A Comparison of
Content Analysis and Map Analysis. Sociological Methodology, 23: 75-126. [available online
through SFU library (JSTOR)]
Carvalho, Anabela. (2000). Discourse analysis and media texts: A critical reading of analytical
tools. (https://repositorium.sdum.uminho.pt/handle/1822/3137)
Chiapello, E., & Fairclough, N. L. (2002). Understanding the new management ideology: A
transdisciplinary contribution from critical discourse analysis and new sociology of
capitalism. Discourse & Society, 13.2: 185.
Crowe M. (2005). Discourse analysis: towards an understanding of its place in nursing.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 51.1: 55–63.
Dardis, F. E. (2006). Military Accord, Media Discord. A Cross-National Comparison of UK
vs US Press Coverage of Iraq War Protest. The International Gazette, 68.5–6: 409-426.
Deacon, D. (2007). Yesterday’s Papers and Today’s Technology. Digital NewspaperArchives
and ‘Push Button’ Content Analysis. European Journal of Communication, 22.1: 5–25.
Fairclough, Norman (2003). Texts, social events and social practices. In Analyzing Discourse:
Textual Analysis for Social Research, pp. 21- 38.
Fairclough, N. (2001). The dialectics of discourse. Textus, 14.2: 231-242.
Fairclough, N. (2005). Critical Discourse Analysis in Transdisciplinary Research. A New
Agenda in (Critical) Discourse Analysis (Eds.), Wodak R. & Chilton P. Amsterdam: John
Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 53-70.
Fairclough, Norman. (2003). Texts, social events and social practices. In Analyzing Discourse:
Textual Analysis for Social Research: 21-38.
Fairclough, N. (2003). Analysing Discourse: Textual Analysis for Social Research. Routledge:
London, UK.
Hackett, R., Gilsdorf, W., & Savage, P. (1992). News balance rhetoric: The Fraser Institute's
political appropriation of content analysis. Canadian Journal of Communication, 17.1.
Janks, Hilary. (1997). Critical Discourse Analysis as a Research Tool.
Discourse. Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. New York: Routledge.
Jiwani, Y, (2005). Orientalizing ‘War Talk’: Representations of the Gendered Muslim Body
post-9/11 in The Montreal Gazette. Situating “Race” and Racisms in Time, Space, and Theory, JoAnne Lee and John Lutz (Eds.), Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 178-203.
Karim, K. (1993). Constructions, Deconstructions, and Reconstructions: Competing
Canadian Discourses on Ethnocultural Terminology. Canadian Journal of Communication, 18: 2.
Kress, G., Leite-García, R., van Leeuwen, T. (1997). Discourse semiotics. In van Dijk, T. A.
(Ed), Discourse as Structure and Process: Discourse Studies: a multidisciplinary introduction volume
1. London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage, pp. 257-289.
Langer, Roy. (1998). The concept of discourse in the analysis of complex communicative
events. (http://ep.lib.cbs.dk/download/ISBN/x644791100.pdf)
Lee, S. T. and Maslog, C. C. (2005). War or Peace Journalism? Asian
Newspaper Coverage of Conflicts. Journal of Communication, 55.2: 311-329. [available through
SFU library]
Livesey, S. M., & Kearins, K. (2002). Transparent and caring corporations? A study of
sustainability reports by the Body Shop and Royal Dutch/Shell. Organization & Environment,
15.3: 233.
Livingstone, S. (2003). On the Challenges of Cross-National Comparative
Media Research. European Journal of Communication; 18.4: 477–500.
Mautner, G. (2005). Time to Get Wired: Using web-based corpora in critical discourse
analysis. Discourse & Society, 16.6: 809–828.
Natarajan, K. and Xiamomig, H. (2003). An Asian Voice A Comparative
Study of Channel News Asia and CNN. Journal of Communication, June, pp. 300-314. [available
online through SFU library]
Neuendorf, K. A. (2002). Defining Content Analysis. In The Content Analysis Guidebook.
Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications: 1-25.Dardis, F. E. (2006).
Philo, Greg. (2007). Can discourse analysis successfully explain the content of media and
journalistic practice?. Journalistic Studies, 8.2: 175-196.
Pickard, Victor. (2006). Assessing the Radical Democracy of Indymedia: Discursive,
Technical, and Institutional Constructions. Critical Studies in Media Communication, March
Rijfe, D. and Freitag, A. (1997). A Content analysis of Content Analysis: Twenty-five Years
of Journalism Quarterly. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 74.4: 873-882.
SchrØder, K. C. (2002). Discourse of facts. In K. B. Jensen (Ed.), A handbook of media and
communication research: Qualitative and quantitative methodologies. New York: Routledge, pp. 98-116.
Scollon, R. (2005). The Discourse of food in the world system: Toward a nexus analysis of a
world problem. Journal of Language and Politics, 7.4: 465-488.
Slembrouck, S. (2001). Explanation, interpretation and critique in the analysis of discourse.
Critique of Anthropology, 21.1: 33.
van Dijk, Teun A. (1996). Discourse, power and access. Texts and Practices Readings in Critical
Discourse Analysis. In Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard and Malcolm Couthard (Eds.), New
York: Routledge, pp. 84-104.
van Dijk, Teun A. (1996). Discourse, power and access. Texts and Practices Readings in Critical
Discourse Analysis. In Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard and Malcolm Couthard (Eds.), New
York: Routledge, pp. 84-104.
van Dijk, Teun A. (1993). Principles of critical discourse analysis. In Discourse & Society. 4.2:
249- 283.
Widdowson, H.G. (2004). Critical Discourse Analysis. In Text, Context, Pretext: Critical Issues in
Discourse Analysis. Blackwell: Oxford, UK.
Wodak, R and Meyer, M (Eds.), (2002). Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis. Sage Publications.
Visual Analysis and Techniques
Bal, M. (2003). Visual Essentialism and the Object of Visual Culture. Journal of Visual Culture,
2.5: 9-32. Available online at: http://vcu.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/2/1/5
Bal, Mieke. (2002). Chapter 1: Concept. In Traveling Concepts in the Humanities: A Rough Guide.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 22-55.
Bolter, J., D. (2003). Critical Theory and the Challenge of New Media. Eloquent Images: Word
and Image in the Age of New Media. Hocks, M., and Kendrick, M. (Eds.), MIT Press, pp. 19-36.
David, E. A. (2007). Signs of resistance: Marking public space through a renewed cultural
activism. In G. C. Stanczak (Ed.), Visual research methods: Image, society, and representation. Los
Angeles: Sage Publications, pp. 225-254.
Hatfield, K. L.; Hinck, A.; Birkholt, M. J. (2007). Seeing the Visual in Argumentation: A
Rhetorical Analysis of UNICEF Belgium's Smurf Public Service Announcement.
Argumentation and Advocacy, 43: 144-151.
Lister, M., and Wells, L. (2006). Seeing Beyond Belief: Cultural Studies an Approach to
Analyzing the Visual. Handbook of Visual Analysis. Van Leeuwen, T., and Jewitt, C. (Eds.),
Sage Publications, pp. 61-91.
MacDougall, D., MacDougall, J., Barbash, I., & Taylor, L. (2000). Radically empirical
documentary: An interview with David and Judith MacDougall. Film Quarterly, 54.2: 2-14.
Minh-Ha, T. T. (1990). Documentary Is/Not a name. October, 52: 77-98.
Nichols, B. (1996). The Work of Culture in the Age of Cybernetic Systems” Electronic
Culture: Technology and Visual Representation, Druckery, T. (Ed.), Aperture, pp. 121-143.
Nicholson-Cole, S.A. (2005). Representing climate change futures: a critique on the use of
images for visual communication. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 29: 255-273.
Tufte, E. (1997). Visual and Statistical Thinking. Displays of Evidence for Making Decisions
Cheshire, Conn.: Graphics Press. (or selections from some of Tufte’s longer books Beautiful
Evidence (2006), Visual Explanations: Images and Quanitities, Evidence and Narrative
(1997)Envisioning Information (1990) or The Visual Display of Quantitative Information (2001))
Van Leeuwen, T., and Jewitt, C. (Eds.), (2006). Handbook of Visual Analysis. Sage
Ware, Colin. (2001). Information visualization : perception for design. San Francisco: Morgan
Weinberger, E. (1992). The camera people. Transition, 55: 24-54.
Virtual Communications Methods (includes some Visualization Techniques)
Beaulieu, Anne. (2004). Mediating Ethnography: Objectivity and the Making of
Ethnographies of the Internet. Social Epistemology, 8.2: 139-163.
Clark, D. (2004). What If You Meet Face to Face? A Case Study in Virtual/Material
Research Ethics. In E. Buchanan (Ed.), Readings in Virtual Research Ethics: Issues and
Controversies. Wisconsin: Information Science Publishing, pp. 246-261.
Ellis, B.H., Kia-Keating, M., Yusuf, S.A., Lincoln, A., & Nur, A. (2007). Ethical research in
refugee communities and the use of community participatory methods. Transcultural
Psychiatry, 44.3: 459-481.(http://tps.sagepub.com.proxy.lib.sfu.ca/cgi/reprint/44/3/459)
Hine, C. (1994). Virtual ethnography. Public Communication on Science and Technology. (PCST-3).
Hine, C. (1994). Virtual ethnography.Public Communication on Science and Technology. (PCST-3).
Hine, C. (1994).Virtual ethnography. Public Communication on Science and Technology. (PCST-3).
Hine, Christine. (2000). Virtual Objects of Ethnography. Virtual Ethnography. Sage, pp. 41
Kemmis, S. & McTaggart, R. Participatory action research: Communicative action and the
public sphere. In N.K. Denzin & Y.S. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of Qualitative Research (2nd
Ed.), Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 559-603.
Maguire, P. (1987). Adjusting the lens: participatory research. In P. Maguire, Doing
participatory research: A feminist approach. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts, pp. 28-47.
Maiter, S., Simich, L., Jacobson, N., & Wise, J. (2008). Reciprocity: An ethic for community
based participatory action research. Action Research, 6.3: 305-325.
Marczewski, M., Storey, M.A., Hoskins, M. (2004). Conducting Congruent, Ethical,
Qualitative Research in Internet-Mediated Research Environments. In Elizabeth A.
Buchanan (Ed.), Readings in virtual research ethics : issues and controversies (Ch. IV). Hershey, PA :
Information Science Pub.
McIntyre, A. (2008). Participatory action research. In A. McIntyre, Participatory action research.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 1-13.
McTaggart, R. (1997). Guiding principles for participatory action research. In R. McTaggart
(Ed.), Participatory action research: international contexts and consequences. Albany, NY: State
University of New York, pp. 25-44.
Paccagnella, Luciano. (1997). Getting the Seats of Your Pants Dirty: Strategiesfor
Ethnographic Research on Virtual Communities. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication,
3:1. (http://jcmc.indiana.edu/vol3/issue1/paccagnella.html)
Publications of: Social Spaces Group (U. Illinois-UC) http://social.cs.uiuc.edu/ and Sociable
Media Group (MIT) http://smg.media.mit.edu/
Schneider, B., Scissons, H., Arney, L., Benson, G., Derry, J., Lucas, K., Misurelli, M.,
Nickerson, D., & Sunderland, M. (2004). Communication between people with
schizophrenia and their medical professionals: A participatory research project. Qualitative
Health Research, 14.4: 562-577.
Schneider, S., Foot, K. (2005). Web Sphere Analysis: An Approach to Studying Online
Action. In C. Hine, (Ed.), Virtual Methods: Issues in Social Research on the Internet. New York:
Berg, pp.157-170.
Sullivan, M., Bhuyan, R., Senturia, K, Shiu-Thornton, S., & Ciske, S. (2005). Participatory
action research in practice: A case study in addressing domestic violence in nine cultural
communities. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 20.8: 977-995.
Teram, E., Schachter, C.L., & Stalker, C.A. (2005). The case for integrating grounded theory
and participatory action research: Empowering clients to inform professional practice.
Qualitative Health Research, 15.8: 1129-1140.
Westhues, A, Ochocka, J., Jacobson, N., Simich, L., Maiter, S., Janzen, R., & Fleras, A.
(2008). Developing theory from complexity: Reflections on a collaborative mixed method
participatory action research study. Qualitative Health Research, 18.5: 701-717.
Social Network Analysis, Internet Research
Bakardjieva, M., Feenberg, A., and Goldie J. (2004). User-Centered Internet Research: The
Ethical Challenge. In Elizabeth A. Buchanan (Ed.), Readings in virtual research ethics : issues and
controversies (Ch. XVIII). Hershey, PA : Information Science Pub.
Baym, N. (2009). What Constitutes Quality in Qualitative Internet Research? In N. Baym and
A. Markham (Eds.), Internet Inquiry: conversations about method. Los Angeles : Sage Publications,
pp. 173-189.
de Sola and Kochen, M. Contacts and influence. Social Networks , 1.1: 5-51. ( lib.sfu.ca )
Ess, C and the AoIR ethics working committee. (2002). Ethical decision-making and Internet
research: Recommendations from the aoir ethics working
committee.(http://www.aoir.org/reports/ethics.pdf )
Howard, P. (2002). Ethnography and the Hypermedia Organization: New Media, New
Organizations, New Methods. New Media and Society, 4:550. DOI:
10.1177/146144402321466813. (http://nms.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/4/4/550)
Knox, H., Savage, M., and Harvey, P. (2006). Social networks and the study of relations:
networks as method, metaphor and form. Economy and Society,35.1: 113-140. ( lib.sfu.ca )
Marczewski, M., Storey, M.A., Hoskins, M. (2004). Conducting Congruent, Ethical, Qualitative
Research in Internet-Mediated Research Environments In Elizabeth A. Buchanan (Ed.),
Readings in virtual research ethics : issues and controversies (Ch. IV). Hershey, PA : Information
Science Pub.
Oral History and Life Stories
Bamberg, Michael. (2006). Biographic-Narrative Research, Quo Vadis? A Critical Review of
‘Big Stories’ from the Perspective of ‘Small Stories’. In Milnes, K Iet al.(ed.), Narrative,
memory and knowledge. Representations, aesthetics and contexts. U. Huddersfield Press,
pp. 1-17.
Bertaux, Daniel and Isabelle Bertaux-Wiame. (1981). Life Stories in the Bakers' Trade. In
Bertaux (Ed.) Biography and society. The Life History approach in the Social Sciences. Beverly
Hills: Sage, pp. 169-189.
Moore, Dorothy E. (1990). Work, Ethnicity, and Oral History; James H. Morrison, as
reviewed by Michael J. Chiarappa, In The Oral History Review, 18.1: 178-181.
Reinharz, Shulamit. (1992). Feminist Oral History. Feminist Methods in Social Research, pp.126
Sangster, Joan. (1994). Telling our stories: feminist debates and the use of oral history.
Women's History Review, 3.1: 5 – 28.
Sampling (Quantitative and Qualitative)
Bertaux, D. (1981) From the Life-History Approach to the Transformation of Sociological
Practice. In Bertaux (Ed.), Biography and society. The Life History Approach in the Social Sciences.
Beverly Hills: Sage, pp. 29-46.
National Audit Office (UK). (1999). Sampling Guide.
W. Trochim’s introduction to measurement and sampling on-line:
Social Network Analysis
de Sola and Kochen, M. Contacts and influence. Social Networks , 1.1:5-51. ( lib.sfu.ca )
Knox, H., Savage, M., and Harvey, P. (2006). Social networks and the study of relations:
networks as method, metaphor and form. Economy and Society, 35.1: 113-140. ( lib.sfu.ca )
Focus Groups
Barbour, R. S. (2005). Making sense of focus groups Medical Education, 39.7: 742-750.
Hennink, M. M. (2007). Introduction to focus group research. In International Focus Group
Research: A Handbook for the Health and Social Sciences. Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-10.
Lemus, D. (2005). The use of mixed methods in organizational communication research: An
analysis of the last ten years. International Communication Association.
Lunt, P., & Livingstone, S. (1996). Rethinking the Focus Group in Media and
Communications Research. The Journal of Communication, 46.2: 79-98.
Perlman, M. (2004). Golden ears and meter readers: The contest for epistemic authority in
audiophilia. Social Studies of Science, 34. 5: 783-807. Special Issue on Sound Studies: New
Technologies and Music). (http://www.jstor.org.proxy.lib.sfu.ca/stable/4144361)
Smythe, D. and Tran Van dinh (1983). On Critical and Administrative Research: A New
Critical Analysis, Journal of Communication. Summer, pp. 117-125.
Thomas, James, and A. Harden. (2008), Methods for the thematic synthesis of qualitative
research in systematic reviews. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 8:45
Unobtrusive (Non-reactive) Measures
Lee, R. M. (2000). Unobtrusive methods in social research. Buckingham; Philadelphia: Open
University Press.
Webb, E, Campbell, D., Schwartz, R. and Sechrest, L. (1969). Unobtrusive measures: Nonreactive
Research in the Social Sciences Chicago: Rand McNally.
Case Study Methodology
Yin, Robert, (2003 revision (1994)). Case study research : design and methods. Thousant Oaks: Sage
Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. (1989). Building Theories from Case Study Research. Academy of
Management Review, 4.4: 532-550.