Existentialism Socratic seminar


Existentialism Socratic seminar

Our upcoming Socratic seminar will focus on the existential messages of The Little

Prince , The Stranger

, “The Myth of Sisyphus,” and


Huckabees . In order to prepare for our discussion, assemble and review all of your materials from this unit (see list below). Write some notes for each of the following questions and bring them to class the days of our discussions (Mon-Tues, Nov 28-29):


What is the possibility inherent in pain and suffering? Provide personal examples, examples from the texts we have read and/or examples from the world.


What inner faculties does a person need to navigate the stormy waters of life?

What outer resources does a person need? Provide personal examples, examples from the texts we have read and/or examples from the world.


Scenario: your best friend just got dumped and is in despair. To help cheer her/him up, explain life from an existential perspective.


“How am I not myself?” Brad asks Vivian and Bernard this question in


Huckabees . Consider the way each of our texts explores the idea of authenticity.

What prevents us from being authentic?


What are the six main ideas of existentialism? Provide an example of each idea from one or more of our texts. Hint: focusing on characters from our texts will help you find examples easily.


What gives life meaning? How do three different characters (from the same text or from three different texts) find meaning in their lives?


How are Albert, Mersault and Sisyphus helped by the process of disillusionment?

Extra fun challenge—include a discussion of Plato’s cave allegory in your explanation.


Is meaning the same thing as happiness? Explain your response.

During our discussion, you will take notes and participate. The block day after discussion you will complete an in-class unit final where you write a short essay in response to one of these questions, drawing evidence from these texts. You will be able to use all the materials you have created during this unit. On the day of the writing exam, you will also hand in your portfolio of materials for a research assessment. Your portfolio should be assembled in a two-pocket folder and include, in this order:

The Little Prince notes

Quick writes about meaning and happiness

Symbols glossary for The Little Prince

Existentialism field research

Existentialism background packet

Notes from existentialism lecture

The Stranger study questions, Parts I and II

 “The Myth of Sisyphus” annotated

Four responses to questions from I ♥ Huckabees

Socratic seminar notes
