CIBER Training (Business Intelligence)

CIBER Training (Business Intelligence)
Revised 02/12/16
Training Documentation
(Business Intelligence)
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CIBER Training (Business Intelligence)
Revised 02/12/16
SERVICE BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE ............................................................................................................................. 3
MODULE INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
LOGGING ON ......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
THE BASICS .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
IDENTIFY COMMON REPORTS ............................................................................................................................................... 4
WHAT IS A RENEWAL REPORT? ............................................................................................................................................ 5
GENERATING A RENEWAL REPORT ....................................................................................................................................... 5
CONTRACT SUMMARY/DETAIL REPORT ................................................................................................................... 9
WHAT IS A CONTRACT SUMMARY/DETAIL REPORT? ............................................................................................................ 9
GENERATING A CONTRACT SUMMARY/DETAIL REPORT ....................................................................................................... 9
CONTRACT SUMMARY/DETAIL REPORT OUTPUT DETAILS (CONTRACT - DELUXE): ........................................................... 10
CONTRACT SUMMARY/DETAIL REPORT OUTPUT DETAILS (SITE - DELUXE): ...................................................................... 11
WHAT IS AN UNCOVERED EQUIPMENT REPORT? ................................................................................................................ 17
GENERATING AN UNCOVERED EQUIPMENT REPORT ........................................................................................................... 17
UNCOVERED EQUIPMENT REPORT OUTPUT DETAILS: ......................................................................................................... 18
SHIPMENT HISTORY REPORT ...................................................................................................................................... 20
WHAT IS A SHIPMENT HISTORY REPORT? ........................................................................................................................... 20
GENERATING A SHIPMENT HISTORY REPORT ..................................................................................................................... 20
SHIPMENT HISTORY REPORT OUTPUT DETAILS: ................................................................................................................. 21
INSTALLED BASE REPORT ............................................................................................................................................ 25
WHAT IS AN INSTALLED BASE REPORT? ............................................................................................................................. 25
GENERATING AN INSTALLED BASE REPORT ........................................................................................................................ 25
INSTALLED BASE REPORT OUTPUT DETAILS:...................................................................................................................... 26
OTHER REPORTS .............................................................................................................................................................. 30
EAGENT BOOKED ORDERS.................................................................................................................................................. 30
EAGENT INSTALLED BASE .................................................................................................................................................. 30
END OF SUPPORT ................................................................................................................................................................ 30
ENTERED/BOOKED ORDERS ............................................................................................................................................... 30
POS INSTALLED BASE ........................................................................................................................................................ 30
RMA FOR INSTALLED BASE REPORT .................................................................................................................................. 31
REPORT STATUS SCREEN .............................................................................................................................................. 32
CHECK THE STATUS OF A QUEUED REPORT.......................................................................................................................... 32
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CIBER Training (Business Intelligence)
Revised 02/12/16
Service Business Intelligence
Module Introduction
Logging on
Before you can run a report, you need to log into the Business Intelligence website at Enter your user id and password
and click Connect.
Once inside Business Intelligence, you will see a list of reports to choose from.
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The Basics
Identify Common Reports
Type of Report
Distinguishing Features
Reflects all contracts that have expired or are due to expire during a
specific time period and is used to prepare necessary contract renewals.
Contract Summary/Detail
Provides contract data at varying levels of detail and only includes
covered equipment.
Uncovered Equipment
Provides a record of products purchased and shipped over a specified
period of time that are not covered under a service contract.
**Shipment History
(replaces Grande Report)
Provides a record of products purchased and shipped over a specified
period of time
**Installed Base (replaces
Grande Report)
Shows customer’s current equipment in their Installed Base that was
shipped within a specified period of time. Also display current
configuration and item status. The report distinguishes equipment that is
under service maintenance and not under maintenance, along with
**Note: Difference between Installed and Shipment History: Installed Base is a snapshot of the
customer’s current installed base as Cisco knows it. Shipment History is the entire record of
products shipped to a customer regardless of whether the customer currently owns the item or not.
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Renewal Report
What is a Renewal Report?
The Renewal Report reflects all contracts that have expired or are due to expire during a specific
time period and is used to prepare necessary contract renewals. The sales force also uses this report
for forecasting purposes. The report contains one line for each site that contains expiring
equipment. If there are multiple expiring sites under one contract, each site will have its own line
on the report. Note: Only covered products in active, signed, hold and overdue status are eligible
for renewal quoting. Do not include covered products where Renewed to field is populated.
Expiring amount is really pricing for next 1 year of maintenance for that equipment.
Generating a Renewal Report
1. Using the drop down arrow,
select how you would like
this report to be run.
2. Click on the magnifying
glass to search for the id
Account Team
ids are used in the example
You can narrow your search
even further by selecting a
customer number, bill-to
country or sales channel.
Select a Marketing Program.
All is the default.
Select the PO Type.
Using the drop down arrow,
select the quarter.
Enter the Fiscal Year
Select your Begin and End
9. Select whether or not you
wish to see future expiring
10. Select any special options
you wish to display on the
11. And finally, sort the report
any way that you like
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Renewal Report Output Details:
Account Team
Team responsible for contract
Account SSR
User ID of SSR responsible for contract
Renewal Team
Renewal team responsible for contract
Renewal SSR
Renewal SSR responsible for contract
Sales Region
Sales region attached to the contract
Bill toID
Bill-to ID attached to the contract
Bill-to Customer Name
Name of the customer identified by the billto ID
Street 1
Bill-to address
Street 2
Bill-to address
Street 3&4
Bill-to address
Bill-to address
Bill-to address
Bill-to address
ZIP Code
Bill-to address
Bill-to address
Contact First
First name of bill-to contact
Displayed only if “Show Contact – Bill-to” is
selected. This is the Contract Bill-to
Contact name
Contact Last
Last name of bill-to contact
Displayed only if “Show Contact – Bill-to” is
selected. This is the Contract Bill-to
Contact name
Contact Phone
Phone number of bill-to contact
Displayed only if “Show Contact – Bill-to” is
selected. This is the Contract Bill-to
Contact name phone #
Bill-to Customer Sales
Sales channel assigned to the contract
Contract #
Contract ID #
Contract Type
Type of coverage (SNT, C4P, etc.)
Ship-to ID
Site ID of site
Ship-to Name
Name of the site
Street 1
Ship-to address
Displayed only if “Ship-to Address” box is
Street 2
Ship-to address
Displayed only if “Ship-to Address” box is
Street 3&4
Ship-to address
Displayed only if “Ship-to Address” box is
City, State, Province
Ship-to address
Displayed only if “Ship-to Address” box is
ZIP Code, Country
Ship-to address
Displayed only if “Ship-to Address” box is
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Install Site ID
Site ID of site
Install Site Name
Name of the site
Street 1
Ship-to address
Displayed only if “Install Site Address” box
is checked
Street 2
Ship-to address
Displayed only if “Install Site Address” box
is checked
Street 3&4
Ship-to address
Displayed only if “Install Site Address” box
is checked
City, State, Province
Ship-to address
Displayed only if “Install Site Address” box
is checked
ZIP Code, Country
Ship-to address
Displayed only if “Install Site Address” box
is checked
Site Contact First
First name of ship-to contact
Displayed only if “Show Contact – Install
Site” is selected
Site Contact Last
Last name of ship-to contact
Displayed only if “Show Contact – Install
Site” is selected
Site Contact Phone
Phone number of ship-to contact
Displayed only if “Show Contact –Install
Site” is selected
# of Service Items
Total number of active items covered under
the contract at this site expiring within the
date range specified by the user and not yet
Earliest End Date (Active
Earliest ending date of active items covered
at this site
Marketing Program
Marketing program associated with the
Maintenance PO Number
Last purchase order number for service that
was purchased for this site
Expiring Amt at List (Active
Total dollar amount at list price for renewal
of items whose coverage expires during
reporting period
Expiring Amt at Net (Active
Total dollar amount at net price for renewal
of items whose coverage expires during
reporting period
Currency code on contract header
USD Expiring Amt at List
(Active Items)
Total USD dollar amount at list price for
renewal of items whose coverage expires
during reporting period
Displayed only if “Show USD Adjustment
Amounts” is selected
USD Expiring Amt at Net
(Active Items)
Total USD dollar amount at net price for
renewal of items whose coverage expires
during reporting period
Displayed only if “Show USD Adjustment
Amounts” is selected
Overdue Amt @ List
Total dollar amount at list price for renewal
of items expiring prior to beginning of
reporting period
Displayed only if “yes” is selected for the
radio button “Include Past Due”
Overdue Amt @ Net
Total dollar amount at net price for renewal
of items expiring prior to beginning of
reporting period
Displayed only if “yes” is selected for the
radio button “Include Past Due”
Expiring Amt @ List (Signed
Total dollar amount at list price for renewal
Include items with Covered product status
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of items in ‘signed’ status that expires
during the reporting period and has not yet
been renewed.
‘signed’ without does not have reference to
‘renewed to’ line.
Expiring Amt @ Net (Signed
Total dollar amount at net price for renewal
of items in ‘signed’ status that expires
during the reporting period and has not yet
been renewed.
Include items with Covered product status
‘signed’ without does not have reference to
‘renewed to’ line.
Expiring Amt @ List (Hold
Total dollar amount at list price for renewal
of items in ‘entered’ status expires during
the reporting period and has not yet been
Include items with Covered product status
‘entered’ without does not have reference to
‘renewed to’ line.
Expiring Amt @ Net (Hold
Total dollar amount at list price for renewal
of items in ‘entered’ status that expires
during the reporting period and has not yet
been renewed.
Include items with Covered product status
‘entered’ without does not have reference to
‘renewed to’ line.
Future Expiring Amt @ List
Total dollar amount at list price for renewal
of items expiring from end date specified by
user +1 to second end date specified by
user in currency on the contract and not yet
Includes items with covered product status
‘active’, ‘signed’ without reference to
‘renewed-to’ line.
Future Expiring Amt @ Net
Total dollar amount at net price for renewal
of items expiring from end date specified by
user +1 to second end date specified by
user in currency on the contract and not yet
Includes items with covered product status
‘active’, ‘signed’ without reference to
‘renewed-to’ line.
Currency Code on contract header
Displayed only if “yes” is selected for the
radio button “Include Over Due”
USD Over Due Amt @ List
Total USD dollar amount at list price for
renewal of items whose coverage expired
prior to during reporting period
Displayed only if “Show USD Adjustment
Amounts” is selected and “Include Over
Due” is set to “Yes”
USD Over Due Amt @ Net
Total USD dollar amount at net price for
renewal of items whose coverage expired
prior to during reporting period
Displayed only if “Show USD Adjustment
Amounts” is selected and “Include Over
Due” is set to “Yes”
Shows Y or N to reflect whether or not the
contract is coterminous
Co-term Date
If contract is coterminous, date on which
coverage expires
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Contract Summary/Detail Report
What is a Contract Summary/Detail
The Contract Summary Detail Report provides contract data at varying levels of detail and only
includes covered equipment. Reports can be run from the contract level (a summary list of
contracts), Site level (a summary of sites within a contract) and Installed Base level (a detailed list
of items covered by specific contracts). Each report level has a “default” and “deluxe” level which
produces different output where the deluxe version produces additional fields. These additional
fields are highlighted / underscored in yellow in the tables below. The Installed Base – Category
Pricing report level has additional fields that the deluxe version does not have—those fields are
highlighted / italics in blue. There are seven report levels and they are the following: 1) ContractDefault, 2) Contract-Deluxe, 3) Site-Default, 4) Site-Deluxe, 5) Installed Base – Default, 6)
Installed Base – Deluxe, 7) Installed Base – Category Pricing.
1. Using the drop down arrow, select the contract
NOTE: Example of a CSD- Deluxe (below)
status for your report to be run. Hold down the
CTRL key and left mouse click to select
multiple statuses.
Generating a Contract Summary/Detail
2. Click on the magnifying glass to search for the
customer numbers. Bill-to ids and Install Site.
Customer numbers are used in the example
3. Select a Marketing Program. All is the default.
4. Select to run the report by the Account Team
or Renewal Team.
5. Select to run the report by the Account SSR or
Renewal SSR
6. If you know the Item Type, please insert or
leave the Item selection to All
7. Choose your price list. US is the default
8. Click on the magnifying glass to search for
Country and State/Province details. All is the
9. And finally, select your contract start and end
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Contract Summary/Detail Report Output
Details (Contract - Deluxe):
Contract #
Contract Number under which item is
covered, if applicable.
Contract Status
Contract Status associated with contract #.
Contract Type
Type of contract under which item is
covered, if applicable (e.g., C4P, SNT)
Bill-to ID
Bill to ID of the customer that the item was
billed to
This will display the Contract Bill-to Id
Bill to Name
Name of Bill to Customer
This will display the Contract Bill-to
Customer name
Bill to ERP ID Active?
Indicates whether Bill to ERP ID is still
active or not (Y or N).
Bill-to Address, Bill-To City, BillTo State, Bill-To Zip, Bill-To
Address of bill-to identified by bill-to ID
Customer #
ERP Customer # (highest level customer #
that all the various bill to ID’s link to) of
Customer Name
Customer name associated with ERP
Customer #.
Account Team
Team responsible for contract
Account SCSR
User ID of SSR responsible for contract
Renewal Team
Renewal team responsible for contract
Renewal SCSR
Renewal SSR responsible for contract
Contract Create Date
Date contract first created.
Contract End Date
Latest end date on the contract, according
to the item on the contract that has the
longest service sales coverage.
Contract Earliest End Date
Earliest end date on the contract,
according to the item on the contract that
expires the earliest.
Master Agreement End Date
End date on Master Agreement, if
Link Contract #
Indicates the umbrella (parent) contract #,
that contract is linked to, if applicable.
Formerly, NSA/ISPET# field.
Chassis Quantity
Quantity of chassis on contract.
Quantity of chassis will depend on the
contract status selected. For example, if
expired contract status selected, item
statuses associated with the expired
contract status will be pulled such as
‘expired’ and ‘overdue.’
Sum (Item List)
Sum of total dollar amount of items at
product list price.
Sum (Item List) will be determined by the
chassis quantity and the list price
associated with that item.
This is a new field and only is displayed when
Display Contract Status is set to ‘Y.”
This will display the Contract Bill-to
Date that contract initially had “Entered”
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Sum (Item Net)
Sum of total dollar amount of items at
product net price.
Sum (Item Net) will be determined by the
chassis quantity and the net price
associated with that item.
Contract @ List
Contract value at Maintenance list price
Contract Amt
Actual contract dollar value with discount
factored in.
CAT A $(Net price)
Sums up the dollar amount Cat A items on
contract according to net price.
Only appears when Cat A parameter is set
to ‘Y.’
CAT A $(List price)
Sums up the dollar amount of Cat A
products on the contract according to list
Only appears when Cat A parameter is set
to ‘Y.’
Currency that Current Amount refers to –
e.g., USD for U.S. dollars
Invoice Amount
Invoice dollar amount associated with
This amount pulls from the last_inv_amt of
the contract table.
Expired Date
Date that contract under which covered
item expired, if applicable.
Formerly, cancelled date. Expired Date is
in line with new CIBER statuses.
Expired Code Description
Sales Region
Indicates reasons why item is “expired.
Sales region associated with hardware
Multi-Year Adj
Y - Indicates that contract is multi-year and
fees were paid initially and as a result,
customer received discount.
Contract Status
Contract Status associated with contract #.
Formerly, cancelled code description. Will
be displayed only if contract status=
Canceled, Expired, Terminated or Quote
Cancelled is chosen. New reasons will be
in line with new Oracle descriptions for
Expired status.
This is a new field and only is displayed when
Display Contract Status is set to ‘Y.”
Contract Summary/Detail Report Output
Details (Site - Deluxe):
Contract #
Contract Number under which item is
covered, if applicable.
Contract Status
Contract Status associated with contract #.
Contract Type
Type of contract under which item is
covered, if applicable (e.g., C4P, SNT)
Bill-to ID
Bill to ID of the customer that the item was
billed to
This will display the Contract Bill-to Id
Bill to Name
Name of Bill to Customer
This will display the Contract Bill-to
Customer name
Bill to ERP ID Active?
Indicates whether Bill to ERP ID is still
active or not (Y or N).
This is a new field and only is displayed when
Display Contract Status is set to ‘Y.”
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Bill-to Address, Bill-To City, BillTo State, Bill-To Zip, Bill-To
Address of bill-to identified by bill-to ID
This will display the Contract Bill-to
Customer #
ERP Customer # (highest level customer #
that all the various bill to ID’s link to) of
Customer Name
Customer name associated with ERP
Customer #.
Account Team
Team responsible for contract
Account SCSR
User ID of SSR responsible for contract
Ship-to ID
Ship to ID of the customer that the item
was shipped to
Ship-To Information is only displayed if the
user specifies search by Ship-To ID
parameter or when Install site information
is blank due to reseller transaction.
Ship To ERP Active?
Indicates whether Ship to ERP ID is still
active or not (Y or N).
Ship-To Information is only displayed if the
user specifies search by Ship-To ID
parameter or when Install site information
is blank due to reseller transaction.
Ship to Name
Name of Ship to Customer
Ship-To Information is only displayed if the
user specifies search by Ship-To ID
parameter or when Install site information
is blank due to reseller transaction.
Ship-to Address, Ship-To City,
Ship-To State, Ship-To Zip,
Ship-To Country
Address of Ship-to identified by Ship-to ID
Ship-To Information is only displayed if the
user specifies search by Ship-To ID
parameter or when Install site information
is blank due to reseller transaction.
Install Site ID
ID of the site location where item is
If CARAT determines that item is part of a
reseller transaction, the install site
information will be blank. In this scenario,
the install site columns will be left blank
and the Ship-to information associated
with the item will be populated.
Install Site ERP Active?
Indicates whether Install Site ERP ID
(which is the same as the Ship-to ID) is
still active or not (Y or N).
If CARAT determines that item is part of a
reseller transaction, the install site
information will be blank. In this scenario,
the install site columns will be left blank
and the Ship-to information associated
with the item will be populated.
Install Site Name
Name of Install Site
If CARAT determines that item is part of a
reseller transaction, the install site
information will be blank. In this scenario,
the install site columns will be left blank
and the Ship-to information associated
with the item will be populated.
Install Site Address, Install Site
city, Install Site State/Province,
Install Site Zip code, Install Site
Address of install site location where item
is installed.
If CARAT determines that item is part of a
reseller transaction, the install site
information will be blank. In this scenario,
the install site columns will be left blank
and the Ship-to information associated
with the item will be populated.
Install Site End Date
Latest end date on the contract of a
particular install site, according to the item
on the contract with the longest service
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sales coverage.
Install Site Earliest End Date
Earliest end date on the contract of a
particular install site, according to the item
on the contract that expires the earliest.
Chassis Quantity
Quantity of chassis on contract.
Multi-Year Adj
Y - Indicates that contract is multi-year and
fees were paid initially and as a result,
customer received discount.
Date that contract under which covered
item expired, if applicable.
Expired Date
Expired Code Description
CAT A $(Net price)
CAT A $(List price)
Indicates reasons why item is “expired.
Sums up the dollar amount Cat A items on
contract according to net price.
Sums up the dollar amount of Cat A
products on the contract according to list
Quantity of chassis will depend on the
contract status selected. For example, if
expired contract status selected, item
statuses associated with the expired
contract status will be pulled such as
‘expired’ and ‘overdue.’
Formerly, cancelled date. Expired Date is
in line with new CIBER statuses.
Formerly, cancelled code description. Will
be displayed only if contract status=
Canceled, Expired, Terminated or Quote
Cancelled is chosen. New reasons will be
in line with new Oracle descriptions for
Expired status.
Only appears when Cat A parameter is set
to ‘Y.’
Only appears when Cat A parameter is set
to ‘Y.’
Contract Summary/Detail Report Output
Details (Installed Base Category Pricing)
Contract #
Contract Number under which item is
covered, if applicable.
Contract Status
Contract Status associated with contract #.
Contract Type
Type of contract under which item is
covered, if applicable (e.g., C4P, SNT)
Bill-to ID
Bill to ID of the customer that the item was
billed to
This will display the Contract Bill-to Id
Bill to Name
Name of Bill to Customer
This will display the Contract Bill-to
Customer name
Bill to ERP ID Active?
Indicates whether Bill to ERP ID is still
active or not (Y or N).
Bill-to Address, Bill-To City, BillTo State, Bill-To Zip, Bill-To
Address of bill-to identified by bill-to ID
Customer #
ERP Customer # (highest level customer #
that all the various bill to ID’s link to) of
This is a new field and only is displayed when
Display Contract Status is set to ‘Y.”
This will display the Contract Bill-to
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Customer Name
Customer name associated with ERP
Customer #.
Account Team
Team responsible for contract
Account SCSR
User ID of SSR responsible for contract
Ship-to ID
Ship to ID of the customer that the item
was shipped to
Ship-To Information is only displayed if the
user specifies search by Ship-To ID
parameter or when Install site information
is blank due to reseller transaction.
Ship To ERP Active?
Indicates whether Ship to ERP ID is still
active or not (Y or N).
Ship-To Information is only displayed if the
user specifies search by Ship-To ID
parameter or when Install site information
is blank due to reseller transaction.
Ship to Name
Name of Ship to Customer
Ship-To Information is only displayed if the
user specifies search by Ship-To ID
parameter or when Install site information
is blank due to reseller transaction.
Ship-to Address, Ship-To City,
Ship-To State, Ship-To Zip,
Ship-To Country
Address of Ship-to identified by Ship-to ID
Ship-To Information is only displayed if the
user specifies search by Ship-To ID
parameter or when Install site information
is blank due to reseller transaction.
Install Site ID
ID of the site location where item is
If CARAT determines that item is part of a
reseller transaction, the install site
information will be blank. In this scenario,
the install site columns will be left blank
and the Ship-to information associated
with the item will be populated.
Install Site ERP Active?
Indicates whether Install Site ERP ID
(which is the same as the Ship-to ID) is
still active or not (Y or N).
If CARAT determines that item is part of a
reseller transaction, the install site
information will be blank. In this scenario,
the install site columns will be left blank
and the Ship-to information associated
with the item will be populated.
Install Site Name
Name of Install Site
If CARAT determines that item is part of a
reseller transaction, the install site
information will be blank. In this scenario,
the install site columns will be left blank
and the Ship-to information associated
with the item will be populated.
Install Site Address, Install Site
city, Install Site State/Province,
Install Site Zip code, Install Site
Address of install site location where item
is installed.
If CARAT determines that item is part of a
reseller transaction, the install site
information will be blank. In this scenario,
the install site columns will be left blank
and the Ship-to information associated
with the item will be populated.
Item Beg Date
Latest end date on the contract of a
particular site, according to the item on
the contract with the longest service sales
Item End Date
Earliest end date on the contract of a
particular site, according to the item on
the contract that expires the earliest.
Order #
Order number for the purchase of the from
Cisco’s internal order system.
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Order Line #
Line # of item on order.
Order PO #
Customer’s Purchaser Order number for
the item.
Order Bill-to ID
Bill to ID on purchase order.
This will display the Order Bill-to Id
Order Bill-To Name
Bill-To Customer name on purchase order.
This will display the Order Bill-to Customer
Order Bill-To Country
Bill-to country on purchase order.
This will display the Order Bill-to country
Order Sales Agent
Sales Agent on purchase order.
Order Ship to ID
Ship-to ID on purchase order.
Order Ship-to Name
Ship-to Customer name on purchase
Ship Date
Date on which item was shipped.
Purchase Amt
Amount that customer paid for item.
Currency Code
Currency that purchase amount refers to –
e.g., USD for U.S. Dollars.
Current Product List
Current product list price of item.
Item Name
Name of item – e.g., Cisco 7000
PTAN’s (Productized Top Assembly
Numbers: a version specific product
identifier that allows customer to fix the
hardware version they order
This field shows up when the PTAN’s is
set to ‘Y.’
Item Qty
Number of items on the contract.
Quantity is always 1, since report is at line
item level. Chassis that appear in the
report will depend on the contract status
selected. For example, if expired contract
status selected, item statuses associated
with the expired contract status will be
pulled such as ‘expired’ and ‘overdue.’
Serial #
Serial # of item.
A search in the backend will occur
automatically to search for duplicate serial
numbers. The serial number field can be
blank if a duplicate SN exists in CSM.
CSM Original SN
Original Serial Number in CSM.
A search in the backend will occur
automatically to search for duplicate serial
numbers. If this field is populated, a
duplicate serial # exists in CSM. New
Item Type
Generic class of item – e.g. Board, Chassis
Item Status
Status of item, whether active, canceled,
If this field is populated with an ID#, it
indicates that the item has been renewed.
Product Group
Product group that item belongs to – e.g.
The purpose of this field is to provide an
indicator to the user that the line is a
renewed line (as opposed to a newly
covered product) so that they know it is
currently under contract.
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Product Category Code
Product Category that item belongs to (A,
B, C, D, S).
Base Level
Same as Contract Type.
Category Percentage
Percentage of product purchase based on
item that would be charged to customer as
a one-time service fee.
Main List
Maintenance list price of item.
Maint Net
Maintenance net price of item.
Maint PO#
Maintenance purchase order #.
Currency that purchase amount refers to –
e.g., USD for U.S. Dollars.
Expired Date
Date that contract under which covered
item expired, if applicable.
Expired Code Description
Category percentage is based on the
product category that item belongs to –
e.g. Product Category C products have a
category percentage of 7.5%.
Formerly, cancelled date. Expired Date is
in line with new CIBER statuses.
Formerly, cancelled code description. Will
be displayed only if contract status=
Canceled, Expired, Terminated or Quote
Cancelled is chosen. New reasons will be
in line with new Oracle descriptions for
Expired status.
MIB Serial Number
Indicates reasons why item is “expired.
Y - Indicates that contract is multi-year and
fees were paid initially and as a result,
customer received discount.
MIB Serial Number associated with item.
Customer Equipment ID
This is the host name in SCC.
New Field
IP Address
IP address associated with item.
New Field
Multi-Year Adj
New Field
Host Name
New Field
Host Address
New Field
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CIBER Training (Business Intelligence)
Revised 02/12/16
Uncovered Equipment Report
What is an Uncovered Equipment Report?
The Uncovered Equipment Report shows items in the Installed Base which have never been
covered under a service contract or is currently not covered under a service contract (if user selects
option to include expired items on the report). Note: Excludes covered products with active,
signed, overdue, expired and terminated except when the expired and terminated options is
1. Choose your price list. US is the default.
Generating an Uncovered Equipment
2. Using the drop down arrow, select how
you would like this report to be run.
3. Click on the magnifying glass to search
for the id numbers. Bill-to ids are used
in the example below.
4. Select whether or not you wish the
Account Manager’s name to appear on
the report.
5. Select your shipment start and end dates.
6. Select any special options you wish to
display on the report.
7. And finally, sort the report any way that
you like.
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Uncovered Equipment Report Output
Bill-to ID
Bill to ID of the customer that the item was
billed to
This is the Order Bill-to Id
Bill To Customer Name
Bill-to name of the customer that the item
was billed to
This is the Order Bill-to Customer name
Bill-to Address
Address of purchasing customer identified
by bill-to ID
Only appears if Display Complete Address for
Bill-to is selected or “File for Data Import” is
selected. This is the Order Bill-to address
Bill-to City
City of purchasing customer identified by
Bill-to ID
Only appears if Display Complete Address for
Bill-to is selected or “File for Data Import” is
selected. This is the Order Bill-to city
Bill-to State
State of purchasing customer identified by
Bill-to ID
Only appears if Display Complete Address for
Bill-to is selected or “File for Data Import” is
selected. This is the Order Bill-to state
Bill-to Zip Code
Zip Code of purchasing customer identified
by Bill-to ID
Only appears if Display Complete Address for
Bill-to is selected or “File for Data Import” is
selected. This is the Order Bill-to zip
Bill-to Country
Country of purchasing customer identified by
Bill-to ID
Only appears if Display Complete Address for
Bill-to is selected or “File for Data Import” is
selected. This is the Order Bill-to country
Ship-To ID
Ship-to ID where item was shipped
Ship-to Name
Name of location identified by Ship-to ID
Ship-to Address
Address of site identified by Ship-to ID
Only appears if Display Complete Address for
Ship-to is selected.
Ship-to City
City of site identified by Ship-to ID
Only appears if Display Complete Address for
Ship-to is selected.
Ship-to State
State of site identified by Ship-to ID
Only appears if Display Complete Address for
Ship-to is selected.
Ship-to Zip Code
Zip Code of site identified by Ship-to ID
Only appears if Display Complete Address for
Ship-to is selected.
Ship-to Country
Country of site identified by Ship-to ID
Only appears if Display Complete Address for
Ship-to is selected.
Install Site ID
Install Site ID where item is installed
Install Site Name
Name of location identified by Install Site ID
Install Site Address
Address of site identified by Install Site ID
Only appears if Display Complete Address for
Install Site is selected or “File for Data Import”
is selected.
Install Site City
City of site identified by Install Site ID
Only appears if Display Complete Address for
Install Site is selected or “File for Data Import”
is selected.
Install Site State
State of site identified by Install Site ID
Only appears if Display Complete Address for
Install Site is selected or “File for Data Import”
is selected.
Install Site Zip Code
Zip Code of site identified by Install Site ID
Only appears if Display Complete Address for
Install Site is selected or “File for Data Import”
is selected.
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Install Site Country
Country of site identified by Install Site ID
Only appears if Display Complete Address for
Install Site is selected or “File for Data Import”
is selected.
Item Name
Name of item – e.g., Cisco7000
Item Type
Generic class of item – e.g., Board, Chassis
Serial #
Serial # of item.
A search in the backend will occur
automatically to search for duplicate serial
numbers. The serial number field can be blank
if a duplicate SN exists in CSM.
CSM Original SN
Original Serial Number in CSM.
A search in the backend will occur
automatically to search for duplicate serial
numbers. If this field is populated, a duplicate
serial # exists in CSM. NEW FIELD.
Quantity in Install Base
Quantity of items in install base (non-serial
number items only)
Order Date
Date the item was ordered
Ship Date
Date on which item was shipped
Installed At Date
Date on which item was added to install base
as ‘latest-installed’ status
Warranty Exp Date
Date on which item’s warranty coverage
End of Support Date
Last day the item can be placed under
Cisco SO#
Order Number for the purchase of the item
from Cisco’s internal order system
Cust PO#
Customer’s purchase order number for the
Referral Reason Code
Reason that the partner is referring the item
to Cisco as a service sales lead.
Default Date
Only appears in report if Display CPSE
Referral Information is selected in the input
screen by the user.
Only appears in report if Display CPSE
Referral Information is selected in the input
screen by the user.
Summary Section:
Shipped Uncovered Opportunity Opportunity Currency
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Shipment History Report
What is a Shipment History Report?
The Shipment History Report (formerly known as the Grande Report in CSM) provides a
record of products shipped over a specified period of time (ERP and Metrix orders). The report
notes which equipment is under service maintenance, as well as shows any products previously
purchased that are not currently under maintenance and may be added to the existing contract.
This is also displayed in IB as current status. Note: This report will NOT show a complete
history of the equipment in terms of configuration changes, site changes, etc that occurred after
shipment.; Softlines will not appear in this report; It will show shipment information at time of
shipment; It will not show the shipment history for the original customer if the item has been
refurbished and sold to a new customer; Work is in progress to show complete shipment history
for all ERP and Metrix shipments;
1. Choose your price list. US is the default.
Generating a Shipment History Report
2. Using the drop down arrow, select how
you would like this report to be run. If
run by sales agent then output is ERP
orders only.
3. Click on the magnifying glass to search
for the id numbers. Bill-to ids are used
in the example below.
4. Select whether or not you wish the
Display the Product Family / Price
Category to appear on the report.
5. Select your shipment start and end dates.
6. Select any special options you wish to
display on the report.
7. And finally, sort the report any way that
you like.
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Shipment History Report Output Details:
Instance ID
Internal ID for Install Base.
Bill-to ID
Bill to ID of the customer that the item
was billed to on the order
This is the Order Bill-to Id
Bill To Customer Name
Bill-to name of the customer that the item
was billed to
This is the Order Bill-to Customer name
Bill-to Address
Address of bill-to identified by bill-to ID
Only appears if Display Bill-to Address or
Display both Bill-to and Ship-to Address is
selected in the report input screen. This is
the Order Bill-to address
Bill-to City
City of site identified by Ship-to ID
Only appears if Display Ship-to Address or
Display both Bill-to and Ship-to Address is
selected in the report input screen. This is
the Order Bill-to city
Bill-to Zip
Zip Code of site identified by Ship-to ID
Only appears if Display Ship-to Address or
Display both Bill-to and Ship-to Address is
selected in the report input screen. This is
the Order Bill-to zip
Bill-to Country
Country of site identified by Ship-to ID
Only appears if Display Ship-to Address or
Display both Bill-to and Ship-to Address is
selected in the report input screen. This is
the Order Bill-to country
Ship-To ID
Site ID where item was shipped on the
Ship-to Name
Name of site identified by Ship-to ID
Only appears if Display Ship-to Address or
Display both Bill-to and Ship-to Address is
selected in the report input screen.
Ship-To Address
Address of site identified by Ship-to ID
Only appears if Display Ship-to Address or
Display both Bill-to and Ship-to Address is
selected in the report input screen.
Ship-to City
City of site identified by Ship-to ID
Only appears if Display Ship-to Address or
Display both Bill-to and Ship-to Address is
selected in the report input screen.
Ship-to Zip
Zip Code of site identified by Ship-to ID
Only appears if Display Ship-to Address or
Display both Bill-to and Ship-to Address is
selected in the report input screen.
Ship-to Country
Country of site identified by Ship-to ID
Only appears if Display Ship-to Address or
Display both Bill-to and Ship-to Address is
selected in the report input screen.
Contract Bill-to, Name
Bill-to ID and Name on the Contract for
the item, if applicable
Only Appears if Contract Bill-to/Site display
option is selected in the report input screen.
Contract Site, Name
Site ID and Name on the Contract for the
item, if applicable
Only Appears if Contract Bill-to/Site display
option is selected in the report input screen.
Item Name
Name of item – e.g., Cisco7000
Utilized by GPS for version control.
Item Type
Generic class of item – e.g., Board,
Only appears if Display PTANs option is
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Serial #
Serial # of item.
A search in the backend will occur
automatically to search for duplicate serial
numbers. The serial number field can be
blank if a duplicate SN exists in CSM.
Status of the item in the Installed Base
Ship Qty
Quantity of items shipped (non-serial
number items only) on the order
Warranty Expires
Date on which item’s warranty coverage
Contract No
Contract Number under which item is
covered, if applicable
Cont Type
Type of contract under which item is
covered, if applicable (e.g., C4P, SNT)
Item End Date
End date of maintenance for an item on
the contract
End of Support Date
Last day the item can be placed under
Order No
Order Number for the purchase of the
item from Cisco’s internal order system
Line No.
Line Number on the Order for the
purchased item from Cisco’s internal
order system (ERP)
In conjunction with Order No and ERP
Parent Line ID, line number allows the user
to sort by order and line number to maintain
configuration groupings.
IB Parent ID
Configuration or Parent ID that joins the
component to the major line
Used with Instance ID for sorting to keep the
configuration together in the report. For
initial release, this will show configuration in
IB. For post go-live enhancement, the
design will need to change to show the
shipment information at time of shipment.
Date Ordered
Date the item was ordered
Customer’s purchase order number for
the item
PO Type
Purpose of the order: Resale, internal, or
ERP End Customer
End Customer on ERP Order
ERP End Customer Site ID
ID of the site location where the item is
installed on the original ERP Order.
Only appears in report if Display End
Customer is selected in the input screen by
the user.
ERP End Customer Site Name,
City, State, Country
Name, City, State, and Country of the site
location where the item is installed on the
original ERP Order
Only appears in report if Display End
Customer is selected in the input screen by
the user.
Ship Date
Date on which item was shipped
Purchase Amt
Amount that customer paid for the item
Purchase Currency
Currency that item was purchased in
associated with the purchase amount
Current Product List
Current list price of the item
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Current Currency
Currency that Current Amount refers to –
e.g., USD for U.S. dollars
Expired Date
Date item was expired off of the contract.
Only appears in report if Include Expired
Items option is selected in the input screen
by the user.
Expired Reason
Reason the item was expired off of the
Only appears in report if Include Expired
Items option is selected in the input screen
by the user.
Sales Agent
Sales Agent on Hardware Order
Only appears in report if Display
Agent/Region option is selected in the input
screen by the user.
Sales Region
Sales Region associated with the
hardware order
Only appears in report if Display
Agent/Region option is selected in the input
screen by the user.
Prod Family
Product family that item is associated with
(e.g., 2500, 7000, etc.)
Only appears in the report if Display Product
Family/Price Category option is selected in
the input screen by the user.
Sub Type
Subcategory of Product Group; e.g.,
System, Spare (for components), 2504
series (for a router)
Only appears in the report if Display Product
Family/Price Category option is selected in
the input screen by the user.
Prod Group
Class of the Item (similar to item type but
more specific)
Only appears in the report if Display Product
Family/Price Category option is selected in
the input screen by the user.
Pricing Category
Product Category (A, B, C, D, S)
Only appears in the report if Display Product
Family/Price Category option is selected in
the input screen by the user.
Category Pct
Percentage of List that will be charged for
maintenance for specific contract types
based on the product/pricing category of
the item.
ERP Order Type
Type of order within ERP (e.g., Standard,
Multinational, Replacements, Return)
Repl/Rtn Ord #
Order Number associated with the item
that was reissued to the customer in
exchange for the returned/replaced item.
Repl/Rtn Ser #
Serial Number of the item that was
reissued to the customer in exchange for
the returned/replaced item.
Referral Reason Code
Reason that the partner is referring the
item to Cisco as a service sales leac.
Only appears in report if Display CPSE
Referral Information is selected in the input
screen by the user.
Referral End User Company
Name, Country, Contact Name
or Title, Telephone Number,
Email Address
End user information specified by partner
referring the item to Cisco as service
sales lead.
Only appears in report if Display CPSE
Referral Information is selected in the input
screen by the user.
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Below the first set of data, there is a subtotal section that shows the following columns:
Note: Subtotal only includes ERP orders.
Sub-total Purchases
Total purchase amount of all items on the
Purchase Currency
Currency associated with order.
Sub-total Current
Subtotal of current product list price
Current Currency
Price list currency code.
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Revised 02/12/16
Installed Base Report
What is an Installed Base Report?
The Installed Base Report shows customer’s current equipment in their Installed Base that was
shipped within a specified period of time. Displays current configuration and item status. The
report distinguished equipment that is under service maintenance and not under maintenance, along
with RMAs. Note: Subtotal of Purchases Section of the Report will be calculated for items in
“latest-installed” status for both ERP and Metrix orders based on price the customer paid for that
item or in the case of RMA’s, the item is replaced. Softlines will appear in the report. See more
details regarding RMA’s in the “Other Reports” section in this document.
Generating an Installed Base Report
1. Choose your price list. US is the default.
2. Using the drop down arrow, select how you
would like this report to be run.
3. Click on the magnifying glass to search for the
id numbers. Bill-to ids are used in the example
4. You can narrow your search even further by
selecting a particular item, item type or
product family to search. Selecting a Sales
Hierarchy and Bill-to Customer Sales Channel.
5. Choose whether or not you wish to display
product family or pricing category.
6. Select your shipment start and end dates.
7. Select any special options you wish to display
on the report.
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Installed Base Report Output Details:
Instance ID
Internal ID for Installed Base.
Bill-to ID
Bill to ID of the customer that the item
was billed to
This is the Order Bill-to Id
Bill To Customer Name
Bill-to name of the customer that the item
was billed to
This is the Order Bill-to Customer name
Bill-to Address
Address of bill-to identified by bill-to ID
Only appears if Display Bill-to Address is
selected in the report input screen or “File
for Data Import” is selected. This is the
Order Bill-to address
Bill-to City
City of site identified by Ship-to ID
Only appears if Display Bill-to Address is
selected in the report input screen or “File
for Data Import” is selected. This is the
Order Bill-to city
Bill-to State
State of purchasing customer identified
by Bill-to ID
Only appears if Display Complete Address
for Bill-to is selected or “File for Data Import”
is selected. This is the Order Bill-to state
Bill-to Zip
Zip Code of site identified by Ship-to ID
Only appears if Display Bill-to Address is
selected in the report input screen or “File
for Data Import” is selected. This is the
Order Bill-to zip
Bill-to Country
Country of site identified by Ship-to ID
Only appears if Display Bill-to Address is
selected in the report input screen or “File
for Data Import” is selected. This is the
Order Bill-to country
Ship-To ID
Site ID where item was shipped
Ship-to Name
Name of site identified by Ship-to ID
Only appears if Display Ship-to Address is
selected in the report input screen.
Ship-To Address
Address of site identified by Ship-to ID
Only appears if Display Ship-to Address is
selected in the report input screen.
Ship-to City
City of site identified by Ship-to ID
Only appears if Display Ship-to Address is
selected in the report input screen.
Ship-to State
State of site identified by Ship-to ID
Only appears if Display Complete Address
for Ship-to is selected.
Ship-to Zip
Zip Code of site identified by Ship-to ID
Only appears if Display Ship-to Address is
selected in the report input screen.
Ship-to Country
Country of site identified by Ship-to ID
Only appears if Display Ship-to Address is
selected in the report input screen.
Contract Bill-to, Name
Bill-to ID and Name on the Contract for
the item, if applicable
Only Appears if Contract Bill-to/Site display
option is selected in the report input screen.
This is the Contract Bill-to ID and name
Contract Site, Name
Site ID and Name on the Contract for the
item, if applicable
Only Appears if Contract Bill-to/Site display
option is selected in the report input screen.
Item Name
Name of item – e.g., Cisco7000
Utilized by GPS for version control.
Only appears if Display PTANs option is
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Item Type
Generic class of item – e.g., Board,
Installed Base Status of the item
Status Date
Date associated with when the equipment
went into the particular status.
This column will not be available in the initial
release. A future enhancement will need to
be implemented for this.
Serial #
Serial # of item.
A search in the backend will occur
automatically to search for duplicate serial
numbers. The serial number field can be
blank if a duplicate SN exists in CSM.
CSM Original SN
Original Serial Number in CSM.
A search in the backend will occur
automatically to search for duplicate serial
numbers. If this field is populated, a
duplicate serial # exists in CSM. New Field.
Ship Qty
Quantity of items shipped (non-serial
number items only)
Warranty Expires
Date on which item’s warranty coverage
Contract No
Contract Number under which item is
covered, if applicable
Item is covered under contract if it is in
‘active’, ‘overdue’, ‘QA Hold’, or ‘signed’
status with future start/end date, or ‘expired’
status linked to a renewed line.
Cont Type
Type of contract under which item is
covered, if applicable (e.g., C4P, SNT)
Derived from first active service line.
Item End Date
End date of maintenance for an item on
the contract
End of Support Date
Last day the item can be placed under
Order No
Order Number for the purchase of the
item from Cisco’s internal order system
ERP Line No.
Line Number on the Order for the
purchased item from Cisco’s internal
order system.
Used with Config/Parent ID and the parentchildren relationship table to allow the user
to sort by order and line number to maintain
configuration groupings. .
IB Parent ID
Configuration or Parent ID that joins the
component to the major line
Used with Instance ID for sorting to keep the
configuration together in the report.
Date Ordered
Date the item was ordered
Customer’s purchase order number for
the item
PO Type
Purpose of the order: Resale, internal, or
End Customer
Name of the Customer who ultimately has
purchased the equipment and will use it
Install Site ID
ID of the site location where the item is
Install Site Name
Name, of the site location where the item
is installed
Install Site City
City of the site location where the item is
Only appears if Display Install Site Address is
selected in the report input screen or “File
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for Data Import” is selected.
Install Site State
State of the site location where the item
is installed
Only appears if Display Install Site Address is
selected in the report input screen or “File
for Data Import” is selected.
Install Site Country
Country of the site location where the
item is installed
Only appears if Display Install Site Address is
selected in the report input screen or “File
for Data Import” is selected.
Ship Date
Date on which item was shipped
Purchase Amt
Amount that customer paid for the item
This will show blank for RMA’s
Purchase Currency
Currency that item was purchased in
associated with the purchase amount
This will show blank for RMA’s
Returned/Replace Item
Purchase Amt
Amount that the customer paid for the
item that was replaced
This will show blank if item has not been
Returned/Replace Item
Purchase Currency
Currency that the replaced item was
purchased in associated with the
purchase amount
This will show blank if item has not been
Current Product List
Current list price of the item
This will show blank if item has not been
Current Currency
Currency that Current Amount refers to –
e.g., USD for U.S. dollars
Expired Date
Date item was ‘expired’ off of the
Only appears in report if Include Expired
Items option is selected in the input screen
by the user.
Expired Reason
Reason the item was ‘expired’ off of the
Only appears in report if Include Expired
Items option is selected in the input screen
by the user.
Sales Agent
Sales Agent on Hardware Order
Only appears in report if Display
Agent/Region option is selected in the input
screen by the user.
Sales Region
Sales Region associated with the
hardware order
Only appears in report if Display
Agent/Region option is selected in the input
screen by the user.
Prod Family
Product family that item is associated
with (e.g., 2500, 7000, etc.)
Only appears in the report if Display Product
Family/Price Category option is selected in
the input screen by the user.
Sub Type
Subcategory of Product Group; e.g.,
System, Spare (for components), 2504
series (for a router)
Only appears in the report if Display Product
Family/Price Category option is selected in
the input screen by the user.
Prod Group
Class of the Item (similar to item type but
more specific)
Only appears in the report if Display Product
Family/Price Category option is selected in
the input screen by the user.
Product Category
Product Category (A, B, C, D, S)
Only appears in the report if Display Product
Family/Price Category option is selected in
the input screen by the user.
Category Pct
Percentage of List that will be charged for
maintenance for specific contract types
based on the product/pricing category of
the item.
ERP Order Type
Type of order within ERP (e.g., Standard,
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Multinational, Replacements, Return)
Repl/Rtn Ord #
Order Number associated with the item
that was reissued to the customer in
exchange for the returned/replaced item.
Populated if item is now or has been in
“replaced/returned” status.
Repl/Rtn Ser #
Serial Number of the item that was
reissued to the customer in exchange for
the returned/replaced item. Populated if
item is now or has been in
“replaced/returned” status.
Referral Reason Code
Reason that the partner is referring the
item to Cisco as a service sales leac.
Only appears in report if Display CPSE
Referral Information is selected in the input
screen by the user.
Referral End User Company
Name, Country, Contact Name
or Title, Telephone Number,
Email Address
End user information specified by partner
referring the item to Cisco as service
sales lead.
Only appears in report if Display CPSE
Referral Information is selected in the input
screen by the user.
Below the first set of data, there is a subtotal section that shows the following columns:
Sub-total Purchases
Total purchase amount of all items on the
Purchase Currency
Currency associated with order.
Sub-total Current
Subtotal of current product list price
Current Currency
Price list currency code.
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Other Reports
eAgent Booked Orders
The eAgent Booked Orders Report shows entered and booked service and product orders at an item
level for specified eAgent customers during a specified order entry date range (PO Type is eAgent, and
customer is an eAgent customer in the CPSE Portfolio purchasing SIS). In an eAgent purchasing
model, the order level customer is the partner who orders the equipment. The end customer pays Cisco
and rather than Cisco giving the partner a discount on the cost of the equipment, Cisco pays the partner
a fee based on what the partner charges the end customer.
eAgent Installed Base
The eAgent Installed Base Report provides a record of products purchased and shipped over a specified
period of time for eAgent orders. The report displays current configuration and item status in the
Installed Base. The report distinguished equipment that is under service maintenance and not under
maintenance, along with RMA’s. Entered / BookedOrders – shows entered and booked service and
product orders at an item level for specified bill-to customers during a specified order entry date range.
The service sales representative should review this report for uncovered equipment opportunities.
Example: The same business rules will apply with the eAgent Installed Base report, along with one
more point: If an item (S/N 123) is from an eAgent order and is returned and replaced by item with S/N
456, 456 will not show on the eAgent IB report, and S/N 123 will show on the report as de-installed. If
S/N 123 then replaces another item S/N 777 which is not from an eAgent order, then S/N 123 will not
show on the eAgent IB report because it is an RMA and may not pertain to the new customer.
End of Support
The End of Support Report shows a list of any contracts and/or quotes with items that have reached
End Of Support (EOS) for the specified date range. The report is used for contract maintenance,
specifically transition to another product and support.
Entered/Booked Orders
The Entered/Booked Orders Report shows the entered and booked service and product orders at an
item level for specified bill-to customer during a specific date range based on the order entry dates.
POS Installed Base
The Point Of Sales Installed Base Report was created to provide the US Channels service sales teams
visibility to partner purchases through distribution from which SIS98 fees and DVAR discount rates
could be accurately assessed. It utilizes Cisco Standard Company (CSC) mapping and WIPS POS
information to display the complete shipment history for partner purchases from Cisco directly and
through distribution.
RMA for Installed Base Report
In the case where an RMA occurs, the RMA will be in “latest-installed” status with a reference to the
serial number it replaced. An “real” product can replace a softlined product in an RMA transaction.
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CIBER Training (Business Intelligence)
Revised 02/12/16
The RMA will inherit the warranty and contract of the softlined product which would be reflected in
the report. The report will show blank the following fields for RMA’s because this data relates to the
original ERP order that may not pertain to the customer that now has the item:
 Order #
 ERP Line#
 Config / parent ID
 Date Ordered
 PO#
 PO Type
 Sales Agent
 Sales Region
 ERP Order Type
 Referral Reason Code
 Referral End User information
 End Customer – If IB is replacing this with the new end customer for the RMA, the we will
display this. Otherwise, this will show blank.
Note: For RMA shipments, the new column Reference Purchase Amount, will show the net
amount the customer paid for the replaced item and Purchase Amount will show blank except for
refurbished sales where there is a new purchase amount (different from the original ERP order).
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CIBER Training (Business Intelligence)
Revised 02/12/16
Report Status Screen
Check the status of a queued report.
Generally, your reports are emailed to you as an excel file attachement shortly after you submit your
request. Occasionally, a report may take longer than expected. To check the status of your report:
1. Click the View Request Status Link at the top of the page.
2. The Report Status screen opens showing your queued reports by date, time, request number,
and the status of the request (pending, running, completed, failed).
3. Click on the Request ID link to see the selected report details.
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