2007 general officer symposium announcement

2010 Brigadier General Select Orientation Course
Washington, DC
9 – 13 August 2010
2266 A
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Commandant of the Marine Corps will host the 2010 Brigadier General Select
Orientation Course (BGSOC) from 9 – 13 August 2010 in Washington DC, (travel days
are scheduled for 8 and 14 August 2010). Recently selected brigadier generals, new
SES members, and their spouses are invited to attend. There will be an official spouses
program during the BGSOC.
The BGSOC includes a one day Senior Executive Equal Opportunity Seminar (SEEOS)
hosted by M&RA (MPE). BGSOC attendees will be invited to attend a separate weeklong course, General Officer Warfighting Program (GOWP), hosted by MCCDC (MSTP)
from 10 – 14 May 2010.
BGSOC Dates: 9 – 13 August (Principals & Spouses)
SEEOS Dates: 13 August (Principals only)
GOWP Dates: 10 – 14 May
*NOTE: All requests for BGSOC, SEEOS, or GOWP non-attendance are submitted
to ACMC via DMCS for approval.
Command and Control. Office of Director, Marine Corps Staff (DMCS) is the information
releasing authority and the collection point for all BGSOC agenda related products and
has staff cognizance over the Principals’ Agenda. Director, Special Projects Directorate
(SPD), a division within DMCS, exercises overall staff cognizance for the Spouse Agenda
and all BGSOC administrative and logistical support. The points of contact for SPD are:
Director: Mr. Thomas G. Dawson (thomas.g.dawson@usmc.mil)
Deputy Director: Ms. Iris V. Martinez (iris.martinez@usmc.mil)
Admin/Logistics: Mr. Eddie J. Ginn (eddie.ginn@usmc.mil)
Phone: (703) 614-1515, DSN: 224-1515; Fax: (703) 614-3066
RSVP / ON-LINE Registration. Invitees and designated support staffs are requested to
RSVP at the following website www.federalconference.com/usmc. SPD is utilizing
National Conferencing, Inc. in order to facilitate ON-LINE registration for this event.
Please visit the website in order to complete your registration for the BGSOC.
Registering ON-LINE is the only way to RSVP for this event.
Be prepared to provide the following information when completing the ON-LINE
registration: (1) spouse and aide contact information and intention to attend, (2) any
special requests (i.e. dietary restrictions, and ground transportation requirements)
Updated: 12 February
Financial. A non-reimbursable fee will be collected from all attendees and support staff
participating in the BGSOC.
This fee covers the costs associated with catered meals, refreshments and social
events on the official schedule. This cost is NOT reimbursable on travel claims – the
cost of meals is covered for attendees on travel orders through per diem.
The preferred method of payment is through the online registration process.
Alternate method of payment:
Mail fees to the address provided below or hand deliver to Pentagon Room 4E531 NLT
12 July 2010.
Checks payable to “Special Events Fund” should be mailed to:
PO BOX 25272
ARLINGTON, VA 22202-9272
Due to the requirement for SPD to pre-arrange catering, RSVP’ing for this event
obligates the attendee to the amount due (no adjustments will be made after 12 July
(1) Orders for BGSOC attendees, principals and spouses (See para 3 below), will
be “individual directed” created and funded by the individual’s command. Attendees
from the National Capital Region and/or Quantico may be authorized overnight lodging
in Washington DC. This determination will be made once there is a firm agenda and
confirmation provided by separate correspondence.
(2) The following are authorized for reimbursement by CMC: actual expense for
lodging not to exceed 300%; official long distance phone calls; rental car; authorized
reimbursement for local fares (taxi, bus, train. boat, ferry); use of government mess and
quarters not directed as it would adversely affect the performance of the mission;
government travel charge card use for official government travel unless exempted per
DODFMR Vol 9; authorized to commute daily from residence to TDY site and return;
authorized POV as more advantageous to government; authorized to vary itinerary as
(3) NOTE: Spouses attending with Principals are authorized invitational travel
orders, with reimbursement for travel only. Spouses attending alone are authorized
travel and per diem and are considered their command’s principal attendee for orders
(4) Upon completion of TAD, please contact the Special Projects Directorate
(SPD) and provide a copy of the individual’s liquidated claim. HQMC will reimburse the
actual expenditure via each command’s comptroller at the end of the quarter. Please
note that if commands do not send copies of attendees’ liquidated travel vouchers to
SPD by 30 August 2010, then there will be no “Budget Funds Transfer” and those
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commands will take on the financial burden of funding attendees’ participation in the
(5) SPD point of contact for orders information is Mr. Eddie Ginn
(eddie.ginn@usmc.mil) at commercial (703) 614-1515, FAX (703) 614-3066, DSN 2241515.
Lodging: Bolger Center
9600 Newbridge Drive
Potomac, MD 20854-4436
Main: 1.301.983.7000
Fax: 1.301.983.7728
Lodging information will be collected during the online event registration process and
will be provided directly to the hotel on your behalf. This one-stop registration /
reservation feature reduces the time and effort normally associated with registering for
an event.
- Hotel Check-in: After 1500, 8 August
- BGSOC registration: 1500 – 1700, 8 August and 0700, 9 August
- Hotel check-out, Saturday, 14 August (NLT 1200)
Uniform Requirements:
- Daily Briefings: Service C (principals); business attire (spouses)
- Honors Ceremony: Blue/White Dress “A” (principals); civilian informal (spouses)
- BGSOC Social h/b 2009 Class: casual
- Visit to Capitol Hill: Blue Dress D (principals); business attire (spouses)
- Cocktails and dinner with CMC and Mrs. Conway: business suit/cocktail dress
- As temperatures can sometimes vary inside conference rooms, please pack an extra
sweater/jacket to wear during daily briefings.
NOTE: Sam Browne belts are available to temp-loan from the Barracks. If you require a
belt, please provide your waist size during the registration process or to
hqmcspd@usmc.mil no later than 12 July 2010. Please provide actual waist size. Sam
Browne belts will be available at BGSOC registration on 8 and 9 August.
Honors Ceremony and Reception: There will be an Honors Ceremony and reception
held for all newly selected General Officers and SES members at Marine Barracks,
Washington, D.C. Due to limited reception space, you are authorized to invite up to 10
personal guests to attend. Please note there is a cost of $20 per person associated
with the reception. Please submit the names, home mailing addresses, email (if
available) of guests to SPD at hqmcspd@usmc.mil no later than 12 July.
CMC Protocol will send invitations (both hard copy and electronic if email address is
provided) to your guests with RSVP guidance and parking instructions. An RSVP list
will be available upon your check-in to BGSOC. Funds will be collected from you
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during check-in to cover the cost of all of your guests who have confirmed that they will
Principals’ Agenda: The principals’ agenda is hosted by the Commandant of the
Marine Corps, and involves high-level speakers, a trip to Capitol Hill, and numerous
other events. POC is Mr. Tom Dawson (thomas.g.dawson@usmc.mil), Director, SPD
703-614-1515; DSN 224-1515.
An agenda will be sent out via separate correspondence.
Spouses’ Agenda: There is a separate spouses’ agenda, which is hosted by Mrs.
Annette Conway. Spouses are invited to attend this course, even if their principal
members are deployed or otherwise unable to attend.
Attire – The daily attire for spouses is business attire (comfortable slacks or skirt/shirt or
blouse). The attire for the Capitol Hill visit and Honors’ Ceremony is a dress or suit
(pants or skirt). Please note the Capitol Hill visit includes a lot of walking and standing
so attendees are encouraged to wear comfortable shoes for this trip.
POC is Ms. Iris Martinez (iris.martinez@usmc.mil), Deputy Director, SPD (703) 6141515; DSN 224-1515.
An agenda will be sent out via separate correspondence.
Special requirements: Please advise us of any special requirements (allergies,
medical information, reasonable accommodation, etc.) so that we can provide the best
possible support to you and your spouse during the BGSOC.
Email Access. A computer café will be available for BGSOC attendees and spouses
on-site at the Bolger Center. Principal attendees should ensure that their NMCI email
accounts are properly set up for Outlook Web Access (OWA). User’s should have their
CAC and know their CAC PIN in order to use OWA. Password and Username are no
longer required.
Official Photos/Biographies: General officers and senior executives are responsible
for posting their biographies as well as individual and spouse photos via the GO/SES
Validation Page found on the MMSL website (www.manpower.usmc.mil/MMSL ).
Questions concerning this process and/or requests for a user id/password (to include
re-sets) may be addressed to the Senior Leader Help Desk at DSN 278-9232/9233
(COMM 703-784-9232/9233) or, by email at mmsldesk@usmc.mil.
Request that official photos be taken in advance at your local CVIC office in order that
photos of both principal and spouse can be provided to CMC prior to the BGSOC.
Official photos of the principals (at current rank) and spouses can be coordinated onsite during the BGSOC if you are unable to take photo in advance.
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Note: The official photo should be taken in the service "A" uniform (uncovered) with
authorized ribbons, badges, and rank. The U.S. and Marine Corps flags should be
included in the photograph.
Spouses should send their biographies and photos for inclusion in the BGSOC
spouse binders to Ms. Iris Martinez at (iris.martinez@usmc.mil) no later than 12
July 2009. A sample biography and photo is attached for reference.
Visit Request. All attendees are required to submit a JPAS visit request to HQMC in
order to attend the classified briefings. Forward the JPAS visit request NLT 12 July
2010 to SMO Code 540080084 and for assignment purposes, use Maj Christopher
Beasley as the point of contact. Ensure that access to classified material has been
granted in JPAS.
Classified Material Storage. Transporting classified material to the EOS is highly
discouraged since storing classified material at the hotel is NOT-AUTHORIZED. If
bringing classified material (up to SECRET) to the EOS is essential, please notify SPD
in advance so that we can make appropriate storage arrangements with MARFORRES
Weather. The historical average temperatures for Washington DC during August are
(High) 86 degrees and (Low) 69 degrees. The average August precipitation is
approximately 3.44 inches. Attendees should come prepared with appropriate
clothing for rainy / warm weather in the event outdoor activities are scheduled.
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Senior Executive Equal Opportunity Seminar
Dates: Friday, 13 August from 0730 to 1730.
Location: Same as BGSOC
Uniform: Summer Service “C” or service equivalent for brigadier general selects and
flag officers; business attire for senior executives.
Background: In 1994, the Secretary of Defense established the requirement for a
Senior Executive Equal Opportunity Seminar, which was codified in DoD Directive
1350.2, "The Department of Defense Military Equal Opportunity Program," in May 1997.
The Directive requires the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI) to
provide an Equal Opportunity and Diversity seminar for newly selected Brigadier
Generals and Senior Executive Service members. In July 2002, the responsibility for
coordinating the seminar was tasked to the individual Services. Presentations and
guided discussions will focus on equal opportunity/equal employment opportunity and
diversity matters as they relate to high-level joint, interagency, and multinational
Meals: Lunch will be provided and covered under the SPD pre-arranged catering and
refreshments will be provided throughout the seminar. Conference fees for the one day
seminar will be included in the BGSOC fees collected at the beginning of the week.
MPE Contact Information:
Maj Jason A. Hayungs
Program Liaison Officer
Equal Opportunity & Diversity Management Branch
Phone: 703-784-9371
DSN: 278-9371
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General Officer Warfighting Program
GOWP Course Purpose: To ensure all General Officers, Foreign Officers, and SES
professionals are prepared for the unique and complex challenges of their assignments.
The CMC's intent is to focus on the Commander's Role in Planning and Warfighting
through fundamental classes, a practical scenario and guidance from the Senior
Dates: 10 – 14 May 2010
Location: Battle Staff Training Facility (BSTF), Bldg 2084, attached to the eastern end
of Ellis Hall (Command & Staff College), MCB Quantico.
Uniform: Desert MARPAT utilities, sleeves up or working uniform for 10-13 May for
GO/FOs. On Friday 14 May, uniform for GO/FOs will be summer service “C” or service
equivalent. Business casual dress recommended for SES professionals.
Registration/reception: Formal invitation will be sent to newly selected BGens and
SES civilians via e-mail. Please confirm attendance with the GOWP 2010 action officer,
Major Howard Hatch. There is an “Ice Breaker” scheduled for GOWP participants at the
Globe & Laurel restaurant in Stafford, VA the evening of 10 May 2010.
Parking status: Reserved parking is available for all attendees in front of BSTF with
signs labeled “GOWP VIP.”
Meals: A voluntary fee of approximately $100 dollars will be collected on the morning of
10 May 2010 to cover meals provided during the week of GOWP. Checks will be made
payable to “MSTP Social Fund.” This fee covers continental breakfast, beverages, and
snacks for each day as well as a working lunch on Monday, 10 May.
Social: There is a Senior Mentor reception scheduled at the home of LtGen Flynn and
Mrs. Flynn the evening of 12 May 2010. Spouses are welcome.
Lodging: MSTP has reserve blocked rooms at the Quantico Crossroads Inn (bldg 3018)
for check in on 09 May and check out on 15 May 2010. For those requiring lodging,
please contact the Crossroads Inn reservations at (703) 630-4444 NLT 23 April 2010.
The reference group number for the blocked rooms is #1790 (GOWP 10).
Visit Request: All participants are required to submit a JPAS Visit Request to MSTP in
order to access the BSTF and attend classified briefings. Please forward the JPAS Visit
Request NLT 22 April 2010 to SMO Code 30002084. More detailed instructions will
follow in SEPCOR. The MSTP Security POC is Ms. Monica Rodenski at (703) 7845158.
Other information: Read-ahead binders for the planning exercise (UNCLASS) will be
mailed to all participants during April 2010. Please forward official mailing address to
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Major Howard Hatch NLT 31 March 2010. For those not in receipt of read-ahead via
mail, a GOWP 10 binder can be provided during BGSOC 10 week. The Director, MSTP,
will be available to answer questions concerning GOWP 10 during a scheduled BGSOC
10 brief.
GOWP Contact Information:
Col Glenn Starnes OBE
Director, MSTP
NIPR: glenn.starnes@usmc.mil
SIPR: glenn.starnes@usmc.smil.mil
Work 703-784-0283, DSN 278-0283
Cell (703) 994-6238
Maj Howard Hatch (Action Officer)
MSTP, MAGTF Branch, ACE Section
NIPR: howard.hatch@usmc.mil
SIPR: howard.hatch@usmc.smil.mil
Work (703) 784-0285, DSN 278-0285
Cell (703) 994-6227
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